HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-04-20, Page 6Page? 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 20, 1950 -he Williarn A. Sturdevant Cutting Channel In Ausable River In Effort To Protect Port Franks Classified Directory In an effort to save Port Franks from the m a r a «ding waters of the Ausable River, the Ausable Conservation Authority is cutting a mile-and-one-half long channel through three bends of the river. Three loops in the river will be eliminated, The proposed '‘cut’’ starts about 3,300 feet west of the Blue Water Highway bridge, cuts off three loops in the river and enters Lake Huron about 1,000 feet north of the present estuary, , In spite of the strangest win­ ters, and the problems it has posed, workmen have been cut­ ting the $90,000’ diversion since early in January. Already the first third of the- cut, the new river mouth, is complete. A giant drag line and a trio of bull­ dozers have smashed their way through the sand and mud lake front, joining the river's last ox­ bow with the lake waters. -So far no water has run the new mouth because the ter ice surface on the the flood, damage .of the past years, They say that it does not provide a quick enough exit for the swollen river. The river has no alternative but to sweep into the village and spread its excess waters over the black, .celery fields in and around the Thed­ ford district. After completion, the Ausable Canal will probably have to be permanently patrolled by a. dredging scow to prevent sand erosion and to prevent further changing of the river mouth. Conservation .officials say that the mouth of the river has changed several times in the past, and that this, in part, is responsible for the invasion of Port Franks. The dredging scow will be used to battle the constant sand drifting that takes .place along the banks of the Ausable and along the lake shore into the river mouth. One member of the Ausable Conservation Authority said he -was sure that a large percentage of the erosion and loss on the Ausable is caused by this drifting sand. The over-all $2,000,00’0* plan in the Ausable watershed is de­ signed to save Port Franks from the marauding waters of the river and to provide quick drain­ age for the rich celery beds of the Thedford area. It'will also aid—and lay the foundation for —development of some 9,000 acres of marshy land in this Port Franks area. When completed, it is expect­ ed the project will alter the face of the Ausable watershed, affect­ ing some 665 square miles in the counties of ' Lambton, Huron, Perth and Middlesex. The Ausable ’Conservation Au­ thority rwas established in Park­ hill Town Hall in 1946, and -was one of the first conservation authorities in the province, set up under the Ontario Conserva­ tion Authorities Act passed in that year. It was founded be­ cause of the flooding of the profitable black acres of Thed­ ford and the obvious danger to Port Franks of the river’s structive waters. The conservation program a double-barreled objective, not only aims at halting .the dis­ astrous spring floods, but also aims at sluggish Ausable. It calls, not only for the new mouth, but also for channel de­ velopments in its one-time main tributary, the Parkhill Creek, I ! and construction of a series of * (dams and reservoirs, including aj j major storage basin in I swamp. I Foi’ centuries the Ausable has' |plundered the -fertile land that] I bound its banks in four counties, j Perennially the residents of Port | Frank at its mouth have resign- i ed themselves to flooded base-! meats streets The to the centre tens of thousands of dollars damage. Cottages have been washed in­ to its swift flowing waters. Land has been inundated and precious top soil washed to a watery final resting place in the lake. In 1948, two cottages were lost to the swirling Ausable and several others were Threatened when the river, swollen with spring rains ’ and carryinc the winter-stored ■ ice, roared its destructive way to , the lake. That’s the way it has been, j But now a new day is dawning ' on the lake front. Man is changing the course of ! the Ausable, sending it speeding into the lake from another mouth. The twists are being ‘ taken from