HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-12-06, Page 19Make sure your farm buildings are efficient Next Spring and Summer you'll be glad you took time and money to fix every- thing around the place that needs attention, Maybe you even need new buildings to increase efficiency. Fix and build — now when you have the time — with a Victoria and Grey custom built loan , . . today, at Victoria and Grey, Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation I al The Netdor Trust Compato: denoted entirely to .serring Me Peal* al Ottiada. VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 18E30 Lyle :ZurbrIgg- Manager 524.73131 100 KINGSTON ST., GODERICH 'photo services 12 ISSAC ST, CLINTON, ONT. WEDDINGS, PORTRAITS, COMMERCIAL RAINBOW WEDOING INVITATIONS OF YOUR CHOICE SKIP MASSON PHONE 482.7441 SMP. - A.P.I. CHRISTIAN REFORMED 'CHURCH, Clinton 263 Princess Street Pastor Alvin Boukema, B.A., B.D. Services: 10:00 a.m., and 2:30 p.m. (On 3rd Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Dutch Service at 11:00 a.m.) The Church of the "Back to God" Hour every Sunday 4:30 p.m. CHLO EVERYONE WELCOME LUTHERAN SERVICES Robertson Memorial School (BLAKE AND ELDON STREETS, GODERICH) SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9:30 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE - 11'A.M. Pastor: Bruce Bjork q uisl 333 Eldon Street, 524-6081 Therefore we conclude that o non is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. Romans 3:28. ONTARIO STREET UNITED (MICK "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" MINISTER: LAWRENCE S. LEWIS, BA., B. Th. ORGANIST AND CHOIR DIRECTOR: MRS. DORIS McKINLEY, A. 'AUL SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1973 ADVENT 2 11:00 a.m. WHITE GIFT SERVICE NURSERY THEME: "LOVE LIVED . '73" The Sunday School end congregation will participate in Christ- mas White Gift Service. EVERYONE WELCOME WESLEY-WILLIS UNITED CHURCH "THE CHURCH THAT CARES" 1 PEOPLE SERVING GOD THROUGH SERVING PEOPLE I MINISTER: JOHN S. OESTREICHER, BA., R.R.E. ORGANIST: MISS CATHARINE POTTER CHOIR DIRECTOR: MRS. WM. HEARN SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1973 11:00 am. Morning Worship Service Sermon: "THE ROAD TO BETHLEHEM" The Road of Sharing 11:00 a.m. Sunday School and Nursery HOLMESVILLE UNITED CHURCH 1:00 p.m. Worship Service and Sunday School Sermon: "THE ROAD TO BETHLEHEM" The Road of Sharing CHURCH SERVICES BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH "EVERYONE OF US SHALL GIVE AN ACCOUNT OF HIMSELF TO GOD" — ROM. 14:12 PASTOR: REV. L.V. BIGELOW 10:00 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP 7:30 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP 8:00 p.m. FRIDAY WEDNESDAY. 8 p.m. PRAYER MEETING YOUNG EVERYONE WELCOME PEOPLE'S MEETING ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1973 ADVENT TWO 10 A.M. PARISH COMMUNION SPECIAL SPEAKER—Archdeacon MORSE C. ROBINSON Sunday School FELLOWSHIP BIBLE CHAPEL 162 MAPLE ST. (1 street west of Community Centre) 9:45 a.m.—WORSHIP SERVICE 11:00 a.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL and BIBLE HOUR 8:00 p.m.—GOSPEL SERVICE Tues., 8:00 p.m.—PRAYER and BIBLE STUDY For Information Phone: 482-9379 CALVARY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 166 Victoria Street Pastor: Leslie Hoy, 524-8823 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Prayer Service and Evangelistic Service 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service 8:00 p.m. Friday, Young Peoples ALL WELCOME ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, MODERATOR CHARLES MERRILL, ORGANIST SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1973 Guest Minister - REV. SAMUEL KERR 9:30 a.m.—Worship Service SUNDAY SCHOOL Pot Luck Supper Thurs. Dec. 6, Mrs. Bob Homuth Everyond welcome FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH PASTOR: DWIGHT B. STRAIN SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1973' 10:00 e,m. Sunday School For AO Ages 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship With Nursery 7:3° P.M. i MEMORIAL SERVICE TO THE MEMORY OF MR. AND MRS. JACK CARTER 8:00 p.m. Wed. Prayer and Bible Study 1:30 p.m. Thurs. Choir Practice 8:00 p.m. Set. Young Peoples THE CHURCH WHERE EVERYONE IS SOMEONE FOR FREE TRANSPORATION CALL 4624041 1:1 Rev. Ron Curl WILL SPEAK Special Musk WESTF1ELD-2 P.M. HURON MEN'S CHAPEL AUBURN - 8 P.M. Evil prevails when good men do nothing DIESEL Pump* and Injectors Repaired For Ali Populir Makes Huron Fuel InjeCtion Equiptnent Seylield Rd., ClIfitert-4614971 LOVE'S LAST GIFT REMEMBRANCE '3LINTON NEWS-RgCORD, THURSDAY, DECEM043.