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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-04-06, Page 8
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 6, 1950 A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate was bridesmaid.solo- Mitchell was en- of the afternoon by Mrs. Lyons, Mrs. Lyons Addresses Hurondale Institute Mrs. Roylance Westcott hostess to ,the Hurondale men’s Institute, March 29. bride was given in by- 6Henry Menard, was of — trimmed flowers set the scene in St James (West- Anglican Church, Lon- the wedding at which Mae Wettlaufer became necklace, gift of , the Exchange Vows In Westminster Church Spring Saturday minster) don, for Irene the bride of John McArthur Car ruthers. Mrs. Carruthers is the daughter of Mrs. Henry Menard, Exeter, and her husband is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Car ruthers, Loudon* Rev. H. E. Mer- ifield performed the ceremony. Ernest Chubb, organist at the church, played the wedding music and accompanied the ist, Miss Betty Jarrett. The " riage gown satin, Spanish lace, ciruclar neckline with shirred lace edging, fitted bodice and ja • full skirt ending in a train. The long veil was held in place by a flower style headdress of seed pearls. Her shower banquet was of pink carnations, pink roses and white bouvardia. Miss Marion Wettlaufer was her sister’s maid of honour. The bridesmaids were Miss Barbara Laird and Miss Hazel Dafoe, and the flower girls were Miss Anita Menard and Miss Carol Menard. The five wore dresses of the terial, electric blue flower girls carried sweet peas and the othei’ attend ants had sweet peas, snapdragons and carnations, in bouquets, sim ilar1 to that of the bride. Stuart Revington was grooms man and the ushers were ,Wm. Bradley and Jack Hayes. A reception was held at the Club Monetta, Exeter. The bride’s mother wore a navy ensemble with white trim and white ac cessories, and the bridegroom’s mother wore brown accessories. The bride’s going away en semble for the wedding trip to the Southern States was a hun ter’s green dine coat, accessories, Mr. and make their mar- Her gardenia , white with imported and styled with neckline with attendants same ma- satin. The baskets of dress, -tile red gaber- eggshell and green and corsage of roses. Mrs. Carruthers will home in London. The Vo ice Of Temperance . . . Canon Quinton Warner ■ o ■Mg Thames Road Manse Scene Of Wedding A quiet wadding was solemn ized at the Thames Road Manse on Satixrday, April 1, when Rev. William Mail* united in marriage Ola Jean Johns, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Johns, and John David Batten, son of Mr. and Ralph Batten, Exeter. The bride wore a grey street length dress with grey accessor ies. She wore a corsage of red roses. Hex* only ornament was a cameo '' ................. groom. •Miss Katherine Batten, sister of the groom, She wore a navy dress with navy accessories. Hex* corsage was pink carnations. William Johns, 'brother- of the bride was best man. Aftex* the wedding reception at the bride’s home, they left on a short honeymoon. The bride don ned a navy shortie coat. On their return they will reside in Win- chelsea, was Wo- She was assisted by Mrs, William Rowcliffe and Mrs. F. Lostell. An exchange of seeds , and plant slips-was conducted in re- the 'business was tdis- with an Easter Hymn, I Survey The Wondrous was sung. William Rowcliffe ,dis- the care of the African A skit “Mrs. 1900 Meets The British single-seater glider record is 230 miles, tlie Mrs. V. Armstrong A Women Is Only As Old as her Figure Don’t let your figure gossip about your ago’ You will look, feel, and act years younger witty a SPIRELLA FOUNDATION ’ For an appointment phone 125 Kumjoinus Enjoys Hard-Tjm? Party The xnonthly meeting of Kumjoinus Class of Main Street United Chwcty was held Monday with an attendance of fifty. Mrs. Percy Mertyley, president, pre sided fox’ the business session, It was decided to sponsor a play presented ElinxviUe Crokjnole xnembers costumes, and Walter* prizes foi’ the highest the progressive .games, Mrs. Glen McKnight contest fox* the best typical hard- time .costume. Judges were Miss Grace Peppex* and Rev. Harry J. Mahoney. Mrs. W. Higgins won the prize fox* the “the sheerest nylons.” During the program, Miss Dorothy Davis sang two so prano solos, Mrs. J. Sweitzer gave two humorous readings. