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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-03-09, Page 12
9 Page 12 s. THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 9, 1950 I Previews its Coining Attractions THURS., FRI., SAT. March 0 - 10-11 * Robert, Montgomery A Anne Blyth This wonderful, wonderful comedy — all for you. MON., March 13 HUE TUES., WED. 14 - 15 s' BIGGEST % I I f. •4 it MUGGS AND SKEETER IljIT HERE, JUNIOR.! (...HERE, JUNIOR !!J Ifer ..COME. BOY I H i f 9 =>U= W-r. 19^, Kin# rchnifcs SjnJtuKh hu, WurM DjJiis Edwin Irwin Mr. Edwin Irwin, passed away at his late residence, William Street, Saturday, after an illness of several months. The funeral service too-k place Tuesday after noon conducted by Rev, C. L. Langford, assisted by Rev. Mr. Hunt, of Mitchell, and ,Rev. Er nest Grigg, of London. The re mains were taken to Norwich for interment in the Norwich ceme tery under the auspices of St. Johns Lodge, No. 10 4, A.F. & A.M, Mr. Irwin's early life was spent in Norwich where his father and he conducted a brick yard. Later he moved to London where he was manager of the U.S, .Equit able Life, The company withdrew from Canada in 1920 and Mr. Irwin assisted in organizing the Otario Equitable Life now the Equitable Life of Canada. For a number of years he was vice- president of the company and superintendent of agencies. He was united in marriage to Miss Florence Bissett and in 19 40 they retired and moved to Exe ter. Surviving besides his wife .are two sisters, Mrs. C. G. Hulet, of London, and -Mrs. Byron Addison, of Toronto, one brother, James, of Waterford. Among those at tending Addison. Toronto; Mrs. of Ingersoll; of Chatham. Messrs. Wm. kins, George wood, P. iMcFalls and Sgt. Simpson. the funeral were Mrs. Newell, and Reg. .‘Bissett, The bearers May, >G. A. Wright, 0. were Haw- Hey- Robt. a- i ! i i Norman W. Sanders Norman William Sanders, after being ill in Victoria Hos pital, London, for three days, passed away Wednesday of last week in his forty-fifth. year. Born on the third concession of Stephen Township, he was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sanders, who retired from the farm and moved to Exeter three years ago. -Surviving besides his par ents is one sister, Mrs, Howard Tremner, of Belmont. The fune ral took place Saturday from the Hopper-Hockey funeral >h o m e, conducted by Rev, C. L. Lang ford. The bearers were .Messrs. A. J. Penhale, Preston Dearing, Wilfred Shapton, Ray Jory, Bazil ■Preszcator and Beverley Could. Interment was in the Exeter cemetery. i Times-Advocate Want Ads— Bargain Counter of the county. /JUNIOR.!.. OH, JUNIOR. I! kXOME HERE v |( AT ONCE« ) •s ? * J' “1 v/ )•* r allright, Junior., NEVER MIND |l . .HERE, WHISKERS I! .COME, WHISKERS’!! .COME-GET JUNIOR^ SUPPER!?A* ¥ Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Memoriam Notice 50c for single verse, 25c extra for each additional verse, Engagements 50c. BIRTHS AYOTTE—At the Stephen nurs ing home, Hensall, on Thurs day, March 2, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ayotte, of Hay, a daughter, Eleanor Margaret. BELL—At St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Monday, March 6, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bell, of Exeter, a daughter. BELL—In Vancouver, B.C., on Monday, February 27, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. -Graham Bell, a son. DESJARDINE—Mr. and Mrs. Norris Des jar dine of Grand Bend are happy to announce the birth of then' son on Mon day, Mar. 6, at Mrs. Hunter’s A brother for Mi\ Jack Smith, who superin tended the building operations of the new Exeter District High School, lias moved . to London accompanied by Mrs. Smith. They made many friends during their stay in Exeter. ■Mi', and (Mrs. Wm, Crawford and daughters, of Belmont, and Ken Beattie, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. ■and Mrs. A. J. Penhale, Spring is only twelve away. The first robin will be a welcome visitor, Mr. Wallace Trand, of Crystal City, Man., is visiting his .cousin, Mr. J. a. Traquair. Mr. and Mrs. days soon ......., bywallybishop^ / NEXT TIME you FAILTO CaWE WHEN YOU RE FIRST CALLED.