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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-03-02, Page 10
Page 10 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 2, 1950 Miss Norma Carter spent Sat- j urday with Miss Shirley Mills. . INSURANCE automobile Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Co, “World’s Greatest Automobile Mutual” FIRE Mill Owner’s Mutual Fire Insurance Cq. CASUALTY Massie and Renwiclc Ltd. Liability — Plate Glass HOSPITALIZATION Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association “The largest company of its kind in the world” WOODHAM Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Voddeu attended the funeral of their 1 sister-in-law, Mrs. Albert W. > Vodden. in Clinton on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Telford Horne, | of Toronto, Mrs. Ira McCurdy (and Bessie McCurdy visited on l Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. I Fred Doupe. t Mr. Harry Walker attended ’ the Good Roads Convention in | Toronto last week I Misstraining ... 1 - ’ London, visited on Saturday^ with . her father “ .................. | Miss Jean Copeland, Miss ; Marion Stephens, of St. Marys, ‘ of J of at D. Marian Mills, nurse-in- at Victoria Hospital Mr. William Mills. London London their Ernest 0. Harvey Insurance Agency Phone 47 Exeter Miss Phyllis Wheeler, i and Mr. Ken Mills ■ spent the week-end homes here. The members of the Woodham j choir and their families, the Zion I East choir and Zion West choir enjoved a skating party at the I rink' on Monday evening. Lunch i was served by the Woodham J choir. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ethering ton of Usborne and Mr. and Mrs. George Walker of Hensall re turned home last week after a six weeks’ vacation in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Winer visit in London over the week-end with the latter’s mother. They also attended Sonja Henle’s Ice Follies in Detroit, where they were guests with the London Lithographing and Printing staff. Mr. Allan Hobbs, of Galt, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southeott. Mrs. Olive Hunter visited in Clinton over the week-end. STAFFA Staffa Women’s Institute met at the home of Mrs. Ernest Al-1 len. Cromarty, for the February meeting, with a large attend ance. Mrs. Cecil Bowman, presi dent, conducted the meeting. Colquhoun reviewed Mrs. Cliff Miller on moves its children’’ . Les Hutson; a reading; sang a solo n Previews its Coming Attractions Mrs. L. current events: read comments “An empire the feet of pared by Mr Spear© gavi Ross Smale Mrs. solo. It to the March plans were made play, “Two Days from Shakespeare, March S in Staffa was served. was decided of the motto, forward on pre Olive Mrs, and piano to donate $5 Dimes; and to have the To Marry", presented on , Hall. Lunch THURS., FRI., SAT, March 2 - 3 - 4 City of 1001 Pleasures! Harris West CENTRALIA, ONTARIO M Second Anniversary °D tractor” features: Direct Drive Power Take Off, six forward speeds, metered oil lubrica tion, battery ignition, by-pass thermostat, Ridemaster seat. Besides, you have a choice of engines for the fuel you prefer. OVEN DRESSED Frozen Fresh Poultry Silvercrest Poultry Fa rm Phone 171-r-14 Exeter Versatile Power for a Variety of Jobs For the small-to-medium farm, or for light er work on the larger farm, the Oliver Row Crop "66” is your best bet. This 4-cylinder, 2-pIow ”66” handles all "chore boy” jobs, wades through many "big-tractor” tasks. That’s because the "66” is packed with Oliver "big- Country Kist Kernel Corn 2 for 230 Choice Cream Style Corn, 15-oz.2 for 250 Rosedale Tomato Juice, 20-oz.3 for 250 Van Camp Pork & Beans, 15-oz.2 for 190 CARNATION MILK 2 for 270 Javex 230 Quaker Puffed Rice 2 for 290 Quaker Puffed Wheat 2 for 210 Matches 3 boxes 230 BLUE RIBBON COFFEE, 1-ib. bag 830 FANCY COHOE SALMON 350 each,3 for 980 Nature’s Best Tomato Juice, 48-oz.190 Super Suds and Dreft combination 2 for 650 OdeX Soap 3 for 200 IDEAL CATSUP, 26-oz. Maple Leaf Cheese (plain or pimento)l/a-Ib. 250 Medium Coloured Cheese 450 lb. SWEET MIXED PICKLES, 48-oz.590 'COIOIVBY with JOHN SUTTON‘JEFF COREY MON., TUES., WED. March 0-7-8 Love-Hicks The m a i' r i a g e of Christina Doris Hicks, daughter of Mrs. William Laing of Moncton, N.B., and Morley Keith Love, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Colin K. Love, Parkhill, was solemnized Wednesday afternoon, February 8, at 3 o’clock in Wesley Mem orial United Church manse. J. H. Freestone, minister of church, officiated. The bride wore a wine with grey accessories and a sage of yellow roses. She attended by Miss Shirley Lean, who wore a green with winter white accessories and a corsage of red roses. The ‘ ’ George bride. The honeymoon touring Nova Scotia by car. They will reside in Monc ton. The bride is employed with