* 6, 1973-3A .I WI have annual meeting Nine girls received County honors at the 4-H Achievement Day at Central Huron f londary School last Saturday. Left to right, front row are Joanne Thompson of Goderich, Marie Willis of RR 4, Goderich, Cindy Middleton of RR 3, Clinton, and Cheryl Bell of RR 2, Goderich. Back row are Barb Potzel of Goderich, Joanne McClinchey of RR 2, Goderich, and Sandra Nivins of RR 3, Auburn, Missing was Peggy Fisher of RR 4, Goderich. (News- Record photo) ' Another fine show held The Federated Women's In- stitute of Ontario met in Toronto for the annual meeting at the King Edward Hotel, from November 26th 30th. The provincial president, Mrs. Harvey Noblitt of Ottawa, presided for all sessions, All 32 senior board directors from all parts of Ontario were present. Miss Helen McKercher, Home Economics branch, Department of Agriculture and Food, in her address, expressed appreciation to the Women's Institute for their support of the 4-H Homemaking club work. The membership in clubs OPTOMETRY LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST CLINTON--MON. ONLY 20 ISAAC ST. 482-7010 SEAPORTH BALANCE OF WEEK GOVENLOCK ST. 527-1240 R,W. BELL 524-7661 BOX 1033 212 JAMES ST. HELEN R. TENCH , PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT TEL. 482-9962 CLINTON ONTARIO NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE, ANYWHERE We give complete safe Wyk. PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 2i5,064 EXETER increases about 1000 members each year. Mrs, Austin Zoeller, New Hamburg, hay been appointed editor of "HOMO and Country." Women's Institutes were sad- dened with the passing of the editor, Mrs, Milton Pardy, in September, Miss McKercher brought to our attention, from the Vanier report, that 50 percent of all Canadians are overweight and under active, There is an iron deficiency in some children and pregnant women, and vitamin C deficiency in Eskimo and In- dian people, We must motivate INSURANCE LW. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 482-9747 Res. 482-7804 HAL HARTLEY Phone 482-6693 LAWSON AND WISE GENERAL INSURANCE— GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS Clinton Office: 482-9644 J.T. Wise, Res.: 482-7265 ALUMINUM PRODUCTS For Air-Master AluMinuM Doors and Windows and AWNINGS and RAILINGS JERVIS SALES: R.L. Jervis.68 Albert St. 011*ml-4824390 the Public to study the new nutritional labelling and the metric system. Mrs. Harvey Spry, Min- dernoya, has been appointed to the F,W.I.O. Scholarship corn- mittee. A new Scholarship has: been set up to be known as The Maryn Pardy London Area Women's Institute scholarship, Mrs. Ernest Watson Utterson has been appointed to the Resolutions committee. At the close of the Tuesday session, Mrs. Norman Tuck, Barrie, showed slides of the Federated Women's Institute of Canada convention held at Banff, Alberta in June. Regional Vice president ap- pointments were: for Western, Mrs. Edward Urstadt, Owen Sound; Northern, Mrs. Willard Miles, Matheson; Southern, Mrs. Yates Eskers, Delhi. Mrs. Noblitt presented the report of the Associated Coun- trywomen of the World annual meeting. ACWW is an organization of friendship and help among member societies that brings United Nations in contact with needy areas throughout the world, Plans are laid for the A.C.W.W. Con- ference in Perth, Australia, Oc- tober 8 - 18, 1974. Delegates were chosen from the Board of Directors. A.C,W.W. deplores all preparation of' germ warfare throughout the world. To the Save Sight project of A.C.W.W., Ontario has con- tributed $2,372.28 and over $10,000 to Pennies for Friend- ship. A donation of $500 will be sent to A.C.W.W. as a donation to the Lady Aberdeen Scholar- ship to be used at their discretion. Mrs. Wm. G. Miller, Highland Creek, in her secretary's report listed 1295 branches in Ontario with a membership of 30,893. Mrs. Miller also arranges hospitality for many overseas visitors who wish to visit in the province. A prominent place is given to the F.W.I.O., Adelaide Hoodless Homestead, St. George and the F,W.1,0, Erland Lee Home, Stoney Creek as these were the two founders of the Women's Institute Movement. Mrs. Harvey Houston, Lucknow, Public Relations of- ficer, stated Grey-Bruce and Trent Valley have 10 years suc- cessive 100 percent reporting. The Women's Institute is an educational organization and many worthwhile projects are carried out because W.I. mem- bers continue to be alert to the needs of their own localities. It is encouraging to note that donations to other organizations are down by $5000. All moneys should be earmarked for W.I. projects. Mrs. Austin Zoeller, New Hamburg, chairman of the Erland Lee Home, reported that between May and Novem- ber 6,000 have visited the home, which included 108 buses. The Official opening was on August 9. Visitors were from Newfoundland, overseas & delegates from the Officers con- ference. Many priorities were discussed in the future develop- ment of the Lee Home for 1974. Visiting hours at the home will be from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., bus loads by appointment, 5 days a week, Monday through to Friday. For appointments