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson played several flute duets on flutes specially constructed by Mr. Wil son. Rev. H. Mahoney offered pi’ayex’ on behalf of the teacher’, Mr*. W. G. Medd, who is confined to his house. A unit of Huron Co-Operative Medical Services was organized with eleven appli cations. Lunch was • served, con cluding a most enjoyable eve ning. by members of the W o m e n’s Institute, was enjoyed by .the dressed in Mrs. H. J. Penrose hard-time Mahoney received count in Mr. and won the spoils© to the roll call. After pensed “When Cross’’ Mrs. cussed violet. Mrs. 1950”, presented by Mrs. R. Oke and Mrs. E. ” joyed. The highlight wqs a discourse of Exeter, on paintings. She told interesting facts in the lives of the earliest artists of Italy, Hol land and France, and .touched also on artists of modern times, and their It of a each donation of one dollar. This do nation is to be handed to the secretary before the. next meet ing as the books have to be audited ’soon. ' The meeting closed Awith the National Anthem and lunch was served by the commitee. WHOLE WHEAT / the some were men-to a similar story and I 1 is at to he athletic, to grow. Teachers can ■p r o g r a m with subjects oi* activi- milk, grain if de- •Street with sweet- tli e neces- grain good Cooking oil—a vegetable oil may be substituted for melted shortening in quick cooking bat ters. habit good the children had BUT these breakfasts fair or poor. good time to include fruit, whole begin- Rules. go to break- displayed illustrations of work. was decided that in- place cooking sale this spring, member would give a cash 1. last poor fore ■8 % had eggs every > had no eggs during a A smiles as she greets Winston Churchill at the Lord Mayor’s National Thanksgiving Fund dinner in London. In the back ground Prime Ministei’ and Mrs. Clement Attlee are seen. —Central Press Canadian Fish and Chips Hamburgers Lunches and Meals ROYAL SMILE FOR WINSTON — Princess Elizabeth A Good Breakfast For Every Child. Every Day f London was one of the speakers at the Ontario Temperance Fed eration Convention at Hamilton. He described the practise of social drinking as the greatest curse in the whole tragic prob lem of alcoholism. When people of wealth, education and leisure put the stamps of approval on drinking then the problem has been enlarged and aggravated. One does not question that sooner or later people will come to their senses and an enligh tened public opinion will brand this eocktail guzzling as the de generate habit that it is. (advt.) Caven W.M.S. Holds Easter Meeting The Easter Thankoffering ■ meeting of Caven 'Women’s Mis- sionary Society was held. Sunday ' afternoon, April 2, in the Sunday •School room with Mrs. Earl Mit- chell presiding ana opening the meeting with singing “Jesus Stood Among Vs” which was fol lowed’ with prayer by Mrs. Moir and the Lord’s Prayer in .unison. There was a good attendance answering the roll call with “Risen” as the key word. Mem* typx’s of the Busy Bees Mission Band were present and sang two numbers, His Heaven of Men” and “Wide,Wide is .the Ocean”, accompanied by their leader Mrs. Irving Snider. Mrs. A. Whilsmith conducted the devotional period, reading from the twentieth chapter of John, verses 1 and 2, and 11 to 19, with meditation and prayer. The hymns were "The- Day of Resurrection” and “When I Sur-; vey the Wondrous Cross.” A very inspiring address was i given by Mrs. George Lamont of Mitchell, quoting from Revela tion, “Behold .1 Make All Things New.” Easter is a glorious time for Christians with the story of the Resurrection so overpower ing to have us realize the mes sage of Easter can be lived every day by service, grateful for the privilege of helping to maintain the W.M.S. motto “The World For Christ.” Mrs. .Harold Simpson sang the beautiful solo, “The PalmsT, ac companied by Mrs. Cochrane. Mrs. Millar moved a vote of thanks to the guest speaker and all taking part in the interesting program. The meeting dosed with sing ing “Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross” and prayer, with the bene diction by Rev. Mr. Sinclair. A social hour was enjoyed when tea, was served by Mrs. Hatter and Mrs. Millar with Miss Hatter and Mrs. Kirk assisting. “Have at least three meals a day” is the advice at the ning of Canada’s Food But how many children school with little or no fast and so miss one of these important, meals? Breakfast , is the meal which will help to start the day right if it supplies at least a quarter _of the day’s food requirements, time to eat sary milk, cereal, and time to give A Study Of Habits Of School Children In a recent study of breakfast habits of about 8,000 rural Ontario elementary school children foi’ one week, the fol lowing observations were made: 95% of breakfast, 45% of rated only At breakfast the fqods tioned above were used as fol lows: Milk—42% had milk to drink every day, 5 % had no milk at all. Fruit—-2>S% had no citrus fruit or tomato juice during a week, 23% had these ,only one oi’ two mornings. Cei’eals and bread—35% had cereal every day, 55% had toast or bread every day, 43% used white bread only. Eggs—■! day, 43% week. Another study of urban child ren told went further to show that there was a highly significant correla tion between breakfast and lunch habits, that is, “those who had good breakfasts invariably had good lunches, and those who had poor breakfasts did not com pensate for their lack by eating a good meal”. Breakfast is some of the fruit, whole eggs. It’s a Vitamin D. The Breakfast Breakfasts May Be Scoretl Every possible effort should be made to evaluate the 'break fast habits of the children with whom we work and to improve those which are unsatisfactory. School children will enjoy scoring their own breakfasts for a week. Do not let it stop there. Keep these scores and repeat the survey after a reasonable in terval to evaluate improvement. Use every means to interest children in breakfast, appeal to their desires look well, to correlate this other school ties.' Why Is Breakfast Important? It is a long time since the meal. Children who have breakfasts are hungry be- noon. They become weary and listless. A good breakfast better than candy ox- sweets recess. 