HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-04-13, Page 9Your Drugs at ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 Exeter Sunday and Evening Service One garage will be open in Exeter on Sundays, Wed­ nesday afternoons and dup­ ing the evenings through­ out the week. Open tliis Sunday, Wednes­ day afternoon and during the evenings throughout the week: P^e $ you nn- for Kvepy Dominion election thousands of; Canadians who have the right to vote don’t even bother to do so, ROBERTSON’S Condition Powder 3 lbs-$1.00 9 lbs.-$2.45 Guaranteed No Filler Besults considered, will find lids powder equalled as a tonic all farm stock. TOE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING# APRIL* 13, W50 Junior Farmers OEDI All 5-Ypar Guaranteed DEI\LvU mothproof Jensen & Gwphny Phonp 068-J Exeter S NORTH END B-A Service station Silvercrest Poultry Farm Phone 171-1-14 Exeter There has been a decrease in the inventories of canned apple­ sauce in Canada. Result of a heavy election campaign? EUIMVIULE Miss Wanda Stephen and, Ma Laurie Stephen of London spent the week-end with their parents, Mr, and Mrs,* Charles Stephen, (Mips Donna Murch and Mr. Frank Walsh of London visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell, Ma and Mrs. Delmer skinner and family visited Sunday with <Mrs. Vera Johns of Exeter, Mr. Elgin Skinner of Milton is Spending the Eastei’ holidays, at his home here. Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Brock and Margaret of Winchelsea visited Sunday with .Ma and Mrs. Clif­ ton Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Milan Nash of Montreal are spending a few days with the 1 a 11 e r's grand­ mother, Mrs, Thomas Bell, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Levy and family of St, Marys .visited Sun­ day with Mr. Harry Sparling and family. A large crowd from Elimville attended the religious film “Gol­ gotha”, in Thames Road United Church Sunday evening. Miss Shirley Jaques of Zion spent a couple of days with Mas­ ter Larry Skinner. Everyone enjoyed the Easter cantata “The Red of the Pawn” ■presented in Elimville Church on Friday evening by the Elimville choir. Mr. .and Mrs. Ewart Pym of Exeter visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pym. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. .Miners and Jo Anne visited Sunday eve­ ning with Mr, and Mrs, Norman Jaques of Zion. , Miss Seeta Barnes is, visiting a few days with her father in New York. Mrs, Melville Skinner, Mrs. Delmer Skinner, Mrs. Ross Skin­ ner visited Monday' afternoon with Mrs. .Robt. Cann ,of Thames Road. Mr. Lome Ford of Camp Bor­ den spent the week-end with ,his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ford. . Mr. and Mrs, Philip • Murch visited Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Annie Veal of Exeter. Mrs. L. Hodgert and Roy, of Seaforth, visited Saturday after­ noon with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cooper after attending the Hod- gert-Cann wedding. Mr. James Sinclair of London spent the week-end .with Mr. and Mrs, Jackson Woods. The boys of the community gave Mr. and Mrs. John Batten a rousing chivari on Wednesday evening after their recent mar­ riage. Mrs. Gollings of Granton spent a few days with ,Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Woods. OVEN-DRESSED Frozen Fresh Poultry '9 >■ WANTED Contracts For Call at Office, Lucan, for Information Scott’s Elevator LUCAN, ONTARIO H J fl IN % SWOLLEN AUSABLE — While, citizens were paddling in cellar swimming' pools last week, the river at the north end of Exeter was swollen into a small lake. This picture, taken from the bridge, gives you an idea of the flood conditions. The dam is in the background, —Jack Doerr, Exeter Officers Wives Meet The regular monthly-meeting of the Officer’s Wives’ Auxiliary was .held in the Officer’s Mess on Wednesday evening, April 5, at 8:30 p,m. with forty-two mem­ bers present, The meeting was presided over by Mrs. A. R. Holmes, •It was announced that the pro­ ceeds from the mixed bridge held In the Officer’s Mess on March 10, were handed over to the treasure r, the amount being $2'9.35. After the Secretary and Treasurer had read their reports, the Vice-tPregident, Mrs. V. L, Berg took the chair and thanked the retiring executive for their splendid work for the past .three months. New election for Vice- President, Secretary and Treasur­ er then followed. Mrs. K. Ogili- was elected Vice-President; W, Thompson, Secretary; J, Edwards, Treasurer, It