HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-05-04, Page 3Portable Arc Welding
Acetylene Welding
Steel Fabrication
Machine Work
Marshall & Murray
Machine Shop
Phone 179-J Exeter
Sale 11:00 p.m. May 13
down, in the
They also re-
was sung,
the scrip-
by prayer
Hunter of Exeter
visitor with Miss
discussed and it
send a bale to
foi* * infants
are to
gave their re
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hod-
. and Mrs. Lloyd Mardlin,
George Mardlin and Fred,
the meeting.
Sunday with Mr.
W. Hodgins in
t h e
to the
llluslraledi Ford 1-Ton Express and
Ford ’/2-Ton Panel.
j with Mi’.
A. Gunning is staying
. and Mrs. Percy Pass-
more for some time.
. and Mrs. Percy Passmore
Mrs. Gunning visited with
and Mrs. Thomas Gunning
of Granton on Thursday.
Misses Elsie Bray, Eleanor
Dawson and Margaret Cann of
London spent the week-end at
th.eir homes here.’Mr. Jack Cann, R.C.A.F. Clin
ton, spent the week-end with
his parents, Mr. and
bert Cann.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy
Mr,' and Mrs. orne
Is Christ YOUR
Ark of Salvation ?
“For whosoever shall call upon
the name of the Lord shall be
saved.” Romans 10:13.
“Whosoever believeth in
(Christ) shall receive
sion of sins.” Acts 10:43.
“For by grace are ye saved by
fgith, and that not of your
selves; it is the gift of God;
not of works lest any man
should boast.” Eph. 2:8:9.
“These things have I written
unto you that believe on the
name of the Son of God; that
ye may know that ye have
eternal life and that ye may
believe on the name of ;jthe
Son of God. 1 John .5:13.
Hear Charles Fuller on station
CKLW, Windsor, 12:00 to 12:30
E.S.T. Sunday noon.
and Sharon, Mrs. Gunning spent
Saturday evening with Mr, and
Mrs. Edgar Rodd of Woodham.
Mrs. A I m e r Passmore and
David visited on Thursday of
last week with Mr. and Mrs. A.
G. Holtz of Kitchener.
W. D. Burton, WO 2, and
Mrs. Burton and little son, of
Camp Borden, are visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jeffery,
Mrs. B. Venner and Lorene Of
Exeter visited on Sunday with
Mr.'and Mrs. Percy Passmore.
We are sorry to report that
Miss Dorothy .McCurdy ^entered
Victoria Hospital, London,
Saturday for observation;
that Mrs. Robert Miller
patient in Scott Memorial
pital, Seaforth, We hope
P.O. Box 123 Los Angeles 53, Cal.
> Just beat and rub in
MIN ARD'S, and note the
quick relief you set.
Greaaelesa, fast-drying, no
strong or unpleasant odor.
Get a bottle today; keep
it handy.
, on
is a
will be restored to better health.
Mr, and Mrs. Lome Passmore
and Sharon visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Keller
of Exeter.
Mr. Corrigan of 'Clinton visit
ed at the manse, on Sunday
afternoon and spoke
Y.P.U. Sunday evening. Young
People were present from James
Street, Roy’s, Elimville, and
Thames Road churches.
Mrs. G. Wiseman, Mrs.
Elford, Mrs. Edwin Miller, Mrs.
Mac Hodgert, Misses June Cow
ard, Anne and Doris Elford at
tended the Presbyterial held at
Clinton on Thursday of
Miscellaneous Shower Held
On Thursday evening
Thames Road Mission Circle
and a large number of friends’
met at the home of Miss Mabel
Selves to honour Miss Eleanor
Hunkin, -bride-elect of May. Mrs.
Mac Hodgert was in charge of
the program as follows: Eleanor
entered the living room to the
strains of Lohengrin’s Wedding
March, -played by Mrs. Reg Hod
gert. A Reading,
Essay on Husbands'
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Docking
and family of Munroe, Mr. and
Mrs. yiarold Bell, London, were
Wednesday evening visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Frank ‘Parkinson.
Saturday evening dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Allen/ Neil were
Mr. and Mrs. E. Johnson, Lon
don, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon John
son, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hodgson,
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hodgson,
Howard and Raymond Hodgson.
Mr. Gerald Chapman has been
confined to the house for .several
days suffering from the flu.
Recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. F. Squire were Mr
Mrs. N. Ogden, Exeter, and Mr,
and Mrs. E, Foster, St. Marys.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper,
Lenore and Lloyd of Elimville
and Mr, Donald Parsons, Exeter,
visited Tuesday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. William Morley Jr.
