Clinton News-Record, 1967-04-13, Page 2Page 2^—-Clinton News-Record—Thurs., April 13< 1967 Adastral Park Social Notes Editor: Mrs. Sandra Sinker — Phon^ 482-9179 be rtfl£iy fpr applique shortly, ,, Bccah'se pf insufficient inters gst inprih.wU hbd crafts pro- j gram fev/fhe supimer, this mat- , ter will be set-aside and per- haps Will bp implemented jn tjw future. The daLte for tlie arts ' apd posters contest for school childreh will be shortly apd ; judges chosen, . The/ Bi- Johns Ambulance First.AM course is n;w cc>m- .njote ribd the ^ercificatos- will be distributed |<s socu as they are received;, yyp hope to have u hew course m the fah.- The ririte of the bus trip ,to- Yprkdale Shopping Centre is April 29 and namps of anyone interested are to be iin by April 17: ■ * The (Jaii'es enjoyed card games, whih prizes donated by the various dealers m the PMQ area, Lunch was-, served and lip door prize of. "shampoo and bairset, was wou by Mrs. Me1 oageot. ' .7 . The next., riieeting ?s sched­ uled for, May 1 at 8:30 pm. art the Community Centre. Catholic Women's League' The monthly meeting of the 2WL was held April 5 at the Community r Centre. The presi­ dent, Mrs. Marte Rocheleau opened the meeting by introduce ing Rev. Father C. Lachance who led the group in the League’s Prayer, Mrs. .Ann Thompson read the minutes and Airs. Bqv. Fischer gave the fin­ ancial report. • It was voted that funds re­ quired fai’ the National CWL convention in Montreal iin June (for the two delegates desig­ nated) be set aside. The closed retreat scheduled for April 21, 22; 23 has been oostponed until .May 11, 12 and ; 13. This will. be . held tor the ■ lad’ies at Port Burwell. Please ‘ contact Mrs. Ann Thompson if .you wish' to attend. Ah invitation from St. Jos­ eph's Clinton CWL has been issued for Aprfl 12. There will be a lecture on 'Christian Edu- catiori and all parents are in- • vited to attend; The meeting adjourned 'and the ladies busied themselves making flowers for Mother’s Day, and lunch was then served. The next general meeting be held on May 10. Personal , Mrs. Helen Ebel, Mrs. WomeiVis Auxiliary Thp regular meeting of the Women's Auxiliary twis.hejcl at rhe Community Centre <on April 3, The •president, Mrs. Parmen Lawson, welcomed. the mpW present, and led the meeting, The secretary, Mrs, Rita La- Pointe read the minutes and Mis, Barbara Govyaplock the treasurer’s report , All arrangements have' made for the Centennial gave been -— ^,,,11 ..... Tea and Bake Sale at. .the Com­ munity .Centre, Saturday. April 15 from 2;00 to 4:00 p.m, Depots for the May 13 rum­ mage sale In the Council Cham; hers, . Clinton, were obtained, The deadline,, for.insertions for the April Newsletter is noon April 19. The Centennial quilt is pro­ gressing satisfactorily and' Will. Bayfield Lady Passes At Clinton Mabel Cameron,' widow of the latd John Cameron passed away on April 5 at Clinton Public Hospital. In her 76th year, the deceased had resided in Bay­ field all her life. ' She was the daughter of Mary Shrirp and John Wdmsley and was born -November 189.1. She was ri. member Trinity. Anglican Church Bayfield. Survivors include three bro­ thers, John of Toronto; Jim of Seaforth; and Lome of Kitch­ ener. Funeral was from the Ball Funeral Home on Friday, April 7 conducted by the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison, Bayfield; Inter­ ment was in Bayfield Cemetery. Pallbearers were Leslie Elliott, Walter Westlake, Russel Kerr and I.loyd Makins. ------------o------------- 30, of in rain, . water accumulates road surface and a car be- 'to “aquaplane” or "surf- In on a gins baaird" as speed increases, .par­ ticularly above 50 miles an hour. Above 70, the tires are usually riding off the road al­ together and the driver loses control. The way Safety Council warns, When it rains, reduce speed. Canadian High- ■ r'\ •X ■ '-AV will Mrs. Helen Ebel, Mrs. Ida Snowdon ..and Miss Janet W'iri- sor are patient's in the Clinton Public Hospital. >. 