HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-04-06, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 6, 1950
It’s More Fun To Read This Page If You Have An Ad Here
CHORE-BOY balanced low vac
uum pipe-line milkers. For a
free trial see your dealer,
Elmore J. McBride, telephone
•206-R Exeter. 23:30:6:13*
Paint Agents Wanted
You can’t beat this-—25%
commission to sell best line
of guaranteed paint, made
by one of the World's great
paint makers. All colors,
interior and exterior. It’s
easy to sell paint. Every
householder uses many gal
lons every Spring. Don't
wait. Be sure you are the
agent in yqur neighbour
hood. Write today for com
plete information.
Sure-Win Paint Company,
1758 Eglinton West,
Toronto, Canada
Usborne & Hibbert
Mutdal Fire
Insurance Company
From the nearest Director,
the Agents or the Secretary-
Treasurer, members of this
Company may purchase 1-
quart size, Heavy Vehicle
Fire Extinguishers
at $10.00 each
REFILLS for these extin
guishers are available for
purchase by Members at
$1.50 per 1-quart tin.
at—------—------ -----
32-oz. Regular $2.95 ........ Now .59
48-oz. Regular $3.30 ........ Now .69
64-oz. Regular $3.60 . ..... Now .79
Small, Regular $1.35 Now .59
Large, Regular $1.95 Now .69
Shop At Traquair’s
and SAVE
16-oz. Claw Hammer .80 Expansive Bit ..... $2.75
atm'/ry Jr rwn mess
WOMB 27 ...........EXETER.
JaAxJL&g - .............. ............... ■ ; . .......»
FOR SALE—Ice box, 50 lbs.
capacity, $15. Apply at Times-
Advocate. 6*
W.O, Farmers To
Collect On T.B. Cattle
A recent report from Ottawa
states that checks totalling more
than a million dollars . will be
going forward soon to hundreds
of farmers in Western Ontario.
The checks will be in the
nature of adjustment payments
on the amounts farmers have re
ceived as compensation since
April 1, 1947, on livestock that
have been condemned “to the
tank” as TB reactors,
Robt. McCubbin, Liberal M.P.
for Middlesex West and parlia
mentary assistant to .the ministei’
of agriculture, has piloted
through the Commons an item
of $1,225,0100 in supplementary-
estimates for the Department of
Agriculture. This .item provides
the funds for the increase in
compensations paid on slaugh
tered animals.
The TB compensation issue
has been one of the thornier
subjects during -debate on agri
cultural concerns in the Com
mons in the past few sessions.
At the last session of the
House, Agriculture Minister, Gar-
dinei* and Mr. McCubbin brought
down legislation that provided
increased compensation on
“tankers.” The legislation set
the new compensation rates at
$100 for purebred cattle, plus
the beef value of the carcass,
and $40, plus the beef value, for
grade animals sent to the tank.
The legislation was made ret
roactive to April 1 of 19 47. The
checks now going out to farm
ers— and Western Ontario gets
the bulk of the $1,225,000 ap
propriation — give farmers the
difference between the old rate
and the new.
Heavy Quality
WANTED — Light housekeeping
companion position Cor one
adult, preferably in gentle
man’s home, town or country.
Wages conditional. Apply Box
L, Times-Advocate,6*
WANTED—In Exeter by end of
April, 2 or 3 unfurnished
rooms suitable for an elderly
couple (one invalid). Must be
on ground floor. Write; Rus
sell Moore, Box 67, Hensall.
AV ANTED—2 or 3 rooms (fur
nishings optional) or living
accommodation for refined
adult in quiet home. Apply:
Box G, Times-Advocate. 6*
WANTED-—Pasture for ten head
of yearlings. Apply: Gordon
Hamilton, Hensall, telephone
73-r-12. 6:13c
WANTED—A bagger foi’ a Clin
ton fanning mill,—‘Apply Dan
Finkbeiner, Crediton. 6*
WANTED—Unfurislied house or
apartment. Phone 64-W Exe-
WANTED—-Two waitresses, neat
appearance, experience not ne
cessary. Apply: Club Monetta
oi* phone 88-R. 6 c
WANTED—Lady for general
housework. Apply at Times-
Advocate. 6 *
WANTED—Capable woman for
light housework. To live in.
Take care of young children;
good wages for right party.
Apply: Times-Advocate. 6*
general office work. Know
ledge of typing and bookkeep
ing essential. Permanent posi
tion for suitable party. Good
hours and pay. C. V. Pickard,
Main St., Exeter.
