HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-04-06, Page 7t t * THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 6, 1950 CHURCHUSED CARS on Sunday What Time Does To Us Drop In and See My Complete Stock of All jny cars are thoroughly checked before being offered for sale! Evening Service Ope garage will be open in Exeter on Sundays, Wed­ nesday afternoons and dur­ ing the evenings through­ out the week. Taken Bob Cook MOTOR SALES H E N S A L L Phone A Religious Film Entitled Auction Sale Of 1 < © Portable Arc Welding © Acetylene Welding • Steel Fabrication • Grinding © Machine Work APRIL 9, 1950 at S:00 p.m. Silver Collection Will Be MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. Harry J. Mahoney, B,D. Mrs. A. Y. Willard. Organist “ EASTER SERVICES Good Friday, 8 p.m.—Rev, Don­ ald Sinclair. Sunday, 11 a.m,-—-“The Risen Jesus.” Anthems: “Hallelujah to the King”, “Calvary". Quartet: “Were You There?” 12 noon-—Sunday School, 7 p.m.—“In Love with Life.” Anthems: “He Shall Live Also”, “Crown of Life”, “He Stood Among the Lilies." JAMES STREET UNITED Rev. H, J. SneR, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M., Musical Director 11 a,m,—A cantata entitled be < r l* < f c < ♦ r * t t t < i t t » * 1 1 < i ♦ * t 1 ■f Marshall & Murray Machine Shop Phone 179-J MINARD’S LINIMENT ► Apply freely, and rub. . That’s all. It’s greaseless, fast-drying; hAs no strong odor. And it brings quick relief to muscular aches and pains, neuralgia, lumbago. LARGE ECONOMICAL SIZE 65c TRIVITT MEMORIAL — Anglican — Rector; Rev. C. L. Langford, • B.A., M.A. Organist: Robert Cameron Sunday, April 9—E aster Day Services. 8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion. 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:30 a.m.—Easter Sunday Choral Communion. Sermon; “First Easter Mor­ ning.” Anthem: "Why Seek Ye the Living.”, Duet: "In Joseph’s Lovely Garden." April 7, 8 p.m.-—Good Friday Service. "The Living Christ” will presented by the choir, p.m.—Sunday School, p.m.—-"Behold the Man,” Anthem: "Aleulia Christ Risen.” Solo: Jean McDonald. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Rev. H, Kendrick, Pastor' Revival Prayer Meetings Tuesday to Friday at 2:30 p.m. Wed., 8 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer. Fri., 4:30 p.m,—Sunshine Cor­ ner w.ith Aunty Ruth. Fri., 8 p.m.—Y.P.S. Speaker, the Pastor. Sun., 10 a.m.- Supt.: Mr. E. Oudmore. Sun,, 11 a.m.- Easter Program. Dedication of Babies, and Morning Worship. Sun., 7:30 p.m.—A Great Song Service. Subject: “The Mighty Victor.” 3 7 I Is •Sunday School. •Sunday School. Golgotha” will be presented in Thames Road Church Sunday Morning—Easter Service at 11:15 a.m. A Cordial Invitation to All to Attend CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Donald R. Sinclair, B.A. Minister Organist: Miss Norma Knight 10:00 a.m,—Sunday School, 11:00 a.m.—Public Worship. A n t h e m s : “Victory Bells", “Christ Is Risen.’’ , Solo: “The Holy City”—Mrs. H, Simpson. Mon., April 10, 8:15 p.m.—The regular meeting of the Caven Club in the Sunday School room. Topic: Presbyterianism. Tues., April 11, 8:00 p.m.—The regular meeting of the Caven Congregational ‘Circle at the home of Mrs. H. Laing. Auc­ tion sale; -proceeds pital Fund. Fri., April 7, 8:00 annual Good Friday Main Street United Church. for Hos- p.m.-—The service in FARM MACHINERY BIG CLEARING AUCTION BY L. HAWKEN, ARKONA (NO. 7 HIGHWAY) Tuesday, April JI 1 p.m. Check Over This List — It will pay you to come miles to this Sale! ZION Evangelical United Brethren Crediton Rev. J. V. Dahms. Minister Good Friday, April 7, 8 p.m.— Service of Holy Communion. Easter Sunday, 6:30 a.m.—Sun­ rise Service. Speaker: Rev. J. H. Getz, Dashwood. Easter Breakfast at 35 cents follow­ ing. 10 a.m.—Easter Worship. “The Faith of Thomas in the Risen Christ." Reception of church members. 11 a.m.—‘Sunday School. 7:30 p.m.—Sound Kindled Flame." Monday, April 10, S Fellowship. Thursday, April 13, Church Council of Administra­ tion, 8:30 p.m.