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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-04-27, Page 8
1 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 27, 1950 or 19c Glamour ar- PABLUM NYAL MILK PABENA LACTOGEN OSTOGENA Annual Conven- in the Brinsley of McGillivray musical festival Mild Laxative and Antacid held , their in the ’ hall, of the year’s with forty-one the roll. BABY BOTTLE WARMER $3.95 Whenever your son anyone else — borrows car, the law’ puts in the driver’s seat, this responsibility The West Inexpensive Tractor In Its Field! SEE IT TODAY AT Larry Snider Motors Your Ford & Monarch Dealer PHONE 64-W EXETER All Popular NURSING NIPPLES BABY CANNED FOOD CANADA SENDS EXHIBIT TO BELGIAN TRADE FAIR- In Ottawa, Vicomte du Parc (left),, Belgian ambassador to Canada., discusses the. Canadian exhibit being sent to the Brussels Fair with Glen Bannerman, director of the Canadian government exhibit commis sion. In the background is the central 'feature of the display, depicting two-wu.V trade be tween Belgium and Canada. —Central Press Canadian Here’s an economy formula that Baby’s budget thrives on — everyday 1 o w prices on the nationally famous products doc tors recommend f o r Baby’s health, hunger happiness. FREE A personal visit from mother gets baby a new Baby Book. NO OBLIGATION OF MAGNESIA J&J BABY POWDER .. 29c NIVEA SKIN OIL KLEENEX MAN’S SIZE BABY PANTS CARS $1,730. TRUCKS W- (’naeh* Coach Coach Coupe 1915 1912 Ford, very good — Massey-Harris 82 - Fordson — - $1'50. Allis Chalmers - $350. 191-7 Mercury 3-1'011 1959 1958 Ford Pickup (Thursday) —* $1,050* * .825 x 20 tires — $590. 2-Ton (tMC, good motor and tires —• $195. - $295. 191-(> be reduced $10 a day until sold. Today’s price (Thursday) • $1.9)0. 1919 1950 1919 1918 1910 191-1 1959 1958 1957 1955 1952 1931 1930 1930 1958 1910 Monarch (i-Pa^enger Coupe Ford Sudan (Custom) Fowl Coach (radio) - Dodge Sedan, radio* a-c heater Ford F ord Ford ( hev Dodge Sedan Plymouth Coach Ford Ford Ford Ford Sedan (radio) — $1,250, Sedan, good motor — $750. Coach $195. Coach (Standard), very clean $195. — $295. , good «— $195. — $175. ' — $200. — $19. Special Car Pontiac Sudan, clean and good. This car to Hello Homemakers! at moderate cost is what we all want in desserts. There is no thing like a new dessert during the spring season to perk up a meal. Even a different presenta tion of an old standby will often do the trick. At ahis time of the year, fresh fruits are practically non-exist ent. However, there are pre serves, jams and jellies, not to mention the innumerable canned or frozen fyuifs, which we can serve alone or ,in interesting- combinations or as garnishes to add colour and extra goodness. With your home - canned fruit, cracked eggs for baking and a little top milk saved for a few days to use as whipping cream, the cost of desserts will be very modest. Finally, always consider an attractive arrangement on a pretty plate. For Sunday dinner, you can be a bit extravagant in your se lection of a crisp meringue tart filled with strawberries or tin ned pineapple topped - with whip ped cream. On 'Monday, the left over. cake from Saturday along with the egg yolks left over from the baking of meringues, ,may be concocted into a tasty dish of Trifle topped with jelly. Then Tuesday, a Rhubarb Betty, using hits of maraschino cherries in the biscuit crust may be a good choice. Next day, serve /rice pud ding, another creamy dessert; this time try adding slivers of candied ginger in place of raisins. Come Thursday, try a jelly roll filled with a raspberry jam and accompanied by choco late peppermint sauce. Then don’t forget to have prunes for breakfast that day so you can have prune whip" with oatmeal cookies on Friday. Saturday is one day when there will be someone home to set the table for you—a good time to make a last-minute dessert but a hearty one—Fruit Dumplings. TAKE A TIP 1. Use peppermint extract most sparingly for flavouring. 2. Beat cream with two dropst of vinegar to speed up whipping. 3, When you use the electric beater for meringue shells put egg whites, baking powder, salt, vinegar,’water and* vanilla in the bowl all at once. Beat at high speed until stiff and then fold in the fine sugar. . . You can make meringue shells one day previous to serving them, 4, Add a few drops of red colouring to rhubarb for a stronger colour or some pine apple for extra flavour. 