HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-04-06, Page 9the minister placed his
faith following
class that was
weeks by the
Snell. In addi-
were received.
Add cream elieese to cereal for
breakfast, beat just long enough
to melt.
The following were re
Mrs. IMaurice Q u a n c e,
been re-decorated. A
was sung by Walter
A. E. Wuertli, L. Wein
Linden field. The com-
with Brush ........ .....•....... $3.95
Barr of London
of rail-
Allow '2 cups -dry crumbs for
stuffing a four pound fish.
It takes 12,323 miles
way track to weld all the wide
spread parts of ‘Canada into one
great nation.
1 and with his sister and
George .Hern spent the week-end I in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
■ - - Baker, of Wellburn.
gg "H1—itti—...............,lM"‘*rin1'.-Tlri(“'mnni“mTnfirrirn""Ti.>irimrnr'T7iiiinw^iMii.ii-w.,.T>Mi.r^ii.i.i(rii„mi'wimitfrrnminff'ninrirflnii n-nrrirnTim1.1 rr",lJ—
Clerk; “Here's a pret
ty card with u lovely
sentiment; 'To the. only
girl I ever loved*.”
Sailor: "That’s f inc.
Give me a dozen”
IPs a fine affair to be
into tire trouble because of neglected tires. Let us
check over your present set and advise you on its
South End Service
on a motor trip and run
Exeter Phone 328
: ■«
MONTREAL — Early Spring, with its damp, blus
tery weather, sometimes gives us aches ’n? pains
that rob us of sleep and make us feel miserable.
The most soothing, relief-bringing treatment I know
for sore muscles — stiff neck — neuralgia or rheu
matism is to pat on SLOAN’S LINIMENT, It
works wonderfully quickly to bring welcome relief
from pain! Its deep, penetrating heat gets to the
‘hoot of the evil’’— makes you feel so much better!
No wonder so many thousands of Canadian mothers agree that Sloan’s
is a medicine cabinet “must”! And Sloan’s is so inexpensive! Just 40c
a bottle at your favourite drugstore!
Easter Wouldn’t Be Easter without rainbow-eggs and chocolate bunnies
. . . but to make this Easter' specially memorable —
surprise your family with this marvelous Eggnog Sponge (fake. It’s made with SWANS DOWN CAKE
FLOUR — for tender, feather-light deliciousness.
2 eggs, unbeaten 2/3 cup sugar2 tbspns. shortening 1/2 cup hot milk 1/2 tspn. grated lemon
1/4 tspn. mace , ■ rindSift flour once, measure, add baking powder, salt and mace. Sift together three times. Beat eggs with rotary egg beater until they are foamy throughout. Add sugar gradually, beating constantly until very thick and light. Add shortening to hot milk and heat until melted; then add to egg mixture, mixing quickly. Add all flour and lemon rind and beat with rotary egg beater only until smooth.. Turn into round 9-mch layer pan, 1 -1/2 inches deep, which has been lined on bottom with paper, but not greased. Bake in moderate oven (375°F.) about 15 minutes. Cool in pan. Split cake in half. Spread whipped cream or custard filling between halves. Sift powdered sugar over top of cake.
1 cup sifted Swans Down Cake Tlour1 tspn. Calumet Baking
Powder1/4 tspn. salt
Time For A “Primp-TJp” At Home? . . . Easter reminds us of Spring
home repairs—Toof and structure needs, new paint
jobs, new decoration schemes. You've certainly got
such plans in mind, but maybe it isn’t easy to lay
hands at once on the necessary cash. Well, the BANK
OF MONTREAL has special low-cost loans for just
this situation. So long as you can repay a loan by
monthly instalments without too great strain on the
family budget, there’s money for your home repairs
and improvement at the B of M. Why not arrange with
Husband to talk it over with the manager of .your
nearest branch of “My Bank”? Tonight’s the best time.
A Wonderful Free Booklet For
Your Baby! He
won’t be able
fo read it . . .
but he’ll thrive
on the things
you read in it!
