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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-03-09, Page 6
Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 9, 1950 •B Stewart's Taxi Phone 335, Exeter Midnight to 8 a.in. calls by previous appointment only, except hospital or emergency. John W. Stewart Mr. John W. Stewart, a life long resident of I’sborne Town ship died suddenly Tuesday night at his home on the northeastern boundary. He had been around as usual and was in Exeter’ the day of his death, He was a mem ber of the Thames Road United Church and one of the best known farmers of the district. He was 65 years of .age. Surviv ing besides .his wife are two sons, Ivan, of Usborne; William, of Toronto, and one daughter, Mrs. Edwin Hawkins. The fune ral will bb held Friday ^afternoon at 2:30 pan. from the Hopper- Hockey funeral home. Interment will be in the Exeter cemetery. TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Application for Twp, Assessor* Application for Township As sessor will be received up until 6 p.m. on Friday, March 1950. Work to begin on or fore April 1, 1950. Information of duties may had by enquiring at the office of the Clerk. F. W. Morlock, Clerk of Twp. of Stephen 9:16c 24, be- •be Excellent Results MINARB’S LINIMENT Apply freely, and rub. That’® all. It’s greaselesB, fiMt-dxying;. has no strong odor. And it brings quick relief to muscular aches and pains, neuralgia, lumbago. LARGE ECONOMICAL SIZE 65c Portable Arc Welding Acetylene Welding Steel Fabrication Grinding Machine Work Experts Predict Egg Shortage Two poultry experts have pre dicted a nation-wide egg short age by autumn, according to a C.P. despatch from Toronto. J. Stewart Hydge and C. F. Luck- am, president and secretary, re spectively, to the poultry in dustry committee of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, made the forecast at a federation meeting. Current egg consumption is outstripping p r o d u c t i o n, Mr. Hydge said. He predicted Canada will have to import eggs by September. Mr. Luckam said “There won’t be enough chicks .to raise even fifty per cent of last year’s poultry population". I-Ie blamed curtailment * of production on last year’s drop in egg prices. They were “well below reason" he said. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Tenders for Repairing Drain Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up until 6 o’clock p.m. on Friday, March 24, 1950, for the repair of the Corbett Drain, Work to commence as soon as possible after contract is _let, and to consist of 5,900 cu, "yds. of excavation. Plans, profile, arid specifications of the work pay be seen at the office clerk in Crediton. A marked cheque of must lowest sarily of the $200.00 tender.accompany each or any tender not neces- accepted. F. W. Morlock, Clerk of Twp. of Stephen 9:16c Marshall & Murray Machine Shop Phone. 179-J Exeter Fractures Wrist In Fall Donald Webster, mechanic 'at the South End Service Station, is -carrying his .right arm in a plaster cast. On Saturday he bad the misfortune to fall from a ladder about ten feet to tbe cement .floor fracturing the arm above the wrist. The fracture was reduced by Dr. iMilner. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Tenders for Gravel Hauling Contract Sealed tenders for the crush ing and hauling of 8,000 cu. yds. of crushed stone will be received up until 6 o’clock p.m. on Fri day, March 24, 1950. State flat rate for hauling anywhere in the township. Gravel to be hauled from Moody’s Pit. Contract to be com pleted by the 15th day of June, 1950. Marked cheque must ac company each tender, lowest or any tender not necessarily ac cepted. F. W. Morlock, Clerk of Twp. of Stephen 9:16c & » JFTEWO DR.ARCHEmi.LACE 3* US- USED BEATTY Gasoline Washer Good Condition Reduced to clear at $65 0- USED Grali am Rangette Good Condition $45 0- USED GENERAL ELECTRIC 4-burner, table-top model Range Like New $125 Also A Few Used Radios Beavers PHONE 8« re EXETER One day in the winter of 1864 an old Quaker lady visited Lin coln and took the hand of that harassed man. "Friend Abra ham," she said, "thee must not think thee stands alone. Back where I live we are all praying for thee. The hearts