2. If children carry a lunch school, it is especially necessary to have a good 'breakfast. Some hot food should be included at least in winter. 3. It is very difficult to pro vide all the essential foods in just two meals a day. Breakfast is a Vitamin D, cereal- and eggs oi* bacon sired. 4. Children are in the forming age. This is a habit for a lifetime. What Is A Good Breakfast? Fruit—Citrus fruit ox’ juice or tomato juice. Other fruits may be- substituted if these fruits, which are high in Vitamin C are secured some othei' time during the day. Milk—one cup oi' 6-oz glass. Choice of one or two of: Cer eal, preferably whole grain, with milk; toast or bread, preferably whole grain, with buttei’ oi' Every day5 in every way, textiles get better and better. In every yard of textiles you wear or use around tlie home, there is an unseen agent... Chemistry *.. that makes it sprve you better. Gay colours for dresses and drapes, fire resistants for curtains and hangings, waler repellents for outdoor garments, bleaches and cleaning solvents, all are typical of the vital part Chemistry plays in the fabrics in your home. Here, at Canadian Industries Limited, Chemistry moves steadily forward »». improving the present, creating for the future, giving new meaning to the C-I-L Oval and its accompanying phrase, “Servin Canadians Through Chemistry’’. James St. W.A. Entertains Choir The choir of the James United Church togethei’ their husbands, wives ox’ hearts, were royally entertained Thursday evening of Jast week ■by the Women’s Association. This is an annual event to show the appreciation of the congrega tion fox* the loyalty and co-opera tion of the choir during the year. A. turkey diunei- with all the trimmings followed by cake, ice cream and coffee was on the menu, The pastor, Rev. H. J. Snell spoke of the splendid sei’- vice rendered by Mr. Lawrence Wein, the organist, and also of the choir. Short speeches were given by Mr. Wein, Mrs. P. Mc- Falls, president of the choir, and A. E&Wuerth. Mrs. Wesley Wit mer, president of the W.A. re plied to the vote of thanks to the ladies. margarine; egg; bacon. Vitamin D—the day’s need, 400 units. Good Breakfasts And The Four-Point Program •Satisfactory breakfasts for children include milk, a source of Vitamin 'C, and Vitamin They do not include sugar sweet foods. Parents Can Help Children are more likely have a good breakfast if they have had a good night’s rest and then rise early enough to dress and to have time to eat the foods they need. The break fast table should be attractive and breakfast should be a pleas ure fox* all of the family. Break fast can be made interestinb by using a variety of fruit, cereals and other foods rather than the same menu every day. A good breakfast can not be prepared in ten minutes and eaten in five. The Huron County Health Unit objective is “A good break fast foi’ every child every day”. CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED Dell ow’s Restaurant Exeter North You will be delighted with' this fragrant tea "SALAM Mix and sift twice, then sift into a bowl, IJ4J c. once- sifted cake flour, 2 tsps. Magic Baking Powder, % tsp. salt, % tsp. ground ginger, )Z tsp. ground cinnamon, tsp. each of ground cloves and grated nutmeg. Cut in finely 5 tbs. chilled shortening and mix in, c. lightly-packed brown sugar. Combine 1 well-beaten z/zpl/.Z.'Z,/'./ Tasty? Sure, they’re MJLOHC baked! GINGER CUP PUDDINGS egg, Ji c. corn syrup and He. milk. Make a well in dry ingredients and add liquids; mix lightly with a fork. Two-thirds fill greased cup-cake dishes with batter. Bake in moderate oven, 350°, about 25 minutes, or cover each pudding with wet cookery parchment paper, tie down and steam for 25 minutes. Serve hot with vanilla sauce. Yield—5 servings. WATER PROTECTION Raincoats, windbreakers, snowsuits have “Zelan” water repellents applied at the mill. Your laundry or dry-cleaner uses C-I-L Waler Repellent W. BOX 10 * MONTREAL COLOUR MAGIC Colourful dyes which never fade bring beagly to your wardrobe. WASHDAY WHITE Your soaps and detergents contain cleaning agents made from C4-1 Chemicals. . W) (MADE FROM 100% WHOLE WHEAT) ♦ ♦ . here’s whole wheat in$ts most popular form! You need all the goodness, all the nourishment of whole wheat in your diet! It contains vital food elements. And NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT is made from 100% whole wheat! To morrow, Serve fresh, golden NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT with MILK and brown sugar. You’ll love it! 12 one oz. Biscuits in Every Box