HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-05-04, Page 7Page 7THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 4, 1950 on Sunday EASY TO ROLL Having taken over the coal business from IL Bierling and particularly the Blue Coal Agency, we sincerely hope to continue dealing with the many satisfied customers of Blue Coal and also look forward to meeting new friends and customers. We would greatly appreciate early placed orders at prices reduced to $24.00 per ton which also aids in distribution and assuring you of comfort for the coming winter, Your Blue Coal Dealer Office Phone 299 Exeter House 691 -r-5 Hensail DELIGHTFUL TO SMOKE• t i. n.i»i *■ BO ** <- / -HK /Z ■■■■:• -?:r-; L?Z<;- FEAR TYPHOID EPIDEMIC IN MANITOBA — Soldiers and civilians have been called out to fight Manitoba’s worst flood in fifty years. Trains have been halted and roads have disappeared as several rivers overflowing their banks have swamped a dozen villages and hundreds of farms. This photo taken at Rosenfeld, Man,, shows the light side of the grim picture as a young Sir Galahad carried his Lady Fair through the flooded streets. —Central Press Canadian Come to CHURCH South-End Service SPECIAL 1949 A 40 Austin * 6.000 Miles — Seal Grey Colour New Car Condition CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Donald R. Sinclair, B.A. Minister Organist: Miss Norma Knight 10 a.m,—Sunday School. 11 a.m,—Public Worship. 3 p.m.—Mission Band. Monday, May 8, 8:15 p.m.—The 'Caven Club will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell. Topic: “Our Church Among the Churches.” MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. Harry 3. Mahoney, B.D. Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist 11 a.m.—“Are You In Favom* Of Sunday Sports?” Anthem: “Praise His Name.” Duet: Miss Marie and Mr. Frank Wildfbng. 12 noon-—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—“A Light'To My Path.” KIRKTON . and Mrs. P. J, Nell, of London were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. O'Callaghan, also Mr. and Mrs, J. P, O’Calla­ ghan of Stratford. Mrs. Doris O'Callaghan has sold her property in the village to Miss Ethel Copeland. Doris has accepted, a position at the Westminster Hospital, London, her duties to commence June 1, The Elimville Women’s Instit­ ute put on their play “Coveralls” in Kirk ton Aberdeen Hall Tues­ day night to a well filled house. This play was , well put on by all Lunch was served to the cast in the church basement by a com­ mittee of Young People. W.T. Hold Annual Meeting The annual meeting of Kirk­ ton Women’s Institute met at the home of Mrs. Wes Batten, April 27. The Scripture was read by Mrs. A. Dewar. The roll call was answered by payment of fees for 1'950 and 1951, and re­ port were given by the .Secretary- Treasurer and Convenors of the standing committees and officers. Mrs. M. Dobson gave Current Events, The program, in charge of Mrs. A, G. Ratcliffe, included an interesting and instructive ad­ dress by Mrs. L, Eedy, St. Marys, on publicity, also a reading on the same subject by Mrs. S. Shier. Mrs. Eedy took the chair for the election of officers, re­ sulting as follows: Pres., Mrs. C. J, Switzer; 1st Vice-Pres., Mrs. S. Shier; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. A. Wiseman; Secretary, Mrs, Ray Francis; Treasurer, Mrs. N. Wat­ son; .pianist, Mrs. C. A, Camp­ bell; ass't pianist, Mrs, R. .Hum­ phreys; district director, Mrs. R. G, Ratcliffecard secretary, Mrs. E, Paton; directors, Mrs. A. Run­ dle, .Mrs- G. Hall, Mrs. E. Paton, Mrs. M. Dobson; auditors, Mrs. G. Crew and Mrs, W. Batten, Convenors of standing Commit­ tees: Home Economics, Mrs. A. Rundle; Health, Mrs. W. Hard­ ing; Canadian Industries, Mrs. N, Watson; Agriculture, Mrs. A. Dewar; Citizenship, Mrs. W. Bat­ ten; Education, Mrs. Cliff Jory; Community Activities, .Mrs. C. A. Campbell; Public Relations, Mrs. R. Ratcliffe; Historical Research, Mrs. M. Dobson; Mrs. J, Roger. BLANSHARD Mr. and 'Mrs. George Cochran and Mrs. Lindsay, ot London, spent Saturday with the former’s sister, Mrs. George Dann and Mr. Dann. Mr. and .Mrs. H. J. Trewartha Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Trewar­ tha and family of Holmesville spent last Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs, Ken Langford. Mrs. Fred* Pattison spent Sun­ day with "Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Thacker. '■ Mr, R, Johnston of St. Marys spent last week with Mr, and Mrs, Fred Thomson, Mrs. George Hopkins of Mit­ chell spent a few days last week with. 