—The Annual Business Meeting of the Congregation. Not long ago I spent a week­ end with a friend whom I knew When in college. In a large frame lie had about two hundred photo­ graphs of young fellows and girls I knew long ago. I found it fascinating, There were just a few I could not remember bat about ninety per cent I had known more or less. As the boys say, ‘"I got a great kick out of it," All the photographs looked very stiff and proper as though the photographer had told them to look pleasant. That .effort seemed to put them under a strain. Few seemed natural. They overdid it and appeared terribly self-conscious, I . don’t b 1 a in e them. I am usually good-natured and cheerful but when anybody tells me to "look pleasant" I try so hard that I either get a silly grin or look as if I’d had a terrible shock. But to get pack to the .photo­ graphs in my friend’s house, I found some of them amusing; I wouldn’t have known them if their names had not been there, Nice young fellows, with lots of bushy hair and now they are as bald as the kitchen floor. No doubt they have tried all the hair restorers in the advertise­ ments. Then so many that looked both trim and slim and now — oh, my! they belong to the brotherhood of enlarging waist­ lines. I am in that class myself; I am sorry to relate. I won’t say much about the girls, except that I certainly wouldn’t have recognized them— that is in many cases. God bless them; some have had a hard time and show it. I called on a lady recently whom I had not seen for forty years. When I knew her, her hair was as black as night. The other day when she greeted me her hair was ,as white as snow. "I know what you are thinking," she said. I had to admit there was quite a change but she was as nice as ever. ■ Some of my college friends have had a hard time and yet they have stood up to it magnif­ icently. In fact the thing which astonishes me is the way some people meet and o v ere 8 m e trouble. Not long ago a minister was telling me about a woman in his congregation who has had a succession of troubles ,tliat Filin,"The p.m.—Youth 8 p.m.-—The TRACTORS: Oliver Hart Parr 28-44 Tractor, on steel, with extension rims. In perfect shape. . Waterloo Standard Tractor on Good Rubber, with new engine. Allis Chalmers WC Tractor with new sleeves and pistons. International H—This Tractor has had exceptionally good care*Ford Ferguson—3 years old, in A-l shape, with New Plow. . Massey Harris 81 Standard Tractor, 3 years ohl* This Tractor lias been used on a ,100-acrc farm and is in extra fine condition* General Tractor—in nice shape. International .10-20—has been completely checked over PLOWS: 3-furrow Cockshntt Tractor Plow, 2-furrow Plow, 2-farrow Oliver Tractor Plow, 3-furrow Tractor Plow* M.-H. 2-furrow Mounted Plow, new f DRILLS* ll-disc M.-H. Fertilizer Drill, 15-disc M.-H* lizer Drill. M.-IL M.-H. Ferti- SPREADERS: 2 No. 7 M.*H. Manure Spreaders, overhauled* John Deere Spreader, No. 4 Cockshntt Spreader, Mount Vernon LIME SOWER» 10 ft. with tractor hitch, slightly used. CULTIVATORS: 2-row Cultivator for Standard M.-H. Field Cultivator; Roby Cultivator, Cultivator for Allis Chalmers B Tractor; Cultivator with tractor hitch* MASSEY-HARRIS CLIPPER COMBINE. NEW HOLLAND BALER—used one Season, in _ JOHN DEERE FORAGE HARVESTER—one year old. Set FLEURY BISSELL TRACTOR DISC, 28-pldte^ I -HOUSE DISC ALLIS CHALMERS TRACTOR MOWER for McCotinick-DcCring Power Take-off CORN loader, 3 years old. LOADER for Interimtiohal Corn Binder* No* 509 1-Way Disc, iO-blado M.-H. 6 ft. Goble Disc, slight­ ly used. Hardie Triplex Sprayer in A*1 shape. 3-scction M.-H. Spring-Tooth Harrows* international Hayloftdcv* Machines have alt been carefully cheeked over and arc in good shape. This is the best line-up of Machinery in tills fiart of the province and anyone needing any machinery would be wise to attend. Your batik will assist you to finance any large purchase under the Farm Improvement Imam While wo are not in file banking business, terms may bo arranged through ns to finance One-Third of the purchase price of any article hating a sale value of $300.00 or more* Tractors 8 ft* slightly used; M.xH. 5J ft4 perfect Shape* CASE ENSILAGE CUTTER B Tractor. BINDER, With Wagon.RubbOr-Tired 6-ft. Grain Binder* M.-H. No. 1 Grain Grinder. Gem Oat Roller, new. Shallow Well Pressure System 2 M.-H. Cream Separators. Electric Washing Machine. Acme Electric Stove. M.