5* In -place of jam in our sug gested Jelly Roll dessert, use a package of custard powder mix. Meringue Tart 1 3 y2 i i strips, spread with jelly and range in sherbets. Pour in the cooked custard and top each with maraschino cherry. Makes 4 servings. Jelly Roll 4 1 % % 1 u 1 Mix eggs, baking powder and salt in a mixing bowl placed over a smaller bowl of hot , water. Beat, adding sugar gradually un til slightly fluffy. Fold in the vanilla and flour. Prepare, a shallow .jelly roll sheet 15”xl0” xl” which has been lined with wax paper and greased. Pour on the batter‘and bake at 400 de grees in electric oven for about 13 minutes. Quickly cut off the •crisp edges of the cake and turn from pan on to a towel covered with powdered s u g a r. Remove paper and quickly sprinkle with sugar, spread with jelly and roll. Wrap in towel to eggs tsip. baking powder tsp. salt ' cup sugar tsp., vanilla cup sifted cake flour cup jelly McGillivray W.l. Elects New Officers McGillivray W.l. regular meeting ’ Splendid reports work were given, paid members on Officers for 19 50-51 are: Hlon. Pres., -Mrs. A. Morgan; Fresl, Mrs. Dan Lewis; First and Sec ond Vice-Pres., Mrs. L. Shad dock, Mrs. A. Armstrong; Sec.- Treas., 'Mrs. R. Neil and Mrs. A. Steeper; District Director, Mrs. B. Dixon; Directors, Mrs. , M. Hamilton, Mrs. Wes Lewis and •Mrs. A. Steeper. . Plans are being made to enter tain the District tion on June 8 United Church. The Institutes are sponsoring a for eighteen schools in Parkhill United Church for public schools o'f McGillivray Township on May 10. Musidal directors are Mr. Gill and Mrs. Elliott, with Mr. Roy Goulding of London as ad judicator. For bettei’ health the daily diet should contain some whole grain products, particularity cer eals and bread-. Ceareals, hot or cold, made from wheat, oats, corn and barley, as well as whole wheat bread, contain the needed iB vitamins, some protein minerals. Phone: Office 24 Res. 162 J Exeter, Ont, your YOU Meet with adequate insurance. Let us recommend the policy that protects you best. No obligation, The Insurance Man SEEDS ® Alfalfa,• Alsike ® Red Clover ® Clover Mixtures ® GrassesMixtures HURON brand SEED ZWICHER SEED CO. CREDITOR* ONTARIO CANADA ® Timothy © Sweet Clovers O3AHGER AHEAD/ ^Detour to INSURANCE W”— • Permanent Pasture ( Zwicker Seed Co. Ltd PHONE 3-W CREDITOR USED TRACTORS $775. $(>75* Larry.Snider Motors PHONE 64-W EXETER fine white sugar whites baking powder salt vinegar water cup egg tsp. tsp. tsp. tsp. cubed fruit cream Sift the sugar. Put egg whites, baking powder and salt into a bowl and beat until frothy. Pour vanilla, vinegar and water into egg whites and continue beating until stiff. Add the silted sugar very slowly, about 1 tbsp, at a time. Grease an oven-proof plat ter' and then, using a .spatula or knife, shape the meringue in large tart shells with high sides. Bake them in a very slow elec tric oven of 275 degrees for one hour. When ready to serve, fill the centre of meringues with sweetened cubed fruit, fresh or stewed. Top with lightly sweet ened flavoured cream. Makes 6 to 8 servings. Trifle 3 % 1 3 % K J .-1, This is the best time of the year to deal with your heating problem. DECIDE NOW! PLAN Maw TO INSTALL A Cn*iHor TURBO-TUBE FORCED AIR OIL FURNACE WITH OIL BURNER AND CONTROLS ® Now:;; wow/A;:: is the best time to make yotir decision on what kind of heating convenience you will have tomorrow ;;. next year.». and every year after! Free yourself of all heating worries from here on 1 Take steps to solve this major problem —decisively—permanently—and realize the new economies that a Turb-O-Tube Furnace complete with Toridheet Oil Burner can effect for you! THE CONROY TURB-O-TUBE FORCED AIR OIL* FURNACE is a completely new design heating furnace—the result of many years’ research and fully proven for superior performance. It gives very economical heating—perfectly controlled at all times. Heat Is delivered within three minutes of starting* Its space saving “packaged” design means lower installation costs. The Turb-O-Tube Furnace is also available as a Hanging Unit Heater for ceiling installation where basement space is limited. THE TORIDHEET OIL BURNER is a perfected atomizing type oil burner—the result of 25 years’ pil burner development. It combines with the Turb-O-Tube Furnace to form a completely dependable heating installation that operates at economical cost; Let us give you full facts on this superior heating installation. tbsps. sugar tsp. salt tbsp, corn starch,, tsps, milk egg yolk?, tsp. vanilla cake slices ^am or jelly Mix sugar, salt and corn starch thoroughly. Add milk and cook over boiling water until mixture is thickened, stirring About ten minutes. Beat egg yolks slight* 1 ly. Add some of the hot mix, > double boiler, minuet:?, Stir- Cut cake in «■ then return to Cook for three jl Hug .... three minute?, the while. I A A •»