HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-12-06, Page 2IN ADDITION... Weekly Draws For $300 In Valuable Merchandise NRWS-RBCORD, THURSDAY. DBUBNIBBR 6, 1$7 Grand Jury kk SHOP IN EXETER And You Could WIN A TRIP FOR TWO IN FLORIDA inspects sites r R )14 What better and well worn subject than the weatherl However, what better weather than that which we are all en- joying at the start of this December. ICI as though Mother Nature were giving the slow and slothful (your writer being among that number) a chance to do some last minute gardening. But we also have those dedicated hor- ticulturalists, of whom Mrs. Clifford Epps in one. This week she picked a bouquet of fresh tea roses and pansies from her well tended garden. Angus Banquet, Other events in her itinerary included a rodeo and the Cattle Men's Jamboree. According to Karen, western hospitality is the greatest. She is most grateful to the Ontario Breeders who made her trip possible and to the Western Breeders for being her hosts in Regina, The members of the Gland Jury inspected Goderich Psychiatric Hospital, fluvort- view, the Registry Office and the Court House on December 4 and found them all to be in reasonably good shape. They found the Goderich Psychiatric Hospital to be in good repairs, well staffed and well maintained, Staff and ad- ministrators, they felt, were quite dedicated to their jobs. The Grand Jury said that the administration was very good at Huronview and that the staff was pleasant and friendly. They felt "every effort is made to make the patients feel well at home," Their only complaint was that the lighting in, some They felt that by the ap- pearance of the Registry Office they could use more space, but it was being kept in good repair. The jurors found a few places in the Court House where the plaster is coming loose but felt that generally the building ap- pears to be in good state of repair. Members of the Grand Jury were Donna Webster, Foreman; Fred W. Tilley, Homer Russell, Heinrich Exel, Harvey Ritchie, Carman W. Tebbutt and Em- merson Durst. ksk tiff Dr. and Mrs. B. Coxon and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dewar of Wellesley, also Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Idle of Exeter were weekend guests of Rev. Charles and Mrs. Cox of Isaac Street. The guests were former parishioners of Rev, Cox, ti4 * * * While on the subject of gar- deners, Clinton has just cause to be very proud of its Junior Gardeners. Besides the Clinton Centennial float with the 'old - fire truck mannedy a couple of willing volunteefiremen - the Junior Gardeners' float was the only other one represen- tative of Clinton in the Goderich Santa Claus Parade last Saturday, Twenty-seven members were riding atop, each clutching a stocking with the bearer's name. The Christmas tree, though somewhat wispy and slightly undernourished, was suitably decorated and proved that whatever it might lack in beauty, was more than compensated by the very spirit which enveloped it and its young charges, All this was ac- complished under the in- spiration and leadership of Miss Margaret Sloman. * 41 * Jack Irwin, left, who was with the Clinton Recreation board for over ten years and Russ Ar- cher were presented with gifts last Friday night at the Clinton Town Banquet held at the Legion Hall. Recreation chairman Clarence Neilans made the presentation. (News-Record photo) Santa Claus PARADE SAT., DEC. 8 A call from the Canadian Legion Branch in Goderich in- forms us that the winners of the November 50.50 draw were: Mary Mair, Clinton, $1,372, Ir- vin Eedy, Dungannon, $200, and R. Wilson, Goderich, $100. The next draw will be Decem- ber 22. A list of outlets where tickets are available will be found elsewhere in this issue, t.11 Christmas no fun in developing countries 2:00 P.M. tly by strengthening his family and community." Donations should be seat to CANSAVE CHILDREN, 70 Hayter Street, Toronto, On- tario, M5G 1J9. United Nations statistics in- dicate that 780 million children in Third World countries suffer from extreme poverty. Their families struggle to live on bet- ween $200 and $400 a year while $5000 is considered the poverty line in Canada for a family of four. As a result, 70% of the world's children under six suffer from malnutrition and 50% are chronically ill. These are but a few of the distressing statistics that