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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-04-06, Page 11
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIX. 6, 1950 When You Need a Spreader uefs Show you how a case manure spreader Pulls Lighter • Stands Up Longer GRAND PEND Miss Mary Yeo who has beeix in Detroit couple of Friday. ■Mi’, and troit were Mr. tun. Mr, and of Exeter, Mrs. Glen week-end, Quite a are laid up with the flu, Mr. and Mrs- Burton Gi'een visited with (Mr. and Mrs. Ho garth in London on Monday, , A few suckers have been' caught, but not as many as other years, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Dace re turned home on Saturday after* spending the winter* in Florida. Mr. visited days. , for her holidays for a weeks, returned, home Mrs. Roy ,Barto of De ere week-end visitors with 4 Mrs. Raymond English, lMrs._ Graham Mason, visited with Mr, and Desjardine ovex* the number of villagers and -Mrs. Fred Vfatson in .Stratford fox* a few News of Hensail • Come in and see for yourself why this big Case spreader is easily handled by two horses. Look at the double steel back* bone which carries the whole load and keeps all bearings perfectly in line, yet allows the seasoned wood body to flex with the roughest ground. Check the extra strong wheels, the auto-type steering, the more even spreading action. Here MMeaaa is the spreader that pulls easier, loads easier, lasts longer. STAFFA iRussell Worden attended the funeral of hex* sister, Mrs. William G. Montgomery, aged 41, of McKillop Township, who died in iScott (Memorial Hospital, The funeral was 'held Monday. afternoon with inter ment in Maitland Bank Cenxe- Mrs, •Seaforth. Exeter Farm Equipment Phone 443-J (Snell Bros. Garage)Exeter 1. 2. 3. LOGGERS and LUMBERMEN! As from April 1st your employees are in sured under provisions of the Unemployment Insurance Act. This means that contributions must be paid for them beginning on that date, If you employ anyone in lumbering and logging you should:— Register with your National Employ ment Office; Obtain insurance books for your employees; , Get instructions about making con tributions and about rates. National Employment Office is ready toYour , , assist you with all necessary information, All sawmills and planing mills come under the Act on April 1st regardless of how many weeks they operate. Farmers and any other persons whose main occupation is non-insurable need not be insured if they work in lumbering and logging for 60 days or less a year and apply for exception. Call at the nearest National Employment Office for full information. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION C. A. L. MURCHISON J. G. BISSON R. J. TALLON Commissioner Chief Commissioner Commissioner tery. W.I. To Name New Officers ‘Mrs. R. .Smale was hostess the iStaffa Women’s Institute Wednesday afternoon with .Mrs. Win. (Houghton presiding. Roll call was answered by “An im provement I would like to see in oux* community.” The motto “Let youx* light shine,” was given by Mrs. Thos. Laing. Current events were reviewed by (Mrs. ’ Lloyd Miller. Grace Chalmers gave a reading on publicity. Mrs. Henry Harburn sang a vocal solo and Mrs. Robert McGaughey played a piano solo. Mrs. W. O’Brien gave ■a reading. (Mrs. Ernest Allen gave a demonstration on table centres. Mrs. G. M. Young gave a splen did paper on “Consider the lilies of the field and they grow.” A nominating bring in a slate the coming year as follows: (Mrs. Mrs. Thomas Laing and Mrs. Lloyd Miller. Lunch was served. Film Program Shown A family night was held Wed nesday in Staffa Hall, when the people of the community were entertained with moving pictures On Bermuda and Newfoundland, a comic film and also one show ing . the Leitchcroft Farms, To ronto. Jack Moles, Toronto, ex plained the pictures and spoke to the gathering. Douglas Moor- rison, Seaforth, introduced Mr. Moles. .Staffa Women’s Institute provided the lunch. x Travel Pictures Shown Staffa United Church held a congregational supper on Friday evening at .Staffa Hall with ,a good attendance. Aftei* the sup per, Melbourne Greenwood, of Munro, aud Walter Clarke, of St. Marys, spoke to the gathering on church matters. Rev. A. H. John ston, Mitchell, jvas present and showed coloured pictures of his trip to Vancouver, along .with pictures of Camp Bimini, and of various places in the north. to on the children as -committee to .of officers for was appointed