-I/A ]| REALLY GOING TO GIVE YOUR FOODy > TO THAT DOG U^IEXT DOOR! ( , k/ Elimville Women's Institute Will I’resent ^Coveralls^ A Three-Act Comedy Elimville United Church Wed./t/War. U 8:00 p.m, ADMISSION 400 AND 250 ■i i it J t i r / ^311 / ‘ -........... ^taNno**"* $ ANNUAL ST. PATRICK’S CONCERT Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton Fri., Mar. 17 TA..A MATINEES SATURDAY AND HOLIDAYS AT 3:30 P.M. 8:30 pan, FEATURING FILMS “Let There Be Light” and “Fawners of the Future” Also Other Entertainment Auspices of Kirkton Women’s Institute Adults 350 Cliildren 200 r A. a Exeter District High School Drama Club Presents for Your Enjoyment "Charley’s Aunt (A three-act play specially released from New York) DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Monday, March 20 at 8:00 p.m. ADMISSION 400 AND 250 ✓ I >I r ft ft fl EXETER ARENA Ontario Semi-Finals Saturday, March 11 at 3:30 p.m. Amherstburg VS. Exeter This Is the First of a Two-Gathe Total Point Series Mr. and Mrs, G. A. Cann have returned home after spending a ipleasant holiday in Florida. Dr. A. C. and Mrs. McLagan, of Preston* visited with the lat ter’s mother, Mrs. W. E. Winer on Sunday. Mrs. Minnie Elliott, of Ham iota, Man., spent several days last week with her cousin, ;Mrp. E. J. Pym. Mrs. Mitchell Willis, of Wood ham, who recently underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital is recuperating at the home of her brother, Mr. Harvey Hill, Lon don. COMING EVENTS A nursing home. Wayne. DUCHARME—At nursing ‘home, March 4, to __ __ ___ Maxim Ducharme, ’Crediton, a daughter, Marjorie Irene. FABER —‘ In Clinton General’ on Monday, March 6 to Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Faber, of Hensall, a daughter. MacKENZIE—In Wingham Gen eral Hospital, on Saturday, March 4, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacKenzie, Luck now, a daughter, Constance Ann, a sister for Ian. McCANN—'At St. Joseph’s Hos pital, Monday, March 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McCann, Mt. Carmel, (nee Noreen Shea han), a son, Patrick Joseph. MOORE—LAC and Mrs. Jack Moore of Exeter are happy to announce the birth of their son, Glen William, on Friday, March 3, at Mrs. Hunter’s nursing home. A brother for Garry, WENGER—At the Bruce County Hospital*, Walkerton, on Sun day, February 25, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wenger, Of Mildmay, a daughter, Mary Lee. Mrs. Hunter’s on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Farmers Meet In New High School The Junior Farmers met in the new Exeter District High School, In spite of the stormy night twenty-six members were present Douglas May and Rus sel Ferguson were elected to be the voting delegates at the an nual "meeting of the County Jun ior Farmers. Bill Rowcliffe reported that a beef calf club and a grain club were formed at a meeting held in the town hall on February 17. A Holstein calf club and swine club were also formed but were to be county wide. <5=^5 I.O.O.F. Social Evening The I.O.O.F. will hold a social evening in the Oddfellow’s Hall, Wednesday, March 29, at 8:00 p.m. Oddfellows, their wives or lady friends and widows are invited. Ladies please provide lunch. GARNET JOHNS, N.G. E. A. HOWALD, SEC. FIELD CROP COMPETITION — The Exeter Agricultural Society is this year sponsoring a Field Crop Competition in Beaver oats. Anyone wishing to enter should contact Rd., Etherington, Harry Strang, or the secretary, Clark Fisher. 