'Mr. and Mrs, Fred Thom­ son, Mr, and Mrs. Clark Switzer of Mitchell spent Wednesday with Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Thacker, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Thomson. Murray Aand nn spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Harl- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foster of St. (Marys visited Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs. M. E. Hooper. Mr. and Mrs, Gladwyn Hooper, Ruth Clare and Veryl were Tues­ day evening dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs, Austin Timms of .Base­ line, Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Langford were Mr, and Mrs. Ken Hodgins and fam­ ily of Glendale; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Langford and family of Clandeboye; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Langford and family of Lucan; Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Langford and family of Kirkton. Mrs. Fred Pattison spent Sat­ urday with Mr. and Mfrs. Orville Langford of Centralia.' Mr. and Mrs. Herb Langford, were Sunday guests with Mr. Langford’s uncle at Port Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Hooper were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Leibler of Mitchell. The winner of the draw for the GOLDEN JUBILEE MATTRESS is Miss Jean WilUrt Dashwood, Ontario The draw was.a'®'Glenn Kd Distrit Satir Allp—• Gold fro*—— de by 'Mr. he Exeter r* , ol staff on Exeter N at 9 p.m. 1937 1929 1931 1936 19*1'7 p- 8' «3 Marshall :est received. - 30 will be •ronto for icricks, 50 ,3 awarded. ,z ruinitureD„ R. (\ Dinney D. O. Knowles Phone 20-W BEAT THE RUSH FOR SNELL BROS. & CO.’S Low-Cost SPRING TUNE-UP SERVICE 4 Used Cars DODGE COUPE MODEL A FORD MASTER CHEVROLET COACH CHEVROLET COACH, JUST LIKE NEW Special Safety Months may L- JUNE — JULY tions, an educational bus trip and a picnic are being planned in the near future. Snell Bros. & Co GM Spring Tune-Up Headquarters Phone 100 Exeter TRIVITT MEMORIAL — Anglican -— Rectbr: Rev. C. Xi. Langford, B.A., M.A. " Organist: Robert Cameron Sunday, May 7— 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:30 a.m.—Holy Communion. ' Un- JAMES STREET UNITED Rev. II. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.O.M., Musical Director 10 a.m.—-Sunday School. 11 a.m.-—“The Pull of the seen.” Anthem: “What Are These.” Solo: Alf Wuerth. 7 p.m.—“The Christian Life, An Experience.” Double duet: Dorothy Reeder, D, Holtzmann, M. McFalls, D. Pooley. Mail Choir Practice for Mothers* Day on Thursday, May 4, at 7:30 to S:30 p.m. (All services D.S.T.) CHURCH OF GOD Grand Bend Rev. Glen Beach, Pastor a.m.—Sunday School. a.m.—“What Is p.m. — The Resolutions, An installation service followed led by Mrs. A. Bickell, after which a delicious lunch was served. At an executive Friday evening at Mrs. S. Shier, the 1950 and 1951 was mapped out. Several interesting demonstra- meeting held the home of program for f. Men’s All-Wool K. WOULD YOU LIKE TO COME? We are supplying transportation to Sunday School Call Mr. Kendrick, telephone 327. This Is A Sunday School Service — Feel Free To Use It Gabardine Topcoats We have been able to secure another supply of all-wool gabardine, topcoats at the low price of $39.00. Since devaluation of the English pound, there has been a steady advance in the price of wool. Buy yours now at this low price. 4» feet feet feet Come In and Have Your Brakes Checked At 20 miles per hour you should stop in 18 At 40 miles per hour you should stop in 71 At 60 miles per hour you should stop in 100 Save A Life! 10 If i:30 Hour, 630 kc. 7:30 p.m.—“Some the^Holy Spirit.” Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer and Bible Study. Fri., 8:30 p.m.—Young People’s Service. Prayer?” Brotherhood Emblems of May 5 to May 15 Inclusive LOW PRICES 10 FREE CHICKS OR PULLETS WITH EACH 100 ORDERED FOR DELIVERY BETWEEN THESE DATES All “A-l” quality chicks from inspected blood tested end banded breeders* 100% live delivery guaranteed. 9 Breeds to choose from, heavy breeds, light breeds and crosses. Special on 3 - 4 - (5 - 8 week old pullets for immediate delivery. Turkey Poults available almost every week. Act now—mail or telephone your orders and take advantage of this sale. This is your opportunity foi profitable chicks at lowest prices. Lakeview Farms and Hatchery EXETER ONTARIO Men’s Tropical Sub Colored Border Pillow Cases We have just received an­ other shipment of excep­ tionally fine quality Wa­ basso hemstitched pillow cases with coloured bor­ ders of green, mauve, pink, peach, blue and gold; 42 inches wide at $1.95 pair I Telephone 78 Fine all-wool non-crease tropical cloth in cool shades of grey, blue and sand. Tailored by Fashion-Craft. The ideal suit for hot weather. Stock sizes ............................. $24.95 to $37.00 Made-to-measure ..................................... from $39.50 ST. JOHN’S-BY-THE-LAKE — Anglican —■ Grand Bend, Ontario 10:15 a.m.