HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-05-11, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 11, 19S0 The more you tell—The quick­ er you'll sell—Use the Classi­ fieds. POP’S Taxi Service W.A. Si Phone; Crediton lSrll Exeter 857 Notice Office Closed May 15, 16 John W. Orchard Optometrist G/enn’s Auto Wreckers PHONE 418-M EXETER Used Parts for most makes of cars AXLES & 16” WHEELS for trailers or wagons U5 r® Chiselhurst Groups Hold Joint Meeting A very pleasant afternoon was spent at the home of Mrs. Wm. Pybus on Tuesday of this week, when twenty-five members of the Chiselhurst W.M.S. and met for their regular monthly meeting. Mrs. Thomas Brintnell preside ed for the W.M.S. and Mrs. J. M. Glenn for the W.A. Mrs. Rev, H. J. Snell was the guest speaker and her message was enjoyed by all present. Her challenge was for greatei' efforts to meet the needs of today, not only by groups but by individuals, A musical number was rendered by the Chiselhurst ladies. A dainty lunch was served and a time spent together. social Fewer Request Jobs A decrease in the number of applicants seeking employment through the National Employ­ ment Office at Goderich is shown from March 30 to April 27. One hundred and thirty-nine application^ were handled. Also during the month of M a. r c h approximately $15,720 was paid out in benefits through the office. Hensall Guides Elect Officers Prizes and awards were pre­ sented at the Mother and Daugh­ ter meeting of the Hensall Girl Guides held in the community building. Officers appointed were, Capt., Edith Bell; Joan Johnston, as­ sistant lieutenant; Ruth Soldan, color guard; patrol leader, Gert­ rude Bell, Margaret Stephan, Marlen Petzke. The Guides re­ cently equipped their room with thirty folding chairs, Venetian blinds and drapes. They sold tic­ kets on a quilt which netted $50, and sponsored a paper drive. NEW HOLLAND Automatic Pick-Up Baler ties up to seven twine-tied bales per minute. Only one man and a tractor needed. Operates in the field from a wind- low ... or from a stack, on its own power unit. Bale hay, straw, soy beans. Larry Snider Motors PHONE 64-W WOODHAM Miss Donna Dickinson of Bt. Marys spent the week-end with Miss Merle Hazlewood. Mrs. Ira McCurdy spent the week-end with Miss Ella Mills of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Chisholm and David of Mt. Forest spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Stephens. Miss Florence Kirk, Miss Lo- rene Jaques and Mr. Johnny Davidson were elected to the ex­ ecutive of the Perth Presbytery Y.P.U. in Mitchell on Saturday. Miss Winnie Gray of Hensall spent the week-end with Miss Bessie McCurdy, Fourteen young people from Woodham attended the evening session of the Perth Presbytery Twenty-Fifth Annual Convention in Main St. United Church, Mit­ chell on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith and Mr, and Mrs, Bert Rundle visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Scott of Farquhar, Mrs. Wanless visiting with her Wanless and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Classifieds Get Results . FOR SALE of Toronto son Rev. T. , Wanless, Ray Mills and Betty visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mills, Scotts­ ville. Y.P.U. Presents Program The Y.P.U. had a program of various numbers in the church on Friday evening. The following numbers were given: Piano solo by Lorene Jaques: vocal solos by Verla Wheeler and Grace Collier; vocal duet, Johnny Davidson and Ross Dobson; violin solo, Wm. Mills; dialogues, “Roses and Ro­ mances”, ' ‘An Exciting Time”, and “Burglars and Ghosts” by and “Burglars and Ghosts”. Lunch was served by the young people. W.M.S. Meet The Woodham W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. George Dann on Thursday May 4. Eighteen ladies were present. Mrs. G. Wan­ less conducted the worship ser­ vice. The theme was “Celebrating the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary in our Auxiliary”. In the .absence of Mrs. C. Camm, Mrs. E.* Rodd had charge 9f the anniversary programme, “Growing with the Years in the Society as a whole.” She was assisted by Mrs. B. Wil­ son, Mrs. W. Switzer, Mrs. F. Pattison and Mrs. F. Doupe. Mi's. Wanless had charge of the “Clos­ ing Litany of Dedication to Ad­ vance” with all members dedicat­ ing themselves to greater service in the advancement of the Christ­ ian Church. She continued with a short poem “Myself and X” and closed with prayer. The usual business was transacted. The roll call was answered by your favor­ ite hymn. Lunch was served by the committee in charge. Follow-j ing lunch a sale of home made ■ sponsored by one of the FOR SALE- took place. baking groups is G. FOR SALE—Large four - burner McClary electric stove. First class condition. For particu­ lars phone Exeter 9 5. 