the circulation department of the Moncton Publishing Co., Ltd. The groom is with the Royal Canadian Navy in Coverdale. Observe Day Qf Prayer Despite stormy weather and heavy roads a number of women from Roys church W.M.S. met i for the World Day of Prayer j service in a joint session with | the Mt, Pleasant W.M.S. in that ; church at Mt. Pleasant, Hibbert township. Mrs. W. F. Carroll, of Mitchell was the guest speaker, choosing as her subject, 'Prayer*. Mrs. Wallace Selves of the Mt. Pleasant W.M.S. ..was leader for the program while Margaret Col- quhoun was pianist. Mrs. Wm. Simpson, Mrs, Fred Pridliam and Mrs. Butters of Mt. Pleasant, and Mrs. J. E. I ley Hocking and ing of Roys led While lunch pared Mrs. Fred Pleasant conducted an interest ing Bible .quiz. Appreciation was voiced by Roys church members to the hostesses at the close of the afternoon. of Mt. Scott, Mrs. Stan- Mrs, John Hock in prayer, was being pre- IPridham, of Mt. Dr. the suit cor- was Mc- suit groom was supported by Hicks, brother of the bride and groom spent a Lieury Fa rm Forum Monday evening, .February being Review Night, the Farm Forum members, numbering 37 adults, and children besides, gathered at Lieury School -to en joy a chicken supper. The ladies of the group provided a bounti ful meal and all sat down and had more than they could eat. After the ladies had gathered their dishes, the gentlemen took down the tables. Miss Irene Neil and Mrs. Elmer Shepherd were mistresses of ceremonies for the evening’s entertainment. They set up ten card tables and pro gressive euchre was enjoyed. The ladies’ high was ■won by Mrs. Andy .Erskine and ladies’ low by Mrs. Roy Thompson. Gent’s high was won by Mr. Andy Erskine, and Miss Armstrong won gent’s low prize, playing in place ,of a man, as the ladies out-numbered the men. A silver collection was taken to .defray the expenses of the evening. The next Farm Forum will be held March G at Mr. Mrs. Stan Thompson’s 27, and full the BLANSHARD Miss Audrey Parkinson, of Welburn, Mr. Carl Mills, Blyth, spent the week-end at their homes. Master John Langford, of Cen- days and tralia, is spending a few with his grandparents, Mr. Mrs. Fred Pattison. Mrs. Peter Riemers and Ann have returned home Mrs. Batten’s nursing home. Mrs. C. L. Langford spent the week-end with firends in Tor onto. baby from Celebrate Golden Wedding Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Robert Sanders who on Tuesday, February 20, quietly observed their golden wedding anniversary. COMING EVENTS and Thamesford, parents, Mr, Hunter, oyer j. MacKinnon Mrs. Dalton Heywood three children, of visited with her and Mrs. William the week-end. Dr. and Mrs. A. of Richmond Hill spent the week end with friends in Exeter and Zurich. Messrs. Fraser Slade, William Bird and Wm, Lawrence motored from -Merriton Sunday and were accompanied home by Mr, Law rence’s son Melvin and family. Grand Bend United Church Choir is sponsoring a This I* Danita, o "vary friendly" French girl! P.E.I. Potatoes, 15-lb. peck Spanish Onions 390 lb. WE DELIVERPHONE 393-W MATINEES SATURDAY AND HOLIDAYS AT 2:30 P.M. Federation News The annual Field Day of Hu ron Federation of Agriculture will be held in Goderich on June 14, 19 50. The Federation will again publish a Year Book , in conjunction with t-he Field Day. The movement is now under way to set up a Poultry Pro ducers’ Association. A meeting is called for March 15, 1950 at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto. The purpose of this meeting is to establish a Poultry Producers’ Association and to consider a scheme under the Farm Produce Marketing Act. Also to study plans whereby we can work with similar associations in other Pro vinces, so we may set up market ing machinery that ’will enable us to handle the sale of eggs and poultry products in an orderly manner. FIELD CROP COMPETITION — The Exeter Agricultural Society is this year sponsoring a Field Crop Competition in Beaver oats. Anyone wishing to enter should contact Rd. Etherington, Harry Strang, or the secretary, Clark Fisher. 2; 9c Th urs,, March 9 Supper served 0:00 to 8:00 Admission: Adults 75? Children (under 12) 40? Exeter District High School 'At Home’ SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Friday, March 10 Dancing 9:00-1:00 Ex-Students Cordially Invited Couples $2.00 Singles $1.25 All We Have a Date With You In The Clinton High School Sat., Mar, 4 77Here Comes Charlie77 A .Farce-Comedy in 3 Acts will be presented by the Thames Road Y.P.U. James St. Church "Here Comes d. // le A Farce-Comedy in Three Acts will be presented by The-Thames Road Y.P.U. Thames Rd. United Church 7"A EXETER OPERA HOUSE Fra., March 3 Sponsored by the South Huron Junior Farmers 8:00 p.m. Hear Rev. John Wittal Secretary of World-Wide Evangelistic Crusade Enjoy the Toronto Bible College Quartette