HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-04-06, Page 1Seventy-sixth Year
ine Is Flooded, Too*
Cry Heard Tuesday Morn
The Larry Snider Motors had two new cars and^seVen
new tractors immersed in water early Monday morning when
tlie waters backed up at the entrance to the covered creek
near the rear of the building and flooded the cellar where
the cars and tractors were stored.
Many of the residents in town
found themselves with indoor
swimming pools but did no ap
preciate the situation.
The heavy rain -Sunday night
caused the creeks and rivers ,to
rise to flooded proportions. At
the rear of Snell Brothers & Co,
garage and the Larry Snider
(Motors the water was unable to
get away fast enough and the
land and gardens surrounding it
were like a small lake.
The water entered the Chev
rolet garage leaving behind a
nasty mess of smudge.
At the Snider Motors the
water ran through the cellar and
out onto Main St. On a vacant
lot on James Street several trac
tors belonging to (Mr. Snider were
also immersed .in water. The
water crossed.Andrew street, one
block off Main, like a river.
Cellars in most of the houses
surrounding had a fbot or so of
At the Exeter schools pumips
were brought into play as the
water backed up in , the base
ments. iSome of the newly-erect
ed .houses close by the new
school also experienced consider
able watei’ in .their cellars.
East of Centralia the fields
were like lakes and water cross
ed the highway.
The Ford Food Market on
Huron Street, which has been
operating for a couple of years,
suffered damage to the extent of
several hundred dollars when
water entered the cellar where
much of their grocery supply is
stored. '
Council Briefs
The Municipal ^Council of the
Village of Exeter held their reg
ular meeting in the Council
Chambers Monday evening with
Reeve .Sweitzer, Deputy Reeve
Snider and Councillors Heywood,
Lindenfield and Webster .present.
The minutes of the last reg
ular meeting of March 20, 19 50
were read and adopted.
Mr. V. C. Stevens waited on
Council in regard to a tree and
drains at his property on Wil
liam .Street. Council promised at
Mr. Roy Campbell and a group ]
of citizens on John Street asked
that attention be .given drains.
Other complaints were received
in regard to road conditions. The
Council promised attention as
quickly as possible.
Communications were read and
dealt with as follows: Workmen's
Compensation re (Cornish. Filed;
Motor Vehicles Branch re ap
proval of Traffic By-laws. Filed;
Ontario Municipal Association re
Convention. Filed; Department
of Public Welfare re Grant.
Filed; (Bell Telephone re erection
of poles. Attention of Reeve;
E.D.H.S. Board re requisition for
1950. Filed; E.D.H.S. re Trans
fer of Debenture Funds. Filed.
By-law No. 9, 1950 to extend
Edward Street north was given
its three readings and finally
passed on motion of Deputy
Reeve Snider and Councillor
The following applications for
building permits were granted
on the motion of Deputy Reeve
Snider and Councillor Linden
field. Eric .K. Heywood, Graham
Magon, Ulric Snell and Edwin
Buswell—houses. S. N. Scott and
E. Geddes—renovating houses.
Tax Collector waited on Coun
cil. A list of property owners in
arrears of taxes was presented.
It was agreed that certain ar
tears be returned, to Goderich
for collection.
The Clerk-Treasurer presented
estimates for the year 1980.
’These were studied carefully. The
matter of setting mill .rate was
laid over to the next meeting.
The following accounts were
read, and ordered paid on motion
of Councillors Webster and Hey
wood: W. II. Hodgson, Insurance
Renewals, $71.85; E.D.H.S.
Board, Transfer of Debenture
Funds, $25,000.00; Wm. Laverty,
labour, $47.60; Sara. Grainger,
labour, $36.61; Chester Cornish,
$42.37; Gerald Cornish, labour,
$4,89; Edgar Mawliinney, labour,
$33.52; Receiver-General of Can
ada, tax deductions, $9,25.All motions were carried. Ad
journment on the motion of
Councillor Webster,
Gives Valedictory Address
Bob Stanbury, son of J. G. and
Mrs. Stanbury of St. Catherines,
whose early education was ob
tained In the Exeter public
school, gave the valedictory ad
dress at the graduation banquet
of the Arts and Science Class of
’50 of Western University held
at the Catholic Culture Centre,
London, Tuesday evening.