*—Sunday School. 11 a.m. — Morning Prayer A hearty welcome is extended to all. Holy Communion First Sunday of each month. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Rev. H. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer and Bible Study. Thur,, 8 p,m.—Monthly Meeting of Sunday School teachers and officers. I’rL* 4:30 p.m.-—Sunshine Cor­ ner with Aunty Ruth. 8 p.m.—Y.P.S. Special Speaker, SmiM 9:45 a.m.-—Sunday School Mr. E. Cudmore, Supt. Mis­ sionary Sunday. Sun., 11 a.m,*—Communion Sun­ day. "Other Sheep I Have”— The Pastor. Sunday, 7:30 -p.m.—Evangelistic Message. ZION Evangelical United Brethren Creditor Rev. J. V. Dahms. Minister 10 a.m.—Worship. “How Jesus Won the Woman at the Well.” 11 a.m.—Church School. 7:30 p.m.—“Spiritual Infancy.’* Monday, May S, 8 p.m.—Youth Fellowship. Wednesday, May 10, 6:30 p.m.— Church Family Night. Pot-luck supper, films. Friday, May 12, 8 p.m.—-Mission Band, See Our es See our wide range of samples for Suits, Sport (’oats and Topcoats. Tailored to your individual measure by Fashion-Craft, James Bros., and Cam­ bridge, We have marked these specially low and can give you delivery in from two to three weeks. Plain Pillow Cases We also have plain white hemstitched pillow cases from .. 41*29 to $1.85 pair Circular pillow* cotton, inches wide, 5 webs Wabasso best quality, price 90<r Yard. On at .......................... 79jf 43 only* Reg. sale yard Special Ten dozen pairs nylon sub-standards in new mer shades, sizes 9 to 11* very slight imperfections. On sale at 980 pair hose sum- CREDITON FASTORAL CHARGE United Church of Canada Ministers Harold F. Currie Rural Life Sunday Message; “Soil and Souls” Worship Shipka—10:15 a.m. D.S.T. Crediton—11:30 a.m, D.S.T, Brinsley—2:45 p.m. D.S.T. Church School Crediton—10:30 n.m, D.S.T. Shipka—11:15 a.m. D.S.T. Brinsley—1:30 p.m. D.S.T. ur* CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren Dashwood Minister; 3> Henry Getz Organist: Mrs. Koh McCrae 10:00 a.m.—Public Worship. 11:15 a.m,—Church School. 7:30 p.m.—Public Worship. HENSALL Mrs. 0. Hudson has returned to her home here after spending the winter months at the home of her daughters, Mrs. Abray and Mrs. Kading, in London. Mrs. Elsie Case spent the week-end with Mrs. .Mary Hen­ nessey in London. Mr. Lome Hay, who recently purchased the coal business and locker service from Mr. W. R. Davidson, commenced this week.Mr, T. C. Joynt has disposed of his store, which Brown’s Hardware, to Mr. Har­ old Bonthron, who intends en­ larging his furniture etore. Mr. A, W. Kerslake has sold his building across the street to the Brown’s, who intend renovating the building, therefore having an up-to-date hardware store. Messrs. James Bengough and r. Y. MacLarcn, representing “Jim’s Machine Shop” (Hensall) attended a clinic in London last week sponsored by the Canadian Liquid Air Company. Jim is one of the oldest welder’s in the district, having used their pro­ duct for over twenty years. The International Nickel Company re­ cently contacted Jim to have pictures taken of their famous welding rod in action, namely M-Rod, which has simplified matters to a great, extent in the welding of cast iron. Through this advertising on their behalf has made Jim’s Machine Shop widely known throughout Can­ ada and the United States. it. business is now Here is something for Young Men: — Gabardine Sport Slacks' with triple lap seams. Fully draped. e them in our window. ...... $13.95 and $15.95 1 Mother’s Day Don’t forget mother on this important day. exceptionally fine stock of merchandise suitable for gifts — including Nylon Hosiery* Lingerie Hand Bags* Blouses* Parasols* Dresses, Coats* Suits* etc. We feature nylon hosiery in Orient* Supersilk and Gotham Gold Stripe. Prices are again lower. Superior Store Specials for May 4, 5 and 6 WETHEY STRAWBERRY JAM Or Talisman, 24-fl. oz. jars .* each 41 p EDDY’S REDBIRD MATCHES Good buying 3 boxes 19ff PEP DOG FOOD Two 20-oz. tins (rubber bone free) 21 £ CHATEAU CHEESE Spreads or slices ............ Mrlb. pkg. 25C SMART’S DESSERT PEARS Or Globe Brand. 20-oz. tins .. each 20<? LIPTON’S TEA (DEAL) Orange pekoe in purple label pkg. S0£ Full Line of Garden Seeds Certified Seed Potatoes, Planting Onions, Packaged Seeds. All fresh seeds Marty line in bulk, for economy.