HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-04-06, Page 2Psge 2 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 6, 19S0 Times Established 1873 Amalgamated November 1924 Advocate Established 1881 OLD PLANTER, NEW CROP PROSPECTS' Published Each Thursday Mpming at Exeter, Ontario [ An Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the Village of Exeter and District Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper, Association Member of the Ontario-Quebec Division of the ClWNA Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulation Paid-In-Advance Circulation As Of September 30, 1943 — 2,276 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Canada, in advance, $2.50 a year United States, in advance, $3.00 Single Copies 6 Cents Each J. Melvin Southcott - Publishers Robert Southcott THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 6, 1950 Those Failing Exports Word has come in over the radio that Canada’s exports have fallen off by twenty millions of dollars during- the first two months of the current year. That is a tidy loss that must be accounted for and cor­ rected. We can’t afford to go on in that way. It is some comfort to know that the®, revenues flow like the Solway but ebb like the tide. But the fluctuations in buying and selling are small comfort and give no en­ couragement for complacency. Some rea­ sons may be offered for Canada’s decline in exports. Seething Europe with all its dis­ content and suspicion and head-breaking and political tension and suspicion and plotting does not add anything to the flow of trade. Other countries are poor, relative­ ly, to Canada and have not the money to, purchase goods as freely as Canada can produce them. Canadians with goods to ex­ port desire customers who can pay for them. When such customers are not to be had, naturally exports fall off. Along with this goes the fact that countries ravaged by the great Avars are picking up in the way of production and do not need what Canada has to offer and for that reason do not purchase Canadian goods. Further, Brit­ ain naturally deals with countries where her pound sterling is accepted on favour­ able terms. Further, the Canadian standard of living makes her goods dear in produc­ tion. Manufacturers have found themselves confronted by high costs that they are try­ ing to pass on to those to whom she ih try­ ing to sell her goods. There are lots of traders who would like to buy Canadian goods but who balk when confronted by the price of those goods. Canadians do not care to sell goods they cannot sell for cash. Foreign buyers do not care, to purchase goods they cannot sell at a profit. There is no mystery about the situation. “If avc are getting- overstocked Avith butter,” a grocer commented, “avc simply lower the price. If we need more butter avc raise the price.” That Means Test It is argued that the government’s pro­ viding of an old age pension would involve an immense sum. Exactly so. That simply shows that the need of such a pension is great. The men and women who should have this pension paid their way and have earned their pension by sixty-five years of productive life. These men and women ask­ ing for their share of the wealth they have produced are in no sense beggers nor men­ dicants but self-respecting citizens putting in a claim for their just rights. Fair-minded people realize that the laborer is worthy of his hire. ijs 5> Signs Of Spring Mr. Hon. Crow has caAVs for happiness. Bob lost his scarf. Sis lias forgotten her mitts. Mom is looking for the spring growth in the flower bed. Dad is forgetting his overcoat. Johnny is getting ready for “suc­ kerin' The lawn that was left so neat and trim last autumn noAv looks terrible. The magazine agent is abroad and, so far, unmauled. Dad has a cigar box full of tiny tomato plants in the sunniest window. $ $ * Have The Nations Tried It? With the conclusion of the last world war, the victorious nations were something like drunk with power. Had they not just worsted the greatest Avar machine the world ever had known? Why, then, should they not be proud? And had not right con­ quered might? Was not the mailed fist the greatest force in the world? And was it not wisdom on the part of any nation that could do so, to prepare a harder fist and a stronger arm than any other nation? Russia seems to have been dominated by this idea and withdrew herself behind her iron cur­ tain to prepare for world domination. The western nations replied by building up and inventing to an extent that would, in their judgement, deter the bear from leaving his den. The result is that East and West are watching for the moment when their enemy makes the first move. In other words the preparation for Avar has gone on in the hope that such preparation would prevent war. The spectacle is something like Iavo volcanoes who desire to prevent an erup­ tion by increasing the forces that make an eruption inevitable, or like trying to keep the peace between two lions by strengthen­ ing the claws and sharpening the teeth of the two wild beasts. Statesmen must decide this minute what steps are essential for the preservation of peace. But while this is go­ ing on, there must be a movement that runs parallel and ahead of these forces that makes for understanding and good-Avill. Mr. Churchill had this in mind >vhen he urged a conference of the higher poAvers in order that causes and occasions of Avar should be removed. Surely it is within the resources of the leaders in church and state to de­ vise Avise measures that trill avert the hor­ rors and devastations of Avar. Surely East and West are not so brutalized that they cannot find measures that Avill appeal to the better angels of our nature, and so make Avar