HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-04-20, Page 3THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 20, 1950~ Are You Ruptured? Our Service is Different:. We Sell You a Fit in Our Private Truss Room r. Trusses, Belts, Supports of All Kinds SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Over 15 years experience, Your Drugs at Robertson’s Phone 50 Exeter UPHOLSTERING STRATFORD UPHOLSTERING CO. CHESTERFIELDS AND OCCASIONAL CHAIRS REPAIRED AND RECOVERED Factory Guarantee Free Pickup and Delivery 42 Brunswick St., Stratford For further information enquire at Hopper-Hockey Furniture Store Exeter THE SUGAR BEET INDUSTRY Crystallization of thick juice takes place in vacuum pans, large cast .iron tanks in which air pressure can be kept low so as not to brown the sugar overheating. Operation of vacuum pans is directed "sugar boilers” and calls by the by _ _____ __ ___ for expert manipulation for several hours by these specially skilled men. The mixture of crystals and syrup from the pans -called "mas­ secuite”, is then run through centrifugal machines revolving at high speed. Here the syrup is spun out through fine perfora­ tions in the walls of the ma­ chines, while the sugai* crystals remain, dropping out the bottom when enough syrup is thrown off. The sugar is now snow white but moist so is passed through a drier and then through a cooler after which it is ready for the packing room. The syrup thrown off from the centrifugals goes to the second vacuum pan where it is further concentrated. Next week: Extracting Sugar, concluded. CANADA AND DOMINION SUGAR LIMITED CREDITON We regret to report that Mr. Thos. Trevethick is confined to his home through Illness trust he will soon register provement. Mr, ~ taken week, home Sharon Mr. and -Mrs. William Gaiser, returned Saturday from Strat­ ford General ^Hospital, where she had undergone an operation for appendicitis. Mi’. Henry Haist, who suffered an injury to his arm last ,weekl( is progresing favourably, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Fahrner of Kitchener visited over the week-end with relatives here, Mr. and 'Mrs. Elgin Woodall and family of Royal Oak, Mich., spent the week-end former’s parents, Mr. J. .Woodall, Mr. Douglas Hill Mabel Henderson, of visited over the week-end with Mr. and 'Mrs. Garfield Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilkins and Miss Edith Hill, nurse-in­ training in Victoria Hospital, London, were recent visitors with 'Mr. and Mrs. Hill. ■Mr. Royal Haist, of\ Chicago, spent a 'few days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Haist. Mrs. Albert Hitchcock of Ron­ deau Park is visiting her father, Mr. J. English. Mr. and Mrs. Mattice and Sharon spent the week-end in Hamilton. Marks Eighty-Seventh Birthday This week we extend con­ gratulations to Mr. Christopher Fahrner, who on Saturday mark­ ed his eighty-seventh birthday. The members of his family called during the week-end to offer congratulations and present gifts. Mr. . Fahrner i s enjoying fairly good health and his many friends join in extending good wishes. Mrs. E. Truemner The many friends in this com­ munity will regret to learn of the death of Mrs. E. .Truemner of Chesley. Mrs. Truemner, who before her marriage was Elsie Gaiser, was a daughter late Mr- and Mrs. Wm. 'Besides her husband and ter she is survived by 3 Miss '.Pearl Gaiser, Toledo; F. Morlock, Crediton; McEwen, Denfield; there, Emery, Royal and Bor­ den of crediton. Attend Church Service A very impressive service was held in the United 'Church Sun­ day morning when the .Crediton Girl Guides had theii’ first church parade. They were ac­ companied by their leaders, Mrs. Ridley, Mi's. Keddy .and Mrs. Pratt. 'Cpl. Murray Plunkett of Grand Bend was present and favoured with two well rendered solos, "The King of ,Love My Shepherd Is” and "Count Your Blessings”, Beverley Neil of the Robin .Patrol read the scripture, i The girls and their leaders are .Orland Gaiser, who to London was able to Saturday. ’Gaiser, Hospital return to daughter and im- was last his of and 'Miss London, o£ the Gaiser. daugh- sisters, Mrs. 'Mrs. , W. and 3 bro- WallaceburgChatham • o »tf ail the people who work for the telephone company, And all the people who earn a living bv making the things the telephone company needs, And all the people who have their savings invested in the telephone company, And dll the people who depend on good telephone service to run their businesses and manage their homes; If all these people, with their families, lived In one city, This City-With-No-Name would be by far the largest in Canada, and one of the largest in the world. Keeping pace with the growing heeds of communities everywhere for more and better telephone Service has taken lots of work and lots of money. Only a financially healthy telephone company can tarry on this big job. Telephone users, employees, shareholders — everyone hai & Vital interest in a service that means so much to th® welfaro of so many people. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Owned and operated by Canadians for Canadians ELIMVILLE Mr, and Mrs, Earl Coultis of Guelph spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Coultis, Mr. add Mrs. Fred Ford of Eden visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Melville Skinner, Mr. Harry Murch and Launie spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Murch. Mr. and Mrs, Clifton Jaques of Zion. visited Tuesday evening with ‘Mr, and Mrs, Ross Skinner. Sunday visitors with Miss Lem ore Cooper were Mr. Sam Skin­ ner of Centralia, Mr. Donald and Miss Helen Parsons of , Exeter, Mr. Beverley Skinner and Miss Aldeen Pym. The Elimville choir presented their Eastei* Cantata . in Wood­ ham United Church on Sunday evening. Miss Wanda Stephen and Mr. Laurie Stephen of London .spent the week-end at their home. Miss Seeta Barnes of London spent the week-end with 'Mr. and Mrs. William Routly. Miss 'Hazel Dilling of London visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dilling. Junior