HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-03-23, Page 9*
Trivitt Ladies* Guild
The Trivitt Memorial Ladies’
Guild met at the home of Mrs,
Charles Acheson Thursday eve
ning with a large attendance.
The meeting opened wit h’
prayer by the rector, After the
business session a program fol
lowed, consisting of
"Come Back to Erin",
by Mrs. Grant Carew. Sally
Acheson, Shirley and Jane Har
Rose of Killarney” Your -- - -
An interesting talk
by Rev,
News of Hensall
a splo,
sang very sweetly "Wee
from Ire-Mother Come
Mrs. John McEwen, in company with a number of Eas
tern Star members, spent the
week-end in Detroit visiting the
Sampson Chapter of the Eastern
Riythdluy Party Largely Ottended
of fthe
a s
was given
Langford on St. Pat-
His Life and Influence.
Community singing was then en
joyed, A dainty lunch was then
served by the hostess, assisted
by Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. Seth
Winer and Mrs. C. Heywood.
Mrs. Dixon Addresses
James St Young People
The Janies Street Young Peo
ple’s Union met Sunday evening
at 8:15 -p.m. f o 1J o w i n g the
The meeting was conducted by
Miss Dorothy Pooley. Joan Bat
ten read the scripture. Kathleen
May led in prayer and Shirley
Thompson played a piano solo.
Mrs. Andrew Dixon g'ave the
topic which was the beautiful
story of “The Othei* Wise Man’’
by Henry Vandyke.
The meeting closed by all re
peating the Mizpah Benediction.
service. The president,
Maj*, was in charge and
over the opening exer-
To Hear Inspector
Exeter Home and 'School
sociation will be meeting on Fri
day, March 31 in
Church at 8 p.m.
will be Inspector G.
who will speak on
of the curriculum.
is of vital importance to parents
and children and will be our op
portunity to find out first hand
vthe intentions of the Department
of Education.
Main Street
The • speaker
G. Gardiner,
the revision
This subject
The W.M.S.
United Church held
birthday party in
room of the church
evening entertaining
guests the W.M.S.
Circle of the Presbyterian
Church, W.M.S. of the Evangeli
cal Church, Zurich, W.M.S. of
St. Paul’s Anglican Church, and
the Evening Auxiliary of the
Hensall United Church,
The school room was beauti
fully decorated for St. Patrick’s
with many beautiful potted
plants. Mrs. W- B, Cross, presi
dent of the W.M.S., presided.
The worship period
charge of4 the Evening
Gladys Luker taking parts. Mrs.
Pearl Passmore and Mrs, Milton
Lavery favoured with a vocal
duet. Mrs. Harry Hess^of Zurich
rendered a vocal solo, Mrs. New-
well Geiger of Zurich presented
readings, and Miss Greta Lam-
mie favoured with a violin solo.
Rev. A. Hinton of Kippen was
guest speaker and delivered an
inspiring message on the subject
“Why Believe in Missions?".
T h a n k s were expressed by
Mrs. R. Middleton on behalf of
St. Paul’s Church, Mrs. Byrce
Mack of Zurich Church and Mrs.
C. Hudson of Carmel Ch,urch.
Rev. Roppel of Zurich
nounced the benediction,
flowers and
were Miss
J. Paterson
missionary letter.
Hymn “Take My Life and Let
It Be" was sung and the meet
ing closed by repeating the
Lord’s Prayer in unison,
The Girl Guides will collect
papers and magazines on Satur
day, March 35, Householders
are asked to have same tied in
bundles and set on steps in the
morning for collection, '
The monthly meeting of the
Wohelo Class will be held in the
school room of the United
Church on Monday night, March
27, at 8:30 o’clock.
directed by Miss
Mrs, D. Kyle, Mrs.
B. Horton, Mrs.
Peter McNaughton
was m
M. Ellis,
B. Kyle,
L. “Hyde,
and Miss
Trivitt Ladies Hold St.
Patrick’s Tea And Sale
The annual St. Patrick’s tea
and baking sale, sponsored by
the Ladies’ Guild of Trivitt
Memorial Church, was held in
the parish hall March 17. The
tea tables were attractively cen
tered with daffodils and sham
Guests were received hy Mrs.
Langford. Presiding over the tea
tables was Mrs. Acheson, assist
ed by Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Dubois
and Mrs. S. Winer. The home'
baking booth was supervised by
Mrs. Crawford, assisted by Mrs.
■Genttner and Mrs. H. Heywood.
Others assisting were Miss Mc-
Taggart, Mrs. Carew and Mrs.
M. S. Winer.
The proceeds were most grati
District Young People
Meet In Varna Church
The Huron Presbytery Young
People’s Union held an Officers’
Congress in Varna United Church
on Monday, March 20, commenc
ing at 6 p.m, with registration,
About seventy-five young people
from the surrounding district
availed themselves of this op
portunity to assemble together
for fellowship and sharing of
The ladies of Varna Church
sejwed a very sumptuous supper
to those assembled. Benson But?
iter of Clinton led a sing-song
I before and after supper. A hymn •sing preceded the main speaker
of the evening. Rev. ‘J, R, Watt
of Gorrie brought a splendid
message to the whole group on
the theme, “Now Is the Hour”.