Mr. and iMrs. William French
and family were Sunday visitors,
of Wesley visited Saturday eve
ning with Mrs. Millson and Mrs.
Mr, and Mrs, Frank Lingard,
Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. Wil
son Morley, Exeter, visited re
cently with Mr. and Mrs Melle-
ville Gunning.
Saturday evening
and MYs, Ronald Squire.
Mr. Harvey Parkinson and
Miss Thorpe, Eighth Line, visit
ed on Sunday with Mrs. Millson
and Mrs. Bilyea.
Miss Wilda Ipollock, Kitchener,
Mr. and Mrs. Qrma Pollock and
family of Ripley were Sunday
guests with. W» and Mrs, Lome
Mr. and Mrs. George Godbolt,
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Godbolt and
Georgia yisited
and Mrs. U.
Miss Barbara
was a week-end
Evelyn Wright,
Mr. Harvey Hicks, Vancouver,
and Mrs. Frank Irwin of Toronto
visited this .week at the home of
their brother, Mr. and Mrs. An
drew Hicks.
Week-end visitors with Mrs. E.
Knight were Mr. and Mrs. jfl.
Davies and family of Forest, Mr.
and Mrs, Schroeder of Birming
A number of ladies from the
village attended the W.M.S.
Presbyterial in Clinton on Thurs
day of last week.
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Mitchell
had a very pleasant surprise
last week when they received a
box of fresh picked dates from
California sent, by their daugh-
who is taking a well
number of post cards
the wonderful scenery
Mrs. A. Sweitzer gave a
humorous reading. Mrs. T.
Coates gave the report of the
afternoon session of the Presby-
terial meeting.
A review of some of the ac
complishments of the Woman*®
Missionary Society from 1925 to
1950 was reviewed in five-year
periods by Mrs. T. Pooley, Miss
Meta Salter and Mrs. A. Cann.
Mrs. K. Crocker played an
organ solo. A dedication service
followed by a hymn and
Mizpah benediction brought
meeting to. a close.
Lunch was served
group in charge,
We Specialize In All Kinds Of
Motors Poultry Time Clocks - Waterheaters
Thermostats -— Furnace Controls Fixtures, etc.
Phone 232 M
9:00 a.m. May 4
thru to
and -Mrs. James Beckett
family, Kitchener, Mr, and
J. Dickens,* London, Mt-.
Mrs. 'C, Millson, Mr. and
Ralph Millson, Prospect, and
and iMrs. F. Squire were
guests of Mr.
ter Ada,
eeived a
at different places along the
way. She is accompanied by two
other girl friends, nurses, and
expects to return next week by
way of Denver through the Roc
kies to her duties as hospital
superintendent at D e 1 a w a r e,
BIZI 65c
‘Little Mary’s
was given
Doris Anderson, vocal duet
by Side” by Anne and
Elford, a skit “Going to
Eleanor” by Betty Mair,
Aimer Passmore and Mrs.
William Rohde. Mabel Selves
read the address and Eleanor
was presented with many useful
.jfts. After opening the gifts,
Eleanor thanked those present
nnd invited them to
things on Wednesday
Pentecostal W.M.C.
The April meeting was held in
the church on Thursday, ' April
25 with a very good attendance.
The meeting was opened by the
President, Mrs. K. McLaren. The
hymn “Hark, The Voice of Jesus
Galling” was sung. The roll call
was answered by Scripture verse
“Disciple”. The minutes of the
March meeting were read and
adopted. Mrs. Kendrick led in
prayer. The business period then
followed. Correspondence was
read with letters of thanks from
several members for cards and
gifts. The hymn “Are You Wash
ed in the Blood” was sung. Mrs.
Edgar Cudmore brought the mes
sage taking Scripture Matt 5
13-1.6. Her theme was “A Fol
lowers nflpence”. Hymn “Bright
en The Corner Where You Are”
was sung. The prayer bulletin
was read before having prayer.
Cliff Blanchard dismissed
Willing Workers Meet
The regular monthly
of the* James Street
Workers’ Evening Auxiliary was
held at the home of Miss Verna
Coates. The president, Mrs. Wil
liam Allison, opened the meeting
with a , hymn followed by the
Lord’s Prayer in unison. The
minutes were read and approved
and the roll call taken. The var
ious secretaries
Business was
was decided to
Goderich. Articles
and .pre-schdol children
be brought to the June meeting.
Plans were made for the an
nual picnic in June.
Mrs. A. Cann took charge of
the program. The theme of the
program was “Celebrating the
twenty-fifth anniversary of the
Auxiliary”-. Hymn 164
Miss May Jones read
ture lesson followed
in unison.