and addition talent also WE ARE EXPECTING YOU /Won., Alar. 13 8:00 p.m. ADULTS 40? CHILDREN 25? ization 9:30 1.0:15 1:00 3:00 I Music By THE SHAMROCKS Admission 500 Everybody Welcome BOY SCOUTS AND CUBS Scrap Paper Drive will be held Saturday, March 4 Save your scrap paper for this collection. PLEASE have your bundles tied securely and out by 8 a.m. KIPPEN Winter has appeared in force this week. Many of back roads have been closed to traffic until the snowplows make their rounds. We are sorry to report that Mr. Robert Dalrymple is con fined to Westminster Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. John Deitz, newly-weds, returned home from their honeymoon on Wednesday. Mrs. W. Deitz and Norma Mr. and Mrs. T. Linda are this week the village. We are Mr. Edgar to Victoria treatments. W.M.S. Observes World j Day of Prayer The W.M.S. of St. Andrew’s United Church here observed the World’s Day of Prayer on Friday afternoon last in the church with the Hillsgreett ladies as its guests. The president, Mrs. Win ston Workman, opened the meet ing with a call to prayer and the theme '‘Faith of Our Time”. The World’s Day of Prayer program followed. Prayers for our families was offered by Mrs. W. Alexander. For the children of the world prayer was offered by Mrs. Allan Johnson, for the King and leaders of the country by Mrs. H. Caldwell. The nation al anthem was then sung. Prayer for all nations was offered by Miss Grace Tremeer, for the Christians of the world by Mrs. R. Elgie, for World Council of churches by Mrs. E. Kyle. Mrs. Ross Broadfoot then favoured with a piano instrumental. A brief address on the significane of the World’s Day of Prayer and “What Your Money Does” was given by Mrs. Hinton. Twenty - four members an swered the roll call With the text letter “E”« Mrs. R. Peck re ported that she and Mrs. Herbert Jones had called on four shut-ins in the past month, Mrs. Peck and Mrs. Jones were again chosen to be the visiting com mittee until the April meeting. The closing hymn was “The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended” The benedictioh was pronounced by Mrs. Workman, A dainty lunch was served by Circle No. 1, assisted by the co hostesses, Mrs. J« McLean and Mrs. T. Kay. The Hlllsgreeii: ladies were extended an invita tion to attend the regular meet ings. sorry to McBride Hospital, Munro moving and and into thatreport is confined London, for Clinics The Huron County Health Unit is arranging Immunization Clinics in the following schools: Monday, March G— a.m.—Stephen S.S. 12 (Beeline) a.m.—Grand Bend P.S. p.m.—Union S.S. 15 Hay and Stephen p.m.—-Dashwood P.S. Infant and pre-school children who started these immunizations at previous clinics may attend. Smallpox vaccinations will also be given on this date. This will be the last clinic at the above schools for the pres ent. Further Immunizations will be announced at a later date. Bo Wise . . . IMMUNIZE! ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS FRIDAY & SATURDAY Marell 3-4 ft CONCERT Thames Road United Church THE Proceeds Friday, March 3 at 8:00 p.m. PROGRAM BY THE PUPILS OF USBORNE TOWNSHIP SCHOOL Admission 500 and 250 for the South Huron District Hospital Concert Will Also Be Presented In MARCH 8 The EXETER DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Of Interest to Western Ontario It Happens Every Spring’ ★ Bay Milland ★ Jean Peters ★ Paul Douglas ★ Ed Begley It’s a comedy riot about a professor who turns baseball star with impossible, fantastic, pitching skill » . . Cartoon, “THE CATNIP GANG” and a Match of Time, “IN THE GROOVE” MONDAY & TUESDAY March G-7 ’Look for the Silver Lining’ - In Technicoloiir * -k June Haver 'k Bay Bolger ★ Gordon MacRae The songful, dance Ml, joyful story of Marilyn Miller* The season’s best musical! PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL p.m. Reek, Grains Manufacturer’s Building Western Fair Grounds/ London March 6, 7, 8, 9 Entries to Be Made by March 4 Fair Open to the Public: Tuesday and Wednesday —- 0:00 aan, to 10:30 Thursday •— 0:00 a.m, to 4:30 pan, Tuesday afternoon: Official Opening-“Dr. W. R. President, O.A.O., Guelph. Quiz on “Grasses, and Cash Crops”; Glencoe Pipe Band. Tuesday evening; ’ Band; Lucan Male Choir and Variety Show, Wednesday morning: Junior Farmers’ Seed Judging Com petition. / Wednesday afternoon: A. B. MacDonald, Ottawa, General Secretary of the Co-operative Union of Canada. Quiz on “The Middlesex Soil Building Programme”. Pipers. Wednesday evening: London All Girl Band, Middlesex Jr. Farmers’ Variety Show and Junior Choir. ■Thursday afternoon: Wendell Snow, Ridgetown; J, IL Duplan, London, President, National Dairy Council. Auction Sale of 10-Bushel Lots of Grain and Beans, Fine Exhibits — .Door Prizes —- Free Admission Each Bay Evenings: General Admission 25? — Variety Shows 25?