HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-03-09, Page 9THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING,. MARCH 9, 19S(J .’age 9. Weak, Tired, Nervous, Pepless Men, Women Get New Vim, Vigor, Vitality Say goodbye to these weak, always tired feelings, depression and nervousness duo to weak, thin blood. Get up feeling fresh, be peppy all day, have plenty of vitality left over by evening. Take Ostrex, Contalna iron, vltamtn Bi, caloluin, phosphorus lor blood building, body strengthening, stlmulatlon. Invigorates system; Improves appetite, digestive powere. Costa little, New ’'get acquainted" else only coo. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets tor new, nor­ mal pep, vim, vigor, this very day, At all druggists. Labpur And Farmer Discussed At Lieury Monday evening last, March 6, was Farm Forum night again and all the Lieury members .met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Thompson. There was a good attendance of twenty-eight members .present,After listening to the radio broadcast for half an hour, three groups were formed and sat down to discuss the topic pf the evening, "Labor and Farmer—*• Friend or Foe.” A very timely topic brought forth a lively dis* mission, This subject was very interesting and was enjoyed by everyone. There was a silver coL lection taken up by Mrs. Scott Reid and will be .turned into C'FPL London, radio station, as a donation from the Lieury Farm Forum to add to the “March ,of Dimes” fund. Mr. Hilton Amos and Mrs. Andy Erskine enter­ tained the group for the .evening, A dainty lunch was served and a socjal time enjoyed by all, The next Fann Forum meeting will be held March 13 at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Alec Reid, in Lieury. I Due to the Damage of Telephone Lines Our Kintail Phone Is Out of Operation PLEASE PHONE COLLECT INGERSOLL 449-J-13 OR HENSALL 80-r-2 RIVERSIDE POULTRY CO. Howard Ferguson, Manager »—»—------—....-....> .......................................- . ................— i} HENSAUL. ■Mr. and Mrs. Edward Little and family visited with friends in London recently. Mr. and Mrs. IL J« Neeb and Mrs. M. Woelfle and Jimmie of Tavistock spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, Billie and -Carol, Mr, and Mrs. Lee Oesch and family of St. Catharines spent the week-end with Mrs. Qesch’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mousseau. Co-Operative Holds Banquet The District Co-Qperative As­ sociation held its annual banquet in the town hall, I-Iensall, on Monday evening with about 200 attending. The Kippen East Wo­ men's institute catered for th© banquet. Mr, Russel Love, presi­ dent of Interprovincial Co-Opera- tives and also president of Al­ berta Wholesale Co - Operatives, addressed the members, speak­ ing op "Co-Operative Movements and tlie Benefits Derived from Them”. Mr. Art Musgrave of Thornbury Co - Operative Insur­ ance field representative, dis­ cussed Members Group Lite In­ surance Co-Operative. The mem­ bers voted to continue insurance with the Co-Op Life Insurance Company. Mr. Sam Hendrick of the Blue Water Highway, was elected president of the District Co- Operative. It was revealed that a turn-over of $288,963 was an increase of $73,00 0 over last year. Numbers, greatly enjoyed, were by Desjardine’s- orchestra. .high; Mrs. -Clifton Jaques, ladies’ consolation; Mr. Gilbert Johns, gent's consolation. The Federation of Agriculture will show pictures in Elimville Church on Friday evening, at 8:30 p,m» Mr. and Mrs. James Sparling and 'family, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hurd and family, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Hurd and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Levy and family of Anderson, were Monday eve­ ning guests at the home of Mr, Harry Sparling, the occasion be­ ing Mrs- Sparling's seventy-third birthday. May we remind you to read the Classified Ads regularly every week? Far satisfying results, try the Want Ails. Before You Buy Drop Xu aha See My Complete Stock of i USED CARS All my cars are . thoroughly checked before I being offered for sale! Bob Cook MOTOR SALES HENS A L L Bus. 178 Rhone Res. 188 BUYS- WHYS A WEEKLY INFORMATION SERVICE EVERYTHING IS REAL BUT THE WRECK — Conditions were so real that R.C.A.F. paratroops had no difficulty get­ ting into the spirit of this rescue exercise near Trenton Air- Base, Ont. A wrecked plane was hauled into the bush, para­ troops jumped with medical supplies, land parties set out fro'm Trenton on skis. Here Paratroopers Bud Cockerton, Bill Farr and Roderick Robinson, who jumped to the rescue, re­ move an “injured passenger” from the wreck. —C.P.C. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ■ ———— . ; — —-—& AIRPORT NEWS B-.................-................................................................ ---.......... ■...B MONTREAL — Show me the hostess who wouldn’t like to know the secret of making a really delicious cake! There’s nothing like a wonderful cake to establish a woman’s reputation as a good cook ... and there’s nothing like SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR to assure the success of a cake! I’ve found that Swans Down makes consistently liner, fluffier cakes ... cakes you’ll enjoy serving to your friends! And you’ll get real pleasure from making cakes with Swans Down, too. For, when you use Swans Down, you’re playing extra safe — using flour milled by specialists in making cake flour — flour that’s made from the choicest of soft wheat and sifted over and over again ’til it’s 27 times as fine as ordinary flour! Your .Calendar Never Lies and if you’ll look at it‘now, it will tell you that summertime isn’t so far around the corner! And summertime is vacation-time! Fun, isn’t it, to dream about a sunny holiday when chill winds freeze every bone in your body except your wish-bone? Well, now’s the time to do something about it! You can still save aipple. money to put yourself aboard that holiday express, if you rush right down to the BANK OF MONTREAL and open a Sunshine Account! The friendly, helpful staff of the BofM will be glad to explain how a small amount saved regularly under this plan can give you your dream-vacation I Why not do as so many happy holiday­makers do? ... make a BofM Sunshine Account your magic carpet to a really sunny vacation! Yow Need Never Be Caught, like Mother Hub­ bard, with a bare cupboard when unexpected guests drop in! Thanks to the HEINZ chefs, you can have seven HEINZ MAIN COURSE MEALS wait­ ing on your shelves for just such emergencies! Yes, 7 out of the 57 Heinz Varieties are main course dishes! And so good— so very easy to prepare! Four luscious kinds of Heinz Oven Baked Beans — Heinz Cooked Macaroni — Heinz Cooked Spaghetti in To­ mato Sauce with Cheese — and, newest variety to come from the Heinz kitchens — Heinz Cooked Spaghetti with Meat! “Stock up” now on these luscious, “Lucky 7” 1 * Serve home-made read yout Every Day — Afternoon Tea — your friendly pick-me-up! At home or in any restaurant I find after­ noon tea truly refreshing. My sug­ gestion is: write me today—Bar­ bara Brent, 1411 Crescent St., Montreal, P.Q.—for your free copy of “Tea Tips”, simple rules for making good tea, Most im­ portant: use good quality tea; bring freshly drawn water to a furious boil; heat the pot; meas­ ure amount of tea (a teaspoonful per person and one for the pot); allow correct time for infusion. I find it takes five full minutes to brew the tea to full, true flavour. JF/iert In Doubt. muffins — muf­ fins made with CALUMET BAKING POWDER 1 Calumet’s double action- first in the mixing bowl, then in the oven— insures the light, even tenderness of muffins, tea biscuits and cakes. For a special treat, I suggest this muffin Variation. „ „ SPICY CRUST MUFFIN 2 cupssifted flour ....2 1/2 teaspoons CalumOt Bakirtjj Powder2 tablespoons sugar 3/4 teaspoon salt 1/3 cup shortening1 egg, well beaten.3/4 cup milk2 tablespoons sugar1/4 teaspoon cinnambnSift flour once, measure, add bak­ing powder, sugar and salt; sift into bowl. Cut in shortening. Com­bine egg artd milk; add all at once to flour mixture. To mix, draw spoon from Side of bowl toward centre (15 times) turning bowl gradually. Chop spoon through, bat­ter (10 times). Then Stir only until all flour is dampened (only about 5 strokes). Turn