HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-03-30, Page 12Page;THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 30, 1950 Miss Janet Wilson of the teaching staff of the London De­ partment of Education, visited with M£. and Mrs. Edgar Cud- more on Sunday last. »- Announcements •* Attention Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Gard of Thanks 50c. In Memoriam Notice 50c for single verse. 25c extra for each additional verse. En­ gagements 60c, II------- ---------’--------------—4 Badminton BIRTHS Members Badminton Will Be Cancelled this Thu rs. (March 30) Baking Sale and Home-Made Candy Legion Rooms Sat., April 1 at 3:00 pan. Sponsored by the Evening Auxiliary of Main Street Church Be Sure To Attend The Harmony Minstrels of EMPRESS UNITED CHURCH, LONDON To Be Presented in the Exeter District High School Auditorium Thu rs.z April 13 at 8:15 p.m. Sponsored by the Trivitt Memorial Church ADULTS 30 $ - CHILDREN 25p AT DOOR Club THEATRE L Previews its Coming Attractions THURS., FRI., SAT. March *20 - 30, April 1 Big Jack' ★ Wallace Beery ★ Marjorie Main Meet Big Jack and his Jill MON., TUES.. WED. April 3-4-5 ‘Luxury Liner’ -fa Jane Powell ★ Lauritz Melcliior All aboard for tropic nights romance and revelry! Mrs. Batten’s on Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Exeter, a son, DOUGALL — At nursing home March 23, to Harry Dougall, Ronald Gordon. GARDINER — At Victoria Hos­ pital, London, on Thursday, Marell 23, to Mr, and Mrs. James W. Gardiner (n’ee Vel­ ma Gardiner) Thames Road, a son, Benjamin Alexander, a brother foi’ David and Charles. JENNISON—-A t M r s , Batten’s nursing home, on Tuesday, March 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jennison, Grand Bend, a daughter, a sister garet. MORRISSEY—At Mrs. nursing home, on March 28, to Mr, Cyril Morrissey, son, .John Cyril, SEARS—To Mr. and Mrs. E. Sears, Exeter, at St, Joseph's Hospital, on Monday, March 20, a son, Richard Bruce. WESTLAKE—To Mr. and Mrs. William Westlake, of Usborne, on Tuesday, March 28, a son, at Mrs. Hunter’s n u r s i n g home. for Mar- Batten’s Tuesday, and Mrs. Crediton, a DEATHS MARTIN—In Exeter on Wed­ nesday, March 2'2, 19 50, Sus­ annah Thompson b.eloyed wife of the late Samuel Martin, her ninety-second year. ENGAGEMENTS in A.Mr. and Mrs. M i 1 f r e d Sehilbe, Zurich, have announced the engagement of their daugh­ ter, Doreen Anna, to Russel Meruer Tieman, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Tieman, of Dashwood. The marriage will take place on Saturday, April 15, in St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Zurich. CARDS OF THANKS Miss Eunice Penhale wishes to thank all those who kindly remembered her with .card s, flowers and treats and also those who visited her while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital. * Mrs. .John Simpson wishes to thank those who so kindly re­ membered her while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, and since r et u r n i n g ho m e. Special thanks to the Elimville Women's Institute. * Mr. and Mrs. Verne Pincombe wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the cards, flowers and treats: also those who visit­ ed Mrs. Pincombe while a patient in Victoria Hospital. * Mr. and .Mrs. Will Horney wish to thank their friends and neighbors for cards, treats and flowers, also those who called on Mrs. Horney during her re­ cent illness. * Mrs. Richard Etherington wishes to thank all friends and neighbours who so kindly re-, xnembered her with cards and gifts during hex’ confinement at, *S-u-VO uunug Util- UO111 | St. Joseph’s Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Roulston, of Simcoe, visited with friends in Exetex* Sunday. Misses Isabelle Anthony and Gladys Ecklin the week-end parents, Rev. Anthony. DANCE EXETER OPERA HOUSE Miss Marguerite Pickard, of Hamilton, spent the week-end at the home of her parents, , Special of Hamilton spent with the former’s James and Mrs. Male Choir Makes Donation To Hospital The Huronia Male Choli’ has this week donated $100 to the Exeter District Hospital Fund and .the proceeds from the con­ cert to be given in the new dis­ trict High -School igyantorium on Wednesday evening of next week will be donated to the same cause. The choir has a splendid program and will sing such num­ bers as Fred Warning's arrange­ ment “The “The more grim’s Chorus” from the Of The Lord.” Music lovers will enjoy the Barbershop Quartette in “Dry Bones’’-and the Octette “It’s Later Than You Think.” My Blue Heaven”; Fox* Me”; and the “The Pil- Story Of “ Waltz You Saved Rangers Song”; classical number I” Fri., March 31 FRANK TRAHER’S ORCH. Dancing 10:00 to 1:00 Admission 75e o dancing tliis Saturday, April 1. Saturday night dancing re­ sumed April 8. Mrs. Samuel Martin One of the oldest residents Exetex* passed away Wednesday in the person of Mrs. Samuel Martin, who had reached the ripe old age of ninety-one years. She had enjoyed fairly good health until recent months. Mrs. Martin’s maiden name was Susannah Thompson. She was born in Tecumseh Township, Simcoe County, daughtei’ of the late Martin Thompson and Eliza­ beth Cowan. In September, 1883, she was united in marriage at Elimville to the late Samuel Martin. Fifty-eight years ago the family moved to Exeter. On November 1, 1931, Mr. Martin passed away. Surviving is one son, Wilbert, of Exeter, and one daughter, (Anna Louise) Mrs. R. G. Gil­ lies, of Midland; foui* grand­ children and two great grand­ children; also one sister, Mrs. Maxine Desjardine, Grand Bend. One daughter, (Mildred) Mrs. Sandy Bawden, died in Mav, 1921. The funeral 'Friday afternoon was held from the Dinney fun­ eral home conducted by Rev. H. J. Snell, assisted by Rev. Robert Hicks, of London, bearers were Messrs. Alex and Robert William May, Hebei’ John Ridley. Among a distance who attended the fun­ eral were Mr. and Mrs. Gillies of Midland, Mrs. Gerald Zwicker of Crediton, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Venton and two children of Dor­ chester, Mag. Desjardine and sons of Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Crockett, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Talbot, Mrs. Salkeld, Mr. Sandy Bawden, Miss May Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. William Jewett, Rev. Robert Hicks, all of "'London, Mr. Hal Crockett of Simcoe, Messrs. Lou and Archie Crockett of Dorchester, and Mrs. Lou McClary of Arva. of The pall- Thompson, Desjardine, Snell and those from WIN ACTING AWARDS — Following the play “Charlie’s Aunt”, presented by scholars of the high school last week, these four members of the cast were chosen as the lop actors and actresses. On the right is E. L. Mickle, vice-chairman of the School Board, with the shield he presented'to the drama award winner, Donald Bergie. From left to right: Joan Hopper, Julie Dunlop, Donald Bergie and Sterling Ince. Julie Dunlop was chosen as the best actress, while Joan Hopper was runner-up. Sterling Ince was runner-up to Donald Bergie. —Jack Doerr, Exeter Mrs. Ward and daughtei’ Nancy of Toronto are yisiting with the former’s father, Mr. J. Strange. iMrs. Grant Ratcliffe, Linda and Dale and Miss Mary Gardiner visited last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Long, of