HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-04-27, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 27, 1950 •Give your white elephants ^reen backs’ with Want Ads. , \n/> 7D" HEAT is your car's WORST ENEMY You can avoid unnecessary re­ pair bills by having your car’s cooling system checked regularly — Spring and Fall. Bring it in today for our thorough 7-point check! Here’s what we do: 1. Radiator check and flush. 2. Water pump check. 3. Fanbelt adjustment. 4. Check* for leak* and deterioration in rubber connections, 5. Engine check for leakage — and cor­ rect thermostat operation. 6. Thorough radiator core cleaning to eliminate Winter accumulation of dirt, etc. 7. A complete flrst-clau job by factory- trained mechanic* using special tool* and equipment. , WHALEN Mr. and Mrs. Alois Baillie were Sunday visitors with Mrs, J. Armitage, Lucan. Mrs. Florence ’ChitticK Gran­ ton, visited Sunday with Mrs. Millson and Mrs. Bilyea. Mrs. Frank Parkinson spent Tuesday with Mrs. Stevenson and Mrs. plight, Thorndale. Mi’. Fauider, general store­ keeper has disposed of his bus­ iness to Mr. Shoebottom of Lon­ don. Mr. Fauider and Mrs. Wal­ ker have gone to London to re­ side. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Shoebottom. Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Coates and family, Exeter, were Sunday visitors of Mr, and Mrs. F, Squire. Mr. Laverne 'Morley has taken a position as salesman with Mr. W. G. Simmons & Sons, Exeter. Mr, and Mrs. Andy Langton, London, Mr, and Mrs. William Duffy, Hamilton, visited Satur­ day evening with Mr. .and <Mrs. Bert Duffield, Miss Evelyn Wynne, London, was a week-end visitor with Mi*, and Mrs. Bert Duffield. Mr. and Mrs, Bristol Holden, St. Marys, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Squire, •Mr. William Morley, Sr., is confined to his bed again. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson were in London Sunday seeing Mrs. Johnston’s sister, Audrey Anderson, who is a patient at the Children’s Wai* Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. William Cook and Mrs. James Hodgson, Gran­ ton, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Hodgson. •Mr. William Hodgson had the misfortune to have his finger badly cut in the fan of his car. The wound is doing fine. FOR AN APPOINTMENT ... TELEPHONE NOW Hensail Motor Sales Dodge, DeSoto Sales & Service PHONE 31 HENSALL Open Evenings Till 10:00 KIRKTON Mrs. Fred Johnson had a very successful sale this past Wed­ nesday when she disposed of her household effects and property. Mr. Harvey Wright bought the property and will reside in the village shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Switzer of Stratford spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Reubin Swit­ zer. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Giles and daughter of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Coates. Mr. and Mrs. John Wiseman and son of Hamilton spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Wiseman. Miss Betty Doupe of London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gurnie Doupe. Mr. Janies Willis was the first in this district to start seeding. The tall wheat is looking nice and green from the recent rains of the past week. Miss Ilene Roger, who has been a student at St. Marys Col­ legiate for the past two years, is assisting Lorne and Mrs. Mar­ shall at their store in the vill­ age, In Canada where the average retail price is 9.S cents per pound, refined sugar is the cheapest of all foods in terms of calories. Reforestation Nearly twenty million .young trees are now being distributed by the reforestation division, On­ tario Department of Lands and Forests, but millions are required to meet a demand which has been increasing by leaps and bounds since the free distribu­ tion of trees began in 1905 with an output of 5,000 trees. Following the establishment of nurseries at Midhurst and Orono after World War One, output of planting stock increased until in 1939 7% million trees were dis­ tributed while last year the total distribution was more than 17,- 900,000. At present, the Department operates five reforestation .sta­ tions: St. Williams, with 