HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-11-15, Page 14TO KEEP YOU ON THE- GO AT SCRUTON'S B.F. Goodrich AVAILABLE NOW IN SNOW TIRES TOO - Radial tires 'have made a great name for themselves as premium quality tires ---tires that offer superior mileage, control and safety. Now get all these important qualities at a time when driving con- ditions make these factors even more important. Set "Radial Quality" in your snow tires. Buy B.F. Goodrich snow tires now at Scruton's. We have most popular sizes in stock. CHECK THESE PRE-SEASON SPECIALS REGoodrich BELTED SNOW TIRES G78 x 1 4 or 1 5 WHITEWALL " $ 28 Fiberglas Belted INSTALLED B.F. Goodrich "RETREADS" THESE ECONOMICAL SNOW TIRES CARRY OUR FULL "NEW TIRE" WARRANTY G78 x 1 4 or 1 5' WHITEWALLS $ 1 750 INSTALLED An untuned car is u"won't start" trouble This winter. more cars won't start be. cause of warn spark plugs than Old batteriecWorn spark plugs? You'd bet. ter believe it: Especially in winter. The colder it gets, the mote your battery's output drops. So there's less voltage available to start. Worn spark plugs can easily require twice, the voltage of new plugs. Result—you have a combination that can be too Much for even a brand-new battery, You don't want starting trouble this winter. (let a Champion Tune-Up now, Champion spark plugs meet or exceed the warranty requirements of all vehicle and engine manufacturers. Remember—an owned cat is trouble! The heart of a tune-up 50*,, SCRUTOWS TIRE & AUTO SERVICE 482.7481 CLINTON 238 AL /RI ST. Waiting for the Tow Truck to Come Waiting for a tow truck to help your ear get started in winter is not one of life's most enchanting pastimes. Chances are, you're late for work, an important aPPointnient or anything preferable to waiting for the wrecker. Ws too cold to practice your putting on the trolly lawn and you don't dare risk a short nap for fear that the road service driver may come and go before you can spot him, So, what do you do? Here's a suggestion that can both help occupy your time and prove helpful in preventing future starting problems. Pay attention to the signals your car is give ing you while you are at- tempting to start it. Analyze the sounds and the odprs and try and figure out just what the problem is. No, it's not as simple as '",iny battery is run down." Your battery may be run down, all right, but most likely any battery problem is caused by malfunction of some other component. If while attempting to 'start the engine, you hear the starter cranking but nothing happens, suspect one or more of the following conditions, Champion Spark Plug Company suggests. (The strong odor of gasp- line may be present, too./ • Worn .spark pingo • Craelced .tlistrilmtor eap • Worn rotor More than half of the 80 plus million road service calls made annually by tow truTiTs7C;e-jiiistarting trouble. It Takes More than Anti-Freeze to . . Prepare Your Car for Winter 4,••• • .. THE NEW TUNE-UP The days when tune-up and other critical automotive services could be performed with tools that fit comfortably in the technician's back pocket are fading into history. Today, with demands of keeping emissions low and performance up to rigidly prescribed standards, the automotive serv- ice industry is utilizing space-age tools for accurate diagnosis. A chassis dyna- mometer under the ear's rear wheels can simulate any condition a car is apt to encounter on the road. An electronic engine analyzer (upper left) can moni- tor everything that's going on under the hood including emission of hydrocar- bons and carbon monoxide. A visit to a well-eqiiipped shop and any needed adjustments can assure any driver that his car isiready for the tough fall and winter driving ahead. (Photo: Courtesy of Clayton Manufacturing Company) Getting your car ready for winter's severe temper- atures and driving condi- tions should involve a lot more than just adding anti- freeze. The American Petro- leum Institute has devel- oped a check list that may help you get ready for the cold weather ahead. But first, let's look at an- ti-freeze. Today's cars are designed to use the "perma- nent" or ethylene glycol type — not the older "alco- hol" base variety. Although it is called permanent anti- freeze, it should be replaced at least once a year; or if your car is equipped with air conditioning, twice a year. Change Anti-Freeze Anti-freeze solutions also act as rust inhibitors and water-pump lubricants and contain additives that lose their effectiveness after a year's driving. When changing anti- freeze, begin with a careful check of the condition of the radiator hoses, thermo- stat, and radiator. Have your mechanic "pressure test" your cooling system. Replace worn hoses before they leak. If all systems check out, drain and flush the radia- tor. Replace the coolant li- quid with a 50-50 mixture of water and ethylene glycol type anti-freeze. This will offer maximum protection. Do NOT use 100% anti- freeze, use the 50-50 mix- ture—it's cheaper and more efficient. Do not overfill the