HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-11-08, Page 15EXPERIENCED • AUS ABLE-BAYFIELD CONSERVATION AUTHORITY TENDERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF BAYFIELD RIVER CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS CLINTON, ONTARIO. SEALED TENDERS for the Construction of the Reynold River Channel Improvements at Clinton, addressed to the Secretary- Treasurer, the Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority, Exeter, Ontario, will be received until 3:00 p.m. E.S.T. on: Thursday, November 15, 1973 In general the work includes excavation'of approximately 650 feet of river channel, clearing of trees and brush, and the placement of approximately 50 cubic yards of gabions. Tender Documents may be obtained at the offices of the Authority and the Consulting Engineer on deposit of $15.00 per set. Each deposit shall be in the form of a certified cheque payable to the Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority, in the amount of $15.00. Upon the return of the documents in good condition to the Consulting Engineer within three weeks after the closing date for tender, the $15.00 cheque will be returned. Each tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque payable to the Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority in the amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00). ' Tender Documents may be viewed at, but not taken from the offices of: The Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority, Exeter, Ontario. NOM ISO The lowest of any tender will not necessarily be accepted, KILBORN ENGINEERING LTD. Consulting Engineers 36 Park Lawn Road, Toronto, Ontario. MOW 3H6 AUSABLE-BAYFIELD CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Hwy. d3 West Exeter, Ontario, NOM ISO AUCTION SALE • At Lot 14, 2 miles northeast of Bayfield, on the Bayfield Line on Wednesday, Nov. 14, at 1:15 p.m. Livestock - 22 head of crossbred cows (mostly black, white face) due to freshen from Feb. to May, bred to Registered Hereford bull. - 22 head of spring calves, heifers and steers, sired from Registered' Hereford bull - 1 Registered Hereford bull. Machinery - 36 ft. bale elevator; Int. two furrow plow; diamond harrows; Smelly hamincrmill; wood-wheel wagon; fanning mill; turnip pulper; separator;' choreboy milker; and many more items. Furniture - Chrome table; two chairs; Homer piano and stool; G.E. 32" electric range; Westinghouse refrigerator; writing desk; wood and steel beds; parlor tables; washstand; gramaphone; telephone; sideboard; oil stove; pictures and frames; coal oil lamps; sealers; Zubick heater; wood kitchen stove; etc.; etc. Terms - Cash No Reserve Proprietor - John Semple RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE a AUCTIONEERS & LIQUIDATORS BRUCEFIELD - 482-3120 45b —f- LARGE AUCTION SALE of modern trucks, car, combine, tractors and farm machinery. Thursday, November 15th at 12:30 p.m. for Hank Middegaal, Lot 9, Concession 13, Hullett Township. 11/4 miles south of Blyth then 33 /4 miles east of No. 4 Highway OR 7 miles north of Clinton on No. 4 Highway then east 33 /4 miles. i•Wksile Rare[ Books for Christmas by Janet Carnochan (Roprint. Originally published by William Briggs, 1914). A valuable source of information on early settlers, Illustrated. Indexed. Hard cover, linen binding, 340 pages. Price $ 10.00 post paid Order from: Mika Publishing, 200 Stanley St, Belleville, Ont. HISTORY OF NIAGARA CLINTON NEWS-RECORD, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1973-10 TOWN AND COUNTRY LAS F EDS TO GIVE AWAY, part Cocker Spaniel pup, would make good cat- tle dog or child's pet. Also male cat, litter trained, loves children. Phone . Vanes! ra 482-9274.-45b 8. HELP WANTED WELCOME WAGON HOSTESS. An unusual opportunity to enjoy an interesting permanent career while your children are in school, You'll be working out of your own home at a job with flexible hours and trained to perform an important community service. To arrange for an interview please write Mrs. J. MacKellar, 43 Pinehurst. Cr., Kit- chener, Ontario.-45,46,47b 9. WANTED (General) WANTED—Ride from London to Clinton Fri. evening and back to London Sunday evening. Phone 482-9290.