-H. iUtc-Way Milker. Auctioneers G. Hollingsworth* Proprietor: L. Hawken, Arkema, ring 15 CREDITON PASTORAL CHARGE United Church of Canada Minister: Harold F. Currie YourEastei* Message — "Betting Life On A Sure Thing." Worship Shlpka—10:15 a.m. Crediton—11:3 0 a.m. Brinsley—-2:45 p.m. Church School Crediton—10:30 a.m. Shipka—11:15 a.m, Brinsley—1:30 p.m. CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren Dashwood Minister: J* Henry Getz Organist! Mrs* Ken McCrae Good Friday, 10:30 a.m.—Ser­ vice of Holy Communion. Easter Day, 7:15 a.m.—Sunrise Service. 10:00 a.m.—"Newness of Life." 11:15 a.m.—Church School. 7:30 p.m.—"The Twelfth Apos­ tle". A story and song service by the choir. Wed., April 12, 7:30 p.m.—Mid­ week services of prayer. The Annual Congregational Meet­ ing will be held, on Tuesday, April 18. CHURCH OF GOD Grand Bend Rev, Glen Beach, pastor a.m.—Sunday School. a.m.-“"The Bisen Christ." ‘"Like Us Christ Was 10 11 7:30 p.m.~ Raised." Thursday, April 0, 8 p.m.—Open Communion to all Christians. Friday, April 7, 8 p.m.—Pan­ tomine presented by Young People. Everyone welcome, Apples Have Good Med icinal Value I Most of the old proverbs have at least a grain of truth .in them and the old saw “An apple a day keeps the doctor away" is no ex­ ception, says G. W. Hope, Re­ search Officer, Fruit and Vege­ ta b 1 e Products, Experimental Station, Kentville, N.S. While the apple industry may not do all the old proverb claims, a' few apples consumed daily will tend to keep the health of the average person at ipar. While apples are not high in carbohydrates, fat or protein, they compare favourably with other fresh fruits and some other foods as a source of vitamins and minerals. The vitamin A content of apples differs some­ what among varieties, but the average is one international unit per gram —- slightly higher than ‘orange juice, and a- little less than bananas. Vitamin G also differs with the variety, but two Rome Beauty apples or six De­ licious apples daily will supply enough of this vitamin .to pro­ tect a man from scurvy. The mineral content of apples at 0*3 per cent is not high, but in­ cludes such elements as calcium, ' iron, magnesium, potasiuni and phosphorus in a form readily available to the body* Apples have recently been re­ ported of value in the treatment of simple constipation and this is probably because of their fibre [content. There is also some evi­ dence that bacteria present in the intestine can act on the fibre of .apples to form organic acids,, the butyric acid so formed may be responsible for the auto­ sterilizing m e c h a n i s m of the lower intestihe which lias been observed. The value of apples ill the treatment of intestinal disorders of both children and adults has been proved by clinical Investiga­ tions and there are reports in­ dicating that the continued use of an apple diet may have some value in chronic and acute rheu­ matic infections. The mode of action is not known, it may be through tlieir content of vitamin C. of pectin, of glacturonic acid or other unidentified constitu­ ents, but the beneficial results have been demonstrated. It is probable that the good effect of fresh apples on health was recognized long by non-professional people was very- neatly expressed in familiar old expression about apple and the doctor. would crush the life out of most people. He said: "In spite of it she is not .only the most cheer­ ful member of my congregation, but whenever anybody is in trouble, she is the one they go to for .sympathy," I am sure that, among my readers, there are many who have known brave people, There is a widely-accepted be­ lief that sorrow inevitably brings out the best in people—that it always purifies and strengthens. I would like to believe this but it is not altogether true. There are some, at least, who become hitter and resentful. One thing .which greatly sur­ prised me, as I looked at the fellow-students of forty years a.go, is that gome fellows, and girls, too, who never showed promise, have done .worth-while things. If I were a school teacher I would be slow to pick out the promising pupils as the ones des­ tined to go ahead and do things. Some of my chums at college, who was, ably who pass me, coming favorably known through­ out the whole of Canada. He was head and shoulders above those who took prizes and were the