The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-03-23, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 23, 1950 BLANSHARP Mr, and Mrs, Leonard Thackei*, Orrie, Elizabeth and Linda spent Thursday in London with Mrs. T. Waugh. Mr. and Mrs. Don King of Unionda’le were Sunday evening and Mrs.dinner guests of Mr. Bill Jones. Miss Madeline Dann spent the week-end at Mr. Giadwyn. Hooper, Mr. Jack Thomson spent last Thursday in Brantford attending the Cock- shutt demonstration. of London Iter home.Buy Or Sell, Twice As Well, With Want Ads! .WANTED FOR SALE REAL ESTATE r lt POULTRY; Two Toulouse geese, 1 gander; Bantams, 3 hens and rooster. IMPLEMENTS: Dearing bind­ er, 6-ft. cut; M-H fertilizer hoe drill, 11-run, only used two years; manure spreader; Dearing rake, 10-ft.; M-H, bean scuffler and puller; Cockshutt riding plow; 'Fleury walking plow; M- H mower, 6-ft. cut; M-H out- 4-section diamond of bob sleighs; rubber-tired wagon 16-ft. hay rake; .Viking cream separator, with electric motor; root pulper; electric motor; 4 80-lb, milk cans; colony house, 12 x 14, newly built; 5 chicken shelters; snow fences, various lengths; brass mounted britchen harness; set of back band harness; set of horse blankets; wheel-barrow; 2 steel pig troughs; quantity of twine sacks; 20 good grain bags; set of sling ropes; new hay fork; bag truck; quantity of lumber; pig crate; water trough; complete well digging outfit; brand new 32-ft. extension lad­ der; cross-cut saw, new; brooder stove; lawn mower; one-man cross-cut saw; scythe; chop box; logging chains; block and tac­ kle; quantity of salt; set of car chains; 2 new pipe wrenches, No. 18 and 24; milk pails; doubletrees; shovels; forks; and many articles too numerous to mention. , HAY & GRAIN: 200 bales of choice timothy and alfalfa hay; 250 bushels of mixed grain, oats and barley. MISO.: Good Cheer cook stove; 2 complete bedroom suites; child's crib and play pen; Aladdin hanging lamp; fancy coal-oil hanging lamp; -complete toilet set; gas iron; gas lamp and lantern; coal-oil lantern; Phinolo battery radio, good con­ dition; wash stands; kitchen cabinet; small tables; 2 screen doors; beautiful new carpet stripes and mats. TERMS: Cash. Everything will sold without reserve. Mrs. William Taylor, Prop. Earl Birr, Clerk Alvin Walper, Auctioneer centre room room chair; stove; Quebec heater; oak table; square top dining extension table; 5 dining chairs; large dining room 6 kitchen chairs; small rockers; large rockers, like new; small end tables; 'buffet; large mir­ rors; various electric table lamps; two oak rockers; kitchen clock; china cabinet; kitchen table; electric toaster and iron; 4 steel beds complete, spring-filled mattresses, beds are like new; dressers, commodes; 12; congoleum rug, linoleum, 10 x 12; others of different sizes; Alad­ din lamp; small lamps; galvan- ‘ 2 galvanized crocks; copper 9 7-piece dinner set; sil- glassware; utensils; feather ticks; ironing board; radio; 8-piece Coleman new design gas furnace base suitable for ■WANTED—To rent, unfurnished 2-bedroom bungalow or ground floor apartment by young cou­ ple with child. Father per­ manently employed in Exeter, Apply Box “F”, Exetei’ Times- Advocate. 23* RESORT PROPERTY for sale— Grand Bend, Ont., one busi­ ness lot on Main St., liberal terms, Have clients waiting for cottages in Lakeview Park, Gibb survey and north. Price right and we can sell for you, —Herman M. Gill, Realtor, Grand Bend, HORSES for sale or exchange. I have some horses which I will guarantee good workers at all times, which I will sell or ex­ change for other unsatisfac­ tory or aged horses. —G, J. Dow, box S3, phone 83.16*tfc the market today— you—.