impossible by destroying the causes of Avar at their very source. To think and to act otherwise is to deny the supremacy of the man of Nazareth. The church in these critical hours is on trial as Avell as the nation in all council chambers. ❖ ❖ Not The Antidotes The galloAvs and the lash are not the antidotes for brutal crimes. When an un­ usually offensive crime has been committed avc are inclined to call for severe physical retaliation on the person of the perpetra­ tor. Let all of us remember that this sort of thing has bigen tried and found futile. The ducking stoll did not cure gossip. The galloAvs did nod suppress sheep stealing. The filthy prison did not cure poaching. Brutality makes callous both him that re­ ceives and him that administers it, What the criminal fears more than any punish­ ment that organized society may inflict upon him is detection. That is* Avhy the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are. so much dreaded. The offender knOAvs very well that he is bound to be caught or driven Avlierc he’ll never again breathe one breath of peace. The judge they must face Avliile not brutal is severe. The hunted criminal, trying to escape the consequence of his misdeeds, is of all creatures the most miserable, though not a stripe has been laid upon him. No torture is so terr­ ible as that inflicted by an outraged con­ science and conscience never dies. It is the fire that is not quenched. Till repentant and resolved to do the right thing and to make compensation for the offences com­ mitted, the criminal knoAVS no peace. De­ tection, capture and a fair trial at Iuav are the surest ways of punishing society’s ene­ mies and these remedies are the deterrents’ the laAV-breaker most dreads. y- y* y> <!• Those Roads Not for many a 'year have the roads of this community been any worse than they have been during the last week of March and early in April, Country roads have been cut through to the clay. Car driving on some roads lias been impossible. Farmers’ lanes have, in many instances, been turned into muddy drains. Mail de­ livery has been almost impossible in many districts. Bread wagons have been unable to make their rounds. Pavements are badly heaved,. Township and county councils are facing a serious problem in road repairs. Many roads will need not only repairing but rebuilding. It is to be hoped that coun­ ty and local treasurers have reserve funds to meet the present situation. Councils should hold meetings to prepare adequately for the big job ahead of them. Jji it- -c Those Airplane Crashes Those airplane crashes continue. We have no records on this condition but the disasters occur vvitli something that makes people think that the disasters are becom­ ing more frequent. Surely it is not beyond the resources of human research and hu­ man skill to correct a condition that has become alarming. Does the fault lie Avith the pilot who may be entrusted with a machine before he has spent at least as much time as a railroad engineer or a sta­ tionary engineer of a large steamboat must spend before he is entrusted with the care of an engine? Is the air pilot less carefully trained than the accredited captain of a steamboat? Before lie takes his place in command of a plane has he been proven to be in a physical condition called for in a trust so serious? Then what about the mat­ erials in his machine? Has anything been left to chance as to quality and workman­ ship? The whole situation requires looking into. At present human life is held alto­ gether too cheap. Better far to lose a fetv trips in the air than for the life of every citizen who boards a plane to be imperilled. s*4 # * John Citizen breathed a deep sigh of relief when the federal parliament an­ nounced with a solemnity fitting the occa­ sion that there was to be some price re­ duction in toilet soap and ice cream. Do what we will, those parliamentarians are * bound to earn their money. 1 50 YEARS AGO Mr. James Gardiner, near .Far­ quhar, ‘had an auction sale of coavs and young cattle. Coavs brought from $33 to $47. Year- old cattle brought up as high as $19.25 apiece. The German Medicine Co. has been giving concerts and selling medicine in the Toavu Hall at Crediton .the 'past Aveek. Every­ body seems to be ill. So far they have sold 300 bottles of their “Teutonia.” Acquilla <sheere ,an employee at the Times Office, met Avith a painful accident on Monday. He Avas in the act of lifting a form from the press, Avliich Avas in motion, and before getting it out his hand became caught, smash­ ing one of his fingers badly. None but the initiated know the accuracy required in the printing office. .The average reader who detects* a misspelled Avord or a letter upside dOAvn feels that his mission on earth will not be .fully till he has called of the ovenvorked glaring defect. He tice the thousands thousands of letters in the right place nor the multitude of words correctly spelled, but his eagle eye is glued to the one that is out of place. On Tuesday evening a beauti­ ful religious ©lay was ©resented by the C.G.I.T. in James Street Ohurph under the capable leader­ ship of Miss Flossie Jiunter and Miss Reta Ro>ve.' The play Avas entitled “Lydia, the Seller of Purple.” At a mmeting in the Exeter Library on Wednesday evening an organization Avas set up to revive laAvn bowling in Exeter. For many years Exeter enjoyed a live bowling organization with one of the finest greens in On­ tario, but boAvling has 'been dead issue for the years. Already over nified the intention members. He is just one of the hundreds who during the day will drop into the branch bank around the corner. - 45 of a past five have sig­ becoming 1O YEARS Mr. W. H. Moise, 1 accomplished the attention editor to