HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-12-13, Page 14Coming Events The corpse did a lot of talking In vain during a funny skit that was part of the Christmas concert at the Clinton Centre of Conestoga College last Friday night. Names were changed to protect the guilty. (News-Record photo) HULLY GULLY Varna Dec. 15 - Christmas Dance Star Trex Dec. 22 - Roger Quick and the Rainbows Dec. 29 Winter Carnival Dance New Years Dance - Blue Tones (SOLD OUT). —50b Lodge installs men Rt. Wor. Bro. Allan Stoll, D.D.G.M. of South Huron and official dignitaries including P.D.D.G.M. Bryce Skinner of Mitchell, visited Clinton Lodge No. 84, AF and AM on Decem- ber 4 and enjoyed the Degree work of the evening. Mr. Stoll gave a very infor- mative talk that was well received by all present. Visitors included Past Masters and Ruling Masters from Lodges at Granton, Mitchell, Wallaceburg, Hensall, Goderich and Carlow. The 57 guests attending, en- joyed a social hour and a Junior Warden's lunch, which was exceptionally good. January 8, 1974 is the date for the next regular meeting. FEATHER BINGO and Share- the wealth, Friday evening Dec. 14, 8 p.m. in Bayfield Com- munity centre, sponsored by Bayfield Lions Club.-50b NEW BINGO, Clinton Legion Hall, 8:30 Dec. 13. Admission $1.00; fifteen regular games $10.00 each. Three Share-the- Wealth games. One Jackpot for $170 in 56 calls, Consolation. One call and $10 added weekly if not won. BLYTH LIONS BINGO, Blyth Memorial Hall, Saturday, 8:30 p.m. $150 jackpot. Big cash prizes.-39tfn IN HONOUR OF Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harris, on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary at Saltford Valley Hall on Dec. 22. Music by "Royal Aires", dancing 10 to 1: a.m. lunch ser- ved. Friends, neighbours and relatives welcome. No gifts please.-50,51p THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, Health Unit office, across from Clinton Public Hospital, Clin- ton, on Friday, December 21, 1973 from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Hearing Screening 5. Fluoride brushing of children's teeth to prevent cavities for ages 3 to 5 years. 6. Vision testing. —50b '•klk • 'V • • • • • Ik6 141. • % THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 Thu.13 Fri 14 Sat.15 KUEY Carats Lip' Ullmann Gene Kelly ""'" "NM,'' Edward Albert Bionic Barnes •-•„, k,l!1/4 • - Bg1.1(1-Cill" SAT. MATINEE DEC. 1 5 7 n 1:30 P.M. ) o lima 139r (e) • •• •••••••1 5un.1 6 Mon. 1 7 Tue. 1 8 GEORGE C. SCOTT GomR 'RAGE" "••• ROPE) BASEHART p„„,,,, RONALD GETTY.LEON IROMKESS FRIEDMANandDAN KLEINMAN OKI 1111EATAIIIMOIT •1011" ......\.......... •• wail9 Thu. 20 FrL 21 Sat. 22 Whot the dickens hove they done to Scrooge? "SCROOGE" MGM A715;tiAMF:11:11*ZM717a5i1Z;11 ,31:ZIVicYagiT,:alt>IMAIIWAniiPi :Vke. 41; 04:701, §.4 V, V V, V V FRESH V R V FLOWERS a' AND R POTTED V, W PLANTS V W, W, W Vi i ARRANGEMENTS FOR EVERY OCCASION 1 CHRISTMAS CANDLE ARRANGEMENTS VA W w CHRISTMAS CORSAGES W VI W AMARYLLIS BULBS ?( V K.C.COOKE FLORIST 1 Yi W , W' , APAAAPAMPAA9A3V45554/StrIPAP APIAPSZtPAMOi7044 TROPICAL PLANTS and GREEN PLANTERS Clinton FREE DELIVERY - NOTICE - • The Bayview 'Tourist Tavern will be open for RESERVATIONS ONLY On Christmas Day - 12 noon until 4 p.m. RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE BY DEC. 22 Phone 236-4850 and take your reservations now ROAST TURKEY DINNER '3.75 Including beverage and dessert CHILDREN 6.12 $2.00 UNDER - NO CHARGE BILL'S BAYVIEW TOURIST TAVERN Just South of St. Josephs on Highway 21 OPEN DAILY For Hot Meals 12:00 Noon to 9:00 p.m. SPECIAL MON. TO SAT. Try our homemade pies and rolls SPECIAL ON SUNDAYS Roast Beef '3.50 Roast Turkey $ 3.25' Bookings Accepted—Call 236-4850 * Banquets * Small Weddings * Book Now for Christmas Parties "Reserve Now For Christmas Dinner" Overlooking The Picturesque Shores of Lake Huron "Joy to the World"...lt is Christmas! We hope you have a very Merry Holiday! CHRISTMAS DINNER SUNDAY, DEC. 23 Sittings