2:9c HAM A EGG SUPPER — The ladies of Brinsley United Church are • sponsoring a Ham and Egg Supper in the basement of the church on Thursday, March 16. Supper served 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Admission; Adults 75c, children 40 c._________________________c EUCHRE in the Opera House, Exeter, at 8:00 p.m., sponsored by the Hurondale Women’s In stitute, March 2.3, Admission ‘35c. 9c RED CROSS Executive & Pack ing Day, on Friday afternoon at 1:30 in the work room of the Public Library. Immunization Clinics An Immunization Clinic will again be held by the Huron County Health Unit on FRIDAY, MARCH 10 in the following schools: 0:30 a.m.—Hensall P.S. 11:15 a.m.—S.S. 11 Hay 1:15 p.m.—S.S. 1 St. Peters (St. Mary’s School) 2:15 p.m.—Zurich P.S. Infant and pre-school children who started these immunizations at. previous clinics may attend. Smallpox vaccinations will also be given on this date. This will be the last clinic at the above schools for the pres ent. Further immunizations will be announced at a later date. BE WISE . . . IMMUNIZE! I f 1 i * j t Page One the tracks to guard for the DEATHS IRWIN—At his late residence, Exeter, on Saturday, March 4, 1950, Edwin Irwin. -SANDERS—In Victoria Hospital, London, on Wednesday, March 1, 1950, Norman W. Sanders, in his forty-fifth year. STEWART — suddenly . in Us- borne Township on Tuesday, March 7, 19 50, John W. Stew art, age 65 years. CARDS OF THANKS Mrs. Harry Finkbelner __ family of Crediton wish to ex press to their many friends and neighbours, their heart felt thanks and appreciation, for the many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes, extended to them in the loss of a dear husband and father. Special thanks to Rev. J. V. Dahms for his comforting words and to Mr. T. Harry Hoff man for his sympathetic assist ance. and Averts Disaster —Continued from he went -back up place flares as a stationary train, He died on his way back to inspect his train. Death was be lieved caused by a heart attack. “Mr. Baskerville died in the performance of his duty,’’ John A. Murphy, London C.N.R. super intendent, said, “His alertness saved the train from possible danger. We have lost best employees.’’ Mr, Baskerville’s found in the snow tracks by the train > George Carson, of Sarnia, who went back to find out why the train had stopped. Mr. Baskerville lived at Wing ham before moving to London twenty-four years ago. He was a member of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen and active in the congregation of Cathedral, London. He is survived by the former Kathleen London; two sons, James Leon ard, Regan, Ont., and Charles Harold, Kitchener, and one bro ther, Cecil, of Dundas. Funeral service was conducted at Evans funeral home Wednes day by the Very Rev. Dean R. Charles Brown, St. Paul’s Cath edral, Burial was in the Woodland Cemetery. one of our body beside conductor, was the St. Paul’s his widow, Wilkinson, "Here Comes Charlie77 A Farce-Comedy in 3 Acts will be presented by the Thames Road Y.P.U. James St. Church /Worn, /War. 73 8:00 p.m. ADULTS 400 CHILDREN 250 White Avery Day Postponed to Mar. 16 AT 1:30 P.M. There Will Be A Display Of Threshers, Tractors And Power Machinery Show — $75.00 In Door Prizes at MATHERS BROS. EXETER NORTH Your White Avery Dealer 1 t I 1 I I 4 ■I r South Huron Jr. Farmer Banquet Fri., March 17 at 6:30 p.m. * Thames Road Church $1.00 Per Plate GUEST SPEAKER: MR. DICK HILLIARD Get your tickets by Saturday, March 11, from Donald Bray, Harry Hern, Winston Slmpton, Jean Cann. ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS Exeter District High School 'At HOME' ---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------> School Auditorium Friday, March 10 Dancing 9:00 - 1:00 Johnny Downs and his Orchestra ALL EX-STUDENTS CORDIALLY INVITED Couples $2.00 Singles $1.25 . ---- . .... . . . ,....... .. .. 1 I ........................ .......... ' " ' .......... >...... THIRD ANNUAL SEED FAIR Sponsored by Huron County Crop Improvement Association Friday and Saturday March 10 and 11 Clinton Collegiate Institute $500 in Frizes Educational Displays Specials and Trophies* Special Programs Friday Evening and Saturday AftelmOon Auction Salo of 10*Bus. Lots of Grain Saturday Afternoon Junior Seed Judging Competition Saturday Morning EVERYONE WELCOME ADMISSION FREE Anyone Wishing Entries Contact Dick Etherington or Harry Stftng ........... .......... ........ r ■ ■ ....... . , . .... . . From our happy home and circle God has taken one we loved; He is borne away from sin sorrow, To a nobler rest above. No one knows how much miss him, None but aching hearts tell; Lost on earth but found heaven—* Jesus doeth all things well. —S adly missed by mother, father, brothers and sister. De and we can in Mrs. Jack Creasey of London wishes to thank her many rela tives and friends who remem bered her with cards, flowers and visits while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital. c IN MEMORIAM BRIERLEY-—In loving memory of a dear husband and uncle, Frank Brierley, who passed away two years ago, March 12, 1948. At rest in God’s beautiful garden, Sheltered from sorrow and pain—- Some day when life’s journey is ended, We shall meet our loved one again. —Lovingly remembered by wife Amelia, niece and nephew, Beverley Ford and Robert Jackson. * BVSWELL—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Agnes C. Buswell, who passed away one year ago, March 8, 1949. Peaceful in the arms of Jesus, Closely nestling on His breast; Thou hast gone to join th© ransomed, In that home forever blest. Peaceful, peaceful, Close beside your Saviour’s throne, Peaceful, peaceful Lo, the Lord has claimed His own. —Lovingly remembered by hus- ■ band and farhily. 9* DesJARDINE—In loving memory of Louis D e s J a r d 1 n e, who passed away eighteen years ago, March 10, 1933, I ’S3 Immunization Snics The Huron County Health Unit is arranging Immunization Clinics in the following schools: MONDAY, MARCH 13, .1050 10:15 11:00 11:80 1:30 2:00 a.m.- a.m.—S.S. 2 Usbomc (Thames Road) a.m.—J-LS. 6 Usbome (Winchelsea) -S.S. 7 Usborne (Zion) n.m.<—S.S. 12 Usborim (Whalen Corners) p.m.——S.S. 14 Stephen (Centralia) p.m.—S.S. 1 Stephen (Airport) The combined immunization for Diphtheria, Whooping Cough, and Tetanus (Lockjaw) max given the babies and pre-school children of 3 months to 3S years of age. Children over this age may receive the combined inocu lations for Diphtheria and Tet anus or Tetanns Toxiod alone. Re-lnforcing: doses of Diphtheria will also he given where needed. Small pox vaccinations will be given on the last day of these clinics—April 24, 1950. Second doses will be given On April 3, Early protection of children against Diphtheria/Whooping Cough, Tetanus and smallpox is every parent’s *‘ftligation. | BE WISU^^ * M1UNIZE'! FRIDAY & SATURDAY March 10-11 ‘Border Incident’ 4c Ricardo MOntablan 4r George Murphy ★ Howard de Silva Out of government files comes this story of strife and danger. A tense, taut drama of real lifet Cartoon, “PROFESSOR TOM” And Additional Short, “GUN IN HIS HAND1’ MpNDAY & TUESDAY March 13 - 14 ★ Humphrey Bogart ‘Tokyo Joe’ with 4r Alexander Knox ★ Florence Marley THREE STOOGES COMEDY atid PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL NEXT FRIDAY, SATURDAY ‘The Story of Seabiscuit’ - In Technicolour - The fabulous raccliorsO with a fighting heart. 1 * y I