Atwood. Rev. R. A. Sinclair of Bass- ano, Alta., visited with his bro­ ther, Rev. Donald and Mrs. Sin­ clair at Caven Manse ovei’ the week-end. of 'Swift called at evening. Rev. IPhilip Schissler, Current, Sask., also the manse , Saturday S. Huron Junior Fanners are sponsoring the CKNX BARN DANCE Mr. and Mrs, John Cairnie, of Lucan, spent the week-end visit­ ing with |Mr. and Mrs. Edward Coombes. Mrs. Marjorie Tompkins and daughtei’ Dorothy and Mr. Verne Wickie, of St, Marys, called on Mr. and Mrs, Edward Coombes, also Mr. and Mrs, Jack Cutting on Sunday last. Mr. and IMrs. Alex Lloyd, of Toronto, and Richard and Mor­ ley Miller, of London, visited over Sunday at the home of Mr. L. Day. Miss Alice Hackney returned to her home Sunday after being ill in St. Joseph’s Hospital *fox’ two weeks. Miss Mackney was admitted to hospital following a fall at her home. The Red Cross campaign is under way/ and the reports to date are very gratifying. How­ ever, .much of the canvassing is yet to be done. Last Wednesday evening a surprise party was held foi’ Mrs. Tom Collingwood in honor of hex’ birthday. .Relatives and friends presented her with a beautiful mirror. EXETER ARENA Saturday, April 1 Doors open at 7:15 p.m. BROADCAST STARTS AT 8:00 P.M. Program supplied by the CKNX Barn Dance Gang Proceeds for South Huron Hospital Fund Come to COMING EVENTS CHURCH WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12 — In District High School Auditorium, Variety Bandbox, Air Force tal­ ent. Proceeds foi’ South Huron Hospital Fund. 23c ALDON on TRIVITT MEMORIAL — Anglican — THEATRE MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. Harry J. Mahoney, B.D. Mrs. A. Y. Willard. Organist 11 a.m.—“Jesus the Saviour”- Sixth in Lenten series. Sacrament of Lord’s Supper. Reception of New Members. Anthems: “Lift High th< uxnph Song,” “There Green Hill.” 12 noon—Sunday School — sionary feature. p.m.—“King fox’ a Day”, spec­ ial Palm Sunday message. -Solo: Dorothy Davis, “The Halms.” Tues., Apr. 4—Evening Auxil­ iary meeting at the home of C. W. Parkinson. Rector, Rev. O. L. Langford, B.A., M.A. Mr. Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, April 2, 1950 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:30 a.m.—Morning Prayer JR. FARMERS of South Huron will hold their regular meeting Wednesday, April 5 at 8:30 p.m. in the Ex,e t e r District High School. Mr. Bert Tilley, -Chief Technician B-A Oil Company, .will speak to the boys. Girls please bring lunch. All new members are welcome. GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS Mis- FRIDAY & SATURDAY March 31 - April 1 if Bing Crosby ★ Ann Blyth ★ Barry Fitzgerald -A- Hume Cronyn FINAL EUCHRE in the Wood­ ham Orange Hall, Tuesday, April 4, at 8:30 p.m.—-Good prizes and lunch. Admission, 35 cents. Auspices, L.O.B'.A. Everybody welcome._____________________ COMMUNITY NIGHT — in new Community Arena, Lucan, April 13, at 8:15 p.m. Good program followed by a dance, in honour of the men who gave their time and effort in the erection of the building. Good orchestra in at­ tendance. Adults 50c, children 25c. Lunch available at booth. This is not an official .opening. ‘TopO’the Morning’CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Donald R. Sinclair, B.A. Minister Organist: Miss Norxna Knight 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Public Worship. “The King’s Welcome.” p.m.