Clinton News-Record, 1973-12-13, Page 22Eleven girls received County Honors last Saturday In Clinton as the Blyth-Auburn Area held their 4-H Achievement Day. Girls receiving certificates for completing six or more projects are left to right, Judy VanDongen of. RR 1, Auburn; Cathy Burkholder RR 1 Blyth; Jane Looming of RR 4, Walton; Kim Watson 9f Blyth; Diane Dennis of RR 1, Walton; oyce Chem- nay of RR 2, Auburn; Yvonne Bean of RR 1 Auburn and Peggy Fisher of RR 6, Goderich. Ab- sent when the picture was taken were Cathy Madill of Blyth; Mary Searle of RR 3, Walton and Dianne McNichol of RR 4, Walton. (News-Record photo) Lady Foresters are a busy. group AWeCe MARRIAGE 1114 SIN WE —OD A DEAF HUSBAND.. Vc, DON BELL BUILDING CONTRACTOR 22$ MAPLE ST. CLINTON 482.9560 thru Classified SNOWMOBILE SERVICE Get your Snowmobile in for a check-over or repairs, before the next snow fall. * Headquarters for plugs, belts, carb. and ignition parts, run-ners and suspension parts. * Arlen* Snowblower Sales & Service SERVICE GUARANTEED on all products sold! STEVE ARGYLE Outdoor Equipment Phone $66-2800 Stiyfield Season"s Greetings To Ali! • CLINTON MEAT MARKET GRANt IRWIN` Hom9 ready forte Christmas Drop in . and Check out our wide selection of paneling! "A NEW SHIPMENT HAS JUST ARRIVED" STOCK PANELING FROM $399 UP PER 8' SHEET See our wide selection of LIGHT FIXTURES FROM $229 Alr UP EXTERIOR INTERIOR AVAILABLE See Us For 4.. Black Decker BO Rockwell POWER TOOLS -11.1011 CHARGEXI 1 Phone 5244383 Goderich Building Centre YOUR 00,0( IMP SIOR! 1 4 5 ANGLESEA St. Gootkitii* ' Brighten up your cupboards with Cabinet WE ALSO CARRY A WIDE SELECTION OF HAND TOOLS, 0A,..-cLINTQN nws.roroRn. THURSDAY,, DECEMBER 13097a More than 5,302 students enrol The Clinton Women's In- stitute met on Thursday after- noon November 22nd in the Agriculture Board Rooms with the president Mrs. C. Elliott in the chair. Following the opening exer- cises, the roll call was an- swered by naming, "A Huron County industry". Gifts for the Children's Aid Society were placed in a box. Mrs, Corrie will contact Institute members for their assistance when the Christmas parcels are to be packed before Christmas. Mrs. W. Colclough delegate to the 59th London Arena Con- vention of the Women's In- stitute, held at the Banqueter Hotel, London, gave an ex- cellent report of the two day event. The theme, "If you have a smile in your heart you have one on your face". The 1974 Area Convention will be held Nov. 27 and 28 in Stratford. Mrs. Norman Holland, con- vener for Agriculture and Canadian Industries had as guest speaker for the day, Miss Jane Pengelly our Home Economist, She showed a film, Food Mystique" and spoke on Food, Fads and vitamins, pesticides and the research on whether they effect foods, Food Companies that add additives are constantly under sur- veillance so that all additives are safe. Food label laws require that all additives be listed on containers in descen- ding order. Mrs. Muriel Grigg read The Song of the Lazy Farmer on "Human nature" and'What is a farmer" which fitted in with the Agriculture topic. The Christmas meeting of the Women's Institute will be held December 20th and take the form of a pot luck dinner at 12:30 p.m. Each member is to give a donation toward the Save the sight project for par- tially blind children. An ex- change of gifts will also be held. Clinton 4J-I Achievement Day will be held on December 15th at Central Huron Secon- dary School at 1 p.m. Women's Institute members are invited to attend. Pennies for friendship collec- tion was taken and the meeting closed with the National An- them followed by the singing of the Institute Grace. Mrs. C. Holland and her group served lunch, Little has been heard of the Lady Foresters (Court Fascination) of Benmiller since the Dominion Curling Cham- pionships last March held at the Maitland Country ,Club. However they are still yery active, strong group with about 60 members. The following sisters are of- ficers for the 1973 - 74' season: Past President, Rosemary Hor- ner; President, Doreen Willis; Vice-President, Marilyn Feagan; Recording Secretary, Connie Connelly; Secretary- Treasurer, Audrey Kernighan; Chaplain, Florence Robinson; Warden, Kay Baer; Conductor, Barbara Hawkins; Inner Guard, Agnes Moon; Outer Guard, Dorothy Sowerby; District-Deputy, Phyllis Harrison; High Marshal, Isabel Sturdy. Three very successful dances have been held in co-operation with the men's lodge, Court Benmiller, in April, August and November. Fifteen members gave of their time to collect in the rural area during the Can- cer Campaign. An amount of about $450, was turned in to the Huron County Cancer Society at that time. Donations were also made to the Bunny Bundle and to a Forester Park in Belwood District. Canadian mint sets were awarded to