HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-11-22, Page 2Property keeps increasing in value Think back! How many homes sell for less today than they did ten or twenty years ago? Be smart today. -Profit tomorrow. Get that property you want right now. Come direct to us for a mortgage loan custom built to fit your needs. Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corp6ration 71re senior Trust Company devoted entirely (0 serving tire people of Ontario, TICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Mrs. Rita Ryan of Clinton displays some of the homemade crafts and antiques that she is selling at her new store "The Shadow Box" which opened last Saturday on Albert Street In Clinton. Mrs. Ryan makes many of the crafts herself and features others from other craft- smen In this part of Ontario. (News-Record photo) •Sinumerhill Ladies meet The Nov. meeting of the 4iiminerhiii Ladies chi4 met at the. home of Laura Forbes, Isabella Stewart opened the meeting with a reading. Twenty members and one visitor were welcomed. Sandra Westerhout read the minutes of the previous meeting and they were declared correct, Correspondence was received from Mr. and Mrs, Gregory Hall, Harry Watkins and John and Shirley Mallett. Suzanne Vodden read the financial report. It was agreed to donate the amount of $10 to the local 4-H girls and $25 is to be sent to the' Childrens Aid Society, ion can next month is the exchange of Christmas gifts, Hostess for the Dec. Meeting is Donna Gibbings, On lunch and program are Phillis Tyn- dall, Gladys Van Egmond and Jean Vodden, Olive Penfound and Jo-arm Salverda held guessing contests won by Verna Gibbings and Viola Farquar. An amusing reading was read by Isabella Stewart entitled "Pioneers Wear Whiskers". The meeting was closed with the singing of the Queen and Grace. A social hour followed. News has reached us. that Warrant Officer William. J, :Matthews, son of Mr, and Mrs. Alonzo J. Matthews, 55 Mary Street, has accepted a position with the RCMP and will assume his duties as _operator in the Vancouver, B.C. office shortly. Born in Seaforth, he attended the Clinton. Public School and Clinton Collegiate. In 4950 he was married to Edith Northam of Rapid City, Manitoba, they have four children. Warrant Officer Mat- thews joined the Canadian For- pe8 more than twenty-five years ago and has seen much of Canada since, Many from this area will remember 'him from his stay at the Clinton base where he was an instructor, His last posting was to Comox on , Vancouver Island. " * * * United States for six months, At present he is on' the Ontario leg, Clinton being the first stop, to be followed by visits to Hastings, Lanibten and Lanark counties. Upon completion of the month in Ontario, he heads for home via Britain and Europe. Best wishes as you journey on, John Ryan. * Last week there appeared an account of the Hartery-Smith wedding on page five of the paper. We should like to correct the mistakes made in the first paragraph which should read as follows: Ontario Street United Church set the scene for a lovely evening wedding Oc- tober 19 which joined Irene Laura Elizabeth Theresa Har- tery daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Michael Hartery of Bonavista, Newfoundland, to Dennis Albert Smith, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of RR 4, Clinton. * * * AND NOW A PLEA!! Would any persons having second hand Brownie uniforms, for which they no longer have need, please contact Mrs. Fred Radley at 482-9302, There is to be a large, enrollment of Brownies shortly and it would be nice to have sufficient uniforms for the occasion. Please and thank you, on their behalf. 11111111111111•1111110181111111111111111811111111 1111111,1111111111111111111111111111111111•111111111101111111811111111111111111111111111111111118111101111111111111111111111111, F ur-Trimmed Coats Get Best of Care, Here fur trims can't faze us or you . . because we're experienced and, equipped to treat both fur and fabric to thorough, careful cleaning . . with 'beautiful results! Bring your suits to Clinton Dry Cleaners. Have them ready for the told weather. amwasiaimmismomiamonwomia CLINTON DRY CLEANERS 158 BEECH ST. CLINTON CALL 4824064 FOR PREE PICK.UP AND DELIVERY SA100 • WHITE ALBACORE Tuna Flakes 61/4 ox tin 590 TOP VALU FANCY- FRUIT COCKTAIL OR Peaches 20 oz. its HEINZ .