Pop Plant Water Elusive
In order to secure sufficient
water for the new Kist Beverage
plant being erected by B. W.
Tuckey, workmen had to tunnel
half way under the pavement on
Main Street to make the con
Bowling League
Closes Season
With Banquet
The five-pin bowling league
wound up a very successful sea
son with a bang-up banquet at
Club Monetta Friday evening.
The good-natured rivalry that
has existed between the various
teams melted away into one har
monious gathering. About ninety
sat down to the tables.
President Ted Pooley (presided
and after partaking of a 'hearty
meal called on Reeve A. J.
Sweitzer who congratulated the
teams on the interest taken and
of the asset the Exeter 'Bowling-
Lanes are to the community.
Trophies were presented to the
winners by Mr, Rene Francois,
proprietor. “The Butchers” head
ed by Fred Darling were the
league winners and were present
ed with individual plaques. ,The
members of the team are Fred
Darling, Roy Brock, Harold
Wolfe, William Chambers, Wes.
Ryckman and Harry .Holtzman.
Fred Darling won the high ave
rage with '2'2'8 and high single
with 3 83, carrying away three
plaques. Ken Crowe won the
high triple. Jack Petrie was
awarded a purse of $8.00 as
consolation prize.
Douglas “Pink” Pryde was
congratulated on the fine way in
which the league games had been
reported and Mr. Francois pre
sented him with a Ronson light
er. An expression of appreciation
was made to the Times-Advocate
for their co-operation and J. M.
Southcott responded with a few
remarks giving due credit to
“Pink” for a job well done.
Art Trites, the secretray and
Ted Pooley were given, a good
hand .foe their efforts and a
word of appreciation was ex
pressed for William H. Sweitzer,
who erected the building and to
Fred Newton for one ,of the
trophies. The Grand Bend boys
came in for a word of praise for
their regular attendance , and
sportsmanship. A member from
the R.C.A.F. expressed the ap
preciation of the airforce. Ed.
Hunter-iDuvar announced the pre
sentation of a trophy for com
petition iby league teams. He
then thanked Club Monetta and.
staff for the excellent banquet.
At the close Mr. Francois an
nounced a $5.00 prize for the
high triple to be played after the
banquet and this was won . by
Alf. Andrus.
Sells Creamery To
Canada Packers
Mr, W. G. Medd, who for
many years has operated the
Exetei* and Winchelsea Creamer
ies, has this week sold out to
Canada Packers, Limited. .Mr.
iMedd was taken ill a couple of
weeks ago and is at present
confined to his home but .is
slowly Improving.
It was in 1904 that .Mr. Medd
came to this district and took
over the Winchelsea creamery
which was^then being operated
co-operatively, In 1919 he pur
chased the Exeter ’Creamery fr\om
Mr. John Scott and operated, it
in conjunction with tlie Win
chelsea Creamery,
He manufactured, the Win
chelsea .Brand butter which en
joyed a wide patronage and has
carried off some of the highest
honors at dairy shows, He was a
member of the executive of the
Association for a number of
Canada Packers, who already
have a produce plant in Exeter
and a creamery at Centralia, will
continue to operate the Exeter
Creamery with the same staff as
at present.
Surprise Party For Fred Wells
A surprise birthday party "was
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Lloyd Lindenfield on Sunday in
honour of her father, Mr. Fred
Wells, who celebrated his 76th
birthday. Twenty-five children
and granchildren sat down to a
lovely turkey dinner and a birth
day cake with 76 candles. Mr.
Gordon Wells of London present
ed his dad with the family gift.