“Our Custom­ the Stamped ACCOMMODATION- unfurnished man, wife, ter. Reply Advocate. Stop - Look - Listen Our buyer just returned from Montreal with Bundles of Bargains! Along with three other well known Western Ontario merchants, we cleared the whole floor stock of one of the best known shirt makers on and here it is all dished up ready for ers”! Van Heusen Shirts V WHITES V PASTELS V STRIPES 25 Dozen of Them! Plain and French Cuffs in all sizes and lengths Included in These Are $3.95, $4.95 and $5.95 Shirts $2.99 or 3 for $8.50 In this Buying Spree We Cleared 400 Pairs of Gabardine Pants Drop Loops, French Seams, Shades of Grey, Blue and Sold Anywhere at $10.95 to $14.95 We Will Cuff These for You Sizes 28 to 42 Zippers Brown $6.95 This Tremendous Event Is from Friday, March 24, till Saturday, April 1, Only! George Wright Civilian & Air Force Tailors 3 ■3 or more rooms for air­ school-age daugh- Box “K”, Times- 230 WANTED—Used sacks of all kinds. Apply: Centralia Farm­ ers’ Supply, Centralia, Ont. 23c WANTED—A Drake, white pre­ ferred. — Apply Frank Trieb- ner, phone Exeter 458-r*6. 23c WANTED—Large-size steel baby crib.—Apply Times-Advocate. 23* WANTED—A junior (used) bi­ cycle, in good condition. Apply —Gordon Hamilton, Hensail, phone 73-r-12. 2'3* FOR RENT FOR RENT-—-2- or 3-room apart­ ment, 1| miles east of Exeter, separate entrance, oil heated, hydro and water. Call 176-12 Exeter. * FOR RENT—3-room unfurnished apartment, oil furnace, private bath and private entrance. Write Box 134, Lucan, or phone 70 Lucan. 23* FOR RENT—Apartment suitable for two persons, centrally lo­ cated. For further particulars apply at Red & White Store. 23c BABY CHICKS STARTED PULLETS — Thou­ sands of beautiful little pul- lets in our brooders now. One and two weeks old. Also mixed chicks. Both pure breeds and cross-breds. You’ll have a head start with these. Come in and see them or phone Metcalf 7482 Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St. London. CHICKS - CHICKS - CHICKS— Government Approved chicks in 20 breeds. Day-old and started. Thousands of little Cockerels available every Tuesday and Friday. Now is the time Jo get them. —Neu­ hausel’ Hatcheries, SI King St., London. When a little Goes a long Way .. STARTING TIME Starting time is the period when your young things eat least yet make the most of the little they eat It's the time when a little goes a long, long way toward determining your future profits! Make sure that "little" is made with know-how to get you the best in results, for a good start keeps on paying long after starting time Is past Purina Chick Startena has always done an "extra" job — this year, In the new Checkor-Ett form and formula, It's doing even better t You'll be amazed at the growth you gat from just 2 lbs. per chick. Come In — see a sample — try it! It does a great job. Purina Turkey Startena wan made In Checker-Ett form last year—ask any turkey raiser who fed it how he made out. Ten to one, he'll tell you he got lower losses and faster growth than ever before. If you raise turkeys, you can't afford to past It up. Purina Calf Startena raises good calves cheaper than straight milk — and (mighty important at this time of year) It saves you time and work. If you're starting some Spring calves, you can cut dowrf your chore time very noticeably With Calf Startena. PURINA PURIWA turkey ?TARTEHA Purina FOR SALE—’36 Oldsmobile se­ dan, priced reasonably. Frank Triebner, phone 458-r-6 Exe­ ter. 23* BROODER HOUSE—8’x 16’, as­ phalt shingle roof, roll brick siding, like new. Also brooder stove, used one year. Apply: Lyman Gratton, Grand Bend, 16:23* FOR SALE—Soft and hardwood. Apply to Heber Davis, R.R. 1, Centralia. Phone 9-r-21 Lucan, 23* FOR SALE—Five-year-old Hol­ stein cow, due end of March. Apply to Ward Hern, Wood­ ham, phone 41-r-7, Kirkton. 23* FOR SALE—Number of young pigs; one Durham cow, due to calf April 15. — Solomon Gin­ gerich, Zurich, phone 84-r-3. 23:30* FOR SALE—Montcalm seed bar­ ley. — Apply Leonard ,Harris, phone »33-r-lS, Kirkton. 23:30:6* FOR SALE—Grey sunshine baby carriage with mattress and runners; also a Brock child­ ren’s safety table, both in very good condition, cheap. Phone 49. 23* FOR -SALE—Eleven young pigs, ready to wean. Apply: W. H. Pfile, Hensail, phone 85-r-3. 