The Canadian Save the Children Fund is exposing to the Canadian public during its An- nual Appeal, November 15 to December 31. "Although it may be depressing and a shock to some, the disparity between the facts of life in Canada and the facts of life in the poor nations of Africa, Asia, and South America is real and must be brought to the attention of the people of Canada," said CAN- SAVE National Director, Kenric R. Marshall, in discussing the educational thrust of the campaign. "While we have one doctor for every 825 of us, they,average only one yeX,250Q9 pecyle. yxhii, there is one teacher for 'ivory -85 children in Canada, in Africa there is one for every 600 students," The Annual Appeal target is $2,000,000 which will be ap- plied to development aid projects already approved and committed for 1974. The one mass fund-raising drive of the year, Annual 'Appeal must be successful to ensure the con- tinued ability of CANSAVE to aid the world's children. For over 50 years The Canadian Save the Children Fund has been raising money in Canada to support social development programs in more than 30 countries around the world. The financed projects in- clude day care, health, and nutrition centres; vocational and agricultural training; village self-help programs; school garden and feeding projects; and many other development programs. As Mr. Marshall put it, "Our programs attack the root causes of poverty, sickness, and hunger, helping the child direc- • •• OVER SO FLOATS - 4 BANDS * * * $100 First Prize for Float !4,..ol:mitz:2p:0,14zw:10:woxioviA A correction for the account of Talent Night at Ontario Street Church which appeared in last week's paper - Glen Brandon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brandon, Clinton, was a first prize winner. His name was omitted from the original report. valuable coupons for fantastic savings clip these IGA * * * Still more of the limelight on our younger generation, Miss Karen Tyndall, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. William Van- cise of Stayner, Ontario, president of the Ontario Hereford Association, spent last week in Regina attending the Western Agribition. In her capacity as Ontario Hereford Queen, she and the western Queens and Princesses were guests of honour at the Hereford Banquet and the * * * ICFRI MEN , Mn EE ECM NiSi HEINZ FANCY TOMATO JUICE Clip this valuable coupon There is an elegantly decorated Christmas tree with many lovely gifts beneath it in the window of Simpson's order office, The tree and the gifts are to be won by one lucky person on December 10 when the prize ticket is drawn. This project is sponsored by the Sarah Hale Chapter of the I.O.D.E. Tickets are obtainable from members in the Simpson's store. SINGLE PROCESSED CHEESE KRAFT CANADIAN CHEESE SLICES BANQUET ASSORTED VARIETIES FROZEN DINNERS 16 or. pkg. 1.1m11 1 111. pat family wit a'5,00 poschait and-this coapon 12Hoolive Oocomhar 5th to t 11n. 19x3 48 oz. tin Limit 1 pkg. pot Family With a '5.00 pardon, and MR coupon )i)itgk)? ;Eh, vok, OM 1 tin per family with a '5.00 posh-two and this caapon Effective December 5(h io 111h, 1973 REMSOMEMMUSI New education Clinton CfS%° APPROVED GRADE "A" WE SELL. CANADA RED RUMOR "BE EF ihgt .e. , ::..,,v . ,,_ i \ 4,,s;" t FRESH BACKS ATTACHED , "The meat eteopte" rogram Breasts .4.; t , cern for a small, highly select group of 14 and 15-year-olds who do not seem to benefit from existing programs. The new program, he said, is not an "escape valve" for a particular group of students but rather reflects a recognition and ac- ceptance of the fact that legitimate learning experiences can occur both in and out of school. "There is no reason why students could not earn credits where part of the credit is earned in school and the other portion earned on the job in actual work related ex- perience," he said. Students will only be placed in the new program after full consideration of their in- dividual case by the local school board placement com- mittee, Mr. Wells said, Beginning in September, special board school placement committees will be empowered to place 14 year and 15-year- old students, who are not benefiting from existing school programs, into an out of school program or activity. Education Minister Thomas Wells made the announcement in presenting the Ministry's spending estimates to the Legislature, Mr. Wells said the new program does not reduce the age at which a student may . leave school which is now 16. Students placed in other programs, which could include employment, or a combination of school and employment will remain on the rolls of their school until they are 16. Mr. Wells said that the new program is being introduced because of the Ministry's con- 4wr Ado 441 4. ,AtriP HI)))141111!!ifiiIIIIIIIII II IIIX11111111)11 i);)11111f\f:11::ri cuiTI FROM THE BUTT BONE IN '4" I R pi/4 BUTT PORK CHOPS LB. FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS TOURTIERES FRESH GROUND PORK BOTTOM CUT FROM THE BEEF HIP ROUND STEAK ROAST .