of all the people are behind thee and thee cannot fail. The Lord .has ap pointed thee, the Lord will sus tain thee and the people -love thee. Yea as no other .man ever loved before, does this people love thee. Take comfort, friend Abraham. God is with thee. The people are behind thee." Those who were present and witnessed the scene remembered for long years afterwards the re lief and glad radiance that came to Lincoln’s face. The great man straightened his tired body, and with tears in his voice, as well as his eyes, he said: "You have given a cup of water to a very thirsty and grateful man. You have done me a great kindness.” John Watson, better known to i the reading public as Ian Mac- Laren, was thirty-five . years minister of a large congregation in Liverpool. He became inter- | nationally known as a writer (and lecturer. When he died some »years ago, it >was disclosed that j lie had carried around with him for many years a letter which a i member of his congregation had written to him, telling of the great help he had been to her in her trying life. It was a i source of encouragement to him A Cup Of Water Covers Ohe-Tliird More Acreage Exeter(Snell Bros. Garage)Phone 443-J A UH Foor Reel Bars Insure Clean Raking to know that his ministry meant much at least to one person. It is not weakness that -makes people long for appreciation and kindness. The strongest men and women who have ever lived have responded to it and many could not -have carried on had it been withheld. Reference has been made to John Watson. He used to tell, with dramatic skill, the story of Paul’s journey to Rome where he was to be tried and finally put to death. One of the passion ate longings of his heart had been to visit Rome, was about to not in the way and hoped ‘for. the city not as triumphant missionary, one accused of sedition, a prison er in bonds and in disgrace. After a long journey of more than a hundred miles, Paul came with his guard to the Appii Forum; lonely and seemingly friendless he looked around him at the tradesmen, labourers and soldiers assembled there — each man concerned about his own affairs, a little interested in a prisoner headed for Rome and probably destined foi* execution. He was no longer a young man and he had known suffering, persecution and hardships. He was weary and hardly himself, with blighted hopes and nerves unstrung. Dr. Watson suggested that it was probably the lowest moment in Paul’s life. It was all so dif ferent from what he had ,hoped for. There was no familiar face to smile at him; no one to take his hand in a friendly grasp. In tones they said: Rome name i they thank God fori thy coming. Thirty-three miles these meti had I trudged to do Paul tills kind ness and to strengthen him in «the hour of his heed. No wonder that the c o jnpanion of Paul wrote: "When the b r e t h r e n ’heard of us, they came to meet i us as far as Appii Forum, and the three taverns; whom when Paul saw, he thanked ,God, and took courage." (Acts 28:15), It was a gracious action HI the part of these men and on the part of the company of be lievers who sent would like to have about that meeting, first suggested that and welcomed. It is /our privelege to show kindness and encouragement to all wo meet along life’s highway; i to give, as Abraham said, a cup l of water to those who need it. | This is not a trivial thing, it I may be more important than I anything else we are doing. Our quotation today is by the . Greek philosopher, Epictetus: “If ,a man is unhappy it must be his | own fault, for God made all men ’to be happy," ■Now his wish fulfilled but had expected was to enter be he He an honoured and but as •of respect and tenderness "The brethren in salute thee, Paul, in the of the Lord Jesus, and 011 them. One known more when it was Paul be met EVERYONE uses the Class- Ifieds—at least those who want results. FOR SALE HORSES for sale or exchange, I have some horses which I will guarantee good workers at all times, which I will sell or ex change for other unsatisfac tory or aged horses. —G. J. Dow, box 83, phone 83. 