—Caven Auxiliary men’s Missionary Society ter Thank-offering in the day School room. Mrs. George Lamont of Mitchell will speak. Members of the Mission Band are invited. t The most delightful of romantic shenanigaiis . . . The gayest of Irish goings-on! The music is magic . . . The comedy is riotous! Cartoon, “CAMPUS CAPERS” and “SKY RUDER” 3St. Joseph’s Hospital and since returning home. * Miss Alice Hackney wishes to thank the many friends who so kindly remembered her with cards, letters, flowers and treats while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital. c Mrs. Ida Caldwell wishes to thank all neighbours and friends who remembered hex’ in any way during her recent illness. * IN MEMORIAM FAHNER—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Lydia Faliner, who passed away on Marell 31, 1944. Memories one treasures no one can steal, Death is a heartache no one can lieal; Deep in our hearts a memory is kept Of a mother we will never for­ get. —Lovingly remembered by her ! husband, daughters, Bernice and Erma, and families. c MATHERS •— In loving memory of Mrs. Rachel Mathers, who passed away in Crediton April 1, 1948. ’ Take them in Thin arms, dear Lord, And never let them be As messengers of love Between our hearts and Thee. —Evex* remembered by daugh­ ters, Laura of Grediton, Mar­ jorie (Mrs. McLarty), Mr. Mc­ Larty and .grandchildren Isa­ belle and Lloyd, of West Wil­ liams. Wo- Eas- Sun-PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Rev. H. Kendrick, Pastor Tuesday through to Friday, 2:,30 p.m.—Prayer. Wed., 8 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer. Subject: “The Blood." Tlxurs., 2:30 p.m.—W.M.C. Speaker: Mrs. T. Jolly. Roll call, Children. Fri., S p.m.—W.M.C. All Young People invited. Sun., 10 a.m.—-Sunday School. Bring youx* child. Supt.: Mr. E. Cudmore. Sun., 11 a.m.—Fellowship with Christ, Communion Service Missionary Sunday. Sun., 7:30 p.m.—A Great Song Service. Sun., 8 p.m.-—Water Baptism by Emersion. It is a command.of Jesus. We invite iou to come, see^and hear. Friday, at 4:30 ^p.m.—Sunshine Corner Hour. A children’s hour with Aunty Ruth, songs, work, play and the gospel of Jesus. DANCE — There will be a dance in the Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton, Friday, March 31. “The Sham­ rocks?^______________________c “COVERALLS” — a three - act comedy, will be presented in Main Street United Church on Friday, April 21, at 8 'p.m. Ad­ mission: Adults 40 c, children 25c. ‘ MONDAY & TUESDAY April 3-4CREDITON PASTORAL CHARGE United Church of Canada Minister: Harold F. Currie Message: “An Answer to Questions/’' Worship Sliipka—10:15 a.m. Crediton—-11:3 0 a.m. Brinsley—2:45 p.m. Church School Crediton—10:30 a.m. Sliipka—■! 1:15 a.m. Brinsley—1:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. William Havi­ land wish to express their sin­ cere thanks and appreciation to theii* many friends and neigh­ bours, who so kindly remem­ bered Mi*. Haviland with cards, flowers and good wishes during the period he was a patient in Westminster Military Hospital. Special thanks to the Crediton Women's Institute and Women’s Association of the United Church. Mrs. Henry Bierling wishes to I express hex’ sincere appreciation Ho hei’ xuany friends and neigh- | hours who kindly remembered ’ her while she was a patient in i [ of MATINEES SATURDAY AND HOLIDAYS AT 2:30 P.M. K Immunization Clinics The Huron County Health Unit will again be holding Immunization Clinics in the following schools on Monday, April 3, 1950 9:30 10:15 11:00 11:30 1:30 2:00 a.m.—-S.S. No. 2 Usborne (Thames Road) Usborne (Winchelsea) Usborne (Zion) 12 Usborne (Whalen Corner) ■S.S. No* 14 Stephen (Centralia) p.m.—S.S. No. 1 Stephen (Airport) a.m.—S.S. No. 6 a.m.—S.S. No. a.m.