Following his address there
were discussion groups on the
departmental work of the Y.P.U.
Elimville young people con
ducted vespers which brought a
splendid evening to a close.
Phone 335, Exeter
Midnight to 8 a.m. calls by
previous appointment only,
except hospital or emergency.
V Large and Small Appliances
y General Wiring of All Kinds
V Radio and Appliance Repair
Waffle batter tends to thicken
upon standing, so you may add
milk, if necessary, to make a
“pour" hatter.
Jack Williams
Phone 24-r-4 Creditor!
Exeter Radio & Electric
health must be top-
to do your best. So,
skip this great food
New & Used-Car Dealer
Phone 78 Zurich
Open this Sunday, Wednes
day afternoon and during
the evenings throughout
the week:
iMcQillivr^y W.l,
McGillivray held
March meeting with the
dep, Mrs. D. Lewis presiding.
The scripture lesson was read
by Mrs. truest* Thompson. The
theme "Malte Yourself Necessary
to Someone” was wen presented
by Mrs, Parry Thompson,
it was decided to entertain the
District Annual Convention for
North Middlesex in the spring,
A nominating committee, Mrs.
Murray Hamilton, Mrs. W. Lewis,
Mrs. A, D- Steeper and Mrs. Dan
Lewis will present a slate of
officers for 1950-51 at the April
Mr? Ronald Stoner of Penning
ton’s egg grading plant, Parkhill,
addressed the meeting, describ
ing the proper manner of clean
ing and caring for eggs to pre
vent low grades. The process of
oiling eggs is the modern method
of sealing eggs -against bacteria.
Twelve million cases of eggs are
produced in . Canada; 10% is
exported and one third is pro
duced in Western Ontario, Park
hill Creamery Ltd. is the second
largest egg-exporter in Canada.
Ten dollars was donated to
the Red Cross. A contest given
by Miss Irene Neil was won by
Mrs. Alvin Lewis. Mrs. Garnet
Hodgins demonstrated a lovely
meat loaf during lunch hour.
Misses Margaret Cann, Eleanor
Dawson and Nona Pym, ”of Lon
don, spent the week-end at their
homes here,
and David
ning with
Mr. and
and Alice, _ ___ _____Passmore and Sharon wei’e ^Wed
nesday evening dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rohde.
Mrs. Lome Passmore and
Sharon and Mrs, William Rohde
spent Thursday afternoon with
Mrs. William Jeffery of Sebring-
Wedding bells are ringing in
the community.
Miss .Carol Norton of the Lon
don Bible Institute spent the
week-end with Miss Nona Pym.
Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. William Thomson, of Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Passmore
and Sharon visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rodd,
of Woodham.
Farm Forum was held at Lum
ley School and at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Roy McLeod.
Several from this community
attended the High School play
in the High School auditorium
on Monday evening. ,
Mrs, William Cann spent the
week-end in Detroit.
Mr. Jack Cann of the R.C.A.F.
Clinton, spent the week-end at
his home here.
Junior Fanners Hold Banquet
members sat down to a bounti
ful supper catered to by the
Thames Road W.A. ThC toast
master for the evening was Jack
Stewart president of the Junior’
Farmers. The evening’s program
consisted of speeches by Mr, R.
G. Bennett, Agricultural Repre
sentative for Huron County. The
guest speaker .for the night was
Mr. T. R. Hilliard, secretary
treasurer Ontario Junior Farmer
Association, Toronto. A reading
was given by Velma Ferguson,
Fred O. Wilson, Assistant Agri
cultural Representative for Hur
on County spoke a few words.
Harry Hern led the sing-song.
Miss Jean Scott, I-Iome Econom
ist, for Huron County spoke
briefly of .the Junior Institute
work. Toast to .the organization
was proposed by Ken ‘Hern, re
sponded to by Lucille Boyer.
Harry Dougall introduced the
guest .speaker. Anna Brock, pres-
dent of the County Institute,
I spoke a few words, Geo, Robert-
and Mrs. Aimer Passmore
spent Tuesday eve- Mr - " -and Mrs, , Lloyd
(Percy Passmore
and Mrs. Lome
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Deering
entertained the members of the
Staffa Village sewing circle and
their families on Friday eve
ning. Progressive euchre was
played, with Mrs. Harvey Leslie
and Walter O’Brien receiving
high prize. Lunch was served by
the hostess, assisted by Mrs.
John Drake.
Members of the Circle have
been busy the past few weeks
re-making and mending used
clothing and have completed two
quilts, meeting on Thursday eve
nings to work on donated cloth
ing. Meetings have been held so
far at the homes of Mrs. Day-
nard, Mrs, Drake, Jr., Mrs. Mc
Gaughey, Mrs. MacDonald,
Mrs. O’Brien.
e Entertain
M, J.
