HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-04-27, Page 7Why be “cash out” when you can “cash in” with Times- Advo- cato Want Ads. T Come to THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 27, 1950 CHURCH on Sunday 'k ★ Litter Carrier Pipes Truck Wheels for Manure Spreaders Railroad Irons Angle Irons In All Sizes ★ ★ , WE BUY SCRAP IRON Also Buy Feather Ticks Of All Kinds Bring the Scrap Into Our Yard Exeter Salvage Co. At Station St. * Phone 433 n N *a- Page 7 New "Holland Marsh” Grows From Belgian’s Aid Scheme CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Donald R. Sinclair, B.A. Minister Organist; Miss Norina Knight 10 :<0'0 a,m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—(Public Worship. The Caven Congregational Circle -will meet at the home of Mrs, J. G. Dunlop, Tuesday, May 2, at 8 p,m, JAMES STREET UNITED Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.O.M., Musical Director 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m,—The Primary Object Christ’s Church. Anthem: Selected. Quartette: The Ladies’ tette. 7 p.m.—“How Shall I that -I Have Found God.” Solo: Maxine Reeder. of Quar- Know ST. JOHN’S-BY-THE-LAKE — Anglican — Grand Bend, Ontario 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m. — Morning Prayer A hearty welcome is extended to all. Holy Communion First Sunday of each month. ■w Pentecostal Tabernacle REV. H. KENDRICK, PASTOR Tuesday through Friday—Afternoon Prayer at 2:30. Thursdayj 2:30 p.m.—W.M.C. Speaker: Mrs. E. Cudmore. Friday, 4:30 p.m.-—Sunshine Corner with Aunty Ruth. Special Services continue until Saturday night, with Evangelist F. Fifefield. Come out and lieai’ this old-fashioned revivalist at S :00 p.m. each night. Sunday, 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. Supt.: Mr. E. Cudmore. Sunday, 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. Sunday, 7:30 p.m.—Final great Evangelist Service for this time, so come. You Can’t Go Wrong! By Filling Up Your Bins With D & H Anthracite Coal Now From now till the May 31 will be the cheapest time, Fill up now for next winter and save $1.00 per ton, and your heating' trouble will be over for next winter. — Phone 33 — Jas. P. Bowey General Insurance 9 * K •s MAIN STREET UNITED Rev, Harry J. Mahoney, B.D, Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist 11 a.m.—“The Potter and Clay,’’ Anthems : “Praise Ye Lord”, “The Dawn.” 12 noon—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—“He Is My Brother.” the the TRIVITT MEMORIAL — Anglican Rector: Rev. C. L. Langford, B.A., M.A. Organist: Robert Cameron Sunday, April 23, 1950 10:00 a.m.—Sunday ,School ll.'i&O1 a.xn.—Morning Prayer 7:00 p.m.—Annual church vice for the Oddfellows Rebekahs. Standard Time for all services ser- and 10 11 of CHURCH! of god Grand Bend Rev. Glen Beach, Pastor a.m.—Sunday School. a.m.—The Prayer Life Christ. 1:30 p.m. — The Brotherhood Hour, 63 0 kc. 7:30 p.m.—The Ministry and Power of the Holy Spirit, Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayex’ and Bible 'Study. Fri., 8:30 p.m.—Young People’s Service. ZION Evangelical United Brethren Crediton Rev. J. V. Dahins. Minister April 26 to 30—Annual Confer­ ence Session at Zion Church, New Hamburg, Ont. Local Services and Sun. School withdrawn for Sun,. April 30. CREDITON PASTORAL CHARGE United Church of Canada Minister: Harold F. Currie Worship Shipka—10:15 a.m. Crediton—11:30 a.m. Brinsley—2:4 5 p.m. Church School Crediton—10:30 a.m. Shipka-*—11:15 a.m. Brinsley—1:30 p.m. 4 CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren Dashwood Minister: J. Henry Getz Organist: Mrs. Ken McCrae 10:30 a.m.—-Church School. This being Conference Sunday, all church services are with­ drawn. Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Youth Fellow­ ship. Wed., 4:15 p.m.—Junior League. Wed., 7:30 p.m.—Mid-week ser­ vice of prayer at the home of. Mrs. R. H. Taylor. • Rud-proof shelves. • Deep "stack-up" Hydrators. • Quickube Ice Trays. • Famous Meter-Miser mechanism. Zdd/t Outside! Look Inside ! YOU CAN’T MATCH A FRIGIDAIRE • 4 completely new model*. • Beautiful new and white. cabinet* of gold Come in for a demonstration I Win Labatt Trophy Thedford Lumberjacks were presented with the John Labatt' trophy, for winning the Lambton- Mlddlesex Intermediate hockey championship at a banquet at the Brenner Hotel in Grand Bend last night. Mac Molloy, manager of the Thedford team accepted the trophy on behalf of his mates from R. E. “Slim” Stewart, John Labatt representative. Two other cups were presented. Parkhill won the junior trophy and Bob Rowlings .won the prize for be­ ing the outstanding goalie in the intermediate loop. Notables at­ tending the feast were: Hugh Hawkins, of Clinton, second vice- president of the W.O.A.A.; How­ ard Brown, secretary-treasurer of the league; Mac Molloy, manager of the Lumberjacks; .Gord Elson, president of the Lambton-Middle- sex and ,R. E. Stewart, of Lon­ don, (The following report of re­ claimed marshland at Grand Bend appears in The London Free Press, written by James Bowes.) Three years ago, some of his neighbours in the Delhi tobacco belt told Gerard Vandenbussche, “It’ll nevex* -work; youTe throw­ ing youx1 money away.’’ Today the Belgian farmer toured a thousand - acre tract near Grand Bend, wa’tching the smoke curl up* from the chim­ neys of a dozen homes, exchang­ ing pleasantries, sometimes in Flemish, with the men in the fields, and grinning at each fresh-cheeked youngster he passed. “Maybe it is throwing money away,’’ he said reflectively, “but it’s an experiment that is .bring­ ing other kinds of returns.” Struggles Remembered Twenty-four years ago, stocky, 57-year-old farmex’ rived in 'Canada as an immigrant, He has not forgotten struggles. In fact, it has been ory of his long, hard success that has inspired a pri­ vate immigration and rehabilita­ tion scheme which has already settled eleven Dutch and Belgian families on the rich garden land, and will ultimately -bring out a score more. In cold, hard cash, Venden- bussche has already tossed $70,- 000 into his project, and he figured the scheme will gobble up $20,000 more this year. Canada Wonderful But, if you keep books in terms of human relations, this one-time immigrant has piled up a fortune on liis investment. “Canada, it’s wonderful.” That is the unanimous comment of the settlers from the -Old World who have felt the touch of Ven- denbussche’s magic wand, and overnight become land owners earning $5,000 a yeax’ or better. The story of one man’s idea to help his neighbours in the most practical way he knew goes back to 1946. Then a successful tobacco farmer in the Delhi area, Van­ denbussche heard from a friend of a fabulous marshland hidden behind a strip of trees and wasteland along the Blue Water Highway, a mile south of Grand Bend. “The land had never been broken,” he said in his flawless English, “but I bought it, all thousand acres of it. It sounded good for my plan.” Like Holland Marslvr Convinced -the land could grow garden produce to equal any­ thing in the Holland Marsh areas, north of Toronto, or the Leamington district, Vandenbus­ sche decided to specialize in garden crops. The first settlers arrived soon aftei* -the war. Vandenbussche’s proposition was simple: Help me break the land and you -can up to 25 acres at cost. "The way they worked,” marvelled. “So far, we have acres cleared and -200 acres have gone to helped to crops.” Most of now own down payment on it from . the wages they earned in the first year or two on the huge farm. Much of the .material that went into theix* homes, and their ma­ chinery were purchased oxx notes Vandenbussche backed at the bank. , “If a man is willing to work hard and shows that he can man­ age his owix business, I give him ‘pretty easy terms,’’ 11$ said. Drainage Ditches It has cost the ex -Tobacco farmer a fortune .to ready the land fox' farming. Drainage dit­ ches lace the broad, black marsh­ lands with pumps spaced at the ar- his early the mem- climb to strategic intervals to ppeed tlw run-off to the Ausable River. Machinery to mine the land of its rich crops has accounted fox* another- huge expenditui'e. The new Canadians, incidentally,*’ make use of the equipment on theix" own land when they need it, Vandenbussche estimates , that 800 acres of his huge tract will be suitable for garden produce, He intends to reserve 50 of those acres for himself—the rest go to the settlers as they them- w The transformation this man has "worked in three years is probably best shown by the re­ cords of the little frame school­ house on the fringe .of the vast tract. In 1946, seven puils were en­ rolled. Today, 30 pupils jam the school’s .single classroom. “I’ve told the school board they might as well (build a new schoo 1,’’ said Vandenbussche cheex-fully, “In a couple of years, there will be double that number of pupils.” will earn one Hensall Ladies Hold Bakins Sale ■Bazaax’ and home cooking sale was held in Legion Hall, spon­ sored by Legion Ladies’ Auxil- iai’y. Fancy work included aprons, luncheon cloths, pillow slips, knitted and crocheted ar­ ticles, In charge of home baking and candy booth were Mrs. James Sangster, and Mrs. Ross Dick; fancy work, Mrs. R, Taylor, Sr„ Mrs. Ed- Dick, Mrs. J, Peebles; quilt booth, Mrs. Maude Hedden; tea tables, Mrs. A. D. McEwan, Mrs. A. Foster, Mrs. Pearl Ste­ phan, Mrs. -S. Rannie, Mrs. E. Shaddick, Mrs. A. Clark, Mrs. F, Beer, Mrs. William Parke, Mrs. Wes Venner; lunch tickets, -Mrs. Alice Joynt and Mrs. F. Appleby, Wins Third Fellowship Cary B. Joynt, son of T. C, Joynt, of Hensall, now studying at Clark University, Worcester, Mass., has had his fellowship renewed. This is the third year he has won the award, He is studying for his Doctorate of International Law and Relations. I Economical, effective, efficient, ever on the iob are Tiroes-Ad- ypcate Want Ads. THE BEST ADVICE WE KNOW: Spring Tune-L Pone Early 'AVOID THE ANNUAL RUSH i Snell Bros. & Co. GM Change Of Time Effective April 30, 1950 MOTORWAYS BUS SCHEDULES In 1946 the cost of running Canada’s schools averaged $105 per pupil. -f ' '' ......... Headquarters For Spring Tune-Up«Service for AH Makes of Cars and Trucks Phone 100 Exeter f' WOULD YOU LIKE TO COME? will EASTERN be operated DAYLIGHT TIME on SAVING Consult For Further Information Your Local Agent We are supplying transportation to Sunday School. Call Mr. Kendrick, telephone 327. This Is A Sunday School Service — Feel Free To Use It «/ — -.A.,...