into greased muf­fin pans, filling each about 2/3 full. Mix sugar and cinnamon; sprinkle over batter. Bake in a hot overt (400 deg. F.) about 25 min­utes. Makes 10 large muffins. Al Reader IFrto-s:. “Until I about Sloan’s Liniment in „ column, I suffered terribly from rheumatism. Then I tried’ Sloan’s and I can’t tell you how over­ joyed I was by results! It brought almost instant relief from the nag­ ging pain! I’ll never be without Sloan’s again!” Yes, rheumatic pains go deep. That’s why you should go after them with deep­ acting SLOAN’S LINIMENT! It’s a comfort indeed when you’re suffering from rheumatism or sore muscles—-a sprain, a stiff neck of neuralgia. Such soothing warmth just pat oh Sloan’s for quick relief 1 You’ll find it at your fav­ ourite drugstore for just 40c a bottle. A Festive Frosting can turn oven a “plain lane” cube into a handsome beauty. And for gorgeous frostmgs, I do like BAKER’S UNSWEETENED CHOCOLATE. Tim full, rich chocolate flavour and velvet smoothness of Baker’s Chocolate docs wonderful things to a frosting—in fact all my chocolate cookery. Baker’s is nil pure chocolate, with nothing added and noth­ ing token away. Try adding 2 or 8 squares of Baker’s Unsweetened Chocolate, molted and cooled, to your Seven-Minute Frosting just before spread­ ing. It's a delicious topping and one I know the family Svill enjoy. The largest peacetime graduat­ ing course of pilots were recently presented their wings and com­ missions as Pilot 'Officers at the R.C.A.F. Flying Training School here. Twenty-five members of course No. 12 climaxed 40 weeks of intensive ground and air train­ ing when flyig badges were pin­ ned to their breasts by Air Com­ modore W. E. Kennedy, AFC, representing the Chief of the Aii- Staff. The graduates are: Flight Cadets F. Bertrand, Quebec City; D, L. 'Button, Ottawa; L. H. Cas- lake, 'St. Vital, Man.; H. R. Chapman, Ottawa; P. K- Crans­ ton, Toronto; D. R. Dewar,, Ed­ monton; D. J. Enman, Truro, N.S.; J. E. Flannigan, Saskatoon; R. W. Gibson, Guel.ph; A. K. Giffin, Halifax; S. P. Gulyas, Wainfleet, Ont.; H. Hrischenko, Windsor; R. LaRoche, Windsor Mills, P.Q.; G. C. McMahon, Por- quis, iOnt.; W. z®. Miller, Innis- fail, Alta; N. C. Montgomery, Finch, Ont.; G. W. Patterson, Ottawa; E. Rodier, Montreal; J. C. Sharp, North Battleford, Sask. R. A. -Spratt, Ottawa; S. H. Thompson, Carp,. Ont.; R. H. Turtle, 'Saskatoon; J. Ursulak, South porcupine, Ont.; E. Hl. Van Slyke, Hanover, Ont.: A. M. Watch, Holden, Alta. The Scroll of Honour, present­ ed to the graduate exhibiting highest general proficiency, was won by Pilot Officer Van Slyke. Pilot Officer Enman was award­ ed the ‘Siddeley Junior Pilots' Challenge trophy, signifying his attainment of the highest flying mark. The 25 new officers Will at­ tend a two-month Air Armament course at Trenton, after which they will be posted to operation­ al duties with the R.C.A.F. in Canada. A sports meet was held at Clinton on March I» Teams from Centralia competed with the Radio School personnel in Bas­ ketball, Volleyball, Bowling and Badminton. The local delegates managed to win sufficient points to qualify for a silver cup, which was presented by the Clinton group at a luncheon later in .the evening. S(s $ Sj The Officers’ Mess baa a new television aerial, mounted on a 40-foqt . pole, and according to latest reports, reception has been very good since the new aerial has come Into use., A 37-foot ad­ dition is being made to the ante­ room of the Officers’ Mess. It will house an additional lounge as well as a new games room. The Drill Hail is also under­ going a face-lifting at the mom­ ent. The .snack bar is being ex­ tended and improved, and a bal­ cony is being erected over the bowling alleys, « * IS <S . An Airmen’s Dance was hold in the drill hall on Friday night. The usual excellent crowd enjoy­ ed music supplied by the station orchestra, which did a very good job.