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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-04-27, Page 5
Page 5 Miss Diane year the■federal govern- purchases of butter and buying of the do- surplus potato crop cost more than in London and son-in Hugo The-accompanist. Marion Allen an instrumental. THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL g7, 1950 STRING BEAN Contracts office immediately. Canadian Canners Limited Tooke BlousesHern UnbleachedEph- on on from ' the com- tlie auction .sale Of the fifteenth wish him all success in his calling. very interesting meeting of Crediton Girl Guides was on Thursday evening, when These dresses are styled with short and cap sleeves attractive summer designs. An excellent range of sizes. .........................................’............................ $4.50 to $19.95 Foster of St. We have commenced contracting for String. Beans. Growers interested please get in touch with our Redecorate your roofs and buildings by painting’ this spring PLUMBINGEAVESTRQUGHING ALUMINUM and GALVANIZED RQOFING © Give us a call and We will send an experienced man with well-equipped truck to do your wiring' or that repair job. Wright Electric — CONTRACTORS — Phone Kirkton 27-3R.R. 1, St. Marys E. J. Green, L.Mgr. PHONE 28 49^ •A * 20 See this great Ferguson Tractor. Try it yourself. Ask for a Free demonstration on your own farm. Watch it perform. Remember, too, that you can buy ail extra implement or two with the money you save. This is a real opportunity to own the finest tractor of its kind at the lowest cost, so act today! Centralia Airmen Win Soccer Tilt Scoring a goal in the last five minutes of an exhibition soccer football match at the Centralia R.C.A.F, Station Saturday noon, the Airmen defeated ford A.N. and A.F, 3-2. Stratford drew first with the only goal of the first half, Doug Bramley counting on a three-way play with Bob Charles and L. Martin. Diamond knotted the count at one all at the twenty-minute ma,r.k of the second half, Jimmie Proudfoot gave Stratford lead again with the help of Murray and Bramley, The Flyers then caught Stantz causing a 2-2 tie, Exeter Radio & Electric after St rat- blood V V V Large and Small Appliances General Wiring of All Kinds Radio and Appliance Repair PHONE 187-W DON JOLLY, PROP FOR 'LAZY FISHERMEN ONLY — Some fishermen like to take their ’sport the hard way, wading’ through streams, fighting underbrush and flies. But Ibis gadget is for the lazy fisherman. It’s an electric rod and reel. The fisherman drops his baited hook into the water cuted whep he nibbles, It’s an exhibit -in annual inventors’ convention, and the fish is electro- the Paris, France, —Central Press Canadian EDGEWOOD . Victor Westman returned home Wednesday evening from St. Joseph’s Hospital. Miss Vera Moore spent Wed nesday and Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred “ Marys. Quite a few munity attended of Mrs, Williams concession of London Township. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kirk and girls called on friends Sunday. Mr. Bill Hack, London Town ship, has started to plow on Mr. Allen Westman’s farm. Quite a .few from the com munity attended the shower in Granton for Mrs. Mills (riee Mar ion Westman). Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore and family visited Sunday in Strath- roy with Mr. and Mrs, .Russell-1 Kenny and family and Mrs. E. Kenny and Ross of Carodoc. Mr. Russell Lindsay of Revere is still on the sick list. Mrs. Alice Wiper of London spent Thursday and Friday with friends here. Mrs. Rolland Carty called Mrs. R. Moore and family Friday afternoon. CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. Ken Greb Wayne and Mr. and Mrs. Hodgsson and Kay visited Mr. and ‘Mrs. Hugh Love ter on Sunday. Miss Jean Brown, a student, was teaching CREDITON Rev. H‘. F. Currie returned home on Tuesday after spending several days in St. Joseph's Hos pital, London, where he under went an ’operation for removal of his tonsils. Mrs. Currie spent some time with him. Wayne and Douglas visited with their grand parents in Lambeth. In the absence of Mr. Currie, service in the United Church was conducted by Mr. Bert Carr of Dashwood, who delivered a very fine address, taking as his subject “What It Means to Be a Christian’’. Fifteen years ago, Mr. Carr was a resident of Crediton and his many friends were glad to welcome him back and new A the Held a most informing talk on Health and First Aid was given by Mrs; Wilson, R.N. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Haist and family of Fenwick spent, the week-end with Mrs. H. Fink- beiner, Mrs. Finkbeiner accom panied them to Fenwick, where she will visit for some weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wolfe of Da,shwood and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor of Exeter called on Mrs. George Either on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Falir- ner and family visited on Sun day with relatives in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fahrner spent a few days recently in London, Mr. Russel Clark of Detroit spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W, Clark. Little Miss Anne Robertson of London spent a, few days last week with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Beaver. Mr. and Mrs. George Vincent of Detroit visited over the week end with Mrs. Samuel Lamport, who accompanied them to De troit where she will spend sev eral weeks. Mrs. Burns spending this daughter, Mrs. Rev. J. V. Dahms is attending a conference this week in New Hamburg. Consequently there will be no service in the Evan gelical W.M.S. The W.M.S. of Niagara week with J. V. Dahms. ti.B. Church on And AV.A. Meet April mooting and W.A. was in an d Reg. with Exe- fire, and Ingram clicked for the winning goal on a break-through. The Stratford party tained at a chicken the Centralia match. STRATFORD D, McKone, J. Charles, R. Males, W. Murray, J. Proudfoot, J. James, E. Mar tin, J. Walker, D. Bramley, B. Nichols, B. Barnhart. CENTRALIA — Morgan, Cro teau, Crowe, Moir, Barker, .Bach, Ingram, Diamond, Vertn, Stantz, I-Iall, Sherman, Lewis, Reed, Tyre. team was enter dinner by after & A.F.A. N. Patrick. Males, W. FERGUSON TRACTOR BUY BRITISH—SELL BRITAIN Newton Motor Sales PHONE 216 EXETER The «nflOWiyF£RGOSOAI SYSTf/M Normal _____ _ (__ _, __„ at the school last week under the super vision of her ’sister, Mrs. Hearn. At a congregational meeting in the church on Tuesday eve ning of last week, it was decided to extend an invitation to Rev. G. IE. Burton o.f Moorefield to become pastor of the Centralia and Whalen Churches. Mr. Bruce Sedore of Mount Al bert visited .one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Greb and demonstrated • the “Sedore Load ers” to those interested. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins and family, '•’Mr. and Mrs. M. Lightfoot and family attended, a presentation in the McGillivray hall on Friday . evening of last week for Mr. and Mrs. C. Mor ley, newlyweds. (Intended for last week) Mrs. L. Williamson of Detroit was a week-end guest with 'Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McFalls. Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Smythe spent the week-end with their daughter law, Mr. and Mrs. ander. Master Bobby and Quinton and Miss Barbara Lilley of London spent the Easter holi- ' days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. McFalls. ■Mr. Steve Molnar has returned to Quebec after spending a two weeks vacation With his parents, Mr. and .Mrs. S- Molnar. Cromarty Honors Rev. And Mrs. Young Rev. were ning garet while them and bed lamps, gift of the Y.P.S. Following an address by Ern est Templemap, Mrs. M. Hough ton made the presentation of a pen, and a pen and pencil set. Mrs. Young gave a history of the various congregations of which Mr. Young had been pastor. Thomas Laing was master of ceremonies, Contests were con ducted by Mrs. Calder McKaig and Mrs. Thomas- Laing. Music included quartet numbers by Robert Laing, Eldon Allen, Gor don Houghton and Lloyd Sors- dall; choruses by members of the quartet, Donald Scott, Frank Stagg and Ernest Templenian; duet by Frank Stagg and Ernest Templeman. Mrs. Ken McKellar was played Mr. and Mrs. G. Young honoured at a social eve- held in the church. Mar- Walker read an address Donald Scott presented with matching dressers Last meat’s abroad mesttc Canada’s taxpayers $2,500,000. ZION and Mrs. Ep'hriam Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Westcott of Exeter. George Earl of Exeter Mr. spent Allan Mr. visited on Sunday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Harold Hern, and Mr. Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hern and family, Mrs. J. T. Hern and Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Monty Dob son and family of Kirkton visit ed on Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hern. Quite a number from the community attended the Huron Male Choir concert at Woodham on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern and Harry were in London on Saturday evening. Harry sang at a recital sponsored by his teach er, Mr. George Lethbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Varewyck and Stanley visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Camille Du Jardin of Mount Brydges. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Roger and David of Kirkton visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. raim Hern. Mrs. Albert Gunning and Alice Passmore of Thames visited on Wednesday with Allan Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Miss Road Mrs. ............... Hern visited on Sunday' with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kerslake of near Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jaques visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley of Exeter. M Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Spence, and children, Metropolitan, Mr. and Mrs. George Jaques, Exeter, is ] visited on Sunday with Mr. and her j Mrs. Gerald Hern. Sunday, of the held in the United Church, with an at tendance of thirty-seven. The devotional exercises were con ducted by Mrs. Roland Motz and Mrs. C. Pratt favoured the ing with a vocal solo. Guest speaker for the noon was Mrs. Wood of Bend, who brought a much ap preciated message. Mrs. Currie presided for the W.M.S. business and also, on behalf of all pres ent, Mrs. Mrs. meet- after Grand expressed appreciation to Wood, Mrs. G. Hill and A. Baker were appointed as delegates to the convention. Mrs. G, Zwickei’ was in charge of W.A. business when several items wore taken care of and encouraging reports given, Mrs. Currie, Mrs, R. Hill, Mrs. G. Hill and Mrs. N, Sinclair served an elaborate lunch during the social hour' which followed. >■ HARPLEY ’Mr. and Mrs. Ross Clark and babe moved to their new farm west of Crediton on Friday. Mr. Hector Murray went to Midland on Thursday to resume his sailing on the Great Lakes for the summer. Mr, and Mrs. Percy Hickey of Fairgrove, Mich., visited with Mr. Joseph Hickey and other friends during the past week. . Misses Chum and Minnie ‘Mur ray of Thedford visited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mur ray. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy and family of Lucan sent Sun day afternoon at the home of Mr, Mansell Hodgins. Mrs. Ann Ridley of Grand Bend spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Ridley. The total lite insurance in force at the beginning of IMS was approximately $1,007 tor every man, woman and child in Canada. They fit like a dream because they are precision- tailored by Tooke. All with famous Tooke features— smooth shoulder yoke, trim darted waistline, fine washable fabrics, exclusively patented shoulder and pockets. Wide, beautiful array of colours and patterns. Short sleeves ....... $3.95 JERSEYSSPUNS SHEERS CREPES Circular Pillow CottonSheeting * i Draperies ■ I Two additional bolts have arrived to add to our already fine choice and more are expected. New draperies will add life to your rooms and these new spring materials will do just that. We invite you to drop in and look them over. Splendid quality for hard wear 72” — Per yard $1.00 SI” — Per yard $1.15 Suiiniweb Curtain Material This curtain material is in egg shell and champagne shades. 45 inches wide .......... ........... «<* «*«««*><* Ml*** «*«W **'* Per yard $1.00 Summer Dresses EXETERPHONE 16 Good weight, fine quality. Three pieces only. Regularly priced at 90^ Special at 79d a yai-d Marquissette Curtain Material In both dotted and patterned designs to match your colour schemes in eithqr the bedroom or the kitchen. 42 inches wide Per yard .59 and .69