Ironing Boards
With Cover
Township of McGillivray
Sealed tenders will be received
by the undersigned up until 12
o’clock noon, Friday, April 28,
1950, for loading and hauling
10,000 yards, more or less, pit
run gravel any place in town
ship. Tender to be accompanied
by marked cheque for $300,00
as guarantee; the gravel will be
put on between August 15 and
October 1, 1950. Lowest or any
tender not necessarily accepted.
A, D. Steeper,
Road (Superintendent
R.R, 3, Ailsa Craig, Ont,
395 Fleet Street West,
Tender - Centralia
(DND Non Urban) No. 3/50
Sealed tenders, plainly marked
as to content and addressed to
the undersigned, will be received
up to 12 o’clock noon, 'Friday,
April 14, 1950, for the construc
tion and installation of sewers
and watermains at Centralia, On
tario. Plans, specifications and
forms of tender required may be
obtained at the address shown
above. A deposit of ten dollars
($10.00) ’ is required for each
set of plans, specifications and
documents. This deposit can 'be
recovered if plans, specifications
and documents are returned
within 30 days of close of tender
Each tender must be accom
panied by a security deposit of
five percent (5%) of the lump
sum price. A certified cheque or
Dominion of Canada Bonds will
■be accepted as security deposit.
The lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
A. J. E. Smith,
Regional Construction Engineer,
Clothes Pins
3 dozen .25
FOR SALE — Chevrolet Coach,
dark blue in colour, five good
tires, Correct mileage, a little
over 90i00 miles. Is in Al con
dition. — Henry M. Willert,
Dashwood.____________ 30;6*
FOR SALE — Montcalm barley,
grown from registered seed.--r-
Charles Prout, R.R, 1 Cen
tralia, phone Exeter* 178-r-ll,
FOR SALE—M..H. 2-furrow trac
tor plow, nearly new.—Arnold
Gackstetter, R.R, 2 Hensall,
phone 100-11-33.________30:6*
FOR SALE—Several dual pur
pose Shorthorn ‘bulls. Apply:
Wesley Johns & Son, phone
Kirkton 44-r-lQ, 30:6*
FOR SALE—Limited quantity of
sweet clover, yellow or white,
selling at $12 bushel. —Stuart
Triebner, R.R. 1, Exeter, tele
phone 3 6-r-16 Dashwood.
FOR SALE—Montcalm seed bar
ley. — Apply Leonard .Harris,
phone 33-r-18, Kirkton.
FOR SALE—Elm and maple
cordwood; also maple and elm
tops. Priced job lot or so
much a top. —James Broad
foot Bush. Apply John Cald
well, Exeter, phone 13-r-ll;
Erwin Scott, Lucan, phone 63.
FOR SALE—One red roan Scotch
■Shorthorn bull, 11 months old.
Fred Brown, Crediton. 30:6c
FOR SALE—Almost new, youth
bed, springs and -mattress.
Apply: Mrs. Worth, William
St., phone 4818-J. 6*
FOR SALE—1938 Ford sedan,
new battery, brakes and seal
beam lights, above average
condition. Amos Wright, Cen
tralia, phone 40-r-ll Crediton.
FOR SALE—Registered York
hog, one year old; 3 sows
with litters; one sow, due
April 4; 2 sows, half gone;
3 chunks, about 100 lbs. —
Ross Clarke, Greenway, phone
Dashwood 39-r-6. - 6*
FOR SALE — Child’s summer
coat set, wool flannel, size
one, in good condition. Phone
48-r-21 Kirkton. 6*
FOR SALE—Pantry unit 74 feet
high, 6 feet long, 6 doors, 3
w drawers. Apply: Mrs. Gord ‘ Heywood, 2nd Con., Usborne.
FOR SALE—Maroon Special De
luxe Dodge sedan, with several
extras, just out 17 months.
Phone 226, Exeter.6c
FOR SALE—Two barns 40x60
and 28 x 80, not on founda
tion, suitable for driving shed
or implement shed. —John E.
Pepper, Brucefield. 6*
FOR SALE—Cockshutt 13 - run
grain and fertilizer hole drill
with bean marker tractor and
team hitch, good condition;
also 7-ft. Massey Harris bind
er. Apply: Mrs. R. Munn, tele-
phone S3-r-2 Hensall.6*
FOR SALE—Two strollers, mar
oon and blue; also a baby
tender, all in fair condition.
Mrs. H. Legge, Gidley Apts.,
Main St., opposite theatre. 6*
FOR SALE—1941 Chevrolet se
dan, in first class condition.
Apply: Art Broderick, phone
277. 6*
FOR SALE—General p u r p o s e
mare, 5 years old, quiet and
well broken. Apply: Urban
Ducharme, miles west of
Hensall, phone 91-r-7 Hensall.