4,000 acres; 'Midhurst 2,500 acres; Or­ ono, 900 acres; Kemptville, 1,500 and Fort William, 400 acres, According to E. J. Zavitz, the chief of the Reforestation Divi­ sion “most tree seed is gathered in northern Ontario by the De­ partment and sent to the seed extracting plant at Angus. This station is equipped .with the most modern methods of extract­ ing, cleaning and Storing seed, which is shipped to the nurseries. It takes two to three years to produce satisfactory planting stock; one or two years in seed beds and one to two years as transplants. The nurseries are now equipped to ,produce from 50 to 60 million plants in the seeding stage and with the de­ velopment of sub-stations attach­ ed to the major reforestation areas, the total available plant­ ing stock could reach at least 60 million trees a year, Mr. Za- vitz said? It has been the practice of .the Department to distribute trees for planting, free of charge. In the recent report of the .Legis­ lature's select committee on con­ servation, however, there may be indications of a change of policy. The committee suggested: “The purpose was to encourage reforstation, and with this pur­ pose the committee is wholly in accord . . . However, there is evidence that the free trees are carelessly handled in many cases, probably because it costs nothing to obtain them/It is reasonable to suppose that they would be more carefully handled if even a small price were attached. This might not have been possible in the early days of distribution, but recently the demand has ex­ ceeded the supply. “Moreover, submissions to this committee indicate that consider­ able stock from government nurseries is being utilized for the commercial Christmas tree trade. This is an industry to be encouraged on submarginal ag­ ricultural land, but it is also a revenue-producing industry . . . In the opinion of this committee, nursery stock for such purposes should not be distributed free." Lands and Forests Minister, Harold R. Scott, declared that the Department for some time had been studying the problem of making a nominal charge for the trees and in view of the com­ mittee’s recommendation "o u r study will certainly be contin­ ued.’’ Classifieds Get Results .. FOR SALE WORK WANTED FOR SALE—‘General Electric 6- cu, it, refrigerator; National rangette; roll-away cot; 3 kit­ chen chairs; Rogers Majestic consolette radio. All like new, Apply: Times-Advocate. 20c FOR -SALE — Used horse-drawn ihanure spreader. Better than average,-—Exeter Farm Equip­ ment, phone 44 3-J Exeter. FOR SALE—Two new chicken shelters; also Massey - Harris scuffler and bean puller; wagon and buttermilk tank; in fair condition. —Gordon Prance, phone Kirkton 37-22. 20:27* FOR SALE—-Man’s bicycle, with stand, basket and saddle cover, in almost new condition. — Phone 126 Exeter. 20:26* FOR SALE — 1948 Case VAC tractor with scuffler. Guaran­ teed like new.—Exeter Farm Equipment, phone 44 3-J Exe­ ter, FOR SALE—Potatoes by the bag. Apply; Mrs. H. Peterson, R.R. 3, Dashwood, telephone 31-r-15 Dashwood. 20:27:4* FOR SALE—McCormick Deering 11-hoe fertilizer seed ’drill, in good condition. Apply to Jo­ seph Ferguson, phone Hensall 680-r-2. 20:27* FOR SALE: ■— Electric stove, white enamel, in good con­ dition, 4-burner, .heavy duty, needs two new elements, price $20.00. — 33 Ann St., phone 377-W. 27* FOR SALE — Choice Gladioli ■bulbs, thirty varieties, thirty- five to seventy-five cents a dozen. Grown by the late Rev. Brown.— John Casey, Lucan.* FOR SALE — Philco console radio, S-tube, in excellent con­ dition. price $40.0'0-.— Apply at Times-Advocate. 27* FOR SALE — Strawberry and raspberry plants. $1.00 per 100 for strawberries; $4.00' per hundred for raspberries. William Walters, R. 1 Wood­ ham, phone 14-r-16 Kirkton. 27* SITUATION WANTED — Female —Young married woman de­ sires position in store,■■ exper­ ienced, full or part time. Ap­ ply; Box ”H”» Times-Advocate 27c LOST LOST — Tuesday morning, two and a half miles south of Hen­ sall on the highway, beet fork and scoop shovel, —Jim Row- cliffe, phone Hensall 85-r-43. 