the does not no- and tens of 15 YEARS AGO It Avas decided at* ,the council meeting on Monday evening to ©lace a system of upright stan­ dards on both sides of Main StYeet from Huron to 'Gidley St. The lights will be 150 feet apart. In this Avay the lighting capa­ city Avill be doubled. AGO who for the past four years has been man­ ager of the Bank of Montreal, has received Avord of his transfer to the branch at Blenheim. Mi. W. J. Floyd, of the Assistant General Manager’s Department, Toronto, Avill succeed Mr. Moise. Dr. J. W. Browning, aged 96 years, Avas the guest of honor at the celebration in Stratford, on Monday, . Avhen he unveiled a plaque to Thomas Edison’s mem­ ory, in connection with the Can­ adian premier of the moving pic­ ture “Young Tom Edison”. . On Monday, Norman Nichols assisted his father Avith mail de­ livery by travelling over four miles on skis. Norman started at the foot of the Mollard line and delivered the mail along that line to Grand Bend road, a distance of four miles, Avhere he was picked up by his father, who serviced the other .patrons of the route by motor car, “The mail must go through.” Savings depositors with their pay cheques .. . . retail merchants with the day’s cash . .. people consulting the manager about loans, v others cashing cheques ... it is all part of the daily work of the branch bank. In ten years the number of accounts maintained by bank depositors has grown from 5,000,000 to 8,000,000. This shows how Canadians have come to count on their local banks for a great variety of services. The banks keep pace t. with the growing needs of the nation. SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK • ® Warble Fly Inspectors Convene At Clinton W a r b 1 e fly inspectors and other persons interested in AVar- ble fly control met in the agri­ cultural office board room at Clinton Monday afternoon at a special school for Avarble fly in­ spectors. The purpose of this school Avas to enable those par­ ticipating in the 195|0' warble fly campaign to become more exper­ ienced with the means used in the eradication of the Warble fly under the Warble Fly Act of 1949. ’Representatives from Morris, Turnberry, Stephen, Usborne, Grey, East .Wawanosh aiid Gode­ rich Townships in Huron 'County and Fullarton and Hibbert Town­ ship^ in Perth, were present. An educational film Oil tile warble fly was shown and Hr. Kingscote of the Ontario Veterinary Col­ lege, Guelph, was present with R» H. ^Graham of the Livestock Branch, Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto, to give some general instructions on the spraying and eradication of the warble fly. Frlor to the jpreseht time, the municipal council of each of these townships represented had inacted a bylaw after tile signing of a petition by 66 ©er cent of all cattle owners in the town­ ship. This school was the first in a series of seven of this nature to be held during Match jn Walk­ erton, Wiarton, M a r k d a 1 e, Orangeville, Barrie and Lindsay. Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. William Douglas of Brucefield .celebrated their golden wedding Tuesday and were at home to many friends who extended solicitations and best wishes. The happy couple Avere the recipients of numerous gifts and handsome cards. Mrs. Douglas Avas the former Elizabeth Hudson, daughter of iMr. ahd Mrs. Joseph Hudson of Hillsgreen and iMr. Douglas was the son of Mr. and Mrs. tPeter Douglas, Blake. They were mar­ ried at the home of the bride’s parents by .Rev, S. Acheson of Kippen. They lived In Marlette, Mich., for five years of their married life and later come to Brucefield Avhere they have lived since 191$. They have one daughter, Mrs. Lindsay Eyre of Brucefield. Mr. Douglas lias one brother, Robert Douglas, of Fort Dover, and one sister, Mrs. Ed. McAsh, London. Mrs. Fouglas has four sisters, Mrs. John Consitt, Seaforth, Mrs. Harvey, .Mrs. Carlyle, and Mrs. Logan, Hensail, and one brother, Isaac Hudson, iSeaforth. There are two grandchildren. ■Mr, and Mrs. Douglas are members of Carmei Fresbyterian Church, Hensail. They held a family dinner at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay ;Eyre, at Brucefield and in the afternoon and evening were at home to their friends. William McKay, son of Mr. and Mrs, Edward McKay, of Tuckersmith, was painfully in­ jured while working with the Claude Smith Construction Co., While crushing stone, Mr, Mc­ Kay got in the elevator, and had his heel badly crushed. Taken to London hospital, it was .found several bones in his heel were broken, and the muscles torn, Moves To Brownsville The Rev. L. C. Harvey, mini­ ster of Byron charge of the United Church for nearly nine years, has accepted a call to Brownsville charge in Oxford Presbytery. He will take up his new duties July 1. Since 1942 Mr. Harvey has been secretary of the Middlesex Presbytery of the United Church. Mr, Harvey is a former Exeter boy,. Who Jws'a stake IN THE TELEPHONE BUSINESS When you think about it, everybody has a stake, one way or another, in the tele­ phone business. 28,000 Bell employees and their families... 62,000 Bell shareholders a nd tZre/r families... Thousands of suppliers of materials for tele­ phone construction and expansion. • ■* 1,250,000 telephone customers in Ontario and Quebec, in homes, Offices, hospitals, shops. Koeping pace With growing needs for more and better telephono service takos lots of Work and lots of money. Only a financially healthy company can carry oh this big job. Tolophono users, employees, shareholders, — everyone has a Vital interest in a service that means sb much to the Welfare of to many people. THE BELL TEIEPHOHE COMPANY OF CANADA Owned and operated by Canadian* for Canadian* Have You Donated To The Hospital Fund?