its bed and it is be- (ing sent through a mile-and-one- ij half long channel into Huron. This diversion, it is 11 cushion the hammer flood swollen river Phone 42-r-17 Grand Bend de- canal in the main river Lake the Auction Saks Lindsay is able to after being sick tor ■e Westman of Lon- this week with the has It boosting the normal summer flow of the and small rivers where used to be. } Ausable, twisting its way , lake almost through the of the village, has caused Heating and Plumbing Contractor SPECIAL Our Own Grown Daffodils $1.00 Pot, Cut Bloom $1.50 Dozen 9 FUR COATS Mr. Brown is in Exeter with his new samples of fur coats. BUY NOW AND SAVE Bring In Your Fur Coat For Storage GARDEN SEEDS 'A Flowers and Vegetables Grown Exclusively for Greenhouses and Market Gardeners ■e packaging these for you again this Come in and make your selection early. 10 c per Package or 12 Packages for $1.00 EXETER FLOWER SHOP Ralph Bailey & Family Phone 276 from win­ lake chokes it tight, but it is expected that when the ice melts the river will tend to follow the new cut; or at least split its waters, part in the new and part in the old. For the past weeks, the river, running pff the .winter’s excess, has chosen to keep to its old course and has been eating away at a small island left in .the old bend. Residents say that this year’s Ausable problem has not been “flat floods” as .much as the swiftness of the river’s cur­ rent. Speeding along its old channel it has been snatching at the previously flood damaged banks and smashing them. A massive dyke has been built to breach the bend and join it with the lake front cut. Behind the dyke, water in the old river bend is penned .up. In the next few months workmen will swing their bulldozers and drag line into the other two bends to make the complete , channel of the Ausable to the lake. The new river mouth will be wider and deeper than the pres­ ent sand-clogged .exit of the Ausable. The silt and sand at the “natural” mouth has been blamed by residents for much of FOR SALE FOR SALE—'General Electric 6- cu. It, refrigerator; National rangette; rolLaway cott 3 kit­ chen chairs; Rogers Majestic consolette radio. All like new. Apply: Times-Advoeate. 20c FOR SALE —— Herqo electric brooders, 500 capacity, $42.- 50; range shelters, 6x8 ft,, made to order, $25.00; clothes reels, arms, liams, 120 ft, of wire,’ 8-ft. $15,00. —R. B. Wil- Exeter. 13:20c FOR SALE—Oat straw,-—-Ste^e Bassa, on the James Oke farm, Highway 4, half mile south of ‘Centralia. . 13:20* FOR SALE—Cabins, 8’xlO’, suit­ able for tourist trade or colony house. See R. Grenier, B.A. Service Station, Grand Bend, phone 50-r-5, Dashwood. 13:20* FOR SALE—We have on hand the following fertilizers for immediate delivery: 2-12-10, 2-12-6, 0-16-8; 0-12-12, 4-12- 10. .—J. W- Gardiner. 13:20* FOR SALE—Two new chicken shelters; also Massey - Harris scuffler and' bean puller; wagon and buttermilk tank; in fairV.condition. —Gordon Prance, phone Kirkton 37-22. 20:27* FOR SALE—Gravel 'loader, drag-line type in good con­ dition. Apply: Jack Reid, tele­ phone 33, Texaco Gas Station, Hensall. 20* HORSES for sale or exchange— Eight * good work horses for sale oi’ exchange. Frank Tay­ lor, Exeter, 20c 1931 FORD “A” Coach, almost like new inside and out. Ap­ ply: Ralph Batten, phone 67, Exeter. 20* FOR SALE—Choice pigs. Apply Charles S. Bedard, telephone 9S-r-15 Zurich. 20* FOR SALE—P.A. System, 2 mic­ rophones, 3 loud speakers. Phone 327 Exeter. 20c FOR SALE — 1939 .Studebaker Champion coach car, reason­ able.—Apply F. G. Wanless, Woodham. 20* FOR SALE—Man’s bicycle, with stand, basket and saddle cover, in almost new condition. — Hayi Rhone 126 Exeter. 20:26* I FOR SALE — 19 4 S Case VAC tractor with scuffler. Guaran- ’ teed like new.—Exeter Farm Equipment, phone 443-J Exe­ ter. FOR SALE — Used horse-drawn manure spreader. Better than average.—Exeter Farm Equip­ ment, phone 443-J Exeter.’j • FOR SALE — Cockshutt grain and fertilizer’ drill, 11-disc; Bissel inthrow disc, 14-plate. Apply — Lawrence Taylor, Grand Bend, phone 37-r-G. 20* FOR SALE — 7 range shelters (used one season 1; oil chick brooder; 3-piece chesterfield suite; steel bed; spring-filled mattress; extension table and high chair.