11* FOR SALE—1942 black Chev Coach., good condition. Phone 15. He FOR SALE—1936 Ford deluxe coach, new motor, good rub­ ber, Highest cash offer. Apply August Gregus, phone 172r23 Exeter. 11:18* FOR SALE—-h.p. J o h n s o n air-cooled engine; also and %-h.p. electric motors.— Lome Johnston, Exeter, phone 286-W. 11* FOR SALE—Two Massey-Harris lever * harroiys, 3 years old, in good shape.'Apply: Reg. Hodg­ son, Centralia, phone 18-r-3 Crediton. 11c FOR SALE—Weaner pigs. Allan Westcott, phone 176-r-32 Exe­ ter. 11* PETS FOR SALE—Two toy Registered Pomeranians, gold, good pets for children. Selling at lower price for quick sale. —Phone 3 7 8-J Exeter or 81-r- 2 In gens ol J. 11* FOR SALE —- Strawberry plants, orders from 100 to 1,000 plants, Senator Dunlop var­ iety. —W. F. Abbott, phone 418-R, Exeter, after 7 p.m. 11c FOR SALE—19 35 Chevrolet, in good condition. —Phone 89-R 11* FOR SALE—’41 Plymouth coupe in perfect condition. The 'price is right. ’31 Chev sedan, fair condition, good tires, steel roof, heater; make me an of­ fer. —G. Bonnallie, telephone 405-M. 11c FOR SALE—Used Beatty wash­ er, good condition, $35.00. — Beavers Hardware, Exeter. 11c FOR SALE—Capitol soy beans for seed. Gordon Ratz, 161-r-3 Dashwood. 11* FOR SALE—An iron well pump with piping. —Mrs. Eunice Stone, Exeter, phone 311-W. 11c FOR SALE—31 little pigs, nine weeks old and younger. —Joe Amos, Ailsa Craig, telephone 619-r-14. 11c CLASSIFIED RATES 25 words or less * 350 More than 25 words ljc per word. Subsequent Insertions 25e More than 25 words lc per word. Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion 84c per inch Subsequent Insertions 70c per inch Classifieds calling for a nunibei* 10c extra. Bookkeeping charges will be added to all accounts not paid within one month.’ Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at the latest. FOR SALE FOR SALE—1939 Nash sedan wjth built-in radio, air-condi­ tioned, new shocks, motor overhauled, tires like new, $875.00. 1928 Model A, four new tires, $90.00. 1928 Model A, in good shape, steel top, $110.00, —R. Grenier, B-A Service, Grand Bend. lltfc FOR RENT box TO RENT OR will take in cattle to pasture, 50 acres of pas­ ture on sy2 Lot 18, Con. 18, Stephen Township. Telephone 62-r-22, C. Gratton, Grand Bend. lie 1 FOR RENT—Four unfurnished rooms with all conveniences. Apply: Times-Advocate, 11* I MISCELLANEOUS AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. May 4*tfc FEMALE HELP WANTED WANTED for Summer employ­ ment at Lakeview Casino, Grand Bend: Waitresses, over 16 years of age, for Snack Shop; salesgirls for Surf Shop; girls -or women for Snack Shop kitchen. Character refer­ ences required; write or tele­ phone W. E. McIlroy, Grand Bend, Ont. 4:11c WANTED—Woman to work in kitchen for 2 or 3 weeks. Also WAITRESS—Call in person at Rether’s Coffee Shop. 11c BABY CHICKS CHICKS - CHICKS - CHICKS — All breeds available now. Chick days Tuesdays and Fridays. Thousands of started chicks in our brooders now, some • 2 and 3 weeks old. Neuhausel* Hatcheries, 81 King St. Lon­ don. REAL ESTATE 287 ACRES, good full set of buildings, 100 tillable, 20 bush, 1 mile to highway, 100 rods lake front, boating, fish­ ing. Bruce County. Bargain for hobbyist. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. E. A. Moffatt and daugh- returned to their, Mrs. ter Patricia home in London after spending a week with the former’s pa­ rents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kydd of town, and with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Moffatt of Kippen. 2,000 plain bricks; 9 pieces of square timber, 9’ to 23’ long. Apply: J. A. Pol­ lard, phone 361-W Exeter. 11* 150 ACRES Stephen Twp., with complete buildings, water, electricity throughout. —W. C. Pearce, Exeter, Ont. VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHERS By Day or Week Beavers Hardware NOTICES HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS; Kit­ chen range; drop-leaf table; cup­ board; 2 couches; 2 ,s m a 11 tables; lawn mower; stool; 2 clocks; 2 parlor tables; feather tick; sideboard; 2 small stands; bedroom carpets; bedding; 4 beds; springs; mattresses; dres­ ser; commode; 4 chairs; table; 5 dining room chairs; carpet sweeper; pictures; bookcase; alarm clock; parlor rug; lino­ leum; carpets; dishes of all kinds; pots; pans; pails; garden tools; axes; hoes; carpet; tools; bucksaw; shovels; rockers; low­ down chair; stool; wheelbarrow; vases; chest of