also announced that the tag being run by the ,Officer’s Hold Joint Meetin, Lloyd Ferguson was chairman at the joint meeting of Junior Farmers. They decided to donate $100.0;q to the Hospital Fund- The Variety Concert /commit­ tee reported that the next prac­ tice would he held in the Exeter High School on April 17, .The annual ”At Home” dance will be held on April 28, Leona Davie sang a solo. Johnny jPavidson favoured with a couple of songs, The girls provided lunch, which brought the meeting to a close. for 5 YEM^ • • or BERLOU njajei good I KIPPEN Mrs. Reid Torrance of Porters Hill spent the week-end with her sister, Miss Jean Iveson. J^rs., Dinsdale spent a day last week with friends in Exeter. Mr. Arnold Gackstetter is this week in Westminster Hospital, London, where he is undergoing treatments. » Miss Isabelle Alexander of Toronto and Miss Jean Alexander of London are visiting their par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs. W. Alexander, Mi’s. Pearl Love and family of Varna spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Harold Jones. Mr. and Mrs. William Horney of Exeter are spending a couple •of weeks with Mrs. A. Gack­ stetter. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alexander of Toronto spent the week-end wit relatives in this community, Dr. William Sproat of Mont­ real spent the /week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E, Sproat, Mr. and Mrs. Albert McClin- chey and Sharon of Goderich were recent visitors with Mr; and Mrs. A. Gackstetter. , Mr. R. J. Cooper, who has spent the winter months in Flor­ ida, returned to his .home here last week. Friendship Circle Sleets The Friendship Circle met .in the Sunday School room Monday evening with sixty present. Mrs. William Bell presided and open- 1 the meeting with J-Iymn 128. The scripture reading, 'St John Chapter 20, verses 1-20, was given by Mrs. Harold Jones. Mrs. Hinton led in prayer. In the ab­ sence of the Secretary, Miss Helen Turner, Mrs. A. Gack- ] stetter read the minutes of the last meeting. The next meeting will be held April 24, The com­ mittee in charge is Mrs. Harold Jones, Mrs. W. Alexander, Eldon Jarrott .and joe McLellan, Hymn 613 was sung. Miss Edith Love of Varna favoured with a piano instrumental, Donald Kyle sang two pleasing solos, “April Show­ ers” and “I Want a Girl Just Like The Girl That Married Dear Old Dad.” Mrs. Ross Broadfoot and Mrs. John Sinclair presented a piano duet. Mr. Jimmy Scott of Seaforth presented his moving pictures >of his recent trip to England, Scotland and France, which were .enjoyed by all. Be­ tween films Jack Caldwell gave piano instrumentals. Mrs. Ross Broadfoot moved a vote of thanks to Ma Scott. Don , Bell favoured with two solos, “Easter ■Parade” and “Bless This House.” Mrs. R. Peck conducted two .con­ tests, after which lunch was served in the basement. The meeting closed by singing the National Anthem. It was re­ gretted that Mr. and Mrs. Arm strong and Alice were unable to attend the meeting owing to the death of a relative. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong and Alice are leaving this week 'for thpir new home near Mitchell. Mrs. W. Bell, on behalf of the Friendship Circle, presented them with a beautiful table lamp and accompanying ad- a was Pen- 3, Shower Held For Miss M. Cudmore On Monday evening, April lovely miscellaneous shower given by the ladies of the tecostal Church to Miss Marjorie Cudmore, bride-elect of the week. After a' social evening the gifts were carried in a decorated bas­ ket by Margaret Blanchard and Ada and presented to Marjorie, Pearl 'Cann assisting after read­ ing the address. Many useful ani lovely gifts were received and a gracious reply of thanks was made by Marjorie. , A dainty lunch was served and many expressions of best wishes and good will brought a happy evening to a close. vie Mrs. Mrs. was day Wives’ Auxiliary had been changed from April 15 to April 22 and proceeds from this day are being turned over to Huron Hospital Fund. A luncheon set was raffled at the meeting and the money received was handed over to the Treasurer, The Grand Bend Unit provided the entertainment for the , eve­ ning and later refreshments .were served. Ho nour Bridal Couple A very pleasant evening was spent at ’ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keith McLaren of Cromarty, Thursday, March 30, when the Young People of the Exeter Pen­ tecostal Assembly gathered to h o n o r Miss Marjorie Cudmore and Mil’. Wilmer McDonald^ a bride and groom .of April 8. The evening’s entertainment ■was planned and carried out by Miss *Marian Triebner. Marjorie and Wilmer were pre­ sented with three lovely gifts by Masters Alvin Cudmore and Floyd Blanchard, Marjorie ,and Wilmer express­ ed .their thanks very graciously i and’ lunch was served by the young ladies of the Assembly. Dashwood Contest Winners Entertained The finish of the membership contest in the Dashwood Walther League showed Gordon Wieberg’s team the high scorers. MOnday evening the happy winners were honoured by a party given by the doleful losers, Gloria Kraft’s team. Airplane Bunco was played and high prize went to Rev. Higenell, while Bill Becker ac­ cepted the booby prize. An at­ tractive lunch, featuring Easter eggs, was served by the defeated. After a round of hot coffee, everyone joined in singing Easter hymns as well as popular songs. Anna Messner accompanied the songsters. Results of the annual election of officers of the society are as follows: President, Bill Becker; Vice-President, Vera Wieburg; Secretary,, Gloria Kraft; Treas­ urer, Ronald Garvie. , Junior Farmers Meet The April . meeting of South Huron Junior Farmers was held in the Exeter High School on April 5. Ross Kercher, Wally Becker and Howard Pym .were nominated to attend the annual Junior Farmer Conference at Guelph from April 28 to April 25. Fred Wilson .reported that the organization meeting of calf and grain clubs will be held on Thursday, April 13. Bill Allison, .local British American Oil agent introduced Mr. Arthur Lymer and Bert Til­ ley. Mr, Tilley, Chief Technician of the British American Oil .Co., gave an interesting address on lubrication of farm machinery. Repartee is the big man’s smart .answer to your question. If it comds from a little mag, you call it an insult. * >!< ■:< The first aircraft the Wright brothers * to fly cost only $200. I The Paris house where Due de Saint-Simon, 18th century French writer, once lived, now is a wo­ men’s reformatory. $ ® Don’t trust tread-worn tires* They’re dangerous! Drive in . . . we’ll give you a generous trade-in allowance for the unused mileage in your present tires » * . when you equip with new# dependable Goodyears. In addition, you can pay the balance on the easiest terms in town. Why delay.. * come in today!YtHEBAlAKCI DODGE » DESOTO • SALES & SERVICE A COMPLETE LINE OF GOODYEAR TIRES, TUBES LIFEGUARDS AND BATTERIES OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 10:00 >.M. dress at their home on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong and Alice have made many .friends in this greatly here. W.M.S. The afternoon, for their President, presided and opened the meet­ ing with the theme , “Christ Is Risen”. The opening hymn was l!0i3. The scripture, Mark 16, 1- 13, was read by Mrs. Caldwell. Rev. A. Hinton led in prayer. Hymn 118 was sung. Twenty-one members answered the roll call and there were five visitors. Mrs. E. Uhipchase and Miss Margaret Sinclair were ap­ pointed as Visiting Committee for April. Mrs. W. Workman, Mrs. Thomas Kay and Mrs. Robt. Elgie were elected as delegates to the Huron Presbyterial to be held in Clinton April 27. Mrs. Ross Broadfoot favoured with a piano instrumental. Mrs. Alex­ ander read, a letter of reply from the Missionary Monthly Secre­ tary regarding old issues of the magazine. Hymn 97 was sung. Mi’s. Hinton made a request for bundles of clothing to be sent to Europe. Donations ar© to be left at the manse. The guest speaker, Rev. Reba Hern, of Varna, gave a very interesting message, tak- for her subject “Easter”. ‘Faith’ is the theme of Easter, Miss Hern stated. The meeting closed with Hymn 86 and the Bizpah Bene­ diction. Luiich was served J Circle No. 3. j The sacred cantata which I to have keen presented by I choir of St. Andrew’s th >’ Church here, and which was s postponed due to the illness oi I the organist, will be presented | next Sunday evening .at 7.80, conununity and will be missed in the church Holds Easter Meeting W ’M.S, met Wednesday April 5, at the manse Easter meeting. The Mrs. W* Workman, Harry Individual Pieces from ! $3.95 to SPECIAL $7 FRYING PAN FOR $3.49 1 this is a saving of $3.51 on the regular 8" frying pan for one •week only STAINLESS STEEL bottom Stainless steel for cleaning ease ., . thick copper bottoms for cooking speed. The covers fit tightly for waterless cooking. These utensils are beauties to cook with ... beauties to look at. You’ll want ’em for yourself or to give to a friend. PHONE 181