HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-05-04, Page 6THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 4, 1950 *1" Page 6 FOR SALE FOR SALE (Afternpon)FOR RENT «% Used Carsbox For Rent VACUUM CLEANERS PERSONAL NOTICES his ton­ hospital Victoria she will FOR SALE—1933 Plymouth Se­ dan; 1941 Plymouth Coupe. Apply Glen Bonnaillie, Exeter, .phone 41 SAI during day and 405-M evenings. 4c New Jersey, is visiting with sister, Mrs. Ness. TO RENT—2 furnished rooms. Apply; The Times-Advocate, 4tfc FOR SALE—Potatoes bag. Apply; Mrs. H. Peterson, R.R, 3, Dashwood, telephone 31»r«15 Dashwood. 20:27:4* (2). (2). Coupe. Sedan.DODGE FORD Coach. FORD “A” Coaches (3). for SALE—10-20 international tractor, fair condition. Apply: Norman Jaques, R.R. 1, Cen­ tralia, phone 3 2-r-2O Kirkton. 4* Anyone interested in growing any erf the vegetables listed in pur “Survey Sheet” are requested to get in touch with our office. We will be issuing contracts on or after May 10. Huron Cold Storage Company Limited PHONE 77 or 502 EXETER > DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs, Charles Siebert and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sie­ bert of Kitchener were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Witzel. Mr, Jonah Kestle is very ill at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ford. Mr. and Mi'S. Jack Cudmore ol’ Toronto spent the week-end with Mrs. Effie Kleinstiver. Russel Hopcroft pad sils removed in London last Wednesday. Mrs. S. P. Currie is in Hospital, London, where undergo an operation. Louis Kleinstiver, who has been in the hospital for some time has returned, Mrs. Herb Wein is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Whittier in Montreal. Miss Evelyn Howard of Toron­ to called on Mrs. D. Tiernan one day last week. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Ness of London spent the week-end with Mrs. Ness. Mrs. Bruer of New Hamburg spent the week-end .with her mother, Mrs. Schroeder. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keller­ man attended the funeral of his niece, Mrs. Lowe, formerly Betty Broughton, at Toronto over the week-end. Mr. Henry Ehgoetz, Mrs. Hig- enell’s father, was taken to the hospital on Sunday, where he •underwent an operation. Miss Elsie Dyck of Inglewood, her Your Car Will Purr Like a Kitten AFTER A SCIENTIFIC ACCURATE ‘MOTOR TUNE-UP WITH OUR Allen Syncograph Red Shield Appeal Opens At Seaforth The Salvation Army 1950 Red Cross Shield Appeal began Seaforth Monday with John Ealdwin, as chairman. E. Chamberlain, treasurer, and S. Box, publicity. J. M» Scott was named rural chairman. The area under the Seaforth committee includes Seaforth, Exeter, Hensail, Kippen, Bruce- field, Constance, Walton, Win­ throp, Dublin and St. Coluinban. The objective for this area is ?2,100. in A. C. R. Guess-work in motor tune-ups is a thing of the past. Our latest scientific equipment checks all the vital points with mechanical accuracy. Insure your­ self against future troubles: get peak performance and complete satisfaction at SMALL COST. at- he Larry Snider Motors PHONE 64-W EXETER TURNOVER GARDEN TOOLS When Claude Pepper was tending Harvard University happened to sit next to an Eng­ lish fellow student at lunch. , “My name is Pepper,” the future United States Senator said, introducing himself. “Are you joshing me?” the Englishman asked. “My name is Salt.” Recently Salt and Pepper met again, when H. E. Salt, now a barrister at Lincoln’s inn enter­ tained his former schoolmate at Londonclub. See Our Window For Special Values Now's the time for Spring garden fever and Traquair’s sparkling (Reduced prices will be