12:19:26* tfc CHEAP—-New Sunbeam electric "Shavemaster’’, $23. Used a few times. Save money you formerly spent on soap, blades, styptic pencils. Apply at The Exeter Times-Advocate. tfc FOR SALE — Davenport, opens into full-size .bed, spring-filled ■mattress, opposite collapsed po sition gives comfortable ches terfield. Apply to Box “A" Times-Advocate. Phone 290-M. 9* FOR SALE—Reasonable. “Good Cheer" range; large oak rock er; aquarium; Edison disc phonograph, 30 records; also 200 assorted Edison disc re cords, $5 a dozen. —J. W. Powell, Victoria St. West. 3-16tfc FOR SALE—Modern dining- room suite in good condition —waterfall design of walnut veneer, table, china cabinet buffet with six chairs. ■—Ken Elder, phone S3-r-14 Hensail. 2:9.* FOR SALE—Two .825x20 truck tires, like new, $30 each; truck axle and wheels, mani fold and hot water heaters. — Glenn’s Auto Wreckers, tele phone 418-M Exeter. 2:9c MOTHERS, who have children allergic to Bronchitis, Head and Chest Colds, should try NAMELESS Cold Remedy, the Family Friend, soon as ap plied it goes right to work. Relief is quick. Sold in jars at .60 and $1.00 by Brown ing’s, Robertson’s and Sanders’ stores. 23:9c FOR SALE—’42 Chev Fleetline, in good condition. Apply at Broderick Bros., phone 277. 9* FOR SALE—A few loads of good bean straw; also 125 sap buckets and new gathering tank, used one year. Apply: Emerson Anderson, He ns all, phone 100-r-4. 9* FOR SALE—Viking cream sep arator No. 7 6, in good condi tion, reason for selling I am selling my milk. Apply: James McCarthy, R.R. 3, Ailsa Craig. 9C FOR SALE -— Experienced ma chinery: 19 48 Gase V.A.C. tractor; 7 ft. mounted mower; 2-row mounted scuffler; 4- wheel spreader on rubber; 2- furrow tractor plow. —Exeter Farm Equipment, phone 4 43-J 9c FOR ‘SALE—Mixed timothy and alfalfa hay, cut straw and some early gopher oats for seed. —John Selves, R.R. 2, Hensail, phone Kirkton 54rl3 9* FOR SALE—’3 6 Oldsmobile se dan, priced reasonably. Frank Triebner, phone 458-r-6 Exe ter. 9 '• FOR SALE — American Cocker Spaniel puppies, S weeks old, all black, registered. Apply: Devon Apts., Main St., Apt. 3. 9* FOR SALE—50 to 60 stocker pigs. Apply, to Chas. S. Be dard, phone 98-r-15 Zurich. 9* FOR SALE—New two-bedroom cottage with full basement, furnace bath with built-in tub and shower, $5,000. Will ex change for other property. — R. E. Balkwill. 9* HELP WANTED WANTED—Garment presser, to start March 1, full time em ployment, good working condi tions. Apply; Goderich French Dry Cleaners. 2:9c WANTED —• Girl for general housework, Plain cooking. No laundry. Apply Mrs. W. J. Tillman, 612 Richmond St., London. Oc WANTED—Salesladies or sales men wanted for Exeter and district to show and take orders for ladies* dresses and suits made-to-measure from wool jerseys, Bruick crepes, printed jerseys. Sweaters for every member of the family. Silk and nylon lingerie. Brit ish Knitwear. See Mr. Yemen, Central Hotel, Exeter, Room > 20, Thursday or Friday eve nings. * 1 tVANTED—Married man 30 to 40 years, to learn roofing business and take over full I responsibilities in n e a r b y i town. Guaranteed weekly wages to the right mail. Apply Box "T", Times-Advocate. 9* FEMALE HELP WANTED—Avon | Products need capable woman , to service customers in Grand 1 Bend. Good commission. For 1 particulars write: The Mana ger, Mrs. M. E. Stock, 551’4 Queen St, Kitchener, Ont. 23:2:9c BABY CHICKS NEUHAUSER CHICKS — “The chicks which give results." Thousands available for im mediate delivery. All breeds, Royal mating chicks on cer tain dates. Also Hy-Lines. Some started chicks on our brooders now. Come in and see them. -—Neuhauser Hatch eries, 81 King St., London. NEUHAUSER COCKEREL Chicks —Thousands available each week, All breeds. Phone your order in. today Metcalf 7482, Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St., London, Ont. WANTED WANTED—Electric chick brood ers. —Grant Case, R.R. * 3, ‘Exeter, phone 174-r-22. 9* WANTED-—A small house or 3? or 4-room unfurnished apart ment by March 31. No child ren, Write F/O G. J. Ruston, Clinton. 9* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Two town lots with concrete foundation for small house. —R.E. Balkwill. 9* FOR SALE—Two nice insul- brick houses; also one insul- brick cottage; all have bath rooms. Apply.; J. Caldwell, phone 13-r-ll Exeter. 