FOR SALE—Reg. Sh or th o r n
bull, red in colour, serviceable
age; 2 Shorthorn heifers, due
to freshen soon; one 2-
wheeled stock trailer, detach
able sides. Apply: Fred Daw
son, 456-r-6 Exeter, 6*
FOR SALE—Child’s 2-piece tur
quoise blue spring outfit, size
3, in good condition. Apply; Tinies-Advocate. 6 *
FOR SALE —- Potatoes by the
bag. Phone 31-r-15, Mrs. H.
Peterson, R.R. 3. Dashwood.
FOR SALE — Saddle horse, 3
years old, bay.—Roy Deitrich,
R.R. 2 Dashwood, phone 164-
r-3. ___________ 6*
FOR SALE—4-ft. bed, springs
and inner-spring mattress,
goddxC ondition, reasonable.—
Inquire Anderson’s Store, Exe
ter. ' *
FOR SALE—Baby Tenda, In ex
cellent condition; also ladies*
brown skin shoes, flat heels,
size ladies’ brown fur
fabric shortie coat, suitable for
spring and fall, in perfect con
dition; all cheap for quick
sale. ’Phone 49. 6*
FOR SALE—Electric ovenette; 2
jacket heaters; range boiler
No, 30; ten-inch oil space
heater; all in good condition.
-—J. Ward, Main St, Exeter,
phone 348. 6:13*
FOR SALE — Addison 7-tube
cabinet radio, used 3 months.
Original cost $138.5'0, Sell for
$95.00, May be seen at George
Wright’s Men’s Shop. 6*
FOR RENT—2- or 3-room* apart
ment, li miles east of Exeter,
separate entrance, oil heated,
hydro and water. Call 176-12
Exeter, *
FOR RENT—Heated, unfurnish
ed 3-room apartment, , newly
decorated, all modern conven
iences, hot and cold water on
tap, garage, laundry, garden,
private entrance. Phone 12J,
W. J. Oestricher, Crediton. 30c
FOR RENT — Two unfurnished
rooms.—Apply The Times-Ad
vocate, Exeter.6c
FOR RENT—Part of a house.
Apply to Verda Page, Grand
Bend. 6*
in mind, you’ll want a nice
lot, in a good neighborhood.
I have 2. Act quick, if you
want one or both. —J. W.
Powell, Victoria St. West.
FOR SALE—Service station and
garage. Ideal location on high
way, 4 pumps. Well estab
lished business. Fine cement
block building, complete with
two-bedroom apartment. Build
ing steam heated and with all
other conveniences. —C. V.
Pickard, Realtor, Main Street,
Exeter. . 2c
two one-storey homes for sale.
Quick possession. Both of
these houses are modern and
very comfortable. We also
have a- 14-storey brick, well
located and with all conven
iences. If you are interested
in quick posssession, let us
show you these. C. V. Pickard,
Realtor, Main St., Exeter. c
rooming house, a cottage, a
business, beautiful lots or a
farm. Beautiful lots in South-
cott Pines. —J. W. Holt, Re
altor, Grand Bend. 23tf
HENSALL 3-room heated un
furnished upstairs apartment.
Water on tap. —W. C. Pearce,
Exeter. 30c
STANLEY TWP. Con. 5, 80
acres, 7-room house with base
ment. Bank barn with fair
stabling. Henhouse. Fall wheat
in. Some fall plowing. $3,000
cash takes it. •—W, C. Pearce,
Exeter. 3 0 *
Grand Bend lot in Green
Acres, restricted quiet sub
-division 10 minutes walk from
lake and post office, hydro
line by front of lot, large pine
tree on same, 70’ frontage,
114’ back. Terms cash. —
Herman Gill, Realtor, Grand
Bend. 6c
HIBBERT 150 acres good soil,
sugar bush, large L-shaped
barns, full basement with
water before cattle. Silo. Brick
house with bathroom. Hydro.
.—W. C. Pearce, Realtor.
NEW COTTAGE, two bedrooms,
living room, kitchen with
built-ins and a 3-piece bath.
Hot air furnace. W. C. Pearce,
Township of Usborne
The Council of the Township
of Usborne has enacted a by-law
under the regulations of the
Warble Ely Control Act 1949.
All cattle in the township must
be given two treatments for
Warble Fly by either the brush
or spray method using approved
materials. The first treatment
must be completed by April IS
and the second by May 31.
Equipment for spraying will
be provided at the owner's op
tion. An inspector will be ap
pointed to enforce the by-law.
IL IL G. Strang, Clerk
Corporation of the
Village of Exeter
BY-LAW NO. 8, 1950
A by-law to regulate runs
of the Exeter Fire Brigade
to fires in the vicinity of
the village but outside its
boundaries. 1
The Municipal Council of the
Village of Exeter enacts as fol
lows! . «
1. That, In case of fires locat-,
ed outside the limits of the Vil-’
lage of Exeter, the siren shall
not be sounded except on the
direction of the Reeve or the
Fire Chief.