The blaze that completely wiped out the race barn at
Community Park last Saturday night dealt u severe blow to
the ambitions of three district horse owners as well as being
a shock to the followers of the sulky races all over Western
RECEIVES CHARTER — Pictured here is President Warren Sanders of the Exeter Kins
men receiving the charter from the general secretary^ Banty Bantick. The ceremony was
part of an impressive gathering of nearly 200 persons at the Exeter District High School
last Thursday night. The Exetei’ club is the largest Kinsmen organization ever chartered.
■Jack Doerr, Exeter
Hospital Fund
Now $82,000
Following is the standing of
the Hospital Campaign to date.
Several canvassers have not re
ported recently. The committee
would be pleased to have reports
regularly. •
Prev. acknow............
J. H. Delbridge ......
Robert Parker .......
Ed Howald, ............
Aljoe Sanders (2nd)
M. W. Paff’ ............
Mrs. T. Baker ........
Miss N. Keddy .......
J. C. Hovey ............
Mrs. C. McDonald ...
Mrs. Langley ..........
H. Rutherford ........
J. D. Shaw .............
J. E. Duncan ..........
Arthur Fraser ........
Rev. D.
Mrs. H.
5.0 V
Paclcers ....
R. Sinclair
Mitchell ...
Prev. acknow.
Prev. acknow.
Prev. acknow.
Prev. acknow.
Additional .....,
Prev. acknow.
Well wishers
.$ 8,655.00
Spends Week-End Here
Mrs. W. E. Gardiner of
ford spent the week-end with her
mother, Mrs. S. Parsons, and is
accompanying Mrs. Leslie Rich
and daughter Alma on a
to Janesville, Wisconsin, ;to
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Parsons
Elected Stratford May Queen
Miss Anita Daters of Zurich, a
graduate of the Exeter District
High School, has been elected^
May Queen by the students of the Stratford Normal School. 1
Spring Ills Affect Attendance
Schools will close this Thurs
day for the Easter vacation.
There have been a few mild
cases of measles that have af
fected the attendance at the Exe
ter District H.S. Two of the
teachers, Mr. Cecil Wilson and
Mr. Morley Sanders have been
off for a couple of days with the>
Hold Variety Sale
The Dorcas Welfare Society of
iS.D.A. held a variety sale Satur
day night at Hawkins’ Hardware.
' It was for the Famine Relief
Fund in the world’s needy fields.
Last year the Canadian Dorcas
-Society sent 357 boxes weighing
33776 pounds, containing food
and clothing, also hundreds of
twenty-pound parcels sent to pri
vate individuals. Not one box or
pace! was lost. All arrived safely.
The letters received in Canada
bring reports of a happy and
thankful people who are still in
need of the bare necessities of
Sorority Officers
Installed At Banquet
The newly, elected officers
the Ontario Alpha Pl Chapter
Beta Sigma Phi were duly in
stalled at a Ritual of the Jewels
banquet held at the Central
Hotel on the evening of March
28. The occasion also marked
the admission of four new mem
bers—Mrs. Douglas Knowles,
Mrs. Audrey Bentley, Mrs. Eil
een Fulcher and Mrs. Luck
Klumpp of Dashwood.
The officers 'are: President,^
Mrs. A. Whilsmith; vice-presi-j xlents, Miss Elsie Gaiser, Missj
Norma Wilson; treasurer, Miss
Gerry Prout; recording secretary,
Mrs. Eileen Fulcher.
for an
Anna Brock conducted an
proinptu variety program.
The sorority is planning
ther- improvements to
Park, which it has-' equipped
a playground for children.
Fraser made the draw
oil painting donated by
Lyne. It was won by
Sims, of Exeter.