-44 b COLOR T V aerial, rotor and booster, Phone 527-0655.-45,46b KNAPPS will buy outright, com- plete household, estates or single pieces of furniture. Best price paid or will sell by auction. Do not hesitate to call us. Our aim is to please. 67 Main Street, Seaforth, phone 527-1336.-45,46b ORGANIST and CHOIR LEADER required for St. Andrews United Church, Kippen. Applicants please state qualifications, experience and salary expected. Applications will be received until November 24, 1973. Apply to D.E. Kyle, clerk of Session, Kippen, Ontario 45,46b 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED MOTHER WILL babysit weekdays in her home, Vanastra 482- 9268.-45b 11. TENDERS TENDERS are Invited for renovations to lower floor of Clinton Legion Hall. Plans will be available at the hall. Tenders to be received not later than Nov. 15, 1973. For In- formation call Bill Harris, Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 140, Phone 482-9240 or 9061. 43-46b TENDER FOR SNOWPLOUGHING for Village of Blyth. Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned until November 12, 1973 for the supply on a rental basis during the 1973-1974 season of a dump truck weighted with sand or gravel with a minimum G.V.W. of 25000. Such truck to be equipped with hydraulic snow plough, wing, change, driver and wingman. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Quote operating and stand-by time wages. Norm Shaw, Clerk Treasurer, Blyth.-44-45b 12. AUCTION SALE REMEMBER EVENING AUCTION SALE of Furniture, Appliances and contents of United Church manse, Clinton, to be held Thurs., Nov. 8th at 7:30 p.m. at the United Church Hall. Full listing last week Auctioneers Richard Lobb R.T. Gethke Clinton Bornholm 45b AUCTIONEERS and LIQUIDATORS BRUCEFIELD, ONT. Offer the most modern auction methods. LICENSED and BONDED ONTARIO-WIDE BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 —cgtfn MORNING AUCTION SALE of antiques and household ef- fects SATURDAY, NOV. 10 10:30 A.M. THE AUCTION ROOMS 1 mile south of Goderich on Highway 21 Cherry flat-to-wall cupboard, cherry chest of drawers, cherry bonnet bureau, cherry washstand, pine flat-to-wail cupboard, farm pantry cup- board, pine chest of drawers, pine washstand, pine dry sink, large pine dough box, cherry and pine harvest table, butter- nut chest of drawers, large square, extension tables, Dun- can Phyfe table, dropleaf table, sideboard, dropiront desk, secretary desk, 3 china cabinets, brass bed, iron and brass bed, kitchen cabinet, commodes. Blanket boxes, trunks, 4 balloon back chairs with mat- ching round table, rocking chairs, pressback chairs, sets of dining room chairs, wicker chairs, chesterfield and two chairs, organ stool, 7-pc floral chrome set, 6-pc wooden dinette set, modern settee and chair, frost-free two-door fridge. Wall telephone, gramophone, flintlock shotgun, picture frames, mirrors, lamps, copper boilers, castor set, cistern pumps, graniteware, bottles, butter churn. MIKE CUMMINGS Auctioneer 524-9064 or 482-7584 TERMS: Cash 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE PHOTOGRAPHY; weddings, com- mercial, portrait, portraits taken in your own home. Phone Photo Art Services • 482-7441.-30tfn BYERS UPHOLSTERY—We will re-build, re-cover or re-style your old furniture better than new. Call 482-7939, 71 Princess St. W., Clin- ton,—tfn REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 4 8 2-7 67 6. Ken McNa irn.--c2t fn W TED Custom Combining CLETE DALTON 5 2 9- 7 1 2 4 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamoed rings renewed and stones safely secured — don't take chan- ces, Expert work clone reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl restringing. W.N, Coun- ter. Clinton, Ontario.—ctfn DO YOU HAVE marriage or family. problems? The Ministry of Com- munity & Social Services offers help in the form of marriage and family counselling either in your home or in the Wingham office, 199 Josephine Street, For appointment phone 357-3370.-45b [ VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE CHUTER PLUMBING HEATING .