at 1:30 and 5:00 Reservations Required NEW YEAR'S DINNER TUESDAY, JAN. 1 Sittings at 4:30 and 7:00 Reservations Required BEDFORD HOTEL GODERICH — 524,7337 ****************** *ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL* THURSDAY TO SATURDAY FIVE PIECE BAND "CHOKER" Excellent Pop and Rock Group Saturday Matinee COMING ON DEC. 18, 19 ONLY * RECORDING ARTIST YOU KNOW "STEEL RIVER" First Set at 8:30 p.m. Cover Charge 50c , 50b 44" **************** 14—CLINTON NEWS-RNCORD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1973 EUCHRE PARTY and Draw at the Orange Hall, Clinton, Fri. Dec. 14 at 8:30 p.m. spon- sored by L.O.L. 710 Clinton. Admission 50c, ladies please bring lunch, everyone welcome.-49-50b CASH BINGO, Legion Hall, Seaforth, Friday, Dec, 14 8:16 p.m Regular games, $10; three $25 games; $75 jackpot to go. Door prizes. Admission $1.00. Auspices Branch 156, Proceeds welfare work. BINGO Dec. 18 Huron Fish and Game Club, 8:30 p.m, Jackpot $57 in 57 numbers, Six door prizes OPEN MEETING REGAR- DING Sao-plan, a program to develop a series of trails for the use of snowmobilers from Owen Sound to the Huron-Perth area, will be held at the Seaforth District High School, Sunday, December 16, at 7:30 p.m. The program will include a movie presentation and a guest speaker, Mr. Carl Cowden of Barrie, co-ordinator for On- tario. The meeting, which will he of interest to snowmobilers, farmers, 4H members and municipal officials, is being held in co-operation with the Seaforth Recreation Commit- tee. Coffee will be served. ENTERTAINMENT COUNTRY and WESTERN Every Friday and Saturday Evening TASTY SNACKS 'AMPLE FREE PARKING COMMERCIAL HOTEL Seaforth, Ont. 20If STAG PARTY for DAN COLQUHOUN CLINTON ARENA Saturday December 15 8:30 - 1:00 Lunch Provided Admission $1.00 50P. ' • • OPEN USE K-1 FOR MR. & MRS. MAITI ND ALLEN ON THE OCCASION OF THEIR atil Wedding Anniversary FRIDAY, DEC. 2 1 2:00 to 4:00 P.M. Auburn Community Hall BEST WISHES ONLY Mrs. Stewart Middleton was the hostess for the annual and Christmas meeting of the A.C.W. St. James, Middleton. Mrs. Don Middleton presided and extended a warm welcome to the members and the six visitors present. Mrs. Edward Wise and Mrs. James Storey were in charge of the meeting. A Christmas hymn was sung, with Mrs. Storey at the piano, Mrs. Storey Jr. read the Scripture Lesson. Mrs. Wise conducted the Litany and read a meditation "Only Ten Days Left Until Christmas", The members prayer and the Lord's Prayer completed the devotions. Mrs. James Storey read the minutes and Mrs. Edward Wise gave the treasurer's report, which indicated a very sue- cc•-•-•sful year. The President read a letter from Mabel Middleton re a donation from her to alter some of the basic structure of the church basement. This was considered a matter for the an- nual church meeting in January. Sunday December 16 will feature White Gifts for the Children's Aid. Mrs. Storey reported for the Ways and Means that the new reused cook-books should soon be available. Mrs. Keith Miller presented the Dorcas annual report and Mrs. Jack Smith, that of the social and card com- mittee. The sum of $500 was voted to the Church Wardens and an honorarium of $125 to the Church organist. A special note of thanks was extended to the fireman. Mrs. James Storey gave a splendid resume' of the year's activities, Mrs. Don Middleton .gave "the president's address", thanking all the members for their role in "The survival of our little church". She thanked the A.C.W, for the splendid support given her as president, with special mention of the vice-president, Mrs. Ray Wise. Regret was felt by all present as Mrs. Don Mid- dleton vacated the president's chair, calling on the rector the Rev. George to conduct the election of officers. Mr. Youmatoff stated "You all know how I feel re the work you do, the phenomenal work accomplished by so few people." I thank you for your deep deyotion to duty on everyones part." The following is the report of the