Wheat King Crowned
Harry Strang, of Usborne,
the second consecutive year
wheat king of Huron County,
was crowned at Clinton Friday
evening in a ceremony performed
at the annual Farmers’ Night
banquet of the Clinton Lions
Club. The crown was ’placed on
the head of Harry Strang ,by
Dick Jacob who was himself
county wheat king in 1948 and
was dethroned by King Harry in
Exeter Club Largest Chartered
In Kinsmen Organization
Charter Night for the newly
organized Kinsmen Club in Exe
ter Thursday evening last in the
gymtorium of the new Exeter
District High School was in the
words of s. H. Bantick, general
secretary and past national presi
dent, the most impressive char
ter night during his twenty-four
years of Kinsmen work.
“A new link has been forged
in a chain that extends from the
Atlantic to the Pacific,” said Mr.
Bantick. It was something new,
something different, something
tangible ip the lives of the fifty
seven . young men which com
prised the charter m e m b e r s .
Through the club, children will
be helped, cheered restored to
health through the health and
Welfare and educational facilities
sponsored by the organization.
There would be increased friend
ships by working aiid playing to
gether. During the war years the
Kinsmen sent fifty million quarts
of milk overseas at a cost of
$2,600,000 to the Canadian peo
ple, the largest contribution by
any service organziation on the
North American continent.
In accepting the charter,
president - elect Warren Sandors
thanked the Kinsmen for turning
out in such large numbers to
help celebrate charter night. He
paid tribute to the vice-president
Mel Alderson, who had the re
sponsibility for organizing the
Nearly 200 persons sat down
to the long tables and partook
of a fine banquet, the principle
items on the menu being a half
broiled spring chicken, corn nib-
lets, scalloped potatoes, deep
New Spray For
Huron Turnips
A chemical spray developed
last year jto prevent turnip
aphids, which last year destroyed
60 per cent of one of Huron
County’s major -cash crops, is a
proven preventative foi* the plant
lice, turnip growers were told at
a meeting in Exeter Town Hall
last Thursday.
The lice will probably not re
turn for years, Dr. J. D. Mac-
Lachlan, head of the botany de
partment, Ontario Agriculture
College, Guelph, told the turnip
committee of the Ontario Crop
Improvement Association. If they
do, parathion spray, though dan
gerous to tise, is a sure-fire
Last year was the first time
in 20 years the lice infested
crops. An Exetei* grower wl|0
used the spray saved his entire
Turnip growers will still have
trouble with the perennial .dis
eases of water core and black
rot, said Dr. MacLachlan.
Borax broadcast with a grass
seedei* at 20 or 30 pounds per
acre after thinning the crop will
allow the chemical to get at the
crop and discourage water core,
he said. A. pre-treated seed and
disease-free fields should be
used to prevent black rot.
R. G. Bennett, Huron County
agriculture representative, was
Chas. McNaughton, local seed
dealer, said Laurentian seed—
the preferred table variety —
would be in short supply this
year, but not seriously so.
apple pie a la mode.
Congratulatory messages from
various dubs were read by Ray
Frayne, secretary.
Greetings were brought to the
club in short speeches by Reeve
A. J. Sweitzer, Deputy-Reeve1
Larry Snider, R. E. Russell (re-’
presenting the Lions), F/L R.
Green (the R.C.A.F.), Bert Ost-,
land (the Legion), Rev. H. J.
Snell (the Ministerial Associa
tion), J, M. Southcott (the
press). Charles MaeNaughton, a
past president of the Brandon
club, spoke briefly.
In an impressive ceremony the
newly elected officers were duly
installed by District Governor
Don Paterson, of Hanover. The
officers are: President, Warren
Sanders; first vice-president, Mel
Alderson; second vice-president,
Winston Shapton; secretary, Ray
Frayne; treasurer, Robert South
cott; registrar, Gordon Farrow;
bulletin editor, Douglas Pryde;
directors, Ray Weurtlt, Art Cann
and Eric Sutherland.