It’s a brand
new, enlarged and illustrated,
edition of “Four Baku’s Diet ,
giving you the very, latest ap
proved findings about infant feed
ing and nourishment. It’s been
written for you and your baby by
a large staff of HEINZ baby food
experts who arc in constant touch
with doctors, clinicians, research
ers and dietitians. Read about
breast feeding, bottle feeding, how
to care for utensils, warming and
storing food. There are new charts,
too . . . Weight, Height and Age
Table — Progressive Development
Chart, All in all, this is a book
no mother should miss! Simply
write to me — Barbara Brent,
1411 Crescent St,, Montreal,
l\Q<— for your free copy of
“Your Baby’s Diet”!
I Want To Remind You about
that pleasant custom-—afternoon
tea. I always have it at home
when I’m alone, or at a restaurant,
after shopping or the movies. Too,
on many afternoons friends drop
in by invitation. And what a thor
oughly enjoyable way it is to relax
and enjoy an hour of friendship
while sipping tea! And here’s a
tip —* inviting friends to afternoon
tea is a splendid way to return a
social obligation. Oh yes—-another
tea tip: Always make sure the tea
brews fully five minutes for full
enjoyable flavor.
Only The Rich could afford to drink tea in the days of Queen Elizabeth.
Tea taxes in England were so high that tea
ifvA smuggling was a common occurrence. In fact, more
th*- L- 2- U.. ™ D.-’.kT
into the country. The King’s men whipped and n . ........ .......................................
Tea taxes in England were so high that tea
smuggling was a common occurrence. In fact, more
& than half the tea drunk in England was smuggled
hanged the daring smugglers, but they were rc-
Rj garded more as heroes than ns criminals by the
people, for tea, even then, was a much-sought-after
beverage. In those days, it wasn’t blended, bub
was consumed by single varieties and would be almost unrecognizable
as tea to us. Todav tea blending is an art ,«, well-understood by the
Blenders of famous RED ROSE TEA. Yes, you know from the first sip
that Red Rose Tea is good Tea. Its famous flavour—its truly satisfying
goodness — make it the favourite in thousands of Canadian homos —
at tea-time — and all the time! And remember that Red Rose Coflee is
as good as Red Rose Tea* ...........
Six Red Cross aides .from the
London branch were on the unit
Thursday afternoon to accept do
nations from station personnel,
Their campaign funds were in
creased by about $400 during
their visit
Newly-erected badges of rank
are much in evidence on the sta
tion since April 1. Fifteen cor
porals were promoted to sergeant
rank, and 2'3 LAG'S were .given
corporal’s hooks. WO2 J. D. Zu-
felt was promoted to WO1 rank,
F/S E. Walker became a WO2,
and Sgt. E. S. Jackson is now a
Flight Sergeant,
Music for the
on, Friday night,
supplied by Hy
chestra from London, The dance
was very well attended in spite
of a small snow storm that
>» *
Airmen’s dance
March 31, was
Johnston’s or-
threatened earlier in the eve
(X >li # $
"Doc" Hermann, the starry re
lief pitcher for the station base
ball team which won the Huron-
Perth championship last fall, is
(presently at the training camp of
St. Louis * Cardinals at Albany,
Georgia, Hermann, oniy'ip years
old, is a native of Midland, N.S.
*$'• ’I*
Church’ services are being held
each morning during Holy Week
in the station chapel. , * .Dakota
pilots* were alerted on Saturday
morning to search for the To
ronto Flying Club aircraft which
was found early Saturday in the
lake pear Fort Erie. The pilot
had evidently drowned while
trying to get to shore . . .The
sympathy of the station is ex
tended to Cpl. and Mrs, J. Cal
vert, whose newly-born daughter
died last week.
Gayer Than. Springtime .».that’s
what you’ll think about this
scrumptious JELL-O dessert when
you serve it some evening soon!
It’s not only beautiful tn look at
—but the frosh ’n’ fruity “lockcd-
in” flavour of Jcll-0 Jelly Powders
always brings plates back for
more I
1 package Cherry Jell-O
2 cups het water (or water and
Syrup from fruit)
1 cup drained canned pitted red
1 cup balls of canned pear
Dissolve Jell-O ixi het liquid. Chill
Until slightly thickened, then fold
in fruits. Chill in fancy mold. Un-
meld and garnish with pear, which
has been cut into balls with a ball
cutter* Makes 6 to 8 servings.
