Clinton News-Record, 1973-12-20, Page 16Agricultural Tidbits WITH ADRIAN VOS Everyone is watching the energy crisis with some measure of anxiety. It was interesting to hear Ag. minister Whelan • say at the annual meeting of the Wellington Federation of Agriculture, that it takes 20,000 BTU's of gas to produce one pound of steel, but it takes 60,000 BTU's for one pound of fertilizer. If you as consumer see the price of food rise some more you know one of the reasons, Another reason for high fertilizer 'prices is that Morocco raised the price of rock phosphate to four times its former cost. Makes you pause doesn't it, On a London open line show recently, a woman com- plained that she couldn't keep chickens in her backyard. She would like the bylaws of the City of London changed, so she could have cheap eggs. Well folks, I as. a farmer would like nothing better than people finding out for themselves what it takes to grow food. I would like to see pigs in backyards, with chickens and a great big steer. Those brave enough to do this would soon find out that their eggs would cost $1.50 instead of 90c and their pork chops around $2. If I, as a far- mer, tried to butt into a trade I know nothing about people would laugh, but a housewife thinks she can do a better job s than a professional food producer. Well, let them try. It is possible to raise a pig though. A young lad in Florida did just that. He raised a pig to a weight of 350 pounds, housetrained him (her), and sleeps in the same bed, I assume the bed was somewhat reinforced. He intends to keep it, so he will soon have to look after some 600-800 pounds of pork on the hoof. One reason for the increase in food cost is the increase of the people eating out. The increase in expenses for eating in a restaurant it 5.4 percent a year, while the cost of groceries rises by an average of three percent. So, eating out costs a Canadian 15 percent more than eating at home. When you have your Christmas turkey or ham next week, it may be a good idea to say a little prayer for them who grow the food, that they may be able to continue doing so. A Merry Christmas to all. In this season of happy thoughts and warm hearts, we extend a special "Thank you" to all our good friends and patrons for your confidence, loyalty and support . . a Merry Christmas to all! 120 Bank of Montreal The First Canadian Bank , krg 1 ol See our selection of Hard surface flooring as well as carpeting. Goderich by Lorraine Worywod4 In '1960, John McCarroll's grade eight class at J.A.D. McCurdy School at the Royal Canadian Air Force Station in Centralia wanted to adopt a young Korean boy, So the grade eight class sold Valentine cards and made $30 for this purpose. With this, they adop- ted a six year old Korean boy and were sent a picture of the youngster, Then in 1961, the grade eight class wanted to adopt a Canadian child, but in- stead they decided to visit Merrymount Children's Home, where they have been going since 1961. The Huron-Perth. Separate Schools have only been going to the orphanage for five years, since 1968. In 1969, St. Patrick's School, Dublin, went to Merrymount Children's Home and in 1970, St, James School, Seaforth, visited the or- phanage. St. Boniface School, Zurich and Ecole Ste. Marie School were guests at the or- phanage in 1971 and St. Mary's School, liesson went in 1972. This year St. Columban School The Christmas meeting of Brucefield U.C.W. was held Dec., 4, when 26 members sat down to a pot luck dinner. Unit I were in charge of devotions. Mrs. John Broadfoot opened with a poem followed by "A Prayer for Christmas Morning" by Mrs. Jack Hen- derson. Christmas carols were sung followed by a poem by Mrs. Mac Wilson "Christmas Like It Used To Be". Mrs. Broadfoot read the scripture and Mrs. Henderson took the meditation "Look at Christ- mas". More carols were sang and a short skit was put on by Tuckersmith Unit. Mrs. Stuart Wilson presided for the business portion. Jean Corn trials available Mike Miller, associate agricultural representative for Huron County said Monday that the 1974 corn performance trials are now on hand at the Clinton office of the ministry of agriculture and food. Copies of the trials may be obtained by visiting the office or calling 482-3428. and Precious Blood School, Exeter will be _given the privilege of seeing the children at Merryinount Children's Home. We will be going to the or- phanage on December 20, 1973, the day before the Christmas holidays begin, at 6:30 p.m. The students in grade seven and eight from Precious Blood School, Exeter, will be doing three dances. The boys will be doing Seven Steps, the girls will be doing an Israeli Dance and all the students, both girls and boys, will be doing the Virginia Reel. Henderson read an appeal for financial help from Mission Service in London. A motion was made to send a donation. Mrs. Ham read a letter thanking us for the bale of baby things sent. A motion ' was made to make a donation to the John Milton Society. It was decided to purchase two poin- settias for use in the church. The nominating report was given by Mrs. Jack Henderson .and included, the new slate of officers for 1974. They are as follows: past President, Joyce Wilson; president, Ruby Treib- ner; first vice president, Anne Walters; second vice-president, Jean Taylor; treasurer, Mrs, Jack Henderson; recording secretary, Mrs. Cliff Hender- son; corresponding secretary, Evelyn McBeath; press repor- ter, Grace Thompson; pianist, Pearl McBeath; manse, Vina Brodie, church, LOrraine Scott, Marion Hill; kitchen, Muriel Allan; Elaine Townsend, ,Madeline Rathwell; social, Marjorie Broadfoot, Doris Can- telon; program, Beatrice Stoll, Betty Graham, Barbra Moffat; supply, Mary Mustard, Pearl Eyre; cards, flowers, Mrs. Berry; church flowers, Bea Dalrymple, Mary Haugh, Elsie Keyes, Isabel Scott, Madeline Rathwell, Marjorie Broadfoot. orn9,readyfor ristmas Drop in and Check out our wide selection of paneling! u—cLiwroll THLTRSDAY. DgebNpRit. 20, 1973 Students to visit Children's Home UCW enjoys pot luck dinner