23c FOR SALE—A quantity of Mont­ calm barley suitable for malt­ ing; also some spring wheat. Apply: Hilton Truemner, tele­ phone 85-r-ll Zurich. 23:30* FOR (SALE—Real good H. C. Far mall H tractor, just over­ hauled; new Waterloo R 24- 28 h.p., $1,695; orders taken for new chicken shelters and Herco. electric brooders. —R. B. Williams. 23c FOR SALE—Percheron mare, weight about 1,400 lbs. Apply Wm. Ratz, phone 14-J Oredi- ton. 23c FOR SALE—Two coal-oil brood­ ers, 500-chick capacity, in good condition. 'Can be seen at L. V. HOgarth’s, Exeter. 23:30c FOR SALE—Heifer calf Jersey and Durham. Albert Mitchell, Exeter. 23* .FOR SALE—Good cattle hay and straw. Apply: Frank Smythe, Centralia. 23c FOR SALE—Baby carriage, in good condition. Harold Wolfe, Exeter. 23* CHORE-BOY balanced low vac­ uum pipe-line milkers. For a free trial see your dealer, Elmore J. McBride, telephone 206-R Exeter. 23:30:6:13* FOR SALE--Ladies* light blue suit, size 20, good condition. Phone 226. 23c FOR SALE—Purebred Shorthorn bull. Apply: Art Gaiser, R.R. 2, Dashwood, phone 164-r-9. 23:30* NEW TRUCK (general Motors), will sell cheap or make .gener­ ous allowance for car in trade. Write stating size of truck wanted and describe car. Box 30, Grand Bend. 23* GET YOUR HONEY while it lasts, 15c lb. —W. F. Abbott, phone 418-R Exeter. 23c FOR SALE—“Hoosier” kitchen cabinet. —J. W. Powell, tele­ phone 233. 23c FOR SALE—Two good sows, one due now, other due in about three weeks. Apply: Russell Morley, phone 176-12. * FOR SALE'—6-room house, with bath, air-conditioned oil fur­ nace, modern bathroom, single car garage, IB lots, Apply; L. Sieinon, phone 56-W Hensail, 23 c VILLAGE ACREAGE with build­ ing suitable for conversion to a 2-family residence. Water and electricity now in. C. Pearce. 3-16tfc -w. 125 ACRES good soil on county road ” ~ ' brick good condition, hydro. See it, Only $8,500. - Realtor. near Walton. Beautiful house. L-shape barns, i, drilled well, you’ll like it. —W. C. Pearce, 3-16tfc 100 ACRES Hay Twp. near highway, brick house, bank barn, good stabling, strawshed with pig pens. Some bush, balance tillable. $6,000. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor. 3-16tfc FARM FOR SALE—55 acres or less full set of good buildings, Lot 9, Con. 7, Stephen, half mile south of Crediton. Apply: John Kuznick, phone Crediton 72-r-6. 16:23* FOR SALE—Modern home; 3 . cottages on a well travelled highway, cold water on tap, cupboards; also pri- drive and parking lot; system in home, hot on tap, 3-pce. bath, garage, approximately or one acre ground. Murray Neil, R.R. 2, built-in vate pressure or cold large one-half Apply: Murray Neil, R.R. Centralia, phone Crediton 10-j 23:30c FOR THE NEW HOUSE you had in mind, you’ll want a nice lot, in a good neighborhood. I have 2. Act quick, if you want one or both. —J. W. Powell, Victoria St. West. 3-16-tfc £. FOR SALE—Service station and garage. Ideal location on high­ way, 4 pumps. Well estab­ lished business. Fine cement block building, complete with two-bedroom apartment. Build­ ing steam heated and with all other conveniences. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 2 c HOUSES FOR SALE—We have two one-storey homes for sale. Quick possession. Both of these houses are modern and very comfortable. We also have a lB-storey brick, well located and with all conven­ iences. If you are interested in quick posssession, let us show you these. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. c REAL ESTATE Business opportunity. New cement block store and living quarters near city, has double garage. Good and low taxes. One summer Can be used perty or location. Size 12’ x 20’. We have clients wanting sum­ mer build Bend. Arch C. J. tourist location cabin for sale, on rented pro­ moved to desired lots to in Grand cottages; also new homes on fee McIntyre, Real Stewart, phone 335, Salesman, Estate. LOOK THEM OVER—If it’s a rooming house, a cottage, a business, beautiful lots or a farm. Beautiful lots in South* cott Pines. —J. W. Holt, Re­ altor, Grand Bend. 23tf AUCTION SALES 2 with