27* LOST—In the vicinity of the wartime houses, a red Sun­ shine tricycle, small size, large dent in front fender. — Bradley Finch, 40 Ann St., phone 336-W. 27c REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—(Veneer brick house 18 x 24, with kitchen. Apply: Ed Lamport, phone 164-r-l Dashwood. 27c FOR SALE—Residence of Mrs. Cook in Crediton. Contact: H. K. Elber for information. 27:5:12* FOR RENT—In Exeter, a self- contained apartment. All con­ veniences. Snider Apartments at Riverview Park. Available May 1. 27* CENTRALIA — Immediate pos­ session. $1500' down (or less). Solid brick duplex, 5 rooms and <3- piece tile bath down; 4 rooms and 3-piece bath up; immersion type hot water heaters in both apartments. Situated on 1 Vi acres. School, stores, church, library, bus <3 and ^railway at hand. Full price $5900. Enquire at Glenn Robertson’s store, Centralia. 27c FOR SALE — 19(31 Dodge Sedan in good running condition, good tires, price $75.00. — Phone Kirkton 35-r-2.27* FOR SALE—Limited quantity ,of home-rendered lard. — Phone 457-1^21 Exeter._________27* FOR SALE—Ice box*;’ holding 50 lbs. of ice, in good condition. — Apply Cliff Brintnell, West Huron St.27* FOR SALE— 1927 Chev. Coupe, good running order, 4 good I tires. — Phone 380-W Exeter. J 27* FOR SALE—In Exeter, a 1V2- storey 7-room white brick house, at present fully equipped for nursing home, 3-piece bath, modern kitchen, new air-conditioning furnace; also barn and 2 % acres of land with ’quantity of rasp­ berries & strawberries. Situat­ ed beside park and river—a lovely location. —Ralph Bat­ ten, Exeter. 27c LOTS FOR" SALE — We have three lots, 240-foot frontage, approximately 3/5 acre. Price $500.00. We have other single and double lots well located and reasonably priced. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. FOR SALE—Centrally located in Exeter, new five-room house, built-in cupboards, heavy wir­ ing, three-piece bath, laundry tubs, furnace, landscaped. — Phone 130-W. 27c Store Your Furs With the Rice Lake Fur Company REPAIRS and RE-STYLING At Reasonable Prices • Bring Them In To - The federal government has budgeted to raise $26 million from succession duties this year, twice the amount raised by this form of tax in 1943. PERSONAL SKINNY MEN, WOMEN* Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new heal­ thy flesh; new vigor. New “get acquainted” size only 60<J. All druggists. Melvin’s Store - Exeter MISCELLANEOUS . .. ... ----------------g -■h--------*-------------------------------- NOW IS THE TIME to call and discuss your spraying prob­ lems re weeds in grain or com or your pastures, as cost is down considerably this year. --L. V. Hogarth, phone 226, Exeter. 3:13:20:27c FAINTING—-Spray and brush. Arrange with us early. Houses, barns, sheds, roofs, etc. —Ly­ man Gratton, Grand Bend, phone Dashwood 42-r-lS. Mar. 16: May 4* Exeter* Ontario Sealed tenders on a stipulated sum basis, plainly marked “Tender, Exeter Public School”, will be received at the office of the Architects* until 5:00 p.m, E.S.T. Wed.* May 10* 1950 Plans, specifications and tender forms may be obtained from the Architects on deposit of I a certified cheque for $50.00 payable, to the Architects. This cheque will be returned on re­ turn. of plans and specifications in. good con­ dition. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac­ cepted. Page & Steele Architects* 72 St. Clair Ave. W.* TORONTO 5* ONTARIO ~—............................................... I AM IN The MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. •—G< J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. , , ......... 13*tfc PAPER HANG ING & PAINTING —Paperhanging a specialty. Work guaranteed.—Mr. Nixon, phone 481-J Exeter. tfcc PLASTERING, chimneys built, all kinds of repairs. Lots of good brick for sale. —John Webster, Exeter, phone 423. 27:4* NOTICES NOTICE — Crediton Police Vill­ age will go Oil Daylight Sav­ ing Time Sunday at midnight. 27 c BABY CHICKS NEUHAUSER CHICKS — Thou­ sands available for immediate delivery, all pure breeds and vross-breds. Chick days Tues­ days and Fridays. Started chicks in our brooders now. All breeds, some two weeks old. Come in and see them. Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St, London. FOR SALE—Heavy rubber-tired wagon, complete with sugar beet box and dump, also a sliding rack for hay. — Apply Wellington Brock, phone Kirk­ ton 4-r-15. 