High proficiency students at Colborne Central School and at Holmesville Public School - At Colborne, to Lisa Whitely and Bill Durst; at Holmesville to Joanne McClin- chey and Keith McClennan. A happy time was had by both courts at a summer bar- becue supper in July. Also about this time, money was given by Court Fascination to send a child to the Retarded Children's Camp. The Court Fascination Ball Trophy for teams made up of girls 13 to 16 in the Colborne League, was won by the Bombers coached by Bonnie Westbrook. Thanks goes to several members of both lodges for the interest taken in helping and coaching the teams of the 'league. Nineteen members from the two courts attended the District Council at Alliston held in November. Sister Doreen Willis was fortunate enough to have won a quilt of Forester design made by one of the courts in that area. Court Fascination, as well as all other Forester lodges, are mainly concerned with donations to Cancer Research, but, at the Christmas season, special gifts are made to the Children's Aid Society, the Retarded Adult Workshop, and the Goderich Psychiatric Hospital. It might be of interest to some to know that the Provin- cial Flower Crests at the Maitland Country Club were Kris loved her parakeet, Bluey. He would come out of his cage and sit on her finger. When she played her records, he danced for her. But then someone left the door open, and Bluey flew away. At first it was fun being free to fly wherever he wanted, But then it was getting dark. And Bluey was lost! He flew up one street and down another, looking for his home. Then he heard some music. It sounded just like the records Kris used to play. So Bluey flew straight in the open door of a night club. He fluttered down onto an empty table and started to dance. People began to smile and laugh. The manager took a napkin and tried to shoo the parakeet away. But everybody said, "No, let him dance!" So they turned the spotlight on the table, and all the people watched Bluey dance. Each night Bluey danced at the night club, and people came from all around to see him. One evening Kris and her parents drove by. a w All Grade "A" "kii. TURKEYS Os GEESE P DUCKS Capon CHICKENS Vi made by some of the ladies un- der the supervision of Sister Agnes Moon. This project is to be completed in the near future so that all the provinces are represented, Quite a few mem- bers take an active part in curling at the Maitland Club. A thriving bowling league is also on schedule for each Sun- day evening, Both Courts Fascination and Benmiller are involved in these sports, Both lodges are looking for- ward to the annual Christmas party to be held at the Lodge hall which, by the way, used to be the little red school house but is now the little white hall, having been covered this sum- mer with white siding by the in- dustrious members of Court Benmiller. Kris saw the picture by the door and cried, "That's Bluey!" She jumped out of the car and dashed into the night club. As soon as Bluey saw her, he hopped up onto her finger. Kris's father explained to the manager, and Kris got her lost parakeet back again. But every Saturday night they took Bluey back to dance for all the people again. Copyright AVS Technical Services, 1972, CAS gifts presented by The continuing education ac„ tmty • across, .Cooestoga College's seven centres has broken All records in the num, bers of courses offered and the student enrolment recorded. The increase in Activity is based on students on course using a base date of October 31 for the preceding years., Trends are shown as: Oct 31/71, Oct. 31/72, Oct. 31/70, 1,977 students; 3,472; 5,358, Future expansion in con- tinuing education outreach will only be limited by the lack of suitable space for rent in order to mount new courses and programs, TO date the College has ran- ' ted facilities right across the four counties of Huron, Perth, Wellington and Waterloo, These facilities range from church halls to golf club houses, and even in one ease, garage, L. Rechsteiner, director of programs ,of Conestoga College, attributes the overwhelming success a the part-time courses to improved planning, develop- ment and promotion, and last but not least giving the public the kind of .educational ex, periences they identify end desire. SMILE The two men were sitting at a bar. One was very downcast, and the other was simply bored with his friend's sorrow. "My wife doesn't appreciate me," said the sad fellow. "Does yours?" "I wouldn't know," said the bored one. "I've never heard her mention your name," DR. A'S MINI-TALES Bluey Come Home rsftsmT.4«coz— vzsla4zimm:sesosemaltis'Lesztrsae4zesaRtsizDz. mazx ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS FOWL OW!1 tt 16 King Street Phone 482-3834 Xs14413almstxxszmWrdz 'i:xXiciLextElaq:AaMo!5v4VsitsierMWaiEtatiat4ME