nominating committee com- posed of Mrs. Keith Miller and Mrs. James Storey as presen- ted. Executives of A.C.W. of St. James Middleton 1974: honorary president: Mrs, Fred Middleton and Mrs. George Youmatoff past president, Audrey Middleton; president, office unfilled; vice president, Mrs. Ray Wise; secretary, Shirley Storey; treasurer, Lois Wise; supply, Vera Miller and Delores Dutot; card secretary and social services, Marion Smith; assistant to sick visitations, Blanche Deenes; prayer partner secretary, Ethel Cole; education secretary, Sarah Storey; assistant education secretary, Audrey Middleton. This is the first time to our knowledge that the most honorable office of president of the St. James A.C.W. (or W.A.) ever had to go begging. Every effort was made to fill this position. In fact every member with the exception of one decrepit one, was importuned to accept the honor. Completing the programme, Mrs. Joseph Storey favored with a lovely piano instrumen- tal "Star of the East". Mrs. Storey Jr. rave a reading, "The Two Clinton men received a week each in jail last week in Clinton Court as a result of a scuffle near the Elm Haven Motor Hotel last August. Gordon St. Louis and Mark Radford, both of Clinton, were sent to jail for seven days by Provincial Judge Glenn Hays for obstructing a police officer. M. H. Vanruyskensvelda of Clinton was fined $100 for careless driving after a motor vehicle accident, and Caeman A. Riley of Londesboro, Keith Bottema and Clare Proctor were fined $35, $55, and $50 respectively for making un- necessary noise. Several persons were fined under the Liquor Control Act. John D. Guetter of RR 4, Clin- ton was fined $30 and costs for having liquor in a place other than his residence. Peter W. Old Things are Best". The Rector closed the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Heitbohmer and Mrs. Miller assisted the hostess in serving lunch. A lively sing-song of popular songs and cards was enjoyed with Mrs. Edward Wise at the piano. This was led by the Rector, the Rev. Geo. Youmatoff, whose beautiful singing voice is an added bonus to the parish. PERSONALS Our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Deeves who Were united in marriage in St. James Anglican Church on Saturday December 8th. The bride was the former Mrs. Blanche Mills of Southwald. The Rev. George Youmatoff of- ficiated. Sunday December the six- teenth has been designated as "White Gift Sunday" in St. James Church. The members are asked to bring a donation of food or new or good used clothing all to be given to the Children's Aid Society for distribution. Mrs. Mary Edwards, Mr. Alan John Edwards and Jen- nifer Edwards all of Aurora and Stuart McEwen, Clinton were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Middleton. Flanagan of RR 1, Dublin, Paul J. Coyne of RR 2, Staffa, Laurie Dayman of RR 3, Kip- pen, Paul Aldwinckle of RR 1, Varna and Joseph C. Clifton of RR 3, Kippen were all fined for drinking under age. Richard Zablocki of Kit- chener was fined $20 for failing to stop at a red light and Murray L. Hunking of Lon- desboro was fined $20 for having no muffler on his motor vehicle. UCW The general U.C.W. held their Christmas meeting Dec. 3 in the church hall. Following a delicious potluck supper, the business portion of the meeting was held. The president, Margaret Whyte, welcomed everyone and she led in prayer. Correspondence was read from Bert Shobbrook for the Masonic Lodge and from Crossroads International. It was decided to send a donation to camp Menesetung now with more in the spring, Reports were given on the kit- chen renovations and from the bale committee, It was decided to send the mittens on hand and any good used clothing to the Children's Aid. Margaret Whyte thanked everyone for their help in the last two years. Corsages were pinned on Margaret and on Marjorie Duizer, the incoming president,' Audrey Thompson thanked Margaret for her capable leadership. Pat Hunking introduced Mrs. Lillian