effective for limited time array of garden tools and accessories can get started off in fine style. Vegetable and Flower Seeds Handy packets contain full directions for planting and future care. 7 pkgs, for .25 SEED& IN BULK New-crop, tested seed high in germination quality. We have the finest variety of corn peas and beans. Corn .30 lb. Peas .30 lb. Beans .30 lb. REG*D TURNIP SEED $1.35 per lb. MANGEL SEED .65 per lb* CERESAN-M - 900 Special ALL-RUBBER GARDEN HOSE 50 fL for $3.98 Brass Nozzle J5& S P E only) Tea-Kettle, white and red, regularly $3.00 Double-Boiler, white ahd red Aluminum thsh Pan 4-pc. Apartment Set . Step-On Garbage Can Kitchen Paring Knife Watering Cans Galvanized Hosd Connections All Types Fix Up the hose now. . 930 $1.95 $1.09 . 890 $1.19 150 Sprinklers Revolving Type Throws a continuous Only $1.08 FOR SALE—-Hospital .bed: com­ bination writing desk and book case.—Phone Exeter 444-R. 27:4* FOR SALE OR RENT — One hundred acres pasture land on Lot 14, Con 6, Hay Township —Mrs. Vietta Moir, 126 Cath­ cart St.* London. 27:4* FOR SALE—One bushel timothy and 1% bushels sweet clover. Apply: Laverne Heywood, RR 1, Centralia. 4* FOR SALE'—2 cows, freshened in January; 3 heifers, due in May and June; 1%-h.p. 25- cycle electric motor, new; new “Rocket” power lawn mowers, IS- and 20-inch cuts. —Morris H. Hern, Granton, R.R. 1, phone Kirkton 4-r-9. 4* FOR SALE—Mason-Risch piano, plain case, $139. —W. Martin, Exeter South’ 4* FOR SALE—193 8 Ford V-S se­ dan, good running order. Foi* quick sale, reasonably indeed. Phone 52-r-14 Dashwood. 4* FOR SALE—Collie pups, males, (mother real heeler); Massey- Harris disc, out-throw, 14- plate with pressure lever; aged horse. —Phone 692-r-33 Hensail, R.R. 1, Frank Par­ sons. 4* FOR SALE—9 little pigs. —W. H. Parker, R.R. 1, Exeter. 4c FOR SALE—Ivory and black drop-leaf table, 4 chairs, buf­ fet and kitchen cabinet, roller skates. —Phone 15. 4* FOR SALE—19 42 black Chev Coach, good condition. Phone 15. 4* FOR SALE'—Ladies’ bicycle and gent’s bicycle in good condi­ tion. Apply: E. M. Schiller, Huron St. East, Exeter. 4* FOR SALE — Bailed clover hay. Clarence Down, phone 177-r-2 Exeter. * FOR SALE—A quantity of used bricks. — Apply Leo Boyle, Clandeboye.' * FOR SALE—Strawberry plants: Premier, Improved Dunlop, Eacrett. Apply: Mrs. Emalie Carter, third house south of South End Service Station, Exeter. • r • 4* FOR SALE—Frame stable in Exeter in good condition. — Mrs. Veal, Andrew St., phone 21. 4c FOR SALE—11 pigs, 6 weeks old. —Phone 176-r-14 Exeter, Ed Westcott. 4c FEMALE HELP WANTED CAPABLE GIRL or woman for housework, steady lob, good wages. —‘Phone 52 Exeter. 4c WANTED—Woman for general housework and care of two children for two or three weeks in Exeter. Live in or out. Apply at Times-Advocate. 4* WANTED for Summer employ­ ment at L a k q v i e w Casino, | Grand Bend: Waitresses, over 16 years of age, for Snack Shop; salesgirls for Surf Shop; girls or women for Snack Shop kitchen. Character refer­ ences required; write or tele- I phone W. E. McIlroy, Grand Bend, Ont 4:iic WANTED WANTED TO RENT—Four or five room house in Exeter by airman and music t e ac h e r wife. Non-smokers, non-drink­ ers. Phone 4S1-J Exeter, tfee APARTMENT WANTED — Four rooms, if possible, furnished or unfurnished. In Exeter. Ap­ ply at Times-Advocate. 4* WANTED—A reed baby buggy or a bassenette. Phone 494-W. c WANTED—L urge baby’s crib. Phone 459-r-3 Exeter. 4* WANTED—An unfurnished apartment, 3 or 4 rooms, for couple without children. Apply at Times-Advocate. 4* WANTED —Few head of young cattle to pasture, water by spring creek. — Apply Cecil RoWe, R, 1, Exeter. * BABY CHICKS STARTED CHICKS — Thousands available. All breeds In our brooders now. Come in and see them. Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St., London. CLASSIFIED RATES 25 words or less -350 Moye than 25 words 11c per word, Subsequent Insertions 25c More than 35 words Ac per word. Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion 84c per inch Subsequent Insertions 70c per inch Classieds calling for a number XOc extra. Bookkeeping charges will be added to all accounts not paid within one month. Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at the latest. TO RENT OR will take in cattle to pasture, 50 acres of pas­ ture on S1^ Lot 18, Con. IS, Stephen Township. Telephone G2-r-22, O. Gratton, Grand Bend, 4* ............... '-‘"I"-’" .................................................. FOR RENT—Apartment on Hen- sall, kitchen, bedroom, living­ room, 2-piece bath, on Main St. Apply; J, A, Traquair, Exeter. I* SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try ‘ famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new heal­ thy flesh; new vigoi*. New “get acquainted” size only 60£. All druggists. MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING—Spray and b r u s h.* Arrange with us early. Houses, barns, sheds, roofs, etc. —Ly­ man Gratton, Grand Bend, phone Dashwood 42-r-lS. Mar. 16: May 4* I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. 13*tfc PA-PERHANGING & PAINTING —'Paperhanging a specialty. - Work guaranteed.—Mr. Nixon, phone 4S1-J Exeter. tfc c PLASTERING, chimneys built, all kinds of repairs. Lots of good brick for sale. —John Webster, Exeter, phone 423. 27:4’ MALE HELP WANTED HELP WANTED—Driver sales­ man. Good wages. Full time employment. Apply: Tiickey Kist Beverages, Exeter, Ont. 4 ♦ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Lot 5 8* x 100’ cen­ trally located. —Phone 130-W 4c 287 ACRES, good full set of buildings, 100 tillable, 20 bush, 1 mile to highway, 100 rods lake front, boating, fish­ ing. Bruce County. Bargain for hobbyist. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 150 ACRES Stephen Twp„ with complete buildings, water, electricity throughout. —W. C. Pearce, Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE—Residence of Mrs. Cook in Creditor Contact; H. K. Elber for information. 27:5:12* tLOTS FOR SALE—We have three lots, 240-foot frontage, approximately 3/5 acre. Price $500.00. We have other single and double lots well located • and reasonably priced. —C. V. 1 Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. I IS TILLABLE ACRES near Gor- I rie with a complete set of | farm buildings with hydro, •| and "Water pumped into barn | by windmill. Immediate pos- t session for only $2,900. —AV. j C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter.-| 20:4tfc ’GOOD BUILDING LOT, centrally | situated, with choice drainage. | possibilities. — W. C. Pearce, | Exeter. « 13c FOR SALE—Service station and ! garage. Ideal location on high­ way, 4 pumps. Well estab­ lished business. Fine cement block building, complete with two-bedroom apartment. Build­ ing steam heated and with all other conveniences. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street* Exeter. 2c 1 ix ROUSES FOR SALE—We have two one-storey homes for sale. Quick possession. Roth of these houses are modern and Very comfortable. We also have a X ^-storey brick, well located and with all conven­ iences. If you are interested in quick posssession, let us show you these. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. c LOOK THEM OVER—If H’S a rooming house, a cottage, a business, beautiful lots or a farm. Beautiful lots In South cott Pines. —X W. Holt, Re alter, Grand Bend. 231 ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHERS By Day or Week Beavers Hardware RE ACCOUNTS I have disposed of the Blue Coal business to R. E. Broderick of Hensail. All accounts due me are now due. H. Bierling 4:11c Re Crackers, Squibs And Other Fireworks Merchants are requested refrain from selling Fire Crac­ kers or other Fireworks. Under No. 49 of the Consoli­ dated By-laws of the Village of Exeter it is illegal to set fire to any cracker, squib or other fire­ works within the village without special permission. Penalty under the by-law not to exceed $10-00 and Police Villas? Of Creditor 1950 DODGE Sedan. 1949 FORD Coach, like new> spare never used, only 7,000 miles. 1947 CHEV Torpedo Coach, radio, heater, fog lights, low mileage, 1947 DODGE Sedan, heater, clean inside. 1947 PLYMOUTH Coach, black with extras. LOW PRICED CARS 1934 CHE VS 19 37 CHE VS 1936 -BODGE 1934 1936 1930 Ward Fritz DODGE & DESOTO Phone 78 Zurich costs. By Order of Municipal Council 4:11c new, crusading color for your lips, cheeks, nails Only $L75 QUAt./TY AT FAIR PRICKS PHONE...27....................................................EXETSft HY-LINE CHICKS—First chicks bred like hybrid corn. The newest thing in chickens. Pro­ duced by crossing inbred lines. Egg laying champions. Hy-Line chicks cost more than. Stand­ ard bred chicks, but they are well worth It, and they bring you new opportunities in .poul­ try raising. Try them on our recommendation. Phone Met* calf 7482 — Neuhauser Hatch­ eries, 81 King St. London. NEW COTTAGE, two beatooms living room, kIteh en with built-inS and a 3-piece bath. Hot air furnace. W. C. Pearce, Realtor. Two New Homes Each with full basement, furnace and full bathroom R. E. Balkwill Phone 89-J, Exeter, Ont. DOG OWNERS Please Take Notice Under By-law No. 13, 1936, of the Village of Exeter, every owner of a dog who neglects to obtain a tag before April 15 of each year shall be liable to a fine of $10.00. Further, under this by-law no, dog shall be allowed to run at large durin June, July year. The section of $50.00. ig the months of May, and August in each penalty under this the by-law may be Signed, V. Pickard,C. Municipal Clerk. 4:11c TENDERS WANTED A color loved by Paris; captured by that fashion genius, Elizabeth Arden! So exquisitely right for this Spring’s costume colors .. . the earthy browns, the beiges, yellows and greens. Sidewalks The Municipal Council of the Corporation of Exeter calls for tenders for the construction of new and the repair of all con­ crete .sidewalks in the village. New sidewalks to be 4 feet wide and 4 inches thick. Tender to be price per running foot. Municipality to supply cement, gravel, fill and expansion joints. Tenders on repair work to be rate per hour for labour and equipment. Municipality to sup­ ply material as above. All tenders to be in office of Clerk not later than 5 p.m. May IX 1950. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. C. V. Pickard Municipal Clerk, Main St., Exeter, Ont. 4:11c CANARY RED .. Lipstick, 1.75 Cream Rouge, 1.75 Nail Lacquer, LOO Your Drugs At Architects Public School Exeter, Ontario Sealed tenders mt a stipulated sum basis, plainly marked “Tender, Exeter Public School”, will be received at the office of the Architects until 5:00 p.m. E.S.T. Wed*, May 10,1950 Plans, specifications and tender forms may be obtained from the Architects on deposit of a certified cheque for $50,00 payable to the Architects. This cheque will be returnee! on re- turn of plans and specifications in good con­ dition. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ue- Page & Steele 72 St. Clair Ave. W TORONTO 5, ONTARIO