—Mrs. Lome Webb, phone Kirkton 137-r-7. 20c FOR SALE—Spring tooth culti­ vator, nearly new, a good rid­ ing plow. Apply to Ray Brod­ erick, Exeter. 20* FOR SALE—Timothy and alfalfa hay. Apply: Cecil Rowe, Exe­ ter. 20c hoped, blows . __ water. ; With the elimination of the river curves, the flood waters are ex-; FOR peeted to rush past Port Franks in a straight course leaving village high und dry. FOR SALE—-Used Massey Har­ ris cultivator, real good, used milker. We are now prepared to fill your tractor tires with Calcium. — R. B. Williams, Exeter. 20c SALE—Potatoes by the bag. Apply: Mrs. H. Peterson, R.R. 3, Dashwood, telephone 31-r-lS Dashwood. 20:27:4* CLASSIFIED RATES 25 words or less - 35$ More than 25 words l|c per word. Subsequent Insertions 25c More than 25 words lc per word, Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion 84c per inch Subsequent Insertions 70c per inch Classieds calling for a number 10c extra. Bookkeeping charges will added to all accounts not paid within one month. MISCELLANEOUS J. NOW IS THE TIME to call and discuss your spraying prob­ lems re weeds in grain or corn or your pastures, as cost1 is down considerably this year, —L. V. Hogarth, phone 226, Exeter, 6:13:20:27c box be FOR RENT FOR RENT—Three «large un­ furnished rooms suitable for young couple. Apply: Times- Advoeate. 20* TO RENT OR will take in cattle to pasture, 50 acres of pas­ ture on S1z£ Lot IS, Con. 18, Stephen. Township. Telephone 6 2-r-22, C. Grappen, Grand Bend. 20* FOR RENT—Four unfurnished rooms with all conveniences. Apply; Times-Advoeate. 20* FOR RENT—Cultivated lot suit­ able for garden or canning factory vegetables. —P hone 42S-J. 20c FOR RENT—-Two furnished rooms. Apply: The Times- Advocate. » NOTICES VILLAGE OF HENSALL To all owners or harbourers of dogs, please take potice that all dogs shall be kept tied up oi’ under control at all times dur­ ing the months of April, May, June, July, August, September and Octobei* according to By- Law No. 13—194S and any dog found running at large piay be impounded and .unless redeemed within 48 hours destroyed and the owner fined. Also ■ All dogs must be tagged and said tag fastened securely to all dogs, said tag must be secured on or before May 1st or the owner is liable to a fine. —By order of .the Council of the Village of Hensall. —J. A. Paterson Municipal Clerk REAL ESTATE LOTS FOR SALE — We have three lots, 240-foot frontage, approximately 3/5 acre. Price 8500.00. We have other single and double lots-well located and reasonably priced. —G. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter, IS TILLABLE ACRES near Gor- rie with a complete set of farm buildings with hydro, and water pumped into barn by windmill. Immediate pos­ session for only $2,900. —W. C. Pearce. Realtor, Exeter. 20:4tfc RESORT PROPERTY for sale- Grand river, water, gravel boat; Acres Gill, Realtor. Bend, Ont., a lot on half mile to lake by foundation dug 281x32‘, on job; have your own cheap for cash. Green Subdivision — Herman 13c PAINTING—Spray and brush; Arrange with us early, Houses, barns, sheds, roofs, etc. —-Ly- man Gratton, Grand Bend, phone Dashwood 42-r-18. Mar. 16: May 4* I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age, —G, J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. 18*tfc SPRAY PAINTING — Redecorate your roofs and buildings by painting this spring, Eave- troughing, plumbing, alumin­ um Give send well your job. tractors R.R. 1, .St. Marys. this spring, g, plumbing, and galvanized roofing, us a call and we will an experienced man with equipped truck to do wiring or that repair’ —.Wright Electric Con- plione Kirkton 27-3, 20c WANTED WANTED—-In Exeter by end bf April, 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms suitable for an elderly couple (one invalid). Must be on ground floor. Write: Rus­ sell Moore, Box 67, Hensall. 6:13:20* YiOUNG COUPLE having stock and equipment want to rent or work on shares, with option to buy 50-100 acres in Stephen or Hay Township. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor. 20e WANTED TO RENT — House, unfurnished, in Exeter, five or more rooms, by career couple with one infant, phone 481J. 13c tscf WANTED—Summer pasture for S head of yearling cattle. Apply: Harvey Godbolt, Cen­ tralia, phone Exeter 178-T-13. 