HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-04-06, Page 12Page 12 Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Hopper of town ami Mr. and Mrs. William, McCool of Wingham who enjoyed » vacation in Florida, returned •to their homes last week. Mrs. Fisher of Dashwood visit­ ed Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Watts last week. SACRED EASTER CANTATA ‘King of Glory’ will be presented in Centralia United Chureh Sun., Apr. 9 - 7:30 by the choir, assisted by Mrs. Margaret Fletcher, Exeter, and Mr. Robert Sproule, of London, violin gold medalist. New- and Old-Time Crediton Town Hall 12 0:30 - ? Good Music Refreshments General Admission Sponsored by Sharon Cardinals Be Sure To Attend The of EMPRESS UNITED CHURCH, LONDON MEETING COMING EVENTS Town Hall SB NOTICE Easter Cantata All Ball PlayersMorrissey “THE RED OF THE DAWN" EXETER ARENA Wednesday, April 12ALDONat 8:00 p.m. THEATRE ‘Task Force collector, outstand- ★ ★ * ★ in J. age), 26 years to RED CROSS MEETING — Red Cross Packing and Executive Meeting on Friday, April 14, at 8:30 p.m. in the Public Library work room. 6c Mrs. F. J. JDelbridge is spend­ ing the Easter holidays in Lon­ don with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. M. Sweeton. hi conjunction, with the Exeter n Community zPai’k Board Elimville Chuich Choir will present its Miss Greta Harness is at pres­ ent a (patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital where she recently WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12 — In District High .School Auditorium, Variety Bandbox, Air Force tal­ ent. Proceeds for South Huron Hospital Fund. 23c in their of this1 rest in •Monday THE EXETER TURF CLUB Is Holding A rs., April 6 in Exeter and district interested in playing Inter­ mediate C baseball please report to the MONDAY & TUESDAY April 10-11 ■/ 8:30 p.m. GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS Friday, April 7 Elimville United Church at 8:00 pan, Adults 250 - Children Free April 13 at 8:15 p.m »r pays ’ to ’ APVER AJAX Pp NEW ADMISSION PRICES (tax included) Adults 100 » Children 130 Effective April 1, 1050 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 6, 1950 BIRTHS i Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage * Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Memoriam Notice 50c for single verse. 25c extra, for each additional verse gagenients 50c. COOPER—M r . and Mrs. Don Cooper of Exeter wish to an­ nounce the birth of their son, Michael Hewson, oxi March 27, at Clinton General Hospital. DEATHS PARSONS—In Exeter, Monday, April 4, Gladys Viola Delve, beloved wife of Earl Parsons, in hex* fifty-third year. The funeral, private, will .be held from the Dinney funeral home Thursday at 2 p.m. Interxnent in the Exetex* cemetery. WILSON — In Exeter, Friday, March 31, 1950, Charles Jil- son, in his ninety-first year. CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Nellie Sparling wish to express to theix* many friends and neighbours sincere thanks for their kindness during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. Mr. Dean and Rev. W. M'air. • * We wish to thank all who did so many kindnesses and the sym­ pathy shown during our recent sad bereavement, We also wish to thank the many friends who did kind acts for the deceased during his long health. period of ill and sisters of Jas. Broadfoot — Rossie, Gladys and Glenn. * teaching staff of Exeter School, on behalf of the and the parents, wish to the Arena Board for the Brothers the late Sliiliii ' S- V- - PRIME MINISTER AND PREMIER IMPLEMENT “CO-OPERATION” — A visit so rare as to In; unique in Canadian history was made when Prime Minister St. Laurent visited the Ontario parliament building's and formally transferred Canadian water rights in the Nia­ gara River to the province. Enemies at the polls, the prime minister (right) and Premier Frost seemed on the best of terms, reaffirmed their xiew policy of “friendly co-operation”. ' —Central Press Canadian Mr. Charles Seymcmi', an em­ ployee at Ed’s Service station, was called to Toronto Friday, owing to the death of an uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Ainos Warwick, Gary and T © r r y L e ©, o f Ft. Huron, will .spend Good Friday and Easter with ;Mr. and Mrs. 