$ •# $ The Boxing Shew to be held on Thursday night. March 9, at S p.m,, is stirring up a lot of interest. It will consist of seven bouts and a wrestling exhibition. The local .basketball team will journey to Amherstburg on Mar. 11 with a 2'6-point lead in the two-game series. If the locals win this series, they will advance to the semi-finals in the Inter­ mediate “C” playdowns, and will probably be matched with a team from the ‘Niagara or Hamilton district. $ >Je, ❖ Capt. J. L. Craig has replaced Capt. Finkbindbr as station Den­tal 'Officer1.* lj@d^>'*Finkbinder left last month for Camp Borden. The new Dental Officer was formerly at Ottawa. His home is in Peterborough. , « fl, * The teletype machine in the tower finally began functioning again on March 6 after a three- week shutdown. The wire .ser­ vice was disrupted by the sleet storm at that time, and since then accurate weather reporting and forecasting has been im­ possible. Information foi* the daily weather maps was trans­ mitted from Toronto by tele­ phone. Mi IX * >!> The two snowy owls who left the unit on Temporary Duty at points unknown several weeks ago, have returned to the aero­ drome to -haunt the Flying Con­ trol Officers. . . LAC C. J. Smith is a new arrival in the Met section, from Rivers. . . F/L George iM’oir has returned from the service management course at Trenton. . . F/O Harry Marsh was the guest of honour at a "sehd-off” party on Friday night. F/O 'Marsh has been posted to Rivers, Manitoba. ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fink- beiner and Billy, of Shipka, Mr. and Mrs. Russell King, and Wayne, of Crediton, visited on Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs. Har­ old Kerslake, Mr. James Sinclair, of London, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Woods. , Mr. and Mrs. Mervin -Pym and family, of Thedford, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pym. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Delbridge and family, of Winchelsea, visit­ ed on Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs. .Bruce Cooper. Mr. Laverne Skinner spent the past week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Murch, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Skinner and Larry visited 'Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Miurch, of Lon­ don. Mr, Lome Ford, Camp Borden, spent the week-end at his home here. Mrs. Gordon Galquhoun and Sandra visited Tuesday with Mrs. George Armstrong. Euchre dub Meets Elimville Euchre Club met on Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper as hosts. The high scorers foi* the evening were: Mrs. Gilbert Johns, ladies' high; Mr. Jahn Kellett, gent’s Hockey —Continued from Page 4 First Period 1— Zurich, Decker (DesLauriers, D. O’Brien) Penalty — Gignac. Second Period 2— ’Zurich, .DesLauriers (Hess) 3— Zurich, Gignac (Charlton ) 4— Zurich, Gignac (DesLauriers) Penalties — Quisnel, Des­ Lauriers, II. Hay ter, J. WB- lert, Kleinstiver. Third Period 5— -Dashwood, R. I-Iayter (Wein) G-—’Zurich, Gignac 7— Zurich, DesLauriers (D. O’Brien) 8— Dashwood, J, Willert (l». Haugh) 9— —Zurich, DesLauriers (D. O’Brien, Gignac) 10— Dashwood, Schroeder (J. Willert) 11— .Zurich, DesLauriers ( Decker) Penalties —- Quisnel, Gignac, B. O’Brien, Hayter, Klein- stiver. "Measles ain’t funny”! They start with symptoms similar to in eight to ten days. These symp­ toms last three or four days, then, a rash appears tn about twelve or fourteen days after exposure. To the Ladies Of Exeter and District There Will Be A Representative Of British Knitwear, Simcoe CENTRAL HOTEL Thurs. and Fri, Evening, March 9 and 10 * From 7:00 to 10:00 Each Evening Showing a fine display of Wool Jersey Suits and Dresses. Also Bruck Crepes, Silk Jerseys, Nylon and Bricot Lingeries, Sweaters for Every Member of the Family Do not miss this fine showing of Spring Knitwear. See Mr. Yemen, Room 20, Central Hotel, Exeter, or phone for appointment * Have You Ordered Your Corsage? FOR THE HIGH SCHOOL “AT HOME* FRIDAY, MARCH 10 Roses, Carnations, Sweet Peas, and Gardineas priced from $2.00 up Store will be open till 9:30 Friday evening Potted Plants Shamrock plants in bloom, mixed, pots -of Tulips, ; Daffodils and Hyacinths, Ivy, Philodenron and Cacti EXETER FLOWER SHOP | Ralph Bailey & Family Phone 276 I ..... .......................................... —.......... 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