L. D. Freiberger, of Chesley,
deputy-governor, made the pre
sentation of the following; lapel
buttons donated by Kitchener-
Waterloo, Hespeler, Paris and
Preston clubs; dinner buttons by
the Goderich, Listowel and Strat
ford clubs; song books by the
Alymer club; Kinsmen crests by
the Listowel club; Kinsmen ban
ner by the Tillsonburg club;
gong and gavel by London, the
sponsoring club.
President J. L. Roddis, of the
London club, acted as chairman.
At tlie close a fine program
of entertainment was provided J London,
by Detroit artists, i
Red Cross Collects $1,277
Mr. W. J. Pybus, who is act
ing as treasurer in the present
Red Cross drive, reports that
contributions to date
to $1277. There is still quite
lot of canvassing to be done.
Curriculum* Will
Not Be New To
speed—he is not re
go .back ovei* his year
in the present system,
examinations will be
and by the country
Huron County
“The new curriculum will not
be particularly .new to Huron
County—in fact the prescribed
text .‘books have been in use here
for some time,” said Mr. G. G.
Gardiner, inspectoi* . of
schools for South Huron, at the
meeting of the Home and (School
Association held in Main St.
United Church Friday .evening
One aim of the .new curriculum
is to eliminate so many grades.
Grades 1 .to 3 will be known as
the Primary Grade; Grades 4 to
6 as the Junior Grade; Grades
7 to 10 as the Intermediate
Grade, and .Grades 11 to 13 as
the Senior Grade. The pupil will
have the same teacher through
out the three years in that one
grade and , he may advance
through the grades according to
his or hei* ability. If a pupil is
not able to keep up to .the bril
liant student he can progress at
his own
quired to
again as
pupil taking some subjects in
the District High School as they
do here now taking Household
Economics and Shop Work, the
entrance into High School is not
such a great change as it former
ly has been. Sometimes a coun
try pupil has never even seen
the High (School building until
he starts to school there.
At present many pupils find
the work in Grade 13 difficult
and often fail in their examina
tions. According to the new cur
riculum the work is more evenly
distributed throughout the whole
of the Senior Grade.
It is optional whether the
new curriculum is adopted this
September or not but it would
be compulsory by September
1951. Inspector Gardiner very
graciously answered a number
of questions asked by interested
persons. A vote of thanks was
tendered him by Mr. -Claude
Blowes, which was heartily en
dorsed by all who heard Mr.
Gardiner speak.
Mrs. E. Jones, the president,
conducted the meeting in her
usual capable manner, and Rev.
Mahoney took the devotional
Mrs. Jones spoke briefly of
the thirty-first annual conven
tion of the Home and School
’Clubs which she will attend the
v\eek following Easter in Toron
Mrs. J. Lyne was appointed
Convenor of the World-Under
standing and Citizenship Group.
The Centralia choir of mixed
voices delighted those present
with three numbers,
of Man’s Desiring”,
City” and Bralim’s Lullaby'
“Jesus, Joy“The Holy |-‘♦•J
Mrs. Marshall accompanied the It was the only animal insured.
F/L Moir led in a spirited
sing song, after which lunch was
served and a social half-hour
Centralia Man
Wins Damages
Judge T. M. ’Costello gave
judgment in favour of the plain
tiff, Harris West, Centralia im
plement dealer, in an action for
motor damages of $225 against
John Kelly, Il-R. 3, Goderich
Township. Damages for loss of < - -
use of a truck, for $100, were I » r.jnot allowed. ’OQCial uvening rriday
The action arose out of an I a social evening was held in
accident on Highway 4, one and
a half miles south of Exeter, on ■
December 23, 1949, when trucks
owned by West and defendant
The accident occurred at the
scene of a previous accident, the
cars of which were still on the
Giving evidence were Harris
West, Provincial Constable Zim
merman, W. G. Howett, sales
man; George J. Arthur, of Exe
ter, for the plaintiff; :
fendant, John Kelly.
The many friends of Mrs. Ulric
Snell will regret to know that
she is ill In Victoria Hospital,
i, having undergone an
operation Wednesday.