2. That, upon the direction of
the Reeve or the Fire Chief, the
Exeter Fire Brigade may make
tuns to fires in the vicinity oi
the Village, when requested so
to do,
3. That, the amount charged
for such runs shall be as fol
Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for the
first hour and Twenty-Five Dol
lars ($25.00) for each additional
hour or portion there of away
from Fire Mall.
4. That, this by-law shall
come into force and effect on
the final passing thereof.
First Reading—March 20, 1950
Second Beading—March 20, 1950
Third Reading -March 20, 1950
Aaron .L Sweitzer, Reeve
C. V. Pickard, Clerk
WANTED—At once, two men
for at least two months’ work,
pay fail* wages. Apply: L. V.
Hogarth, phone 266, Exeter.
SALESMAN »—• Western Ontario
Daily Newspaper requires Re
presentative in Huron County,
Rural Area. Car essential.
Splendid opportunity to earn
good salary. Apply giving full
particulars to Box F, Exeter
Times-Advocate. 6o
NOW IS THE TIME to call and
discuss your spraying prob
lems re weeds in grain or
corn or your pastures, as cost
is down considerably this year.
—L, V. Hogarth, phone 226,
PAINTING—Spray and brush.
Arrange with us early. Houses,
barns, sheds, roofs, etc. —Ly
man Gratton, Grand Bend,
phone Dashwood 42-r-18.
Mar. 16: hlay 4*
kinds of horses, any size, any
age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83
Exeter. 16*tfe
BE SURE TO GET your Ren-O-
Sal Tablets when you get your
chicks, for their growth and
stimulation, as well as for
control of Cecal Coccidiosis.
They are cheap, as you use
only 2 tablets per gallon of
drinking water for growth.
The chicks grow at least 14
-per cent faster. Your Dr. Salisbury dealer—L® V. Hogarth,
Exeter, phone 266.
Traquair’s Hardware
All persons having claims
against the estate of the late
Christian Fischer who died on
or about the Sth of November,
1949, are required to furnish
particulars of same to the under
signed Administrator on or be
fore the 7th day of April A.D.
1950, after which date the estate
will be distributed with regard
only to those claims which have
then been received.
Dated' at Exeter, Ontario this
20th day of March, A.D. 19 5 0.
William ‘F. Fischer,
Dashwood. Ont., Administrator
Elmer D. Bell, K.C.,
Exeter, Ontario,.
Solicitor for the Estate
Of Real Estate, Livestock,
Auto and Household Effects
Implements, Grain, Hay,
On the Premises,
Lot 24, Con. 12, Hay Twp.
half mile north of Zurich
The undersigned auctioneer has
been instructed to sell by public
auction on
.at 12:30 p.m. sharp
REAL ESTATE; Consisting of
100 acres of clay loam on which
is situated a modern fully
equipped dwelling, hip roof barn
75x55, newly installed litter car
rier and water pressure system
in barn. Also hen house, pig
pen, garage and toolshop. Hydro
throughout. Two acres of hard
wood bush, 55 acres plowed, 35
acres seeded down, 9 acres of
fall wheat, remainder in pasture.
Farm will be sold subject to
a reserve bid, if not previously
AUTOMOBILE; 1938 Dodge
delux 4-door sedan, new motor,
4 new tires plus 2 snow tires.
Equipped with Philco radio and
heater, all in good condition.
HORSES: Bay mare, rising 10
years old; grey Percheron mare,
rising 10 years bld.
CATTLE: Registered Durham
bull, 3 years old; including 12
Durham and Hereford cows; 8
D«rllam heifers, rising 2 years
old; 10 Durham calves; 'white
Durham bull, 8 months old.
All young cattle are vaccinat
ed. Herd was officially T.B.
tested. No reactors. This is an
outstanding herd of grade cattle.
HOGS: Registered Tamworth
boar, 1 year old; 3 Yorkshire
sows, with litter’s at foot; 4
Yorkshire sows recently bred,
carrying third litter.
large white and coloured ducks,
4 drakes; black and white Collie
dog, a real cattle and watch
IMPLEMENTS; A full line of
practically new farm tractor im
plements, including John Deere
B.R. model tractor on rubber
and a complete set of blacksmith
equipment, etc.
of good alfalfa and clover hay;
300 bus. mixed grain.
Full Hue of household effects.
This being an extra large sale
selling will start at 12:30 sharp.
TERMS; Cash,
Leonard Gerometto, Prop,
Earl Woido, Clerk
Alvin Walper, Auctioneer