The Next Time You have odds
and ends of
meat to use up,
try this tender
Corn Meal
Shortcake. The
two-wav action
mixing bowk then in the
makes the shortcake a dream
dclieiousncss—as it doos with
my baking.
2 cups sifted flour21/2 teaspOonS Calumet Baking Powder
1 teaspoon salt1 tablespoon sugar1/3 cup yellow corn meal1/2 cup shortening 3/4 cup milk (about)
creamed chipped beef, meat, fish or eggs.
Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder, salt and sugar, end Sift into bowl. Add corn meal. Cut
m shortening* Add milk and Stir until soft dough is formed. Turn out on. lightly floured board and
knead 30 seconds to shape. Roll 1/2 inch thick and cut with floured 3*inch cutter. Bake oil ungreased, baking sheet in hot oven (425QF.) about 15 minutes, until done. Split hot shortcakes and place creamed meat, fish, or eggs between halves ahd on top. Makes 8 shortcakes.
A Grand Opportunity to send for this,dollar-value Phstio Juice Con-
nrrrey, tainer that’s yours for just 25c and 10c for
ffrTuflL mailing! This container is unbrcakable-non-
toxic—spill-proof and it holds five cups of
left-over1 juices. Simply put the juice you want to keep fresh in this
container in your ice box! It “seals in” the vitamins! Just send me-—
Barbara Brent, 1411 Crescent St., Montreal, P.Q.— a
3Se Postal Note or postage stamps and one label
from n Bovril Cordial or Concentrate bottle, (The
label comes off easily when soaked in warm Water for
ten or fifteen minutes.) And, remember, BOVRIL not
Ohly makes a wonderfully delicious hot drink —it’s
excitingly flavourful ill meat dishes of all kinds!
To Celebrate Ninetieth
Birthday On Friday
Close to 2’0* members of the
Thiel family are expected to at
tend a reunion to be held at Zur
ich April 7, Good Friday, mark
ing- the birthday of Andrew
Thiel, Zurich’s oldest resident,
who was 90 on April ,2, He was
born in Kitchener, -but lias lived
in Hay Township 87 years. .
Still in good health and active,
Mr. Thiel has 31 grandchildren
and 36 great-grancdchildren, and
seldom lacks the company of
younger generations. Thirty-two
of his great-grandchildren live in
or near Zurich, and a daughter,
Mrs. Henry Clausius, three sons,
William, George and Elmer, live
in Zurich. A second daughter,
Mrs. Dorsen Saunders, resides at
Mr. Thiel will celebrate
birthday at the home of liis
and daughter-in-law, Mr.
Mrs. George Thiel, with whom he
lias resided since the death of
his wife, the1’ former Catherine
Price, seven years ago.
Palm Sunday Marked
At M ain St. Church
Despite the inclement, weather
a large crowd worshipped
■Main Street United Church
'Balm Sunday.
The minister conducted an
pressive reception service
new members and the communi
cant's class. Each new communi
cant approached . the dias and
knelt on a maroon velvet pillow
hands on tlieir head <involsing
God’s divine blessing’and guid
Patricia IHawkins, Patricia Tuc-
key, ,S.andra McKniglit, Margaret
Wildfong, Marilyn Skinner.
Rev. H. J. iMalioney preached
the sermon ‘Jesus The Saviour",
sixth in a Lenten series entitled
“The Portrait Of .Jesus”. The
choir rendered two appropriate
anthems. IMiss * Dorothy
sang “The Palms" at the
A special community
will be held on Good Friday at
i 8 p.m. with Rev. Donald , Sin
clair as speaker.
Miss Feme ,Rodd of London
spent the week-end at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
gar Rodd.
Mr. Clarence Ford, Kitchener,
was a visitor at -the home of ‘Mr.
and Mrs. "William Dickey Satur
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Passmore
and 'baby Sharon of Thames
Road were Sunday visitors with
Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Rodd and
1 Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Rodd,
Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer of Toron
to spent the week-end with the
latter's sister, .Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Cam m.
Mrs. John Coward spent a
couple of days last week with
hgr daughter, Mrs. Bob Bibbey,
at Kirkton.
Mrs. L. Funnell and family of
Woodstock spent , the week-end
with Mrs. Truman Tufts.