Hallam, who gave a most interesting talk on Christ- mas — Christmas decorations with a religious meaning. Mrs. Addie Hunking thanked her. Gail Lear led in a carol ser- vice. Taking part were Gail Lear, Edythe Beacom, Shirley Lyon, Ruth Vincent, Muriel Sewers and Marjorie Duizer. Gail . then introduced Stan McDonald who gave a Christ- mas message; Margaret Whyte presided over a impressive installation service for the executive: past president, Margaret Whyte; president, Marjorie Duizer; first vice-present, Helen Lawson; second vice-president, Edythe Beacom; treasurer, Hattie Wood; secretary, Muriel Sewers; assistant secretary, Ruth Vincent; community frien dship and visitation, Ena Howatt, Doris Shobbrook, Elsie Shaddick; nominating commit- tee, Ruth Vincent, Audry Thompson, and Ena Howatt; supply and bale, Ida Durnin, Laura Lyon, Mary Peel, Norma Glousher; funeral lunch, Dorothy Brundson, Nona Pipe, Kaye Sundercock; buying com- mittee, Elsie Shaddick, Dora Shobbrook; flowers for church, Shirley Lyon, Dora Shobbrook, Mrs. Wm. Hamilton; social committee, Addie Hunking, Norma Glousher, Pearl Mason, Audry Thompson; rep. to Manse, Laura Lyon; rep to board of stewards, Nona Pipe; program convener, Gail Lear; pianist, Ella Jewitt, Stan McDonald closed the meeting with the benediction. W.I. The ladies of the Londesboro W.I. held a card party in the community hall on Dec. 5 with seven tables: ladies high, Hazel Reid; ladies lone hand, Alice Buchanan; ladies low, Myrtle Fairservice; men's high, Gor- don Murry; lone hands, Bob Thompson; low, Mary Robin- son. There will be another one on Dec, 14, PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Hamilton Moorefield spent last weekend with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson. Mr, Ken Armstrong spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Armstrong. Mr, and Mrs, Heber Shute of Kirkton spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Ena Howatt. UNITED CHURCH The Annual White Gift Ser- vice was held on Sunday mor- ning in the church with a Can- tata-Pageant presented by the Sunday School, Junior and Senior Choir. The pageant, arranged by Rev. McDonald, was titled Memories. Mrs. W.L. Whyte, as the grandmother, told the story to the kindergarten and nursery children seated around her on the side-platform. Rev. McDonald and Mrs. Reg Lawson read the scriptures. Those taking part in the pageant were Isaiah, Dennis Fothergill; Mary, Shelly Westerhout; Joseph, Bruce Vincent; Angels, Diana Shob- brook, Susanne Tamblyn, Laurel Duizer, Cheryl Lyon and Elizabeth' Lawson; Shepherds Warren Hulley, Danny Reid and Robert Jamieson leaving the field to go to the Manger and Paul Farquhar, Billy Preszcator, Billy Jewitt, Kent Howatt and Kevin Radford watching the sheep in the fields. Playing the part of the Wise Men were Bradley Lyon, Scott Millar, Shane Durnin, Gordon Shob- brook and his boys class were in charge of the property and Miss Edythe Beacom and Mrs. Murray Lyon were in charge of costuming, The Junior Choir under the direction of Mrs. Allen Bosman sang five anthems "Wind Through The Olive Trees", "Child In A Manger", "In The Stillness of the Night",, "Fairest Lord Jesus", and "Come Little Children", The Senior Choir under the direction. of Mrs. Allen Shad- dick sang "Oh, tell The Good Tidings", Memories of Christ- mas ", "0 Prophet Speak", "Nowell, We Sing", "Christmas Prayer", with Harry Lear and Rick Snell taking the solo parts in the Anthems. The Men's Chorus sang "Three Wise Men". The ushers for the service were Tom Pollard, Ken Pollard, Craig Millar, Clayton McClure, Heather Fothergill, and Colleen Howatt. The flowers in the front of the church were placed in loving memory of Harry Watkins by his family, and in loving memory of Mrs, Gertie Bewely by her son Walter and family. The family of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Hunking presen- ted a Christmas Chime tape to the church in memory of their parents. Clinton Court report