O. W. Reed, Dunce Club Dinner Members of the Hensalite GUIs Dance Club, their husbands and friends enjoyed .a banquet at Monetta -Menards, Exeter, A toast to the club was proposed by the president, Mrs. Glen Deitz, Dancing was enjoyed. , This club was oxganized in October and has held several dances to aid worthy projects, They will also contribute to the Community Building Fund. Ilinlc Report Presented Secretary-Treasurer, .J. A. Pat erson reported at a meeting of the Hensall Comxhunity Park Board that receipts from the community rink ate as follows: Skating, opening, and carnival, $‘758.62; 'hockey, $538.55, and receipts net from the booth were $309.7’0', a total Of $ 1,69'3.87. He also reported costs of the building to date as approximate ly $24,500, with everything paid to date, • The Girl Guides and 'Brownies were granted use of the room in the northwest corner of the building one night each week, and Ernie Chipchase was ap pointed to look aftei’ the same. The Rifle Club was granted use of old lumber in the old rink, to erect a suitable rifle range in the park, but an .agree ment is to be signed by 'both parties regarding the place it is to be erected and how it is to be constructed. Concert Aids Arena Fluid Community Building Fund Students of the Hensall Public^ School, and rural schools conx- ■prising Nos. 1, 2, and 10 Tucker smith; S.'S. 14 iStanley; S.S. 2 and 10, JHay, presented a concert to a packed house Tuesday eve ning of last week in the Hensall Town Hall. Walter 'Spencer acted as chair man, (Proceeds .amounting to $70 will be donated to the Commun ity Arena. Numbers presented on the pro gram included choruses, vocal and piano solos, orchestra selec tions, piano duets, acrobatic stunts, action songs, dances and plays. From rooms 1, 2, and 3 of Hensall, solos were sung by David Noakes, Geraldine Har- burn, Sharon Smillie, Keith An derson, Dianne Rannie, Wayne Forrest, Mary Ann Rannie, Rod Ferguson, Joan Koehler, Wayne Clxuter, .Gwen Spencer, M. Hilde brandt, Ronald Anderson, Gra ham Farquhar, (Margaret Moir, Bill Lavender, Margaret Reid, In Chelmsford, Eng., married school teachers who are going to become mothers may take 14 weeks’ maternity leave. They do so on half (pay. PEACE OF MIND AND SECURITY Bill Fink and Jim 'Baynhaxm 5.5. 1, Tuckersmith contribut ed orchestra numbers, piano duet, Ilene Maxwell and Maja Roobal; acrobatics, 'Mary Elson, S.-S. 2> Tuckersmith, presented x'ythm band selections, vocal duet in costume, Ann and Marie clair; piano solo by Ann claim action song, piano and dance numbers, 5.5, 2, Hay, numbers included piano, Dwayne Tinney; song and dance numbers rhythm dances; S.S. 10, Hay, -rhytluh band num* hers, vocal and piano solos tby -Shirley Bell: piano solo, Shirley Coleman; iS.S. 14, Stanley,, action songs, and two plays; S,S. 10, Tuckersmith, harmonica numbers and a play. Accompanists were Mrs. Sin clair/ Mrs. M. .Dougall, Miss Shir ley Bell, S, R, Rannie, J. L. Nicol. The following teachers were responsible fox’ the affair; Hensall principal, J, ,F. Black- well; (Mrs. R. Cook, -Miss ‘Avery, Mrs. R. Simpson, Miss McGuire, Mrs. Jolly, Miss Turner, A. Fin layson and ,Mrs, R. Ellis. ... - .. ; ■ :■ > Sin* Business Directory ELMER D. BELL, K.C. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Successor to J. W. Morley EXETER, ONTARIO DR. H, H. COWEN L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL surgeon Alain Street, Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon Bu3.3UW - Telephones - Res. 30J DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Bell Building Phone 273 Exeter FRANK TAYLOR LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Exeter P.O. or Ring 138 W. G. COCHRANE, BA. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR EXETER, ONTARIO At Hensail, Friday, 2 to 5 p.m. JOHN W. ORCHARD OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday For Appointments Phone 3551 SHIPKA Mr. and Mrs. James Clarke have returned from their honey moon* and are getting settled on tlieir 4fax*in south of Shipka, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Currie from Centralia Airport have taken up residence at tlxe home of Mr. and Mrs.- George Love. , Mrs. Milt Ratz held a shower at her home on Wednesday eve ning in honor of Miss. Elsie (Gaiser. ALVIN WALPER LICENCED AUCTIONEER - Specializing In - Farm & Purebred Livestock Sales “Service That Satisfies0 Phohe 57r2 R.R. 1 DASHWOOD WM. H. SMITH LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron add Middlesex Special training assures you of your property’s true value bn sale day. Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed * pREDlTON P.O. or Phone 43-2 E. F. CORBETT LICENCED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed • EXETER, R.R. 1 Rhone Enrich 02r7 ARTHUR ERASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, ETC. Ann St., Exeter Phone 355W USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter/ Ontario President Angus Sinclair, R.R. 1, Mitchell Vice-President Milton McCurdy, R.R. 1, Kirkton Directors William H. UoateB, Exeter Martin Feeney, Dublin E. Clayton Colqulioun, Science Hill William A. Hamilton, Cromarty Agents T. G. Baliantyne, Woodham Alvin L. Harris, Mitchell Thomas Scott, Cromarty Secretary-Treasurer Arthur Fraser, Exeter Solicitors Gladman & Cochrane, Exeter Draws Own Ticket At Perth Seed Fair It was mostly Hoopers at the annual Perth county seed .fair at St. Marys Thursday of last week, as Milton Hooper, of Blanshard, and his son Gladwyn Hooper car ried ,aWay 14 first prizes, aixd made 'almost a clean sweep of the graixx championships. A third generatiolx, Gladwyn^s six-year-old son Clare, capped the climax wheix he was asked to draw the ticket fox* the door prize. The small boy reached in and. pulled out No. IS. For a minute nobody claimed the prize; tliexi officials found that the win ning stub, No. 18, -was held by Clare Hooper. While grandfather and fatliex* took home a silver tray aixd a pocketful of prize money, Clare went .lionxe posses- sor of 50 baby chicks, which had been offered as the door prize. The biggest entry list in the history of the fair taxed the ac comodation available in tlxe Church gyxnnasium ixx St, Marys* Un iqiie Farm Forum The Unique Farm Forum met for their re-organization meeting March 30 at the home of 4Mr. and Mrs. B, Klopp with twenty- six members present. Mr. Cliff Popper was elected Secretary with Mrs. C. OestToIcher, assist ant. Miss Nola Krueger was ap pointed reporter. The following Recreation Committee was ap pointed: Herbert Klopp, Mrs. Kreuger, Mrs. H. Sclxilbe. .The meeting closed with a sing-song and the serving of a delicious lunch By the hostess. Alberto oil bos changed his future 0 Oil is important to us all. More oil means a higher standard oi living, one Then, too, the search for oil is making a big* new market in Alberta for things the rest of Canada has to sell. The oil industry Is spending $3 millions a week in the west. Across the nation this money is fostering now industries, expanding plants, creating jobs, paying wages, building homes. The boy doesn't know it yet, Many a grown-up doesn't realize It—-hut the new oil fields of Alberta brighten Canada's future. Western oil is saving 100 million scarce U.S. dollars this year, dollars We don't have to pay out for oil imports. This means money to buy othei Imports we need—things that cannot be grown or made in Canada. Nex: year Alberta oil should save 145 million U.S. dollars I More than 240 companies and syndicates are searching for or producing oil In western Canada. The search ior oil is unending, a costly business, often disappointing. But the job is pressing forward. And new-found oil is changing our future... promising a better, brighter future for Canadians—man and boy alikel And in the prairies petroleum product prices are lower than they Would have been if oil had not been found. Prairie consumers saved more than $30 millions last year. Anything that helps prairie prosperity helps all Canada. The married woman wants peace of mind and security for herself and her family—money for food—shelter—clothes—education. The business woman wants peace of mind and security at retirement. Ask for our pamphlet especially written for women entitled “I Want Insurance’'. It will interest you. It Is estimated that the Oil industry will account lor almost IO per cent of all new business capita! invested in Canadd this year. In 1949 imperial Oxi bought a. total of nearly $40 millions ol equipment and supplies from more than 3,000 Canadian firms. About Canada’s Oil—At the end ol 1949 potential oil production in Albertd was more than one-third of Cdnada’s requirements. Three years earlier, Canadd produced less than one-tenth oi the oil she Used Hensall IMPERIAL ©IL LIMITED WK Confederation Life head office AsSOCialioU TORONTO Representative A. V/. MORGAN Bringing you oil is a big job .., and a costly i