Mrs. Wilfred Yake (.nee Leona
Doupe) of London spent the
week with her parents, Mr. .and
Mrs. Wes zDouipe, and assisted
her mother, who entertained at
a trousseau tea Saturday after
noon and evening in honour of
her daughter Ella, a bride of
this week.
Miss Donna Watson of Hamil
ton spent the past week-end with
her cousin, Mrs. Clarence Rout-
Mr. and Mrs, Victor Sawyer of
Toionto spent part of the past
week with Mrs. Sawyer’s sisters,
Mrs. Cecil Canun and Mrs, Ella
Mr. and Mrs. I* N. Marshall
were Sunday guests with Harold
and Mrs. Wallis at Granton.
Mi. and Mrs. Beecher Hanson
of Granton spent Friday evening
with friends in tlie village.
Mrs. M. Gregory, who spent
the past three months with her
daughter, Mrs. B. Leonard, at
London, spent the past week
with Mrs. Lienal Kemp.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex rvine and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Rathburn and son George, Gran
toil, visited this week with Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Rathbttrh.
Mr, Ray Morrison attended a
two-day convention Friday and
Saturday at Toronto this past
Mr, and Mrs. Walter Ridell of
Hamiota, Sask., Mrs. Ferd Ready
and Mr. Jack
visited with Mr, and Mrs. Archie
Robinson Monday afternoon.
Mi*, and Mrs. Wray Sweitzer,
Ronnie and Barbara of Sliipka
and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Scott
and Jean of Farquhar visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Mr* and Mrs, Grant Hern,
Helen and Ruth of Toronto, Mrs.
Willing Workers Meet
The April meeting of James
Street Willing Worker’s Evening
Auxiliary was held at the home
of Mrs. Ted- Pooley. The Presi
dent, Mrs. Wm. Allison, opened
the meeting with a hymn, fol
lowed by the Lord’s Prayer in
unison. The minutes were read
and approved and the roll call
taken, The various secretaries
gave their reports. A short busi
ness discussion followed. Miss
Verna Coates and Mrs, Tom
Coates were appointed delegates
to the Pnesbyterial at Clinton on
April 27,
In the absence of the group
leader, Miss Btella Southcott,
Mrs, Wm. Thomson took charge
of the program. Hymn 100 was
sung. Miss Verna Coates read the
scripture lesson and Mrs- Wm.
Kernick led in prayer. Mrs. Irwin
Ford and Mrs. Vera Johns sang
a duet.
The group in charge presented
an Easter pageant '‘The Sign Of
Victory". The pageant was in
■two scenes and the parts were
taken by Mrs. (Wm. Thomson,
Mrs. L. Wein, Mrs. Helen Brod
erick, Miss Verna Coates, Mrs.
C. Cann, Mrs. Florence Williams
and Mrs. M. Alderson. Mrs. Vera
Johns read the scriptural pass
ages and Mrs. T. Coates took
the solo parts in the pageant.
Hymn 115 was sung and all re
peated the Mizpah Benediction,
Lunch was served by the group
in charge.
Quiet, Please
A wealth of medical data indi
cates that excessive noise .con
tributes to poor health. Everyone
knows that loud noices at night
prevent sleep and make for
sharp, irritable tempers next day,
but scientists also say that loud
or high-pitched noise may have
even more direct effect on the
human system. The .elimination
of noise nearly always means
better health.
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Westman,
Granton, have announced the en
gagement of their daughter, Mar
ion, to Kenneth Mills, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Mills, -St. Marys,
the marriage to take place in
blaw, Mrs. II. Copeland, Mrs. G.
Webber, Mrs. Wm. Rundle, Mrs.
I. McCurdy, Mrs. J. Smith, Miss
Ordelle -McAllister, Mrs, Phil
Brine and Nancy and Miss Bessie
McCurdy at a quilting at her
home last Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs* Jack Stephens and Mrs.
Norman Johns and family of II-
derton visited on Friday with
Mi*, and Mrs. D, G. Stephens*
Mr. and Mrs. <!. Wildfons wore
week-end visitors with frieuds
in London.
Glen Haugh of Waterloo spent
the" week-end with his parents.
Mrs. Otto Restemeyer is
the sick list. ,We hope for
speedy recovery.