drawers; cedai- chest; coal oil stove; upstairs carpets; quantity of wood; Phil- co radio, good as new. REAL ESTATE: At the same time and place there will be of­ fered, subject to a reserve0 ibid, the following valuable proper­ ties: Parcel 1—'House and lot on John Street in the Village of ■Exeter, being lot 1217, plan 20. Parcel 2—The north 75 acres of lot 23, concession 4, in» the Township of Stephen, which* is a grass farm. TERMS: Chattels, cash. Real estate 10 per cent down on the date of sale and the balance within 30 days. Further terms given on day of sale. The estate of the late Richard Davis Frank Taylor, Auctioneer Fred Dawson, Clerk 11:18 RE ACCOUNTS I have disposed of the Blue Coal business to ‘R. E. Broderick of Hensall. All accounts due me are now due. H. Bierling For Sale 4:11c Re Crackers, Squibs And Other Fireworks Merchants are requested refrain from selling Fire Crac­ kers or other Fireworks. Under No. 49 of the Consoli­ dated- By-laws of the Village of Exeter it is illegal to set fire to any cracker, squib or other fire­ works within the village without special permission. Penalty udder the by-law not to exceed and costs. By Order of Municipal Council to $10.00 4:11c TENDERS WANTED Used 4-Light Fluorescent Fixture Used Commercial Fixtures ^-h.p. R. 1 Motor Oil Burner Electric Fence Little Beaver Grinder Used Coal and Wood Stoves (cheap) Moffat Electric Pails See our Electric Ranges and Refrigerators from 7 cubic feet to 12 cubic feet before purchas­ ing. Also our Electric Washing- Machines and Westinghouse Hand Vacuum Cleaner 1 4 1 1 1 o' z Passmore Electric HENSALL, ONTARIO * 1 * t :» 1 1 I t r t t > *> » » r » v K t r h r ♦ * i I in the preparation Classified Ads FOR SALE—Ladies’ CCM bi­ cycle in good condition; also 2 pairs ball-bearing roller skates. —Phone 63. lie FOR SALE—Residence of Mrs. Cook in Crediton. Contact: H. K. Elber for information. 27:5:12* FOR SALE—Man’s good condition. - Exeter. bicycle in —Phone 43 11:18* Helpful Hints T—Full description arouses interest. Do not try to save too many words. Brief description often fails to give the selling points. When possible^ give the price* 2—Make it easy for the propect to contact you. Always give name and address^ and phone number, if you have one. In the latter case give the best hour to contact you. 3—Do not expect to secure results with one or two insertions of your ad. A six-day order is best and cheapest. You can always stop the ad and be rebated for unused insertions. 4—If you do not receive inquiries, the wording of your ad probably needs changing. Our ad department can help you in writing your ad* 5—(Shape your ad to definiely draw the attention and interest of the reader. Too much bevity, lack of necessary information or description, mystery about cost or price may cut short the reader’s interest. Make your own ad read the way you like to see other ads. Where Classifieds Get Results FOR SALE—-Gurney coal and wood range in excellent con­ dition, used only two winters; | also Silent Glow oil burner unit easily installed in stove. Priced reasonable. Phone 375J Exeter. 11* LOTS FOR SALE —We have three lots, 240-foot frontage, approximately 3/5 acre. Price $500.00. We have other single and double lots well located and reasonably priced. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. FOR SALE—Iron pump with 24 feet piping. Apply: Mrs. J. Shepherd, Hensall, Ont. 18 TILLABLE ACRES near Gor- rie with a complete set of farm 'buildings with hydro, and water pumped into barn by windmill. Immediate pos­ session for only $2,900. —W, C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 20:4tfc Sidewalks The Municipal Council of the Corporation of Exeter calls for tenders for the construction of new and the repair of all con­ crete sidewalks in the village. New sidewalks to be 4 feet wide and 4 inches thick. Tender to be price per running foot. Municipality t.o supply cement, gravel, fill and expansion joints. Tenders on repair work to be rate per hour for labour and equipment. Municipality to sup­ lily material as above. All tenders to be in office of -Clerk not later than 5 p.m. May 15, 1950. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. C. V. Pickard Municipal Clerk, Main St., Exeter, Ont. 4:11c CENTRALIA Dog Owners’ WARNING According to Municipal By­ law, no dog may run large in the Village Centralia between May and September 30. POLICE TRUSTEES NOTICE AUCTION SALES at of 16 FOR SALE—Two York sows, due June 15 and June 30. — Major Baker, phone 164-r-G Dashwood. 11c GOOD BUILDING LOT, centrally situated, with choice drainage possibilities. —W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 13c WANTED s WANTED—Home for aged gen­ tleman for the summer mos. Apply Box S, Times-Advocate. 