'Clarke Fisher. Mrs. W. H. Reddy and daugh- ter Beulah .accompanied by three girl friends of Fenton, Mich., visited with Miss Nettie Reddy over the week-end. Mr. Bob Chisholm *of .Gode­ rich has taken n- position with Larry Snidex* at the Ford Garage. He is at present .looking fox’ a home in Exeter. Mrs, Claus Lee of London is visiting with hex' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claris© jSnell. Mr. Nelson Peterson of Park­ hill is visiting hiis sister „ and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sid­ ney Sanders, of Huron Street fox* a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dale of Toronto, daughter and son-in- law of Sidney Sanders, are visiting in Ireland foi’ a month. They expect to return about the twentieth of April. They went by plane. IMr. and Mrs. .Harry Hilgert, IPetei’ and Elizabeth, of London, visited Sunday with Rev. H. J. and Mrs. Snell. Rev. H, J. and Mrs. Snell were at Clinton Wednesday at­ tending the funeral of a cousin, Mrs. W. VanEgmond. Flying Saucers! ARE THEY REAL? WE DON’T KNOW — BUT WE DO KNOW CHRIST’S POWER TO SAVE AND TRANSFORM Be with us at Clinton Town Hall Sat., Apr. 8-8 p.m ® Rev. Richard Adamson, Speaker* with Crusaders Quartet, All of London (evei'y Thur, night CFPL 10:30) YOUTH for CHRIST Community Night IN NEW COMMUNITY ARENA, LUCAN To Be Presented in the Exeter District High School Auditorium Thurs.z April 13 at 8:15 p.m. Sponsored by the' Trivitt Memorial Church Club ADULTS 500 • CHILDREN 250 AT DOOR r Lyric Previews its Coming Attractions THURSDAY, FRIDAY April 6-7 o ‘Johnny Stool Pidgeon’ ★ Howard Duff A Shelly Winters This picture comes to you with all the drama only a real story eould bring . . . Saturday Only April 8 DOUBLE BILL 11 Dorado Pass Charles Starrett * Smiley Burnett - Also - ‘Blondie’s Hero’ ★ Penny Singleton dr Arthur Lake MON., TUES., WED. April 10 « 11 -125 The Public pupils thank full use of the ice on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon during the past winter season. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wilson family wish to express their preciation fox’ the kindness sympathy extended during their recent bereavement, with special thanks to Dr. Fletcher, Ted Sims, Mrs. Martha Hewlett and Rev. Mr. Malxoney. 6 c Mr. Thomas Dickins, of Horn­ ing, Sask., wishes to thank his many friends fox* the good time given him this winter, .and es* jpecially his relatives for arrang­ ing a family .party and fox’ the beautiful wool blanket and many other made his holiday so happy. IN MEMORIAM c and ap- and acts of kindness which BRUCE—In loving memory of dear husband and father, David Bruce, who passed away one year ago, April 5, 1949. Gone, dear father, gone forever, How we miss your smiling face’ But you left us to remember None on earth can take your place. A happy home we once enjoyed— .How sweet the memory still; But death has left a lonliness The world can never fill. —Ever remembered by his wife aud family. 6* HOWARD—In loving memory of my mother, Margaret, and my father, George S. Howard, who passed away April 7, 1944 and May 24, 1948. Though their smile has .gone for- a ever, | And their hands I cannot touch* *TLe Beautiful Blonde From Bashful BencT ★ Betty Grable ★ Cesar Ronxerd Adult Entertainment She had the biggest six shooters in the West! MATINEES SATURDAY AND HOLIDAYS AT 2:30 P.M. M rs. Earl Pa rsons Mrs. Earl Parsons, Huron St:, who has been ill fox* several ■months, passed away ,at her home Monday following a stroke. The deceased was the formei’ Gladys Viola Delve and she was in her fifty-third year. iShe was born in Exeter and was a membei’ of the James St. United Church. Sur­ viving besides her husband are two daughters, (Norma) ,Mrs. Dalton Finkbeinei- and (Doreen) (Mrs. Howard Holtzman, both of Exeter, and three sons, Harry, of Windsor; Ross and Charles, at home; also hex* mother, 'Mrs. Eliza Delve and two sisters, Mrs. Fred Cornish and Mrs. Gordon Appleton, all .pf Exeter, and one (brother, Arto Delve, of Leth­ bridge, Alta. The body is resting at the Dinney funeral home, where a private .funeral service will be held Thursday afternoon at two o’clock with interment the Exeter Cemetery. Rev. H. Snell will officiate. Charles Wilson A life-long resident community was laid to ■ the Exeter cemetery afternoon in the person of Chas. Wilson who had reached the ripe Old age of ninety years. Mr. Wil­ son passed away Friday ,at the home of his only son, C. L. Wil­ son, with whom he has resided since the death of his wife, the for m e i‘ Margaret Brimacombe, ten months ago. He was born at Elimville, a son of the late Thos. Wilson. 