5 . ;■ - ••, > ’<ib A; g HOf ■t q • :-f\ o- H rt. ■/ L- W 55^3 B ,>*c .id y J • *•. ini i‘ ■ * W >aS; / & £ s iX' & kjfw*Bite 1 5 pb<SL Mr, ..' ” .Chjirle^ ’ Emmerson' , FJifoUv 656 Laudei'dale AvOn. Ldndbn^ passed away on April £ .7' . Joseph’s Hospital, Ixmdpn, fob ‘ lowing a short-iliness.' Funeral , was from. the1. Ball FudiW- . fippiq, cjlinton, on Friday, April 7 with Rev. Grant Miills, Clin- ' ton |n charge. Interment was in Clinton pempfery,' Pallbearers *’ were ’ former neighbours' and friends,, Ross Trewartha, Don Andrews, Russ i Holmes, A- (Rod) Garon, .Bill. Reid and Bob Riley. Born January 19, 18'89 near Mardon in Wellington Coimty, the clecoased was the son of John . and Alma Elliott. His Wife, tpe former Emily M» Hait- ■ tin whom he married on Jan­ uary 1, 1914, predeceased him. ; During his lifetime, •Elliott had taught school at Sioux Lookout, Ontario; work­ ed as a grocer, a taxi driver and a streetcar mptorman in Tor­ onto; and had farmed near Erin and Guelph. He came to Clinton in 1924 and ’'had operated a dairy, farm on the northern edge of town until his retire­ ment in' 1958. He had been liv­ ing with his son Kenneth in London for the past 11 months. He had been a church elder and had served in the Sunday School as a teacher and a sup- ■ erintende.nl at the -.Street United Church in ton. Survivors include three Kenneth C. of London, M. of Clinton and Gerald' A. of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia; one daughter, Mrs. Norman (Val- ena) Trewartha, RR 3 Clinton; two brothers, Fred and Aft, both .of Toronto; three grand­ daughters and seven grandsons. He was predeceased by two brothers, Jack of Guelph and Robert of Toronto. Persons attended the funeral from Grimsby, Toronto, Brama- lea, ‘ Fergus,. Guelph, London and Dartmouth, NS. — --------o—.— ------ Light rain or drizzle after a diy spell produces a thin film of' oil on the road surface form­ ing a treacherous lubricant be­ tween tires, and pavement. When the first drops begin to fall, slow down and ■ be extra careful, warns the .Canadian Highway - Safety- Council, o — ' » M-------1You can-shorten the life of your times bv excessive speeds, fast turns, driving over curbs And potholes, Jack-rabbit starts, panic stops, washboard roads, underinflation and overinflation, according to the Highway Saf­ ety Council. Ontario Clin- sons, Cecil fefefeA: j ass B? . Lb aW’ S '** ■i K ■v. .J: je - .<X.. J,- 5 ■ S 'i ' Clinton Guides To At/end National Camp Three members of lhe Clinton Guiding community have been selected to at­ tend,, the National Guide Heritage Camp in Cornwall. They are, left to right: Martha Corrie;[ Mrs. Denyse Priestley, Captain of 2nd CFB Clinton Company, and Karen Kerr._________________ (GFB Clinton Plioio) HOLMESVILLE Women Centennial Topic At Ontario St. UCW Units 3 and 4 of Ontario Street United Church, met together on April 10. Mrs. V. Datasch led in demotions and was assisted by Mrs. K. Pickett 1 Z~< Ji h‘/and Mrs. C, Gates, thie ntheme being "The Heart Behind Events”, After the business matters were dispussed, Rev. G. Mills showed a film- entitled "There was a Bear in the Road”, which depicted growth of the church in pioneer days. The meeting,, concluded with a contest given by. Miss Elva' Wi’ltse, and lunch, served by Mrs. A, Coleman and her group.' .Ma ;arid....Mjrs. - Orville Blake left, on -^untlay^ fpf vacation with rtjatijVes^at ;Napah^.,tj.... Rev.rarid Mr4, -Peter.Addison, I^ondpny. w^ro Siuiday gpests of Mr. rind Mrs, Williarii Ncrmriri, • i: «■ >. '■ -v H;. Rev., Addison ( conducted,f the wprstep^ sem^es t.ip4 Hbinigsj vilje grid WesjeyjWiilis nhit^cl eburches bri Spridriy/iri |He rib; serice., of Dr. M^Watt^Wlip..1was poaching ait ? aijniv^'lriiT services of Central United _______MRS LLOYD BOND Phone 482-3210 Cridrch, London. ■> bVi$Ltors ; with Mf. ,$nd Mrs. Hcrity Gpllirig over, Uib, week;? phd;4bw^a’e, Khrtririii (Hiley at jSipbkt^ri-riri-Lbes,, ..'Courify ^lir- ^n’girind;. MR and W?- Bruce ^Lobh rind Michael, 5 Chat­ ham. ahei' Mrs. Reginald Ste- priens. ■5$ 4, 1 1 Use Classified Ads For Quick Results !I 5171 CHOICE. PLUMP, CANADA GRADE 'A' Chicken Leas and T WHOLE CUT UP I -.1. ■ f A 4-H Girls Pfenning Dinner for Mot hers AUBURN < The Auburn Expos 4-H Club met for their seventh meeting with the presi­ dent, Jill Bennett in cnarge. The minutes were accepted as read by the secretary, Sheron Cbllins. A Centennial party was plan­ ned When the members wiill en­ tertain the mothers to a smor­ gasbord dinner of a World of Food in Canada, The enter­ tainment committee fs to be Wendy Schneider, Brenda-Ball and Brenda Archambault. ■ In Charge of the food Will be Joyce Leatherland, .Linda Jef­ ferson and Donna Champey, The girls studied about the food's of China, Japan and India and how they have been 'intro­ duced into the Canadian menus today. Roll call was answered by telling the country they would like to visit and. why. V % Classified Ads. Bring Qyi?k Results - NOTICE- Tuckersmith Municipal Dump Will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 5 p.m. and on Saturday morning from IO to 12 a.m. NO WIRE FENCING, OLD CONCRETE' OR CAR BODIES PERMITTED. James I. McIntosh# Cleric, ] 5tfb % ‘ ........■. ■ in -"iir THINKING ABOUT MUTUAL FUNDS? BEFORE INVESTING INVESTIGATE United Accumulative Funds Ltd.’s ASSETS IN LESS THAN TEN YEARS have GROWN TO ALMOST $300,000,000 OCTOBER, 1957 FEBRUARY 9, 1967 $150,000.00 $295,173,809.00 Growth of a $10,000 Investment $10,000. ............$27,885.44 Ah increase of 178% m approximately nine years.. .. hlore ,t^riri>127$»b6 C?p?dlaris Irivest with Uriited in Chnahdtt ityhidi/teEraeHtelr |y „|ri ,NOT .;a,,mutual^rilid| pays ^dividends (to A,greater number bf shareholders. CONTACT:' ijte 262-2® , hENSALL (InifeS jnvesfrnSnls Services Lid. I IQs ■SSOl 12-15b i v &X •:&3; 8 m ij :;g /i'jy >■ /J "WHYTES” FAMOUS SWEET PICKLED CkYOVAC HALVES COTTAGE ROLLS 65c lb. I "WHYTES” MILD CURED WELL STREAKED RINDLESS BACON v« 79c lb. FLORIDA'S FINEST KING SIZE CUCUMBERS SU^Ri^.SiZE 140 LEMONS SlJiiKlsf SIZE 163 ORANGES A ‘ Hiirsfebai'ic WW. of Bayfi^id Wedding ladies Aose a dll|iiue iw.y to .wiibli lk& iUl dt Tffiity An^W’cBM Si W®tBH.Wr '(PWSto 0# Audrey § bhiis y<5^hg iirday afeFnbbn, Apnl 8. x# /iA4 V A> ^or . Centennial Parade Hensail Spring (Fair^ Cbhtdct^El^in^Thomp0n br ■'K L , MeHauaiiSbti 262411& . Hfensdii SduFh-Mfdl^rir Agricultural Society Parade on June 20 at 5:j0 p.m,. 14-15b t 49c Doz.''WHYTES^ MILD SEASONEDSAUSAGE 1-lb. Tray r -?,• hsi.VJ-t via w ■ £ ■ 1 3,“ &L» i SKINLESS WBHElii wutCAKE MIKES ^ahnw0^a,u.L S'<2 ■ £ .%» L‘ Wjj it Bl ,*11 tWiif to & M •L- *j .' .i* < -i ': - «