11:18* WANTED—To rent, 3 or 4 un­ furnished rooms with conven­ iences. Young married couple, no children. Mrs. Poltaruk, phone 266 Exeter. 11* Edward Johns Edward Johns, a former resi­ dent of Exeter, djed ill Clinton Wednesday in his 81st year. Deceased was a brother of Mrs. William Brook, of Usborne and Mrs. Eliza Delve and Mrs. Robt. Sanders of town. He married. The funeral place from the home ter, Mrs. Brook, lot Usborne, Friday at D.S.T. with interment : ter cemetery, was never will take of his sis- 2, Coil. 7 2:30 pan. in the Exe- A shy spinster lady was mak­ ing cautious inquiries at a per­ fume counter. “I’m on duty at the USO,” she confided to the sales girl, “and I want something the sold­ ier boys will like.” “You must try our new mili­ tary formula,” gushed the miss behind the counter, “it makes gouty generals behave like buck •privates on leave!” “Does it have a name?” the customer queried. “I’ll say!” winked the sales girl. ‘We call it ’Secret Weapon”. FOR SALE-—Service station and garage. Ideal location on high­ way, 4 pumps. Well estab­ lished business. Fine cement block building, complete with two-bedroom apartment. Build­ ing steam heated and with all other conveniences. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 2 c HOUSES FOR SALE—We have two one-storey homes for sale. Quick possession. Both Of these houses are modern and v ery comfortable. We also have a ijhstorey brick, well located and with all conven­ iences. If you are interested in quick posssession, let us show you these. G. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St.. Exeter. c BRICK BUILDING centrally lo­ cated suitable for office or store. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor FOR SALE ill Exeter, central, house, square plan, built-in cupboards, hot and cold run­ ning water, garage, on large lot nicely landscaped, ft fruit trees. Early possession to be arranged. Reasonable and a good investment. —Telephone 130-W. lltfc BUSINESS BUILDING for sale— We are now offering a brick building, well located on Main St., Exeter. This property with some renovation, would be suitable for almost any tpye of business. -—C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. “X” before the license number of an airplane denotes that the plane is licensed for experimental purposes. Two New Homes Each with full basement, furnace, arid full bathroom, R. E. Balkwill Ehone 89-J, Exeter, Ont* AUCTION SALE Of Farm Equipment and Supplies, Furniture and Household Effects Lot 9, Concession 2, *4-mile south of Crediton The undersigned auctioneer will sell by public, auction on SATURDAY, MAY 13 at 1:30 p.m. the following: FARM SUPPLIES: C1 o ve r buncher; scales; cultivator; hay loader; mower; top buggy; cut­ ter; fence stretcher; wagon; water trough; feed box; har­ ness; 5 tons chestnut coal; Ply­ mouth cal*; bag truck; tools. FURNITURE: Settee small tables; dining china sewing chairs; chairs; kitchen coal oil stove; medicine chest; 1 3 1 toilet set; quilt boxes; S-day clock; clock; Aladdin lamp; set lb. scales; 2 oil lamps; pots and pans; step ladder; lawn mower; linoleum rug, 12’xl5’; 2 strips floor covering, S’x9*; 2 strips of floor covering, 9’xi5*; and other articles too numerous to men­ tion. TERMS: Gusli. Ell King, Proprietor Frank Taylor, Auctioneer 11 Re Crackers, Squibs and Other Fireworks Under No. 49 of the Con­ solidated By-law of the village, it is illegal to set fire to any cracker, squib or other fireworks the village, permission, the by-law $10.00 and POLICE without Penalty not to costs. TRUSTEES within special under exceed rt KNOW-HOW” SERVICE springs; drawers; stands; set; 2 heater; chairs; Singer ON ALL » « r » New Idea room table; 6 cabinet; couch; machine; 2 rocking radio; kitchen table; 6 Quebec cook stove; 2 cupboards; kitchen stool; galvanized tub; 3 mattress; dressers; GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES beds; 2 chest of 3 2 wash large alarm 2,00- Our specially-trained staffs thoroughly experi­ enced on all electrical appliances is ready to give you dependable service and repair work. For first class workmanship and quality replacement parts, call us. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Real Estate The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by public auction on John 'StveeL Exeter On SATURDAY, MAY 20 at 1:30 p.m. the following: SD-346 • have you seen the NEW GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES-NOW ON DISPLAY? R. E. Russell Phone 109 Exeter * » n f t t 1 I *