• SPAGHETTI IN Tomato 9.--CLINTON SELVS-RgCORD, fittiORSPAY, NOligMBER; 22, 1973 A progressive euchre party under the auspices of Huron Lodge, No. 377 was held at the Orange Hall, November 15, Winners were as follows: ladies' lone hands - Mrs. Cun- ningham. Clinton ladies' high- Mrs. Frey, Clinton; ladies' low Mrs. George Wright, Clinton; gents' lone hands Mr. C. Cun- ningham, Clinton; gents' high - Mr. Aaron Fisher, Clinton; gents' low - Mr. George Clark, Hayfield, Draw for two five pound bags of sugar were won by Mrs. Harold Crittenden and Mrs. Scott. All interested are requested to watch the Coming Events column of this paper for future card party dates. Holidayers are still enjoying trips away - Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Tyndall visited recently in Beaconsfield, Quebec for two weeks with their son, Arthur Tyndall and his family, After returning to Clinton, they left for a further holiday with Mrs. Tyndall's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. James Carver of Huron Beach, Mich. St, Andrew's Bazaar big success * * * Just back from Saskatoon are Mrs, Rive Wilson and daughter, Fay. There they visited Mr. and Mrs..Stewart Schoenhals, the former's sister. Upon the return trip they stop- ped over in Regina where they spent a day with Mrs. Wilson's niece ,Mrs. Gordon Harwell. The Madeleine Lane Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Clinton .held their annual fall tea and bazaar in the church school room Saturday, November 17. Mrs. R.J. Homuth, president extended a word of welcome to those present and declared the bazaar open at 3 p.m. The war- mth of glowing candles dispelled the chill of the after- noon and their light, reflected in the bright baubles used as decorations, suggested to everyone that the festive season is fast approaching, Mrs, V. Lampman took charge of tea preparations .while readying and replenishing of serving plates was done by Mrs. H. Cowan, Mrs. I. Jones, Miss B. Gibson, and Mrs. G. Hoggarth. Tea tables were ser- ved by Mrs:—T. :Morgan, Mrs, Ray Dyke, Mrs. R.U. MacLean and Mrs. R. Gibb,' Looking after candy and the sale of Presbyterian church calendars were the Misses Brenda Fee and Nancy Ander- son, delicatessen table Was at- tended by Miss Catrina Dyke, the bake goods by Mrs. F. Mutch, Mrs. R. Morgan, and Mrs. R. McCann, while hand- work of many kinds was under the care of Mrs. F. Anderson and Miss Mabel Harvey. clip these IGA LILO. POWDERED DETERGENT al.uable coupons for fantastic savings * * * I try Clip this valuable coupon - Clip this valuable coupon ,41:1 1I twit ill , tit its II Clip this valuable coupon We have a visitor in Clinton this week from half way around the world - Mr. John Ryan, of Christchurch, New Zealand. John, 25, is a graduate of Lin- coln Agricultural College in Christchurch and is here on an International, Farm Youth Ex- change program. On his home farm his faMily raises sheep and crops of wheat, barley, green peas, clovers, rye grasses and alfalfa. His exchange tour ,has already taken him to the C 5 lb. pkg. • 111 tin Limit 2 tia p. Paalif aid; • $140.1arduaiis4.,1 61,0014v.Ho4imbOi••21 27; 1.1i1A1141 . . Oak In* Oa lastly IMO •$.,t00 pashas sal Meow, &Feely* Nevernher 21 to NoPenlietir ef. N16111R BUSISIMEVAkallrik. 4:& mr..7, • •••• {way , M3Vi'"ih*P 211 ,0: 04(1000,(i Top Valu TOP VALI, FROZEN CANADA GRADE "Al` Size 8 to 10 its: ":'."w,, tintort , Six join sorority Th Beta Sigma Phi Sorority held its fifth regular meeting on November 13 at the home of Linda Meade. To welcome the six new Sorority members, a buffet din- ner was served followed by a brief meeting. The treasurer's report was given and the ways and means committee gave an account of expenses and returns from the October dance and draw. The social committee outlined plans for a Christmas Party to be held on December 1st and to include the mem- ber's husbands.Further plans are being made and social will report again at the next meeting. Following the meeting, a can- ' dlelit Pledge Ritual was held to welcome six new members to Sorority. The new members are Sandra Westerhout, Ruth Ducharme, Gail