Mr* Jonah Kessel, who lias
been ill at the home of Mr. H.
Ford was taken to St. Joseph’s
Hospital in London Tuesday.
Mrs. 8. P- Currie is confined
to her home through illness.
Mrs. E. Stelk is also on the
sick list.
Mrs. Witzel, who has boon on
the sick list for" some time,
improving slowly.
Dust Mops ... -89, $2.50, $3.95
C.I.L. Celulose Sponges ... .45
Rubber Sponges ....... .50
Whisks ....... 65
Scrub ^rushes ...... ,40
Brooms ................ .95, $1.65
Ocedar Sponge Mops
Dust Pans .................
Whitewash Brushes
Lin-X Paste Wax, ....
Lin-X Anti-Slip Liquid Wax .... 1 lb. .59, 2 lbs. .98
Lin-X Applicators, long handle, hold one quart liquid
wax, sheepskin head .................................... $2.20
Window Cleaner .................. 15
Lemon Oil Special; 1 quart Lemon Oil and Polishing
Cloth ... ........ .59
5-foot Stepladders .............................................. $4.25
Complete line of
*• Brushes, Turps, Oils, Roller Coaters, etc.
Pentecosfal W.M.C
The Mlarch meeting of .the
Pentecostal W.M.C. was held in
the church.
The meeting opened with the
singing of Hymn 379, “I Think
When I Read". Roll call was
answered by a verse of scripture
including children. The minutes
of the last .meeting were read
and approved. Mrs. Swiegard
lead in prayer. A letter of thanks
was read from Mrs. A. T. Jacob
son for the parcel sent them. J.
Dorothy Cooper resigned the po
sition of Secretary-Treasurer and
Mrs. E. Cudmore was appointed
to take her place. All were in
favour. The hymn “Jesus Loves
Even Me” was sung. Mrs. iPeter
Durand favoured with a
The pastor Mr.' Kendrick
God’s blessing upon the word
before the message. Mrs. T. Jolly
brought a very inspiring mess
age, .taking for her text “Four
Roads", and reading from the
scriptures Luke, 23rd chapter,
verses 39 to 46, and two portions
from the Book of Hebrews were
also read. The message was very
interesting. The prayer bulletin
-was read by Mrs. Ruth McLaren.
We all went to prayer for a
short time. Mrs. T. Jolly closed
in prayer.
Communion Service
Held At James St.
At. the communion service in
James St. United Church Sunday
morning, fifty-four persons were
received into church membership.
Of these .thirty-one were received
on profession of
a communicant’s
held for several
pastor, Rev, Mr.
tion twenty-three
into membership by transfer cer
tificate. The meeting was held
in the auditorium, the first since
it has
and E.
munion was one of the largest
held in a number of years. Mr.
Snell concluded a series of pre
Easter messages on the theme
"Will Ye Also Go Away.”
African monkeys run wild
Gibraltar rocks.
Mrs. Harry Armstrong
Mrs. George Kellett assisted in
displaying the trousseau of Miss
Ola Johns at the latter’s home
on Wednesday of last week.
We are sorry to learn that
Mrs. Joe Bailey is confined to
her. home with pneumonia,
hope for a speedy return
Mr. and Mrs, Cliff (’arty of
London and Miss Kathleen Hay
of Exeter visited over Sunday
with Mr. and .Mrs. Gord Prance.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clarke
spent Sunday evening with Mr.
,nnd Mrs. George Wright of Cred-
Mr. Clarence Ford, Kitchener,
spent the week-end w i t h his
parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford
.................... " hrother-
with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hern.
Mrs., Clarence Mills returned
home from Victoria Hospital,
London, on Sunday after being
a patient there for a few days.
Mrs. Oscar Brine entertained
Mrs* E. Cowdrey, Mrs. D. Sham-
Beavers Hardware
---------—. «.———— - — < i
Here is the answer to restoring "new engine”
power, performance and economy to your car or
truck—economically! When your Ford-Monarch
Dealer or Mercury-Lincoln-Meteor Dealer installs
this Genuine Ford Rebuilt Cylinder Assembly you
have the equivalent of a brand-new engine , . ♦ yet
the cost is lower. Also this Factory-Rebuilt unit is
GUARANTEED by Ford of Canada!