9* RESORT PROPERTY for sale— Grand Bend, Ontario, cottage, Southcott Pines, large living room, fire 'place, kitchen, din ing room, 2 bedrooms, hydro, running water, shower, occu pied year ’round, garage, good rental, road open in winter. Good buy. —Herman ‘M. Gill, Realtor, Grand Bend. 9 FOR SALE,—Modern home; 3 cottages on a well travelled highway, cold water on tap, built-in cupboards; also pri vate drive and parking lot; pressure system in home, hot or cold on tap, 3-pce. ’bath, large garage, approximately one-half or one acre ground. Apply: .Murray Neil, R.R. 2, Centralia, phone Crediton 10-J 2:9:16c FOR THE NEW HOUSE you had in mind, you’ll want a nice lot, in a good neighborhood. I have 2. Act quick, if you want one or both. —J. W. Powell, Victoria St. West. 3-16-tfc FOR SALE—Comfortable t w o - bedroom cottage with all con veniences. Nice lot. Well locat ed. Immediate possession. Rea sonable price. Other houses.— C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 2c FOR SALE—Service station and garage. Ideal location on high way, 4 pumps. Well estab lished business. Fine cement block building, complete with two-bedroom apartment. Build ing steam heated and with all other conveniences. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 2c SUBSTANTIAL well built 2- storey brick house Hensall, full basement, hot water fur nace, 3-piece bath main floor, 2-piece upstairs. Upstairs self- contained, hot and cold water on tap and heavy wiring. Metal roof. Extra building lots. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 9 c LARGE ALMOST NEW garage service station lunch r o o m heated by air conditioned oil burning furnace, large lot. Dwelling with conveniences, oil furnace heated, A smaller service station on a busy high way has attached dwelling equipped lunch room, tourist cabins and small acreage. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 9c 100 ACRES rolling clay loam, 3 acres bush, nice variety of fruits, balance tillable, large barn with conveniences, frame house, hydro throughout. Lo cation good. Larger and small er farms too. *—W, C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 9 c HIGHWAY village 11 acres well equipped 2-s t o r e y henhouse, colony houses, range shelters. Possession now, 100 acres Hay Twp. close to highway, brick house, bank barn good stab ling strawshed with pig pens. 90 acres tillable, few acres bush. Early possession. $6000. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exe ter. 9 c LOST AND FOUND LOST—"White crochet hat. Please return to Times-Advocate. 9 c LOST—Pair of men’s brown kid gloves Saturday afternoon, Finder phone Russell Morley, 176-r-12 Exeter, ” 9c Frederick Johnston Frederick Johnston passed away Saturday night at bis home at Kirkton at the age of seventy-, six years. *He came to Kirkton. from England twenty-five years ago. Besides his wife he leaves- one daughter, Mrs. Elmer Selves of Kirkton. The funeral service was held Tuesday afternoon in the Kirkton United Church with; .Rev, R. Dean'officiating. Inter ment was in the Kirkton Union Cemetery, TURNED IN at The Times- Advocate, two silver watches (men’s). Owners may have same by calling in and paying for advertisement, 9c NOTICES I have taken over a business of general trucking and would appreciate your business. Please apply; Clare Masse, Dashwood phone 12 6. 9* ►4 4 $2.50 each $2.50 each .50 per cwt. HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR .Dead Stock HORSES COWS HOGS According to size and MISCELLANEOUS I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G, J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. 12:19:26*tfc BE SURE TO GET your Ren-O- Sal Tablets when you get your chicks, for their growth and stimulation, as well as for control of Cecal They are cheap, only 2 tablets per , drinking water per The chicks grow at per cent faster. Your bury dealer—L. V. Exeter, phone 266. 2:9:16:23:30:6c as Coccidiosis. as you use gallon of growth, least 14 Dr. Salis- Hogarth, COD LIVER OIL for your poul try and animals $2.85 per gal. in tin’s. —L. V. Hogarth, Exeter, phone 266. 