radia- tor; fill only one or Itwo inches from the top — If it is too full, the overflow that can freeze and plug your fuel lines. In other words, don't wait until the tank is almost empty to fill it up. Warm-Up Vital Be sure to give your car a moment or two to warm up properly, but don't let it idle for long periods of time. This can foul the spark plugs and also wastes gaso- line. Remember, cars poi- z,,—.41,,te3more when first started. CLINTON 482.932i PARTS DEPT. 4824141 new ad eeneatia QUALITY SERVICE fi,4441eP . lc Perc Brown Lorne Brown Motors' parts manager. The man to see for the finest G.M. approved parts. Oaf a /IOW .naafi Doug Cartwright A mechanic great on tune-up. He also specializes in `transmission and frOnt end work. DOUG WISE The younger( member of Our service staff. Don't let winter VI won't starts" catch you! Keep up your car's start power with our expert engine tune-up, It's a fast, inexpensive job that pays big dividends with trouble-free starts all winter long. Bring in your car—today. LORNE BROWN MOTORS LTD. SERVICE CENTRE JUST ACROSS,THE STREET PAM OUR NEW AND USED cAri LOT w HVVY, NO, 8 Fred Shropshall Service Manager The man to see for all your service needs. Larry McClinchey Trained and ready to do a top job on your transmission or front-end alignment work. FEEL SECURE! Get our wheel alignment for SAFE winter driving Lined or Adjusted —.EXPERTLY ! DISC OR SHOE 44--cloiNTQN NEWS-REMRD, THURSDAY, NO\TMBMI is,, 1973 What Yip Can Do While Here's What You Must Do to , Keep it from Junk Heap Prematurely by Taking Care of Key Systems With new Par sales hovering around all-time record volumes this year, the pundits and prophets have offered a wide variety of reasons for the boom. Among the reasons most often cited was this: Cars in the near future may be higher in price due to emissions and safety systems man- dated by the government. Still it seems that many 1973 and 1974-model ear buyers want to take advantage of lowest possible prices now and presumably want to keep these cars as long as they can, Certainly, new cars will continue to be attrac- tive buys for millions of motorists annually. The thrill of new car ownership is a never-ending one. Lamentable History of Neglect , While the theory is sound, the motoring public will have to do a lot better job than they have been doing if they want their new cars to last. For the lamentable history of car neglect that has been so evident in this country has " always meant that vehicles are ready for the scrap heap well before their time. There are more motor vehicles junked in this nation every year than there are vehicles registered in all of South America. Only five nations in the world have more cars than the number of cars relegated 'to scrap heaps here each year. And a large proportion of our derelict vehicle popula- tion got that way because of neglect. If you want to get your car that extra couple of years, you must pay more attention to car care. The benefits of car care outweigh the costs considerably. For example, the nationally-syndicated columnist Sylvia Porter recently noted, "Tune-ups pay for them- selves in savings on fuel consumption and engine wear. And as gas prices climb, a tune-up will more than pay for itself." Other instances of how caring for a car lengthens its lifespan and saves money in the meantime are many. • Changing oil and oil filters and lubrication at recommended intervals helps prevent premature en- gine and chassis wear. • Balancing and rotating tires and aligning wheels add 25 per cent or more to the life of a set of tires. This does not even take into consideration the servicing of safety components that help prevent accidents, Certain- ly keeping brakes, lights, tires, windshield wipers in good operating condition are keys to safe driving. Maintaining the cooling system is another must for trouble-free driving. Also, many cars are premature junkyard candidates be- cause of body neglect. So, keeping a car clean, free of rust spots and dents can add years and value to your car, Winter Especially Hard on Cars In this fall and winter season approaching, the elements are particularly hard on a car. In colder climates, the igni- tion and cooling 'systems especially take a severe beating. So, to make sure your car gets through the season in good shape and to add those extra years of life to your vehicle, bring it in to your favorite service outlet for a thorough check-up and for necessary services. This Care For Your Car section is devoted to helping yob know what it takes to keelyour car young as the miles and months pile on. LOTS OF AIR An average automobile engine uses about 9,000 gal- lons of air for every gallon of gasoline. Have your air cleaner serviced regularly for top performance. WIPE OUT NOISE If you have car radio in- terference when your elec- tric windshield wipers are on, check your wiring, Improperly - grounded two- speed wipers can cause the trouble. RANDY'S SUNOCO SERVICE HURON ST., HWY, No. 8vi CLINTON et Your Auto to Lost Loilger,