Miss Verna Coates
report of the morning meeting
of the Presbyterial held in Clin-
Comparative shopping keeps our prices right.
All the new patterns, colours, and types of
Ready and willing to help you select the
correct shoe, and get it for you.
see her
All joined in singing “For She’s
A Jolly Good Fellow”. A very
delicious lunch was then served
by the hostess and committee.
Sunday School will be held at
10:15 a.m. and church service
at 11:15 a.m. Sacrament will be
observed at this service.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper and
family were dinner guests with
Mr. and Mrs. William Morley Jr.,
of Whalen last Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington .Skin
ner of Centralia visited Sunday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ja§.
Mrs. Charles Stephen returned
home Wednesday after being in
Victoria Hospital for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake
of Winchelsea visited on Sunday
with Mr. -and Mrs. Ross Skinner.
Mr. Laurie Stephen and Miss
Wanda Stephen spent the week
end at their home here.
Mrs. Harry Cole and Marie of
London visited with Mrs.
ville Skinner on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville
say: FORD TilCKS
Most Complete Line
in Ford Truck History
7 Series ratings, to 5 tons—including new
Ford "Big Jobs". 3 Ford V-8 Truck Engines . ..
up to 225 ft. lb. torque. 11 wheelbases—Gross
Vehicle Weights up to 21,500 lbs. (Gross Train
Weights up to 39,000 lbs.). And they’re ALL
Bonus* Built!
The other by-product of beet
sugar manufacture is final beet
molasses. This is a thick, dark-
colored liquid, -composed of more
than by weight of sugar,
the balance being soluble and
salts and water, There are a
u number of diversified uses for
beet molasses. It is often spray
ed on beet pulp as stock feed;
substantial quantities are used
for making yeast for human
sumption; during tlie war it
used for making alcohol
munitions: and it is used in
mentation proceses to make
rie acid and other acid products.
This issue completes the series of reader-ads on the Beet Sagar ’
Industry in Ontario. The Com
pany proposes to print the en
tire series in a booklet which
should be ready .sometime next
month. If you have been interest
ed in the series and would like
one of the booklets, please mail
. in your request, addressed to
Public. Relations Department of
the Company.
The End.
visited Friday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Spooner of Centralia.
The Elimville players had a
very busy week presenting their
play “Coveralls”. Monday night
at Saintsbury; Wednesday night
at Kirkton; Friday night at Ar-
kona, and are still going strong.
Choir Presents Concert
A very fine concert ' by the
Hurqnia >Male Choir of Exeter
was given at Elimville Church
Tuesday evening of last week.
While the attendance was not
large, those who came were well
repaid with fine entertainment
aud judging by the generous
applause it was much appreciat
ed ‘by one and all.
Mr. Louis Marsiali of St. Marys
also delighted the audience with
several numbers on the aceord-
And now they’re lower-
priced! New lower prices on *11
Ford jJ-Ton and 1-Ton Trucks
make them even greater favorites
in their class—add greater savings
through lower operating Cost*
lower upkeep and longer life.
Haul MORE for LESS! Pkkup-
and-delivery operators prefer Ford
units because they combine maxi
mum load space and loading ease
with easier handling in traffic-
easier parking—easier turning in
the "tight” spots. They’re smart
looking, too—a distinctive "ad”
for any business.
V-8 Power • •. Bonus*Built
Construction. Whether you
choose the 1-Ton Express or 5-
Ton "Big Job”, your Ford Truck is
powered right for your hauling job
*.. famous V-8 Truck Engine gives
you low-cost operation. And every
Ford Truck, regardless of price, is
Bonus* Built..» built stronger to
last longer . s ; with extra sturdy
construction and extra “‘work
reserves” in every vital part. See
your Ford Truck Dealer .. * get
full details on the complete Ford
Truck line, K to 5 Tons.
in addition io what is
usual or strictly due,
—Webster's Dictionary
Car B urn.ed Out
A car belonging to Howard
Allen of Brucefield was com
pletely burned about 1:00 a.m,
Saturday.. He had parked it in
the lane about 10:00 p.m. ;
retired. Evidently a short in
wiring caused it to take fire.
it was feared at first that
large house adjacent might
ignited us the
fore any further damage was
car started
but the fire died out
Creamery Entered
Provincial Police are invest!*
gating a break-in of the cream
ery at Dublin when a cash reg
ister was taken from the build
ing. Police did not disclose the
amount of money stolen but said
it was small.
Canadians l|f|DE MOOT! If ICC
use... I HIb rll hermake