-,, El Fire Destroys Home * A house on the farm of -M. two was Haignxeir, Klondike road, miles south of Grand Bend, completely destroyed by fire Tuesday night, The home -was to have been occupied soon by a couple about to be married, ahd all tlxeii’ furniture was lost. It is believed no insurance was carried. The fire started at g p.m. and Grand Bend fire truck in charge of Chief Fred Jackson was called but was hampered by the bad condition of the road.. Although unable to render aid to save the building, they prevented the flames from spreading to othex’ premises. The cause of the fire was not determined. Many cars were stranded in the -bad road trying to follow the fire truck, R. E. RUSSELL Phone 109 Exeter, Ont. The people of North America produce more,, live better and possess six Jlmes as many goods as the average worker elsewhere In the world. Men’s Ready-Made Suits Visit our Men’s Wear Department and. see the wide range of gabardines, shark-skins, pick and picks, and fine worsteds. All of the latest styles and models. Priced from $39 to $49 buy he 250 the immigrants who get them ready for the seven families who theix* land made the Many Spiders, One Poisonous There, are many different spec­ ies of spiders found in gardens, fields and around buildings hi -Canada. They * vary greatly in colour, size and appearance, and only one is poisonous, the black widow found in Alberta. The black widow is a shiny, coal black spider with a red or orange “hour-glass” m a r k 1 n g on the underside, Occasionally, taran­ tula or banana spiders reach these shores in shipments from tropical or semi-tropical regions, but they do not survive in the Canadian climate. Practically all spiders in Can­ ada are perfectly harmless, and are actually beneficial .because they destroy insects in large numbers. The webs may become a nuisance — depending upon where they are —- and often all that is necessary is to stveep them away. But a little forbear­ ance with spiders is not out of place, because of the number of harmful Insects they destroy. This is particularly true of the common housefly, a carrier of many human diseases, which Is an appetizing morsel for most spiders, -Since 1939 railway freight rates in the U.S. have Increased 57 pei’ cent; in Canada they have increased only thirty per cent. Special Men’s fine wool serge suits and grey WITH 2 PAIRS On sale at ........................... Other values up to $45.00 on sale at in plain shades of brown, sand OF PANTS. Regularlv $49.50 ......................................*.. $39.00 $29.00 Men‘s Raincoats Prepare for the rainy season with a new raincoat. Made of fine water-repellent gabardine in single-breasted slip-on or Hollywood trench coat style. Priced from $16.75 to $27.50 See our wide range of sport shirts with the new perfold collar. Numerous shades to choose from. .... $3.95 to $4.95 Rayon Crepe and Jersey Dresses We have just received a .shipment of the very new rayon crepe and jersey dresses, in half sizes front 161/2 to 261m. Popular spring shades; specially priced this week at. from $7.95 to $11.95 Complete New Stock of Babies’ Wear We, have a complete new stock fox’ spring and summer of every line of babies’ wety.’ and accessories—dresses, coats, sweaters, blankets, shawls, bootees, bonnets, etc. Our prices on these lines are very reasonable. Guest Towels A special line of hand-embroidered modern guest towels. Regular price $1.00, oil sale at ........ 790 each Furnishings For the Home i i / Housecleaning time new home. stock tains, Floor Blinds, Curtain Rods, and Swing Cranes. Remember our Congo!cum Rugs than mail order a.___ Superior Store Specials for April 27, 28, 29 means furnishings for the We have a large of Draperies, Cur- and Curtain Nets, Coverings, Window prices on are lower prices. . Plastic Curtains at $2.25 pair These are the nicest plastic curtains we have had. New patterns and heavy weight, size 54” x 84”. flame-resistant and fade-proof. A real value at ................. $2.25 pair English Axminster Mats at $5.95 Special Value — Three dozen English Axminster scatter rugs, size 54 x 84. New patterns, popular colours. On sale at ................ ........ $5.95 each CARNATION MILK Large tins ....... ....................... 2 for 270 LIBBY’S DEEP BROWNED BEANS Large 20-oz. tins ...................... each 150 LIPTON’S TEA (DEAL) Orange, pekoe in pntple label pkg. 800 ■1 LYNN VALLEY PEAS Good value, 20-oz, tins .........» 2 for 250 PEACH JAM (Wethey’s or Glassco’s) Large 21-oz. jars ............... each 360 BULK SOAP FLAKES For economy; nice quality .... 2 lbs. 290