20c WANTED—Unfurnished house or apartment in oi’ near airport, two children. —Exeter Times- Advocate. 20* WANTED—Painting jobs, inter­ ior or exterior, brushing or spraying, work done imme­ diately and guaranteed. Phone 276-J. 20c HELP WANTED WANTED—A woman to do washing and general cleaning two or three days a week. Apply in person, Central Hotel, Exeter. 20c CAPABLE GIRL oi’ woman for housework, steady job, good wages. —Box M, The Exeter Times-Advoeate. 20* LOST AND FOUND LOST—Ladies’ gold Elco wrist- watch, in Exeter or Hensall, Wednesday evening April 12. Finder please phone Hensall 136-W. Reward. 2flc LOST—White side-wall ram, in vicinity of Elimville. Finder please phone 32-r-3 Kirkton, Nelson Gonitis. 20* GOOD BUILDING LOT, centrally situated, with choice drainage possibilities. —AV. C. Pearce, I Exeter. 13c : FOUND—In Exeter Tuesday morning a sum of money. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for ad. Apply at Exeter Times- Advoeate. FOR THE NEW HOUSE you had} in mind, you’ll want a nice ’ lot, in a good neighborhood. | I have 2. Act quick, if you. I want one or both. —J. W. I Powell, Victoria St. West. * 3-16-tfcl EDGEWOOD Mrs. Charlie Gowan and Kilin spent Thursday in London. Mr. Victor Westman is under the doctor’s care. Mr. Allen Westman held an auction sale Tuesday. Bids were -fairly high. -i Mr. Don Middleton was with > the Junior Farmers touring the .Weldwood farm, the Edwards farm, Silverwoods and Mc-Cor- 8 mieh factory. They attended the < Blossom Ball at night in Lon­ don for the Junior Farmers. fj Mrs. Jimmie Suja and Sharon of London called on Mrs. Joseph (Zu ba 11 oss Saturday afternoon. 1 Misses Maty and Anna Zu ball i of the second concession of Bid- idulph spent the holidays with J Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zuball, Jr. j Mrs. Rolland Carty spent : Tuesday in London. Mr. Bruce be out again two weeks. Miss Berni don is home measles. FOR SALE—McCormick Deering 11-hoe fertilizer seed drill, in good condition. Apply to Jo­ seph Ferguson, phone Hensall »l8i'(-r-2. 20:27* FOR SALE—Six pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply: Walter Diebold, Dashwood. 20* FOR SALE -Registered Holstein bull, 2 years old this month. Apply: Harold Westman. R.R. 3, Granton, telephone 15-r-7 Granton. 20* .—;——■—'————‘—■——— FOR SALE—Service station and | garage. Ideal location on high- | way, 4 pumps. Well estab­ lished business. Fine cement block building, complete with two-bedroom apartment. Build­ ing steam heated and with all other conveniences. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 2c i FOR SALE- Cow due to freshen first of month. Amos Wright, Centralia, phone 40-r-ll Cre­ ditor. 20c FOR SALE—’47 Chevrolet coach just like new, medium blue colour; *37 Dodge 5-passenger coupe; *41 Chev sedan, excel­ lent condition; ’31 Cher, coach, • South End Service Station, phone 32.S-W. 20e HOUSES FOR SALE—We have two one-storey homes for sale. Quick possession. Both of these houses are modern and very comfortable. We also have a 1 J.-storey briek, well located and with all conven­ iences. If you are interested in quick posssession, let us show you these. C. V. Pickard. Realtor, Main St., Exeter. LOOK THEM OVER—If it’s rooming house, a cottage, business, beautiful lots or a I farm. Beautiful lots in South-- cott Pines. —J. W. Holt, Re- ( alter, Grand Bend.______23tf j Maq 14 is * BABY CHICKS I I iNEW COTTAGE, two bedrooms, living room, kitchen with built-ins and a 3-piece bath. Hot air furnace. W. C. Pearce.| i Realtor. 9 The love and (hrtcarntofllrtfi ptet- °rtco of tho family she Fins rcised aro host expressed by a porfrc t t>F ibo Whole Family, jhol Mother Will keep with her always. Cell our studio for art appoint#,w. NEUHAUSER CHICKS — Whitey Leghorn crossed with Barredj Rocks IO produce large quality | eggs. Fast feathering and fast j developing chicks. Some start- • ed chicks in our brooders now. Neuhauser Hatcheries, SI King’ St., London. Phone Metcalf { 7482. j Two New Homes Each with full basement, furnace and full bathroom. R. E. Balkwill Phone 8.9-J, Exeter, Ont ♦ tyf Phone WAV