HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-12-20, Page 177:30 PM. THE SOUNDS OF CHRISTMAS IN CLINTON 1973 CH131301 SERVICES ONTARIO STREET UNITED .411011CR "THE fmagtoxy OMPH" MINISTER; i-AWRIENOIE 9, WOO, S.A., I. ORGANIST AND CHOIR! ,PIHEPTORt, MRS. DORIS .MCKINi.EYi l4 sot. SUNDAY,. PECEMEIER 23 cHrusYmAs SUNDAY 945 a,m, Sunday -School 11li0 am, Worship and Nursery 11:30 a.m. Junior Congregation SERMON: "GOD SENT FORTH HIS SON" Community Philistines Eve Service will be held in Ontario Street United. Church with Junior and Senior Choirs from On- tario Street and Churches. EVERYONE WELCOME A Merry Christmas to all and may the blessings of the Christ Child fill your home this Seaton. WESLEY-WILLIS UNITED CHURCH "THE CHURCH THAT CARES" F PEOPLE SERVING GOD THROUGH SERVING PEOPLE , MINISTER: JOHN S. OESTREICHER, B.A,, Es.R,E, ORGANIST: MISS CATHARINE POTTER CHOIR DIRECTOR: MRS, WM. HEARN SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1973 11:00 a.m. Christmas Worship Service SERMON: "THE ROAD TO BETHLEHEM" "THE ROAD OF JOY" The Sacrament of Infant baptism 11:00 a.m. Sunday School and Nursery MONDAY, DEC. 24 at 7:30 p.m. Joint CHRISTMAS EVE. Service at ONTARIO STREET CHURCH. HOLMESVILLE UNITED CHURCH 1:00 p.m. Worship Service and Sunday School SERMON: THE ROAD TO BETHLEHEM "THE ROAD OF JOY" CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH, Clinton 263 'Princess Street Pastor Alvin Beukema, B.A., B.D. Services:. 10:00 a.m., and 2:30 p.m. (On 3rd Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Dutch Service at 11:00 a.m.) The Church of the "Back to God" Hour every Sunday 4;30 p.m. CHLO EVERYONE WELCOME LUTHERAN SERVICES Robertson Memorial School (BLAKE AND ELDON STREETS, GODEFIICH) SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9:30 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE - 11 A.M, Pastor: Bruce Biorkquist 333 Eldon Street, 524-6081 Thoroforo WI; conclude that t; M(.111 is justified by faith without the deeds of Iha low. Harris 3:28. BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH "EVERYONE OF US SHALL GIVE AN ACCOUNT OF HIMSELF TO GOD" — ROM. 14:12 PASTOR: REV. L.V. BIGELOW 10:00 a.m, SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP 7:30 p,m. EVENING WORSHIP 8:00 p.m. FRIDAY WEDNESDAY, 8 p.m. PRAYER MEETING YOUNG EVERYONE WELCOME PEOPLE'S MEETING ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1973 ADVENT FOUR 10 A.M. PARISH COMMUNION 11:15 p.m. CHRISTMAS EVE PARISH COMMUNION 10:00 A.M. DEC. 25 - PARISH COMMUNION Sunday School' FELLOWSHIP BIBLE CHAPEL 162 MAPLE ST. (1 street west of Community Centre) 9:45 ean:—WORSHIP SERVICE 11:00 a,m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL and BIBLE HOUR 8100 p.m,—GOSPEL SERVICE Tues., 8:00 p.m.—PRAYER and BIBLE STUDY For Information Phone: 482-9379 CALVARY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 166 Victoria Street Pastor: Leslie Hoy, 524-8823 9;45 is.ia, Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Prayer Service and Evangelistic Service 7:00 p,m. Wednesday Prayer Service MOO p.m, Friday, Young Peoples ALL WELCOME ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV, G. LOCKHART ROYAL, MODERATOR CHARLES MERRILL, ORGANIST SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1973 Guest Minieter - REV. SAMUEL KERR 9:30 a.m.—Worship Service SUNDAY SCHOOL Everyone welcome FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH HURON ST., CLINTON PASTOR D. STRAIN 4824041 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1973 10:00 A,M. Sunday School 11:00 Family Christmas Service For Transportation, tall 4824041 LEDs PUT CHRIST MAST IN ONFUSIMAS MERilt CHRISTMAS MEW aos4 #178#801g91 DON BELL BUILDING CONTRACTOR 225 MAPLE ST. CLINTON 482.9580 trip' It's the season of fun and laughter. We wish your family the best the Yuletide can offer. Merry Christmas. Thank you for your patronage From the staff HURON LAUNDRY Maurice, Jean and Steve Maguire Clinton 482-9491 h cc,‘ 'Photo 44 4 Services ~yC C 12 ISSAC Si'. LINToN, ONT, WEDDINGS. PORTRAITS, COMMERCIAL RAINBOW WEDDING INVITATIONS or YOUR CHOICE SKIP MASSON SMP. • A.P.I. PHONE 482-7441 tin Business and Professional Directory 1' A Joyous Noel I'. Von! semumoomosomoion==t May the spirit of the season bless one and all. Clinton Memorial Shop PRUDE and SON cuNtot4 EXETER SEAPORTH The Clinton area held their 4-H Achievement Day In Central Huron Secondary School last Saturday when the girls enter- tained friends and parents to skits and demonstrations of their project "A World of Food." Here, the girls who received County Honors look over som,e of the projects. Left to right are Diane Preszcator of RR 1, Clinton, Susan Tyndall of RR 1, Clinton, Pat