during the winter months, write to Mrs, Austin Zoeller, the Chairman. Standing committee convener reports were given by Mrs. John Hermansen, Weston; Mrs. Fred Watty, Thunder Bay; Mrs. Lowell Eller, Fenwick; Mrs. Brock Suddaby, Desbarats and Mrs. Austin Zoeller; Of- ficer's Conference report by Mrs. Robert B. Weber of Bloomingdale, also Mrs. R.C. Walker, St. George, the Tweed- srnuir History curator, The honourable Wm. A. Stewart had as his guest at the Royal York, Manitoba Room, the board of directors and executive of the Federated Women's Institute of Ontario on Thursday evening. The week's session adjourned on Friday. The Huron County Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Association held another suc- cessful show the latter part of October in the Legion Hall in Clinton, an ideal spot for a show, and some of the best birds in the county were on exhibition. Bill Schrum from Smithville, Ontario judged the standard and bantam classes and he was quite pleased with the quality of birds shown. Ken Tremaine from Preston had the honour of judging the pigeon classes and he too handled some birds of excellent quality. The Association Rosette for Champion Standard in the show went to a white Leghorn Forster receives appointment Douglas Forster was appoin- ted to the Board of Directors of the 45 office Associated Credit Bureaus of Ontario at their an- nual meeting recently in Toronto. Mr. Forster is General Manager of the Credit Bureau of Stratford which covers Perth and Huron Counties. Mr. Forster stated that Credit Bureaus must continue their program of making the consumer aware of the Credit Bureau's functions. Many con- sumers are not knowledgeable to the fact that the Bureau is interested only in factual infor- mation pertaining to the ap-e proval of credit by credit gran- tors. He also confirmed Credit Bureaus have been in the prac- tice for many years of allowing any interested consumer to review his credit file by appoin- tment. Credit Bureaus are con- tinuing their research and development programs on the effects of automation in our ex- panding credit economy. cockerel owned by Clifford Pepper and this bird also received the Tiernan special for the best large fowl and the Exeter Co-op special for the ' best Mediterranean breed. The Ass'n Rosette for reserve champion was won by Harvey Daniel on a Columbian Rock pullet. This pullet also won the special donated by Howard Bernard, B.P. agent at Brussels, the Daniel special for best parti-colour and the McIn- tosh feed mill at Molesworth special for the best American breed. The special donated by Bert Mills of Goderich went to Cliff Pepper for best exhibit large fowl on his Buff Orpingtons. The Ass'n Rosette for Cham- pion Bantam went to Bert Mills on a Dark Cornish Pullet. It also won the Daniel special for best Parti-Colour and the special donated by the Old Mill, Blyth Ontario for the best clean-legged bantam. Rosette for Reserve Champion was won by George Tieman on a White Leghorn pullet. Molesworth Cheese 'Factrir'SpeCial to-Earl Becker for best feather-legged bantam on a White Cochin Cock. The Pepper special went to George Tiernan for best exhibit in Bantams on White Wyandot- tes. The Ass'n Rosette for Cham- pion pigeon went to Emery Baechler on a white fantail hen. The Rosette for reserve champion went to a White Tumbler cock exhibited by Ron Richey. The Bob Denomme Trophy for the best fantail was won by Emery Baechler and he also won the Pepper special for the best exhibit of pigeons and the Greens Meat Market of Wingham special for the best young bird on a white fantail, The Bartliffs Bakery Clinton special for best Homer showpen went to Walter Baechler, and the 'Daniel special for best Roller to Walter Baechler. Specials in the junior section were as follows: Ass'n Rosette for Champion pigeon to Randy Rickey, he also won the special donated by Molesworth General store for best pigeon; Ass'n Rossette for Champion poultry to Victor Daniel and the Molesworth General Store special for best exhibit of poultry; The special donated by Harvey Vollick, Mildmay On- tario for most points in junior secti9n te yictor Daniel. SpeCial thankrto ncretaiy Harvey Daniel:' to tlie exhibitors, the donors of specials, and the boys that set up the show, It takes cheerful co-operation and support to get a show of this nature in order and the association is indeed grateful to all who helped to make it a success. ..*4471.. *0.:4 :... 7.1.6:7*. tAk 0. 10 ,., sr14:#4...aaVil. rutir ;40, ,1 2111.11.1,10.71/:6:11.* t 11;i: s....ti”..1sIv''.11;1*.i.1.1111..I...*.00.1.111111. "111...1.61114. /tit a .0:c..- i It1111111^- ..' .s Sr i, sis.s.: .., ..', . :,..,...-,..•• . I kuk ...1S.N.6 ..... • s 0.. Wil I • .. 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HES, 482,8004 Whether Ws a • MONUMENT • MARKER • INSCRIPTION You are remembering a (eyed one. LET T. PRYDE & SON LTD