centre o,f admiration on graduation day. I think I mentioned once be­ fore a book, published in Eng­ land a few years ago, entitled: “What Life Has Taught Me”, and consisting of twenty-five es­ says by elderly men. Several of them stated that if they could begin life over again, with the knowledge they now have, they would act differently. I am in­ clined to doubt that, you cannot put an old young shoulders. One thing I will say ing, I do believe that the per­ centage of good-natured, happy and cheerful .people is greater than ever. Sometimes I go to visit an old fellow about eighty to “buck him up” and I get bucked up myself. These happy oldtimers are like old violins, whose tone becomes sweeter with age. Our quotation today is by Sir William Beach Thomas: “We must learn to be at home in the world.” were have well, had a in and everybody else by be- even dumber than I turned out remark- One student I knew hard time .getting a any subject, surprised f. I We also have in stock; —-Potted Plants —Croft Lillies short and tall •1 & 2 Bioojn Hydarangea in pink and blue Ivy and Cineyaria >s fii1 I & Anyway head on in clos- COMPLETE SHOWING OF Open tills Sunday, Wednes­ day afternoon and during the evenings throughout the week: EP’S IMPERIAL Service Station * IT’S FREE FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY Say, have you heard that we are supplying trans­ portation to Sunday School? Call Mr. Kendrick, tele­ phone 327. This Is A Sunday School Service Feel Free To Use It EUNICE M. NIXON, A.T.C.M. Thorough courses in both Classical & Popular Music Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory of Music exams in both piano and theory STUDIO AT RESIDENCE Phone 481 -J WANTED Contracts For Malting Barley Call at Office, Lucan, for Information Scott’s Elevator LUCAN, ONTARIO Wearing Apparel For Ladies and Girls Easier is the time to dress up with new spring outfits. Our ladies’ wear department is completely stocked with .spring coats, suits, blouses, sportswear, at the lowest prices in years. Ladies’ and Children’s Summer Socks In all popular shades in in rayons, cottons, and silk and wool mixtures are now in stock. skirts. Special Ladies* and Misses’ Suits For Faster; sizes 12 to 18, pic and pic fully lined; navy, green and grey shades; value at .......... $20.95 and cloths a real $21.95 Gloves In silk and chamoistiedesn in white, black, grey and navy shades. Scarves, Slips, Lingerie, Hand Bags, Parasols, etc. at very attractive prices. Nylon Hosiery Nylon hosiery prices are lower for spring. Wc have, three exceptionally good brands—“Gotham Gold-Stripe, Supersilk and Orient. We feature new spring shades with navy and black heels as well ns plain colours. Aden’s Easter Apparel Visit our Men’s Wear Department for a complete showing of men’s and boys’ wearing apparel for Easter. Ties —' Hats Topcoats — Belts Jackets — Shirts Sox — Suits •— Sweaters ST* JOHN’S-BY-THE-LAKE —- Anglican — Grand Bend, Ontario 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School, 11 a.m. — Morning Prayer A hearty welcome is extended to all. Holy Communion First Sunday of I each month. Coroner: "Where did the hit him?" Doctor: "At the junction of the dorsal and cervical vertebrae. The burly foreman arose from his seat in the jury box. Foreman: "Man and boy, I’ve lived in these parts for fifty years, but I have never heard of that place." Our Corset Dept. Our stock in this depart­ ment is now complete for spring in corsets, corsel- ettes, girdles ( two- w a y stretch), brassieres, etc. Wc feature the very popu­ lar Gothic brassiere in many styles and prices. Buttons For spring, new styles., popular colours for all pur­ poses. Ocean pearl buttons are in stock again, the first obtainable in years. A Real Bargain In Axminster Scatter Rugs These rugs are in size 27” good quality Axminster colours and fawn, a this month at $5.95 each English make of _ _ 9 rose, green, blue real bargain OGILVIE CAKE MIX 2 pkg. with aluminum nan, val. 1.15 850 ELLMAR PEANUT BUTTER Id-oz* jar ................ each 320 JELLO JELLY POWDERS Price ..................... 3 pkg. 250 >*** ROBIN HOOD OATS 5-lb, bag ...... each 390 OAK LEAF GOLDEN CORN Choice qualityy 20-oz tin 2 for 250 WESTMINSTER TOILET TISSUE Good buying 3 rolls 250