Auxiliary Meets The April meeting of the James Street Evening Auxiliary was held on Monde/ at the home of Mildred 'Creech, The president Addie McNaughton opened the meeting with a hymn. The roll call and minutes ,of the last meeting were read by Gladys McDonald* Margaret Wein’s group took the devotional part of the meet­ ing and were assisted by some of the members ^of the Evening Auxiliary. There were scripture, readings by Betty Hockey and -Mrs. V. Johns. A play on the Easter theme -was then presented "The Sign, of Victor y”, Two solos were renderd by Mrs. T, Coates, Work was; distributed by Elizabeth iSchroedhr among the members. The meeting closed with a hymn an'-d the . Mizpah Benediction. A dainty lunch was served by the group in charge. BRINSLEY We are glad to report that Mr, Albert Morgan is much im­ proved after his ness. Mr, and Mrs, land and family . . ___ visited Sunday with the tatters, parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred J. Neil, very recent lib Orval Guther- of Mt. Brydges The tail of the beaver, when -properly cooked, 'has been con­ sidered a delicacy since the first settlement of ‘North America, to be commended on the very successful Sale and Tea they served on Saturday, and they are very appreciative ,of the patron­ age and co-operation they re­ ceived. f Mr. and 'Mrs. William Davies entertained a number of friends last Friday night. The , evening was spent in dancing, with Jack Hotson, Clai'e Masse, and Earl Stebbins supplying good old-time music. A* lovely lunch was served by the hostess and her helpers. Everyone reported a grand time. Forfri Calf, Grain Clubs The members of the Exeter Galf and Grain Clubs sponsored by the Junior Farmers, held their organization meeting jn the town hall on April 13. Fred Wilson, Assistant Agricultural representative, outlined the pro­ gram of the year’s activities. They 'planned to hold a meeting every month, with some of the meetings being held on district farms. The Grain Club members received enough registered Bea­ ver ,oats to sow an acre. The officers of the Grain Club were as follows: Pres., .Wayne Tuckey; vice-pres., .Bob Hern; sec.-treas., Keith Hern; club leaders, Wally Becker and Bill Rowcliffe. The Calf Club members elect­ ed Tom Easton as president with Johy Pym as vice-president and Murray Dawson as sec.-treas. Club leaders are Rill Rowcliffe and Howard. Pym. Mr, and Mrs, Sinclair Dixon of London spent Saturday with his father, Mr, John ‘Dixon, Miss Mary Rosser of London visited recently with her sister, Mrs. Joe Amos. Mr, Hilton Banting is spend­ ing some time with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Fenton. Mrs. Jack Trevethick and children spent Thursday after­ noon with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, George Neil, of Lieury, Miss Marion and, Helen Lee spent the holiday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Steeper, of West McGillivray. Mrs. William Grieves and Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Donald Sutherland. Mrs, Tillie Dixon of -Denfield is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morgan. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Scott entertained a number of friends recently. Mr. Roy Glenn is sporting a new English Ford car. Mrs. Jim Morley, Mrs. Luther Morley and Mrs. Alvin Lewis attended the funeral of the late John Scott of Ravenswood on Tuesday last. « Miss Gertrude Amos spent a few days with friends in London. Miss Margaret Tomlin, student teacher of the London Normal School, is teaching this week in S.S. 6 Brinsley with Miss Gert­ rude Amos. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yearly and .Billie spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Alli- $ PHONE 187-W Exeter Radio & Electric V Large and Small Appliances V General Wiring: of All Kinds V Radio and Appliance Repair DON JOLLY, PROP in the low-price field gives you all all that’s thrilling that’s new... * SNELL BROS# FIRST.,.and Finest...at Lowest Cost!CHEVROLET Yes, you can expect the new standard of pow­ erful, dependable low-cost performance from the 1950 Chevrolet..» just as you can look to it for the new standard of beauty, driving and riding ease, and all-round safety. Only this car brings you the eye-catching, pride-inspiring beauty of new Style-Star Bodies by Fisher at lowest cost. Only this car offers you the world’s cham­ pion Valve-in-Head Engine — already famous for economy and trouble-free operation — this year greatly improved! Only this car gives you the luxurious comfortand riding smoothness of the Unitized Knee-Action Ride ♦«* and the greater stability • • a and road-steadiness of the largest, heaviest automobile in its field . . . the safety-protec­ tion of Curved Windshield with Panoramic Visibility . . . proved Certi-Safe Hydraulic Brakes . . » Safety Plate Glass all-round and many other important safety factors, at lowest cost. That’s why record numbers of men and women are inspecting, praising and placing their orders for this new Chevrolet! See Chevrolet for 1950 —the only car offering you all these features at the lowest prices and with such low cost of operation and upkeep. See it today, and we believe you, too, wilt wholeheartedly agree that it’s first and finest at lowest cost 1 HIGHLY IMPROVED MORE POWERFUL VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE WITH POWER-JET CARBURETOR AND LARGER EXHAUST VALVES Chevrolet — and Chevrolet alone — brings you all these fine car advantages at lowest cost! NEW BODIES BY FISHER IN SPARKLING NEW COLORS . . . NEW TWO-TONE INTERIORS, EXTRA-ROOM, EXTRA LUXURIOUS . . . CENTRE-POINT STEERING AND UNITIZED KNEE­ ACTION RIDE » . . CURVED WINDSHIELD BIGGEST OF ALL LOW-PRICED CAftS (LONGEST, HEAVIEST CAR IN ITS FIELD, WITH WIDEST TREAD)... PROVED CERTI-SAFE HYpRXULIC BRAKES. CANADA’S BEST SELLER CANADA’S The fine Chevrolet engine now made even finer . ■. * bringing you more power, faster pick-up, better low-speed per­ formance! . * . better action every way ! BEST BUY!