'Besides his son there is one bother Sidney, of Elimville, and four .grandchildren. The funeral was held from the Din- ney fueral home, .conducted by Rev. H. J. Mahoney. The bearers were Messrs. .Toe Davis, Ted Walper, Bernice iMoore, William Sims, Ted |Sims and .Joseph Wil­ son. ,, There were 4.1 million hogs slaughtered under official in­ spection in Canada in 1949. The slaughter* in western Canada was 86 per cent of the total, revers­ ing the wartiihe situation of 19 44, when nearly two-thirds of the total kill was in the West. Fiddlers’ Contest TOWN HALL, HENSALL Wed., Apr. 12-8 p.m. Prizes: Over $100 in Cups, Cash and Merchandise Amateur, Open to Those Who Have Never Competed 15 years and under, 16 years to 25 years, ladies’ open class (any years to 50 years, 51 65 years, 66 years and over will be given for the fiddler competing - $2 A prize youngest Juuuwr vuiupuuug - «p»a A prize will be given to fiddler coining greatest distance - S3 Stepdancing and Square Dancing Open to All Ages Contestants register in the Hall from 7:30 to 8 pan. same night. DANCE AFTER CONTEST Adults 500 - P.S. Children 250 Good Program Followed by Dance honour of the men who gave ‘ ’ time and effort in the erection of the building Good Orchestra Adults 500 Children 250 Lunch Available at Booth This Is Not An Official Opening Still I have so many memories Of the ones I loved so much. Their memory is my keepsake With which I’ll never part; God has them in His keeping, I have them in my heart. —Sa di j* missed, and ever remem­ bered by daughter, Evelyn. ♦ STEWART —In loving memory of Rebecca P. Stewart, who passed away, April 3, 1949. When for awhile we pari, This thought Will soothe our pain, That we shall still be joined in heart And one day meet again. —Dearly remembered by sons and daughters. * DELBRIDGE—In loving memory of Franklin James Delbridge, who passed away six years ago, April 6. Time does not darken Nor shadows dim, The beautiful memories| We have of him. ? —- Ever remembered by his 2 ami daughter Bernice. wife* !(Undergoes Operation j Mr. Herbert O. Soutlxcott| in Victoria Hospital, London, 1 having undergone an operation ' Monday. He is doing as well as | ean be expected. is ill Seaforth Rebekahs and Oddfellows Easter Variety Bail Cardno’s Hall, Seaforth EASTER MONDAY, APRIL 10 — Two Bands —- W Ross Pearce amd His Modern Orchestra "A* Mac’s Old Timers Dress Is Optional Admission: $1.00 Per Person LcVs Go, Exeter! Proceeds for Cancel;, Polio and T.B. Fund tiilnriififrP - hlir iii i'-r --'i':;1 J~ • 'FU ..... ^!"' Stephen Council The Council of the Township of Stephen met in the Council rooms Tuesday, April 4, with all members being ipresent. The min­ utes of previous meetings were read and adopted. F. W. Morlock, tax reported ,$4000.00 still ing on 1949 taxes. On motion of John and Charles MacGregor the fol­ lowing Road Accounts were authorized for payment: Lawrence Hill, supt., $115.50; Lawrence Hill, dx-agging, tractor and man, $13.50!; Cliff. Kenney, ( operator, §48.02; Eldon Smith, operator, $69.16; Eldon Vincent, dragging with tractoi' and man, $4.25; Wm. Desjardine, dragging with tvactoi* and man, $12.75; Lloyd Roeszler, labour, $21.25; Imperial Oil Co., fuel oil, $46.63; Minister of Highways, tax on fuel oil, $22.11; H.E.P.C., lights in gradei* shed, $4,05; Graham Arthur, repairs, $3.00; F. W. Huxtable, repairs, $6.60; Law­ rence Hill, mileage and trips, $23.00; W. F. Jennison & Son, snow-plowing, $215.00; Johnston (Paterson, gravel, $26.40; Came­ ron MacGregor, hauling gravel, $63.36; Cameron MacGregor, towing grader to Goderich, $15.- 00; Wm. Roeszler, hauling cul­ verts, $7.00; Larry Snider, re­ pairs, $125.00; Dominion Road Machinery, repairs, $14.24; Ped­ lar People, Cluverts, $1104.85; Albert Morlock, welding, $4.00; Lloyd England, Unemployment Ins. stamps, $5.88. Total, $1969.