Only one horse, Mike Gratton,
was rescued of the seven stabled
in the sixteen-stall Exeter barn
for winter training in the wild
blaze that broke out around 7
p.m. The horse was one of two
owned by Jack Morrissey, chair
man of the Exeter Turf Club.
Greatest loss was Amber Grat
ton owned by Tom Yearly, of
Crediton, also a member of the
Exeter Club. The fine gelding
was one of the most successful
horses on Western Ontario tracks
last season winning forty-nine
heats in the sixty-two entered.
He was never out of the money.
Debris Cleaned Up
Workers on Monday began
cleaning up the debris and by
nightfall had the -building and
carcasses fairly well straightened
away. A joint meeting of the
Turf Club and Parks Board is
being held tonight to discuess
what action will be taken in re
storing the (barn. Since the ac
commodation will be needed for
the race meet to be held on July
12 it is practically certain the
barn will be replaced and local
sportsmen will be asked to con
tribute funds to finance the pro
Cause of the blaze is not
known but early witnesses claim
that it started’ in the south end
of the barn. It was discovered
by George Flowers, who lives in
a room in the south-east corner
of the eighty-foot building.
Flowers was reading at the
time and, smelling smoke, began
investigating to find that the
blaze was well under way. He
immediately summoned Lloyd
Turvey, who trains six of the
horses and lives in a trailer with
his family beside the barn.
Flowers claims that he was
able to make his way to Amber
Grattan’s stall but that the
frightened animal reared up and
he was unable to rescue him.
Turvey meanwhile crawled under
the flames and took Mike Grat
tan out the north door. Mrs.
Turvesr ran to the nearby home
of Gilbert Dow to summon the
fire brigade.
Elmore McBride and Eric
Sutherland were among the first
on hand and were able to re
strain# Turvey from entering the
ablazed building for a second
time. The local trainer received,
burns especially on one hand.
With doors open on either end
and the dry feed and hay as
fuel the stricture was out of
hand before the firemen reached
the scene. The first hose was
laid at the corner of Andrew and
Victoria Streets, nearly two
blocks away. The new auxiliary
trailer was brought into use for
the first time and another hose
was connected at the north end
of the block. Due to the distance
of the hydrants all hose avail
able was put to use. Firemen re
mained on the scene until 3:30
Sunday morning to ensure the
safety of the nearby homes in
event the blaze were to break
out again.
Besides Mike Grattan Jack
Morrissey owned Miss Super
Volo which perished in the fire.
Peter Eisenbach of
lost Jerry Lee and
George Flowers __ ____v
Bars and Tom Yearly lost Buddy
and Amber Grattan,
Yearly has had several hand
some offers for Amber Grattan.
Grand Bend
a two-year-
lost Nancy
Cars Block Road
Fire Chief Bill Chambers told
The Times-Advocate Monday that
again citizens persisted in park
ing cars on the roadway leading
to the fire which made it diffi
cult to bring the new auxiliary
trailer to the park. He stated
that while some motorists didn’t
take kindly to Bert Borland’s
blocking the intersection at the
Sunoco Service Station, the local
garageman was to be commend
ed for his assistance.
j ...
j Oddfellows Enjoy
the Oddfellows’ Hall on Friday
when the members and their
lady friends enjoyed progressive
euchre. Twenty-five tables were
| in play.
t Mrs. Fred Cole, was the win
ner of the ladies’ high prize,
{while Percy Passmore won the
| gents’, A short entertainment
j followed presided over by Gar-
|net Hicks who introduced two
< members of the Centarlia RCAF
?-“LAC Martell, who sang sev-and de-jeral cowboy songs with guitar,
| occompaniment, and Sgt. Clifford
< Izard, baritone, who sang sev
eral selections accompanied by
Mrs. E. Willard.
Refreshments were served at
< the close by Bill Chambers and
; his committee,