—U.S.S. No. p.m. 7 . Infant and pre-school children may attend these clinics. The combined immunization for Diphtheria, Whooping Cough and Tetanus (Lockjaw) may be given the babies and pre-school children of 3 months to Slo years of age. Children over this age may re­ ceive the combined inoculations for Diphtheria and Tetanus or Tetanus toxoid alone. Reinforcing doses of Diphtheria will also be given where needed. Smallpox vaccinations will be given on the last day of these clinics which will be announced at a later date. “Early protection of children against Diphtheria, Whooping Cough, Tetanus and Smallpox is every parent’s obligation. BE WISE * . * IMMUNIZE 1929 1931 1931 1934 1949 Many STEPHEN TWP. FILM SERVICE by R. Gates. Starting March 28, the projector will be at S.S. 12 and at S.S. 11 at Dashwood on March 29, and S.S. 3 and 4 the following day; S.S. 5 on March 31; and Crediton for April 1 and 2. Special training classes with the new projector will be held by Mi*. Drew of the National Film Board on April 21, 22 and 23 at Crediton, Dashwood and Grand Bend respectively. ‘Lust for Gold Adult Entertainment ★ Ida Lupino ★ Glenn Ford ★ Gig Young it William Prince Furious, passionate adventure — in a land of a thousand temptations . . . PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL CARTOON and “HOLLYWOOD HOLIDAY” Used Cars For Sale FORD Coach ...... New tires. CHEV Coach ........... New battery. CHEV Coupe Deluxe Sealed beam lamps. FORD Sedan .... MORRIS (Minor) 4,000 miles. New car dition. $65. $t95. $195. $310 . $1,195. con- All Licence And 5 Gallons Of These Cars Are With New Gas South End Service Phono 328 Exeter JAMES STREET UNITED Rev. IL J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.O.M., Musical Director a.m.---Final Meditation in Lenten Series, “Will Ye Also Go Away”. Service in the Auditorium. Communion of the Lord’s Supper will be observed at morning service. Reception of members both by profession of faith and transfer of certi­ ficate. The male quartet will sing, p.m.—Sunday School. p.m.—“The Sign of the Cross” Duet: Miss Irene Sweet and Mrs. Ed Johns. 11 3 7 ZION Evangelical United Brethren Crediton Rev. J. V. Dahms. Minister Sunday, April 2-— 10 a.m.—Worship. “Palm Sun­ day Popularity.” 11 a.m.—Church School. 7:30 .m.—“The Fear of Thurs., Match 30, 3:15 W.S.W.S. at the home Aaron Wein. Mon, to Fri., April 3-7, 8 p.m,- Holy Week Services. Death” p.m.— of Mrs. CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren Dashwood Minister: J. Henry Getz Organist: Mrs. Ken McCrae 10 mm.—Morning Worship. Sermon subject: "Rejoice Greatly?’ 11:15 a.m.—Church School 7:30 p.in.—Evening Service. Sermon subject: “Spiritual Wickedness in High Places.” There will be Passion Week ser­ vices Monday, Tuesday, Wed­ nesday, Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m., Mr. C. B. Carr as­ sisting the Pastor. Good Friday, 10:30 a.m.-—Ser­ vice of Holy Communion. “Lift up your heads, O ye gates, —and the King of Glory shall come in.” B' 10 CHURCH OF GOD Grand Bend Rev* Glen Bcacli, pastor a.m.—Sunday School. Mrs. N. Turnbull, Supt. 11 a.m.—“The Crucifixion in Prophecy.” 1:30 p.m.-—Christian Brotherhood Hour, OFCO Chatham, 630 ks. 7:30 p.m.-—“The Atonement.” ST* JOHN’S-BY-THE-LAKE — Anglican — Grand Bend, Ontario 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m. — Morning Prayer A hearty welcome is extended to all. Ubly Communion First Sunday of each month. ★ ★ ★ H Huronia Male SPRING Concert Wednesday, April 5 E.D.H.S. AUDITORIUM Assisting Artists LOUIS MARZIALI, ACCORDIONIST EARL KROUL, DANCER MARION AND EILEEN MORTON, VOCALISTS 8:30 P.M, ADULTS SOfjf STUDENTS 25£ Proceeds in Aid of South Huron Hospital Funci «