- 01. Centralia Police Village Lawrence Hill, trucking pipes, $2.00; Twp. of -Stephen, culverts and spreading .gravel, $53.90. Total, $55.90. On ;motion of John Morrissey and Charles MacGregor the fol­ lowing General Accounts were authorized for payment: Bert TTolt, shelter for Mrs. Carruthers, $7.00; Mrs. Thos. Kenney, ear© of Milton Kenney, $9.00; F. W. Morlock, salary 3 months, $250.00; Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor fees, $105.00; County of Huron, Hospitalization, $121.50; D. Tiemaix & Son, fuel fox* Mrs. Carruthers, $11.80; D. Tiexnan & Son, fuel for Victor Tyler, $25.05; T. A. Wiseman, Auditor fees, $175.00; H.E.P.C., lights ixx Town Hall, $4.05; Desjardines Store, relief for Mrs. Carruthers, $10.00; Hensall Spring Show, grant, $10.00. Total, $728.40. On motion of Roy Swartz anti Henry Beaver, the Clerk was authorized to prepare a By-law according to the Warble Fly Act of 1949. On motion of Henry Beaver and ChWrles MacGregor, the con­ tract to spray for the Warble Fly was awarded to Mr. L. V. Ho­ garth. Cattle to be sprayed twice at 9 cents per head for each spray. The meeting was adjourned to Tuesday, May 2, 1950, at 1 p.m. Miscellaneous Shower Held For Els ie Ga iser A very lovely miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer, ,of Exeter, on the evening of April >3, in honor of Miss Elsie Gaiser, bride-to-be, The evening’s entertainment, planned and carried out by Miss ■Norma W i 1 s o n .and Mrs. I. Armstrong was started with a couple of contests,, one being on “Tips To The Bride.” When read aloud these Tips .were interest­ ing, 'profitable, amusing and pro­ vided a souvenir from each one ipresent. The highlight of .the evening was a mock wedding (performed <by Mrs. Max Harness, as bride; Mrs. Gerald Lawson, as groom; Mrs. Andrew Bierling as brides­ maid, and Mrs. Jack Drysdale, of Hensail,r as best man. Mrs. Hilga Jensen as clergyman performed the extraordinary ceremony in plaid slacks, swallow-tail coat and top hat. The many lovely and useful gifts were presented in ,a dec­ orated basket carried by Norma Wilson and Lois Armstrong. The address was given by Miss Mary Fletcher, Elsie . expressed her thanks very graciously and lunch was served. “COVERALLS” — a three - act comedy, will be presented in Main Street United Church on Friday, April 21, at 8 p.m. Ad­ mission: Adults 40c,, children 25c. to discuss » situation arising out of the burning of the horse barn at ‘ the Community Park. All members of both boards, as well as any other interested parties, are cordially invited to attend. CLARENCE FAIRBAIRN, Mgr By Rev. James Anthony, M.A. Christmas is the season when the evidence of divinity iu the world is recognized. Easter is the season when the triumph of life over death is joyfully owned. Death, Easter tells us, is not the end of hopes axid love and good­ will. What is good in men sur­ vives, this Christian feast as­ sures us. The child whom we laid away with tears is to be seen again clad in never-failing youth and health. The wife who (has stood by her husband’s side has gone into life and beauty and tenderness such as the heart of man has never dreamed of. Parenthood is seen to be akin to God who is ever creating things anew. On Easter each one tries to appear lxis best and to be his best for well we know that however fair our day on earth has been that for those, who in faith and love do their best, there is by God’s grace a land that is fairer than day. There oui* Saviour and Lord leads His flock by streams that never fail, in pastures that are ever green and where hailstones and fire showers nevei' fall. Returns Home •Mrs. W. E. Balkwin has re­ turned to Exeter after spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. M, C. Milliken and Mr, Mill­ iken at Millbank. FRIDAY & SATURDAY April 7-8 Gary Cooper Jane Wyatt Wayne Morris Walter Brennan Here is the screen’s mighty epic of the men tvho helped bxiild America’s great air power Bugs Bunny Cartoon, “FRIGID HARE” and Special Easier Parade Short, “FASHIONS OF YESTERYEAR” In Techixicolour 'k Mark Stevens •A Coleeii Gray Rory Calhoun ★ Charley Grapewing immortal story Of rugged outdoor adventure . ♦ . With mo­ ments of suspense, excitement, and unforgettable beauty! PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL “BEAUTY AND THE BLADE” and March of Time, “FIGHT FOR BETTER SCHOOLS” a