Wise, Linda. Bell, Marilyn Hoy, and Marie Middleton who was absent due to illness. A special Pledge Ritual will be held for Marie when she has recuperated. The new members of the Clinton Chapter were presented with their pledge pins at the end of the Ritual and at the end of the evening each new girl received a yellow rose and congratulations from her Sorority sisters. Coffee and pie was served to conclude this special evening. BASTES ITSELF NEVER DRY the meat people' WE SELL MASA APPROVED GRADE "A" RED RIBBON BEEF 8 CANADIAN QUEEN WHOLE OR HALF SKINLESS BONELESS SMOKED HAMS 1b; An Agriculture Canada sur- vey of rapeseed •growers in western Canada in 1971-72 showed about 75 percent of the rapeseed acreage was fertilized, 66 percent was covered by either hail or crop insurance; about 45 percent was sprayed for insects and 30 percent was sprayed for weeds. NUTRITIOUS SINESS Sliced Beef Liver SCHNEIDERS I lb, oockoge RED HOT WIENERS SCHNEIDERS A et. package A varieties Sliced Cooked Meats 43c TOP YAW SMALL LINK STORE PACKED Pure Pork Sausage lb. 78c TOP YAW I lb. package SKINLESS WIENERS TOP YALU BY THE PIECE BOLOGNA lb. 88e 78c :a4,44" t:s•A'ss:4•202:2B4-X.,26126141',2SEts‘P. 88e lb. 53e Grey Cup PARTY c TIME suggestions FRESH BACKS ATTACHED FRESHLY CUT CUT FROM SHOULDER OR THE CHUCK Chicken Legs BUTT PORK Beef Blade & BREASTS CHOPS STEAK TOP VALU VACUUM PACKED SLICED SIDE BACON $ 09 SNOOPS OLD VIENNA 20 oz. SALAMI CHUB SHOPSYS 4.2 cit. packages CORNED BEEF C $1119 lb. lb.' USA, NO. t firolda .515110 or Had Seedless Grapefruit 6 tor 69° U.S.A. No, 1 Florida Sunshine SwedE JUiCe Oranges meoAt. ea.69e DOLE TROPICAL TREAT GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS, NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE 10oz. Jar TOP VALU CHOICE iTOMATOES RUPERT FROZEN BOLDEN BATTERED COd Fillet 1 lb, pkg. 98* it U.S,A.No.t WasIcestondTtiretnedColle Spinach 15 et IN?: 49c 19 oz. tin McCAIN FROZEN - REGULAR CUT French Fries 31/2 lb. beg U S.A. No, 1 Phelan • Crisp Plow& Celery Stalks '1%1 och 29e Light Year Firoolecb, 3 Now Color Burning Firelogs ba.79e II R.A. No. I Collor to had .Ertperor Grapes lb.39c 9c $1189 79° DAINSSOROUGH FROZEN PACK Pie Shells 18 oz. pkg. 690 400" all priced try please fill your basket from this excellent Selection of CATELLI • FOUR ready to serve SOUP 8 OZ, tin BANQUET FROZEN Assorted Varieties MEAT PIES 8 oz, pies quality products Frozen Coneentrate Honeydew Orange or Grape Drinks 12 oz. tin 41° Top VOID ilbconstltutal or UnswOetonod /Resorted PI avou re Juice 40 ox. tin SWING• ORANGE Flavour Crystals 5x 31/1 o*. pkg. ORANGE PEKOE PAPER Red Rose Tea Bags 1 Pkg. of 120 11101i, MIR TWIN PACK Liquid Detergent 2 24 ox. cats. 450 79c 490 Canton Club Mei:JEW PlaVaUrs Soft cello Of 24/10 oz. ilne 11 87 Drinks mows Coloured WESTINGHOUSE • EXTRA LIFE Light Bulbs 40, 50, or 100 watt ts pkg. 49c 69c 28 ot. Nob-keturri 0118 2Ior5110 Pepsi 26 et, MI. (plus doposiu 1.00 t. Cola Oh EMELL0 coffee c Creamer MOP MAGIC PREPRICED1.39 Floor Cleaner & Polish E. D. SMITH GARDEN COCKTAIL 28 oz. Jar 9c 1 lb. pkg. Margarine FARMER DELL Atsorted Vhrlatlet Fruit Spread 18 at. cent. HOSTESS REGULAR Potit110 Chips folf potkogi TOP VALU FANO'? Tomato Juice CRISCO Shortening 1 lb. pkg. 1019 32 oz. tont GREEN GIANT FANCY Niblets Corn 12 Oz. fin White- hwan White of Assorted Colours Bathroom Tissue 4 roil pkg. 59° 59° 39° isr99 79c 18 ox. let Spaghetti, SpaghettIni Elbow MhcaFonl cattle' Pastas 21b. 000. BERRY BOX WITH PECTIN Strawberry* Raspberry or Cherry 62j41 31 69 ASSORTE0 VARIETIES liembtitger Nlealmaker 49c 71e 8.28 oz. pkg.. White Swab While Or Afisorfal ColOuts Facial ' Tissue pkgs. of 200 MaGORMIOK'S 01X Or for 590 Sauce 14 oz. On 23C WHITE SWAN White or Assorted Colours BANOlieT FROZEN Apple or Cherry' Pie 20 Oz. pie TOP VALU •IN TOMATO SAUCE BEANS WITH P°FIK 4- 1 00 iiez,ert for • OUNCAN HINE Assotted Varieties Cake MIXES PAPER 1. (MEL S Snatkele S 01;014. 48 az. On GLAO PLASTIC- eke Of 10. 55. Garbage OW of 20 1.0:1 Bags IGA the owners in the store to guarantee your satisfaction every shopping trip . 1.0.1111titt Ttlit InIale To Litier Anteater* Avtaka4 Woozy 4itauleninal Se00111.1 ski t*Hked OA Loa Liinhaf ImInges eilibmte unto. ISATaDAY,.1001,110001 )4, SIM 49c