27 FOR SALE—Hospital .bed; com­ bination writing desk and book case.—Phone Exeter 444-R. 27:4* FOR SALE—Stiff tooth cultiva­ tor; spring tooth cultivator (both in good condition and suitable for small tractor). Apply: Arnold Gackstetter, Hensall, phone 675-r-33. c FOR SALE—Bay mare, weighs about 1,400 lbs., good in all harness. Phone: Bert Bissett, 176-r-2 Exeter. 27* FOR SALE—1947 Chev Coach, 21,500 miles, excellent condi­ tion. Phone: W/C Berg, 316 Local 28. 27* FOR SALE—11-ltoe grain drill with clover seed box, In good condition; 5/8 h.p, Johnston gas engine, nearly new; also table battery radio in good condition, Apply David Black- well, Hensall, Ont, telephone 88-r-S Zurich. 27* FOR SALE—1939 Nash 4-door sedan, with built-in radio, air condition heater, 4 new tires, motor overhauled/This car is in A-l shape - $875. 1228 model “A” • §110. 1328 model “A” • §90, —R. Grenier, Otte Stop Service. Grand Bond. 27c FOR SALE—Good six-year-old Clyde hotse weighing about 1,500 lbs. Phone 165-r-5 Cre- diton. 27c FOR SALE OR RENT — One hundred acres pasture land on Lot .14, Con 3, Hay Township —Mrs, Vietta Moir, 126 Cath­ cart St, London. .27:4* WANTED RESORT PROPERTY FOR SALE —Grand Bend Lake front lots 7O’xl24‘ two miles, with good road in reg. survey, hydro, price right, investigate this, they wont last long; 200 foot lake frontage three miles north, hydro, water, terms to suit; cottage, Brenner Survey, three bedroom furnished, run­ ning water, hydro, easy terms; building lots cheap, north, south, and in village, terms and cash. Write for appoint­ ment, — Herman Gill, Realtor 28c IS TILLABLE ACRES near Gor- rie with a complete set of farm buildings with hydro, and water pumped into barn by windmill. Immediate pos­ session for only §2,900. —AV. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 20:4tfc GOOD BUILDING LOT, centrally situated, with choice drainage possibilities. —W, C. Pearce, Exeter. 13c FOR SALE—Service station and garage. Ideal location on high­ way, 4 pumps. Well estab­ lished business. Fine cement block building, complete with two-bedroom apartment, Build­ ing steam heated and with all other Conveniences. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 2c j WANTED TO RENT — House, I unfurnished, In Exeter, five or I more rooms, by career couple] I with one Infant, phohe 481J. | | 13c tscf | , ...................................... ,11 ... -y ,J | WANTED—A man to help with j I seeding and able to operate a i I tractor. — Write Box “T“ J j Times-Advocate.................. 27c WANTED TO RENT—Emir or j five room house in Exeter by airman and music t e ac ft e r I Wife. Non-smokers, non-drink­ ers. Phone 4 81-J Exeter, tfcc HOUSES FOR SALE—We have two one-storey homes for sale. Quick possession. Both of these houses are modern and very comfortable. We also have a Ij-storey brick, well located and with all conven­ iences. if you are interested In quick posssession, let us show you these. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, c LOOK THEM OVER—If it’s a rooming house, a cottage, a business, beautiful lots or a farm. Beautiful lots in South- cott Pines, —J, W. Holt, Re- altor, Grand Bend. 23tf NEW COTTAGE, two bedrooms, living room, k 11 c h e n with built-ins and a 3-piece batli. Hot air furnace. W. C. Pearce, Realtor. Two New Homes Each with full basement* furnace and full bathroom, R. E. Balkwill Phone S9-J, Exeter., Ont. CLASSIFIED RATES 25 words or less - 350 More than 25 words lie per word. Subsequent Insertions 25c More than 25 words lc per word, Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion 84c per inch Subsequent Insertions 70c per inch Classieds calling for a numbei’ 10c extra, Bookkeeping charges vfijl be added to all accounts not paid within one month. Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon, Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at the latest. box FOR RENT TO RENT OR Will take in cattle to pasture, 50 acres of pas­ ture on SYz Lot 18, Con. 18, Stephen Township. Telephone” 62-r-22, C. Gratten, Grand Bend. 20* FOR RENT—’Light housekeeping , rooms for quipt couple or bus­ iness woman,—;phone 274 Exe­ ter. 27c FOR RENT—Four unfurnished rooms with all conveniences. Apply: Times-Advocate, 20* VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTRIC ELOOR POLISHERS By Day or Week Beavers Hardware AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Of Chattels The undersigned will sell by public auction on the property of Mrs. T. G. Creech William St., Exeter on SATURDAY, APRIL 29 at 2:00 pan. the following: ONE cultivator; plough; 5 good logging chains; 3 sets of whiff letrees; neckyoke; set of sleighs; double harness; cutting box; set of heavy sleighs; heavy wagon; dray wagon: scythe ; pails; forks; shovels; barrels; set of bells; quantity of hay; and other articles. TERMS: Cash. Peter Coleman, Proprietor Frank Taylor, Auctioneer Fred Dawson, Clerk AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture At the Village of Crediton, Main St., East. SATURDAY", APRIL 29 at 1S30 pan. Cupboard; side board; bed­ room stand; kitchen table; 2 rockers; couch; 2-burner electric plate; 8-day clock; alarm clock; mirror; 8 kitchen chairs; tea kettle; 3 boilers; 2 doz. cealers; 2 washing machines; jugs; stove pipes; shower bath; dining room table; Quebec heater; 3 springs; linoleum, 15x15; lawn chair; back saw; linoleum, 10x10; lan­ tern; 45 gal. barrel; quantity of brick; 2 kitchen stoves; Queen oil burner; many other items. John Appleton, Proprietor Wm* H. Smith, Auctioneer Crediton, phone 43-2 M:27 AUCTION SALE Of Hbuseholci Furniture and Miscellaneous Items Oil the premises in the Village of Grand Bend The undersighed auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 29 commencing at 1:30 p.m. sharp , HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 3 - piece chesterfield suite, lit good condition; chesterfield; folding daybed, like new; 2 single beds, with springs and mattress; dou­ ble bed with springs; various rocking chairs; small cupboard; stand; lawn chairs; porch swing, like new; Ice box; 2 hotplates, like new; small meat grinder; 2-burner Coleman gas stove; baby crib: new baby buggy; boy’s bicycle; tricycle; lawn mower; 6-gal. hand pump spray­ er; kitchen sink; new kitchen basin with taps; Quebec heater, like new; 5-gal. crock; wash tubs; boiler; %-h.p. electric’ motor, first ciass condition; wheelbarrow; shovels; various woollen blankets and bedding; china cabinet; 6 chairs; quantity of lumber; and a row boat; and many articles too numerous to mention. NOTE:-—- Anyone desiring to have articles sold at this sale kindly notify the proprietor or auctioneer no later than April 25 if possible. TERMS: Cash, Herb Pfile, Proprietor Alvin Waiper, Auctioned 20:27c HELP WANTED CAPABLE GIRL or woman for housework, steady job, good wages, <—Phone 52 Exeter. HOUSEWIVES — Two married ladies over 35 to fill vacancies in dislay department, for Exe­ ter and surrounding section, with well-known home com­ modity 'C o m P a n y. Working hours can be either afternoons oi’ evenings, Investment or ex­ perience not necessary. Not house - to - house work. A car would ibe lielpfulbut not abso­ lutely necessary, Earnings will average $30.00 weekly and upwards. Write immediately for appointment with section supervisor. Box Times-Advocate. W. Exeter 27c > B* K «■ DEAD STOCK CALL COLLECT Jack Williams Phone 24-r-4 Crediton Let Us Refinish Your Floor ® Old Floors Re-finished. • Asphalt and Rubber Tile ® Linoleum Laid. Wallace Bowden lf WOODHAM Phone Kirkton 53rl0 Don’t Buy until you see the new Lower Priced Hudson with famous step-down design. If Interested in a Used Car . See These . . . 1949 METEOR Coach, new car condition, 1946 CHEV Fleetline, built-in radio, low mileage. Don’t, miss this one. 1939 DODGE Coach. 1939 PLYMOUTH Sedan, new motor, excellent condition. 1939 HUDSON Coach. 1939 FORD Sedan. We also have several *29 and ‘30 models at §50.00 each. Bob Cook MOTOR SALES JBhs. 178_____Phone_____Res. 188 HENSALL A PORTRAIT A porttsit o( her j oungrst is tie tiktst gift ide» for nicesl person you knok. .. and, hete VMt* studio, Wt ■Will every­ thing in our ttf tstie tl:«t jvtt gel « portrait that will please both you and het. Studio will be closed! Monday and Tuesday, May 1 and 2