$149 .9 9` 9c *NbAkeogl, TOP VALU by the piece BOLOGNA TOP VALU MAC & CHEESE OR CHICKEN LOAF 99° TOP VALU 6 oz. package Sliced Cooked Ham 89° BURNS SWEET PICKLED 2 to 3 lbs. COTTAGE ROLLS Ih. 1 1.08 CUT FROM THE RIB - BONE IN Beef Braising Ribs lb. 95c CAP OFF FEATHER BONES REMOVED • BEEF RIB STEAKS lb. 1.65 FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS RAGOUT Frozen PORK HOCKS lb. 59° BURNS PORK & BEEF C BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 6bolbX lb. TOP VALU FULLY COOKED 2IX to 31/2 lbs. DINNER HAMS ID 1.58 BURNS FULLY COOKED - SMOKED PICNIC SHOULDERS lb 99c TOP VALU 1 lb. package SLICED SIDE BACON 1.19 CLAIROL 12 oz. MI. i29 HERBAL SHAMPOOS lb. U.S.A. NO. 1 FLORIDA RED OR WHITE • 04,0. NO. 1 FLORIDA VINE RIPE TOMATOES ft, 69° PRODUCE OF U.S.A. SUNKIST SEEDLESS NAVEL ORANGES °Z dot 89° U.S.A. 110. 1 CALIFORNIA • CRISP CELERY STALKS kIT 40, 35° CANADA NO, t SMALL YELLOW COOKING ONIONS 54 49c. SNOWIRTE CELLO PARSNIPS 'A 43c U.S.A. NO, 1 0051059 CELLO RADISH I 6gi YORK FANCY assorted varieties Vegetables 12 to 14 oz, tins AYLMER CHOICE slices or halves PEACHES SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT HEINZ KEG of TOMATO 68 32 or. jug 14 oz. tins KETCHUP 29` for STUART HOUSE DRY FRY SPRAY 16 Oz. 1k, 1 COATING LIBBY'S IN TOMATO SAUCE BLUE BREEZE POWDERED DETERGENT BAKERS (BONUS PACK) • JIFFY CHIPS BAKING CHIPS all priced to please fill your basket from this excellent selection of quality products 25° Plus Deposit 40 ot, kti. 3 for MOP MAGIC PREPRICED 1.39 Floor Cleaner & Spaghetti CLAIROL HERBAL CREME RINSE 7 oz, oho. 1W1TH FREE TEA OR TERRY TOWEL -0. RIO REPO giant pkg. COO!, COLA RAIN BARREL FABRIC SOFTENER 64 al, cont. 11 32 oz. cool. 1 II 11 9 23 14 oz. tin 12 at. Oil. 99c BAKERS • SEMI-SWEET CHOCOLATE )4 oz. pkg. 59 CHIPS HUNTS TOMATO PASTE 5.5 In, tin fRtTO LAY REGULAR POTATO CHIPS POLISH $1108 SWIFTS PREMIUM BEEF or IRISH STEW BETTY CROCKER PIE CRUST MIX 45c IS oz. pkg. 45c t4, 2.39c 59c 15 In. 00 CARLTON CLUB ASSORTED FLAVOURS SOFT DRINKS 10 oz. tin SUNLIGHT w TOP VALU WITH PECTIN LIQUID RASPBERRY OR DETERGENT 24 or, cont. 49c STRAWBERRY SWIFTS PREMIUM COOKED 114 lb. tin 1159 Canned Ham ROY-ALL LUNCHEON MEAT BETTY CROCKER • CHOCOLATE Brownie Mix 23 or, pkg. JAM Simple lines decorative grill treatment combine pleasingly in this COntem- porsty Upright Console Accu Color Super 90 Chasid* Black Matrix Screen with Perma Chrome Accu MatI0 Color Control Solid state tuning.- Lighted Oise readout "AFT" Instant Picture. MOTHER PARKCRS • ALL PURPOSE GROUND COFFEE lb. bog 88 duicK CREAM OF WHEAT 9 so. pkg. 24 oz. jar 45 12 ov, tin 65c STUART HOUSE (SLEEVE PACK) CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP MIX 1,(214 Of. CLOVER LEAF SOLID WHITE TUNA MONARCH Parchment Wrapped a $ lb, pkg. for MARGARINE 24 00. pkg. MAXIM FREEZE DRIED INSTANT COFFEE 4 oz, jar ELECTRASOL • AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER DETERGENT RICHS FROZEN coffee Rich 16 tn. cont. YORK FROZEN CONCENTRATED ORANGE JUICE 6 oz. tin SNOWCAP FROZEN FRENCH FRIES 2 lb. poly bag 25` .33 oi. pkg. LADY SCOTT White Or Assorted Colours TETLEY BATHROOM TISSUE B tot( pkg: - CAGY SCOTT 2 Ply Assorted t;eiau; 'FACIAL TISSUE locos 04 13 gri FARMHOUSE FROZEN A ssorted Vaeletles CAKE 14 ot. pkg. -- • - 7{1111140[ tot otont YO WORRIES TO MOROI FOAMY RPOURUKORS Supplied OW Setvicad Ry M t,6711) Lithithd 01gt urftuyi wale ttrisos. 5491111049,01114111111t 0, 105 TEA BAGS 12's pkg. STUART HOUSE PLASTIC CAt KITCHEN eliERs 201 pho, 56 $6299!„. GALBRAITH RADIO it TV 1 HAMM:WAY ST, L, CLINTON 482.3841 ok. tin 110819094000 INSTANT OR QUICK 93. OATS n 04. S lb, bog for for at IGA the owners in the store to guarantee your satisfaction every shopping trip tty, cm •“.