Anderson of RR 1, Londesboro, Audrey De Put- ter of RR 2, Bayfield, Nancy Kuehl and Bev Slade both of Clinton, Carole Weber of RR 2, Clinton, Betty Veenstra, and Judy Tiesma both of 'RR 4, Clinton. (News-Record photo) "The tale of the enchanted toys" AtV*VMAIALUOILVAVattazUgicV SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SERVICE Rev, Ron Curl WILL SPEAK Special Christmas Musk SUNDAY, DEC, 23 WESYPIELD • 2 P.M. HURON MEN'S CHAPEL • 8 P.M. Evil Prevails When Good Men Do Nothing AkatiVALVAWOCIVOILCSWegl CLINTON NEWS-RECOR1) THURSDAY, DgCNIYMH 20) 1973-,44 A,C.W. CHRISTMAS MEETING The annual meeting of the St, Paul's Church A.C.W, was held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs, F, Forrest, with the president Mrs. G.A. Ander- son, presiding. The meeting opened with the Members prayer. Christmas hymns were sung, followed by prayers and readings from the Living Message, Roll call was answered with Christmas poems, Flowers were to be pur- chased for the sick and shut-ins for Christmas, Rev, G.A. Anderson presided over the election of officers. They are as follows; president, Mrs, G.A. Anderson; first vice- president, Mrs, D. Windover; second vice-president, Mrs, F, Forrest; secretary, Mrs. E,J, Roberts; treasurer, Mrs. R.H. Middleton. It was decided that meetings will be held in the afternoons for the winter months, The meeting closed with prayer., UNITED CHURCH NOTES Rev. Don Beck preached on the sermon topic "In Lonely Exile Here", for the Advent H service in Hensall United Church Sunday morning. John McAllister lit the Second Ad- vent Candle, The choir sang the anthem "The Winter Rose", under the direction of Mrs. Turkheim. Last Sunday mor- ning was the White Gift Service and Sunday School sessions, were cancelled, as the Childrens choir took part in the service. The evening service was a special Christmas Carol service with the Youth choir taking part, UNIT IV Unit IV of Hensel' U.C.W. met on Thursday afternoon for their Christmas meeting. Mrs. McAllister read "What a won- OPTOMETRY J.E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST CUNTON--MON, ONLY 20 ISAAC ST. 482.7010 SEAFORTH BALANCE OF WEEK GOVENLOCK ST. 527.1240 R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square, GODERICH $244661 BOX 1033 212 JAMES St HELEN R. TENCH , PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT TEL 4824982 CLINTON ONTARIO NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER B APPRAISER Prompt, CourteoliSt Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE, ANYWHERE Wri give complete agile Welt" OfitlOtT BY EXPERIENCE PhOne Collect 2$5411414 EXETER ' derful season of the year and gave the devotional from Luke, "The name of -God". She said that the real Christmas gives a new power and direction to our living, ° Mrs, Britton gave very wail; derful thoughts for before Christmas and to continue throughput the year when she spoke on "Things we must make room for". Mrs. Pym was hostess and took up the offering which was dedicated by Mrs. McAllister. Mrs. Sherritt gave the Treasurer's repOrt and Christmas hymns were sung, PERSONAL Mr. Stanley McGill of Killer,' ney, Manitoba visited last Thursday with his cousin Mrs. Albert Alexander, Eat, drink and be wary The recent Nutrition Canada Survey' showed that overweight is a problem for about half of our population over 20 years of age, Losing weight is often a mat- ter of simple arithmetic, suggest food specialists at the Ontario Food Council, Ministry of Agriculture and Food. A well-balanced diet with fewer calories than you expend will cause you to lose weight. Five- hundred fewer calories per day should reduce your weight by one pound a week. Your daily diet should always include food from all the basic food groups: milk and milk products; fruits and vegetables; meat and alter- nates; cereals, bread, and pastas, Portion size is impor- tant. It is also wise to avoid empty calorie foods such as jam, syrup, jelly, soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, candy, and rich desserts such as cake, as they contribute nothing or almost nothing to nutrition, ex- cept calories. INSURANCE COLOLIHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 482-9747 Res, 482-7804 HAL HARTLEY Phone 482-6693 LAWSON AND WISE GENERAL INSURANCE-- GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS Clinton Office: 482-9644 J.T. Wise, Hes.: 482-7265 ALUMINUM PRODUCTS FM. Air-Master Aluminum boots and Windows end AWNINGS and RAILINGS JERVIS SALES R.L. Airy1448 Albert St, Cliriton-4824390 DIESEL Pumps and Infectres Repaired FOr All Popular Melois Huron Fuel Intrietto41 Equipment eaytiaid Ad„ Clinton-044W Awmo.woinlost......mons From the Ontario Safety League