$2.75 Apiece
According to Size
and Condition
Prompt Servicewhich a delicious
served. The tables
fully decorated with
candelabra. Those
for the decorating
Katie Scott, Mrs. R.
and Mrs. George Hess, and for
the program, Mrs. C. _Cook and
Mrs. Hess,
Accompanists for the evening
were Mrs. T. Sherritt, Miss
Gladys Luker and Mrs.’M, Oesch
of Zurich.
Arnold Circle Meets
Mrs. Clarence Reid was host
ess at her home Monday evening
for the regular meeting of the
Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary
when about twenty-five members
attended. Mrs. William Brown
presided and opened the meeting
with the reading, of a poem.
The hymn, "Just As I Am
Without One Plea", was sung.
Mrs. H. C. Bell presented the
topic from the study book. Mrs.
Brown favoured with a* piano
solo. Tlie item from the Glad
Tidings entitled "Looking
lAhead’^was read by Mrs. George
Tinney. Mrs. Ed Fink presented
an interesting article from The
Record. The rpll call was an
swered by a hook of the Bible.
Mrs. A. W. Kerslake was in
charge of the worship and pre
sented the subject “Ye
Your Own”. Mrs. H. C.
daughter, Shirley, sang
Mrs. Harry Hoy and
Forrest were appointed delegates
to attend the meeting being held
in Brantford in April, Mrs. P.
Are Not
Bell and
a duet.
Mrs. C.
Used Cars
South H u r o n Junior
Banquet was held in
Road United Church on
evening, March 17 at
p.m. Some 95 Junior
and Junior Institute
Stewart s Taxi Pick Your Car From The Best
And Largest Selection Of .
Used Car Models In Stock
1029, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939,
1948, 1950 Models
Sec These At
don’t —--------------
dieticians say we need—whole a
wheat. It contains vital food
elements. And NABISCO
made from 100% whole
wheat! Enjoy fresh, golden
WHEAT and MILK tomor
row. A treat HOT or COLD! 1
Evening Service
One garage will be open in
Exeter on Sundays, Wed
nesday afternoons and dur
ing the evenings through
out the week.
Forced-Air Furnace or Hanging Unit Heater
Cottage cheese is very tasty
when flavoured with one of the
following: chopped parsley, car
away seeds, chopped olives, or
Service Station
4 Fan Started and Heat Being Delivered Within Three Minutes
James Broadfoot
James Broadfoot, a well-known
farmer of the Parr Line, Hay
Township, died suddenly at his
home Monday. Born in Hibbert
he was a son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. James Broadfoot. He
had not been in robust health
for a number of years.
Mr. Broadfoot was a
of the Hensall United
and of the I.O.O. F.,
Lodge 223. Surviving are two
sisters, Mrs. James McAllister, of
the Parr Line, and Mrs. Stanley
Mitchell, Hensall; also one bro
ther, Glenn, of Stanley Town
The funeral service will be
conducted from the home of his
brother-in-law, James McAllister,
Parr Line, Thursday at 2 p.m.
and, owing to the illness of Rev.
Mr. Brook. Rev. IL J. Snell, of
Exeter, will have charge of the
service. Interment will be in Mo-
Taggart’s Cemetery, with the
graveside service in charge of
the I.O.O.F.
Weak, Tired, Nervous,
Pepless Men, Women
Get New Vim, Vigor, Vitality
Shy goodbye to these weak, always tired feelings,
depression and nervousness due to weak, thin
blood, Get up feeling fresh, be peptiy all day. have
plenty of Vitality left overby evening. Take Oattcx.
Contains iron, vitamin Bi. calcium, phosphorus
for blood building, body strengthening, stimulation,
invigorates syBtem; improves apfietltc,. digest vs
powers. Costs little. New “Ret RcqualntccV sits
only 00c. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for now, nor
mal pep, vim, vigor, this very day. At all druggists.
them with
► Rabdnfre
quick, relief.
lAltcr tCOHOMiCAL Fast-drying.
The finicky guest who does
not eat this or that or the mem
ber of the family who is fussy
without reason is frequently a
social nuisance, This situation
might have been avoided or_r__
overcome in early years. Good gon, president of County Junior
eating habits . are established Farmers, spoke briefly. The ban-
when- parents use tact and judg- Quet ;closed with all singing
infent during their children’s “Auld Lang Syne."
growing years.
Complete With
Year’s Sei-vice
Caul, soot, smoke, aShesi,
irregular heat constant
attention to the heating
plant,,. nd Wonder people
who use cdal dread to see
Winter come.*AII that worry
is banished forever in the
home which has Toridheet,
the modem oil burner.
♦ Come in and ledrh how
easily you can enjoy the
comfort and convenience
of advanced oil heat.
^OMAne 0;(
Ready tn Go
No Extras A Newly Developed Principle for
Fast, Economical Heating of Homes
Monthly Terms If Desired