2:9:16c SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED Traquair’s Hardware AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Of 90 Head Holstein Cattle (T.B. tested on March clean. Blood negative on Feb. __ nine 'head calf vaccinated, raised c on did on. Seaforth 15 Exeter 235 Call Collect 4 Pick Your Car From The Best And Largest Selection Of . * ► * DODGE A PLYMOUTH * CHEVROLET * FORD Used Car Models In Stock 1929, 1948, DARLING t C OF CANADA, LIMITED .1.937, 1938., 1939, 1930 Models These At 3 and tested and fully 17. Twenty- All ■by owner and tested as one herd. undersigned has received instructions from NORMAN HODGINS sell by public auction 7, Con. 10, West Williams 5 miles south of Parkhill, half mile east of Elm -Tree, 2‘miles west Highway SI. on TUESDAY, MARCH at 1:30 p.m. CATTLE: 5 cows fresh sale; 2 cows, due within 15 two-year-old heifer freshened since February two-year-old heifers, due month of sale; heifers, bred in rcmum;, xv open yearling heifers; 17 eight- month-old calves, 13 HOGS: 1. Anyone or yearlings should plan to at tend this sale. TERMS: Cash. R. McLean, Wm. Nairn, Auctioneers John McPhee, Clerk The to Lot ‘ J. time of month; s, all 15; 10 within 17 two-year-old in February; 10 heifers; 18 fresh heifers, 5 bulls. Three sows, due April desiring good heifers & Used-Car Dealer Phone 78 Ztirieh jj ft AUCTION SALE OF Farm Stock, Implements The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction on Lot 35, Con. 2, North Boundary, Usborne, One mile east of No. 4 Highway FRIDAY, at 1:00 STOCKri One brood sows;2 hog. IMPLEMENTS: Deere Massey mower, mower, MARCH 17 p.m. sharp good work mare; chunks; York TH© PROPERTY MARKET Check These Fori Values: One new two-bedroom, one-floor home, full sized basement, beau tiful kitchen, lovely living room. This home is situated in a desir able location. Possession in 60 days. One good brick house, three-bed room, large living room and dining room, modern kitchen, new air-conditioned furnace. Lovely grounds and location. Also Other House GOOD INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY A good two-storey brick build ing. Practical for poses space, boiler; service situated on large lot. Arch McIntyre, Real Estate Broker C. J. Stewart, Phone 335 various pur- with 7,000 feet floor Equipped with upright also heavy duty electric John shape; 7-foot; Harris mower, 6-foot; No. 60 Allis Chalmers combine, with pickup attachment; grain grinder, with speed jack; 2 rubber-tired wagons with grain boxes; steel- tired wagon; spring tooth culti vator; 2 four-section harrows; disc harrow, 12-plate; land roll er; double disc; corn cultivator; I.H.C. corn binder; hay loader; manure spreader; 3-farrow trac tor plough; 2-furrow tractor plough; 2 walking ploughs; scuf- fler; fanning mill; root pulper; 1,200-lb. scales; 3 rabbit pens; 5 chicken shelters and feeders; 2 sap pans; 185 buckets; 2 gathering barrels; 2 supply bar rels; 150-gal. fuel barrel; 2 oil barrels; post drill; vice; quan tity of hardwood; light wagon; 2 pig troughs; 125 bales of straw; set double harness; forks; c li a i n s ; neckyoke; boxes; 13-disc fertilizer circular saw; 10-foot dump Take; 2 500-chick coal oil brooders: log jack; saw-dust burner; 2 rolls of chick wire, 10 rods each; emery stone; pig shelter; hand cutting box: drive belt; front and back axles of an Essex car; 5 good .500x20 tires and tubes; a share in a silo filler cutting box. TERMS: Cash. Walter Madge, Proprietor Fred Dawson, Clark Frank Taylor, Auctioneer tractor, Harris 6-foot; 6-foot; in good binder, Massey 60 troughs; 7 loads of bean straw; iron kettle; whiffle trees; barrels: pails; drill; LH.C. YES, sir, here’s a method of saving money that doesn’t take any effort at all. You just relax in comfort and let your Gar Wood healing unit do the job for you. Fuel savings of up to 40% have been reported and Gar Wood owners everywhere are unani mous in their praise for the easej the conveniences the smoothers better heating of these modern, efficient units. Completely automatic thermo stat control ensures a healthy, overt heat regardless of change* !n the weather. Designed for clean, silent opera- Hon, the Gar Wood line includes oil-fired Tetnpered-Aire and Boiler-Burner Units. Manufactured by Engineering Industries Co. Limited, Toronto. FAMOUS FOR OIL ECONOMY i HENSALL ONTARIO 1 Sold and Serviced by