these various rug, 10 x 14 x 12; various throw disc; harrow; set roller drum; in good condition; rake; Chek-R-Tabs Don’t take needless chances with the health and life of your baby chicks and poults this year. Drop a Purina Chek-R-Tab in each quart of drinking water. This will prevent the spread of disease in your flocks. Purina Sow and Pig Chow helps keep your sow milking, gives your little pigs a real lift past weaning. Just mix it With yoUr chop, 1 of Chow to 3 of chop. (Feed Pig Growena straight if you're low on grain.) COAL BROODERS 500- and 1,000-chick capacity WARNER ELECTRIC BROODERS 350- and 500-dhick capacity FOUNTAINS — FEEDERS 'fe­ MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING—Spray and b r u s h. Arrange with us early. Houses, barns, sheds, roofs, etc. —Ly­ man Gratton, Grand Bend, phone Dashwood 42-r-18. .................. Mar. 16: May 4* I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. 16*tfc PURINA 1 WfePifi tHOW j BE SURE TO GST? your Ren-O- Sal Tablets when you get your chicks, for their growth and stimulation, as well as for control of Cecal Coccidiosis. They are cheap, as you use only 2 tablets per gallon of drinking water per growth. The chicks grow at least 14 per cent faster. Your “ ~ bury dealer—L. V. Exeter, phone 266. 2:9:16:23:30:6c Dr. Salis- Hogarth, THE STORE with the CHECKERBOARD SIGN SWING MACHINES REPAIRED Traquair's Hardware HMM HMM ' i liiiiiiniiiHiiiiiiiifiiiliiiiiimi.....hitoriilir......... . - ■'■--j-——"■' -'.- -j,' .„T i" iiiiri'iiiHari.ii.inw.....in in Additional Classifieds e ized furnace pipes; tubs and stand; boiler; ver ware; kitchen 1 can; 2 drapes; battery cooker; iron feed cooker; floor register 3x3’; lawn mower; garden tools; screens; 1 ton of No. 4 coal; quantity of ous ipjanks bunches of steel drum; tile; scythe; shovels; and too numerous to mention. TERM'S: Cash. Peter Masse, Zurich, Ont., Joseph Masse, Windsor, Ont., executors of the estate of the late Nelson -Masse. John Denomme, Clerk. Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. numerous sealers; flour curtains; Marconi pressure cord wood; and cedar shingles; quantity handsaw; many other articles numer- posts; 5 10-gallon of 4-inch bucksaw; Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate and Household Effects Part Lot 12, L.R.E. Con., Township, No. 21 Highway Oil Hay 7 miles north of Grand Bend The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to selRby auction on WEDNESDAY, MARCH commencing at 1:30 pan. REAL ESTATE: Consisting of IB acres of land, more or less, on which is situated a good two- storey dwelling covered with. as­ phalt ’ ‘ ment; chen. trees, 1 failing home in the summer home area. Property is in good condition. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale. Balance in 30 days. Will be sold subject to a reserved bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, con­ sisting of a full line of house­ hold effects including — Bell piano: 3 beds, springs and ers; round table; drop heater; coal public 29 sharp be I shingles, has a full base- also modern summer kit- There are some fruit best of garden land, never- ; water supply. An ideal complete with mattress; 3 dress- top leaf licam, , Oil OlU.C, lVlLUHdl range; sideboard; kitchen chairs; various linoleum and many articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash. Leon Jeffrey, administrator estate of late Leon Jeffrey, John Denomme, Clerk Alvin Walper, Auctioneer roomdining table; Quebec stove; kitchen rugs; daybed; of Sr. 23c 1 AUCTION SALE Of Used Equipment at the HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX on Victoria Street FRIDAY, MARCH 31 at 2 o’clock the following used equipment, subject to a reserve bid. Two G-E electric stoves; G-E refrigerator; G-E washing ma­ chine: kitchen wall cupboards; and Fawcett oil space heater. Frank Taylor, Auctioneer E. D. Howey, Clerk 16:23c AUCTION SALE Of Cattle, Implements, Hay and Grain Lot 6, South Boundary Hay THURSDAY, APRIL fl CATTLE: Durham cow, due in