comes a 'Christmas Story for children who want all the toys in the world and for their harried parents; Once upon a time, in a far away land called Adanac, in a province called Riononta, there was no Santa Claus. Apart from that, life was pretty much the same as in Canada and the province of Ontario. There were even more stores with more Christmas gifts and more television messages advertising all sorts of beautiful toys and fun games. But because there was no Santa Claus, all the children asked their own 'parents for the gifts they wanted. The parents were responsible for buying the gifts and making their children happy. This was pretty hard because very few parents were millionaires and children in all countries, Adanac included, have a tendency to ask for much more than they expect, But the parents did their best and, like Santa Claus, they did it with love and cheerfulness. / Parents spent a lot of time selecting the right toy for the right child. They were always careful never to buy toys with sharp edges or small removable parts which could be put in the mouth. They made sure before they bought a painted toy that there was no poison in the paint. They bought easy to clean toys. They never gave their younger ones stuffed animals with glass or button eyes that fall off as babies have a tendency to swallow them. Children were told never to ex- pect toys that caught fire easily, shooting sets that could blind them, ill-balanced wagons and tricycles that could topple, elec. trical toys that were not ap- proved by the Adanac Stan- dards Association, and above all, each gift was chosen with consideration for the child's age. With all this care and con- sideration, one would think that there was not much choice left, Well, maybe. But Riononta children were a lot happier and their Christmas was even more joyful. No child was ever hurt because of a bad toy. And the toys children Were receiving for Christmas had a special magic due to the love and care of the parents who bought them. They were enchanted toys, They all had the magic of Safety built into them. They were simple toys, not very complicated, and everyone understood that one safe toy was better than ten dangerous ones. The children soon lear- ned to discover the magic in them. A hobby horse, for exam- ple, would last for years and had marvelous properties. It became a friend, a rocket, a car, a motorcycle, an airplane, a snowmobile or anything the child wished. It was simple and uncomplicated. It allowed the child to use the infinite magic of his own imagination, When Santa Claus heard about Adanac he was very pleased to see that safety min- Do you remember a. BY JABEZ RANDS Do you remember when the early evaporator building was in operation? This building was a two storey building on the corner of William and High Street. It had a varied life, including that of being a small planing mill and carpenter shop etc., for some years. The last years of the building's existence saw it used for an evaporator plant where they dried salt for shipment all over the country, It was operated by a Mr. Case who seemed to show up every summer to set it in operation. ' About 1912, the building was torn down by Mr. Jas Hamilton, who built the fine brick house, which is on the property today. ded parents had such con- sideration for their children, "Now why couldn't Ontario be like that?" he asked the On- tario Safety League. Why not, indeed! DR. A'S MINI-TALES The Wingless Angel's Christmas It was Christmas Eve, and Chester was looking down from a cloud. He had to find more children to help if he was ever to win his wings back, But all the Children were happy. Finally he found one boy crying. In a wink he was beside him. "I'm the only one who won't get any presents tomorrow," the boy told him. "My .parents don't believe in Santa Claus,'? Chester caught one of the boy's tears in a tiny crystal bottle, then sped off to get Santa Claus. Santa was glad to help, but when he heard who the boy was, he shook his head. "I can't go to a house w here people don't believe in me. There's an invisible wall around it," Chester was allowed to use one miracle. So he clapped his hands, and the invisible wall disappeared, But then the boy wouldn't believe Santa was real. "You're just an old man with a beard," he said. He poked Santa in the belly, and that was real. He tried pulling Santa's beard, and that was real. But he still didn't believe, until Santa invited him out for a ride in his sleigh, As they rode off, the boy's happy laughter mingled with the bells of the sleigh. Chester quickly caught one laugh in a little bag and sped up to heaven again. AVS Technical Services. 1973. fill world rights reserved.