April; roan cow, due in May; roan heifer, due in April; red heifer, due in April; Hereford heifer, due in May; 4 steers, 2 years old; 3 heifers, 2 years old; heifer, 1 year old. IMPLEMENTS: Massey Harris binder, 7-foot; Massey Harris mower, 6-foot; hay .loader; 13- disc fertilizer drill; manure spreader; cultivator; steel land roller; Oliver scuffler with bean puller; side rake; riding plow; 2 walking plows; scuffler; 4- section harrows; wagon, on rub­ ber; wagon, on steel; dump rake; fanning mill; emery stone; sleighs; cutter; cream separator; 2 sets of double, harness; 2 sap pans; 50 pails; pulper; forks; shovels and hoes. HAY & GRAIN: 15 tons hay and 65 bus. oats. Mrs. Florence Gould, Executrix Fred Dawson, Clerk Frank Taylor, Auctioneer Extensive Clearing AUCTION SALE Consisting of Livestock, Implements, Hay, Grain, And Household Effects The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed by LEONARD GEROMETTE to sell by public auction On the Premises 1 mile north of Zurich on APRIL 12 sale in next Of On Clearing AUCTION SALE Real Estate, Household Effects and Auto the Premises in Drysdale, Lot 25, Stanley Totvnship 10 miles north of Grand Bend on No. 21 Highway The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction SATURDAY, MARCH 25 commencing at 1:30 p.m. sharp REAL ESTATE: Consisting of one-quarter acre of land, upon which is situated a modern full 2-story dwelling with full base­ ment. Newly covered with insul brick, equipped with hydro, has sun porch, etc., Also failing home area. This property is in class condition and will be subject to a reserved bid. TERMS of Real Estate: on day of sale, balance in 30 days. AUTOMOBILE: 1937 Chevro­ let Deluxe Coach, correct mile­ age 45,000 miles, has new bat­ tery and four new tires. Is in perfect condition in every way, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Clin­ ton piano and bench, class condition; 3-piece field suite, like new; Sparton radio; 4-bumer stove, like new; Maytag washer; Coleman 3-burner built-in cupboards, and an adjoining garage, some fruit trees, never* water supply, an ideal in the summer resort first sold 10% in first Chester- 12-tube electric electric, gas Clearing AUCTION SALE Livestock, Implements, Hay, Grain, and Household Effects Lot 4, S.B. Con. 2, Highway 83 6 miles east of Dashwood, 1H miles west of Exeter The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5 at 1:00 pan. sharp Matched Percheron j 10 and 11 years guaranteed sound and re- ! in every way; team, : Of HORSES: , mares, rising old, ■ liable black express gelding, rising 9 and 10 years old, driven single or double, CATTLE: Holstein cow, with calf at foot, fresh since last week in February; Holstein cow, freshened since last week in December; Holstein heifer, fresh since middle of December; part Jersey and Durham cow, fresh since last week in February; part Ayrshire and Durham hei­ fer, fresh since first week in December; black Jersey cow with calf at foot, freshened March 19; part Durham and Holstein cow, with calf at foot, freshened March 14; part -Hereford and Jersey heifer, with calf at foot, freshened February 21; Durham cow, due at time of sale; Hol­ stein heifer, carrying first calf, due the middle of June; part Hereford and Durham lteifer, with calf at foot;' 3 Durham baby beefs. This herd has been officially T.B. tested with no reactors. All cows hand milked and of good quality. ; matched mare and WEDNESDAY, FULL LIST of week’s issue. Alvin Walper,Auctioneer 23:30c Before You B uy Drop In and See My Complete Stock of USED CARS All my cars are thoroughly checked before being offered for sale! Bob Cook MOTOR SALES H E N S A L L Bits. 178 Phone Refe. 188 Don’t, Delay - Start Today! Order Bray! Forecast: Good egg prices and wide size spread, just when good pullets started now are coming into lull production of good-sized eggs. Aim for that market —order Bray Chicks right away. (Bray birds are not­ ed for early maturity, large egg size.) Bray Chick Hatchery Phone 246 Exeter Si