& ELECTRIC Furnace Installations DELAVAL MILKER SUPPLIES Appliance Service 46 King St, 482-7652, -18tfn BILL'S APPLIANCE SERVICE Repairs to all makes and models of major appliances Phone 432-7935 .TFN. BRUINSMA CONSTRUCTION And EXCAVATING CUSTOM BULLDOZING R.R. 2 Goderich .524-9804 RICHARD LOU AUCTIONEER aid APPRAISER CLINTON, ONT. PHONE: 482-9431 or .482-76198. CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates—Tuesday. and Thursday TUESDAY — Beef and Pork Friday '— 13oef Gob' PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE IVIerner's Abattoir 237 .3314 Dashwood.—cltVn . BEATTY FARM SALES & SERVICE now available at 24 Princess St., E. Clinton across from p.u.c. Store Hours - 9 a.m. to 12 noon - Mon. to Fri. Phone 482-9561 or 524-9192 ARNOLD M. BEST AUTHORIZED DEALER tin SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED MODERN EQUIPMENT WORK GUARANTEED Write or Phone Harvey Dale CLINTON Phone 482-3320 —gctfn 1 COMPLETE LANDSCAPING SERVICE And SUPPLIES Open 7 Days a Week Mon. thru Sat. till dark Sunday 12 to 6 ART'S Landscaping & Nursery 66 BENNET ST. E., GODERICH 524-9126 YOUR FURNITURE AND CARPETS DESERVE THE BEST! Have Carpet, Care Clean them with Steam Call 524-2440 —tin 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE SCREENED TOPSOIL * EXCAVATING BACKHOE WORK * GRAVEL and FILL '* CEMENT GRAVEL !LYLE MONTGOMERY CLINTON - 482-7644 tin 15. PUBLIC NOTICE ROSS: I will not be responsible for any debts incurred in my name from this day, Oct. 25 forward, Loreen Ross 129, John St., Clin- ton.-493,44,45b ..1111••••••••11, HURON-PERTH ASSOCIATION TBRD has mailed 35,133 letters containing Christmas Seals. If you do not receive your letter please write 121 Wellington St. Stratford or phone 271-7500. 45b 20. TO GIVE AWAY 21. BIRTHS MURRAY: Mr. and Mrs. Gary Murray are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter on Wed- nesday, October 31, 1973 in Strat- ford General Hospital. KENNEDY: Mr. and Mrs. Cor- nelius Super of R.R. 1, Walton are pleased to announce the arrival of a l,oy on November 2, 1973, in Clinton Hospi ta 22. DEATHS TOLL: At Clinton on Tuesday, Oc- tober 30, 1973, Laura E. Stewart (formerly of Auburn) beloved wife of the late Frederick Toll, and dear mother of Marjorie (Mrs. Ken McDougall) Auburn, Amy (Mrs. Hugh McCrostie) Goderich, Aubrey of Blyth and Stewart of London, Dear sister of Mrs. Edith Vincent of Lucknow, 10 grand- children and 3 great-grandchildren also surviv.e. The funeral service was held from Arthur's Funeral Home, Auburn on Friday November 2, 1973 at 2 p.o. Interment in Union Cemetery, Bly‘' h. ROBINSON: In Goderich, on Tuesday, October :30, 1973, Isabella Morely, beloved' wife of Frank Robinson. Dear mother of Mrs. Alan (Rene) Stratighan of Clinton, Charles of Goderich, David of Hamilton; sister of Mrs. Florence Hornigold, England. 11 grand- children and one great- granddaughter also survive. Rested at the McCallum Mineral Home, Cambria Road at East' St. Goderich where the funeral service was held Friday at 2 p,m. In•terment in Maitland Cemetery. SMITH: At Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Wednesday, October 31, 1973, G. Lindsay Smith., off R.R. 3 13ayfield, in his 66th year. Beloved husband of Lulu (Jewell') Smith; dear father of Mrs. Frank (Margaret) Rteckeck, Ingersoll, and Ronald Smi th of Goderich. Also surviving are three grandchildren, The funeral se,rvice was held on Friday, Novembe r 2, 1973 at 2 p.m. Interment in Bayfield Cemetery, CARTER: At Huronview Home, Clinton on' Monday, Nov. 5, 19751, John Oliver Carter in his 80th year.. Beloved husband of. Blanche (Stevens) Carter and dear father of Mrs, Urban (Fern) Martell of Toronto, Lorne of Goderich, and Lloyd of Clinton. Also surviving are three sisters, Mrs. Norman (Margaret) Livermore, Mrs, Dick (Francis) Freeman both of Clinton, Mrs. Bruce (Hazel) McDougall of Stratford, three brothers, Joe of Clinton, Lorne and Glen both of Detroit, seven. grandchildren and four grea t-gra ndch i Id rem The funeral was held on Wednesday at 2 Nib from the Ball Funeral Home, 153 High Street, Clinton. Interment in the Clinton Cemetery. MelLWAIN: At Victoria Hospital, London, on Monday, November 5, 1973, G. Maurice McIlwain of Goderich Twp, in his 57th yea.r. Dean brother of Everett and Stein McIlwain of Goderich Twp. and Mtg. Esther Wright of Kippen, The funeral service is on Thursday at 2 p.m. from the Stiles Funeral H6111b, Intermeht in Maitland Cenietery, 23. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston, Clinton, are happy to announce the marriage of their youngest daughter "Donna Lynn", to Walter "Ben- jamin Oliver", the son of Mr. and Mrs, Paul Krammers, R.R. 4 Seaforth. The marriage to' take place in Egmondville United Church, November 10, 1973 at 2 p.m.-456 25. IN MEMORIAM HUTCHINS: In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother, Elsie Hutchins who passed away November 5, 1972. Deep in our hearts Her memory is kept, To Love and Cherish And never forget. Sadly missed and lovingly remem- bered by husband Charlie and family.-45p GLAZIER: In loving memory of William Glazier who passed away two years ago, October 23, 1971. 0 happy hours we once enjoyed, How sweet their memory still, But death has left a loneliness The world can never fill. Sadly missed by wife Myrtle and family.-45p SCRUTON—In loving memory of Margaret Scruton, dear mother, who died on Nov. 12, 1970 God knows how much I miss her Never shall her memory fade, Loving thought shall ever wander To the spot where she is laid. Always remembered by her family.-45p 26. CARD OF THANKS YOUNGBLUT: Gloria and Ros's Youngblut wish to thank all our friends who came to our benefit party.--45p Owners of farm properties in Ontario are urged to acquaint themselves with certain changes in The Ontario Farm Tax Reduction Program for 1973. These changes, and the implementation of the 1973 program were announced join- tly by Honourable William A. Stewart, Minister of Agriculture and Food and the Honourable John White, Minister ' of Treasury, Economics and Intergovern- mental Affairs. The program is aimed at relieving the municipal tax bur- den on lands used actively for farming purposes and farms that will remain in agricultural production in the future. It is not intended to provide relief for lands being held for speculative or development purposes or for properties being kept out of production for other reasons. The most significant change in the 1973 program is the in- crease in the rate of farm tax rebate from 25 percent to 50 percent. This increase was an- nounced April 12, 1973 by Honourable John White in his 1973 budget. Another important change relates to the method of ad- ministering the 1973 program. In previous years farm tax rebates were paid automatically to all registered owners of land assessed as "farm" and consisting of 11 acres or more. This year the rebate will only be paid upon receipt of an application from the property owner. Application forms will be mailed to all owners of property in Ontario assessed as "farm", without regard to the size of the property. To qualify for the farm tax rebate, the ap- plicant will be required to com- plete and return this ap- plication form describing the main farming enterprise, cer- tifying that at least 50 percent of the 1973 Municipal Taxes hove been paid, and demon- 26. CARD OF THANKS BATKIN: We would like to express our appreciation for cards, gifts, flowers and visits while we were patients in Clinton and London Hospitals. Lloyd and Isabel Batkin.-45b KEYES: I would like to thank everyone for cards, flowers, gifts and visits, while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Drs. Harrett and Watts and nurses and staff on first floor. I ap- preciated it all very much. Kate Keyes.-45p ' VALKENBURG: My sincere thanks to all who remembered me with visits, flowers, gifts and cards while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Special thanks to Dr. Ken- nedy and his nursing staff on the 8th floor. .Jenny and Albert Valken- ' burg.-45p ROBINSON: The family of the late Mrs. Isobella Robinson would like to thank their friends, relatives and neighbours for their many acts of kindness, the beautiful floral tributes, cards of sympathy. Special,, thanks to Canon G.G. Russell, the McCallum Funeral Home, also to Mrs. Gwen Glidden and family. Frank Robinson,. Charles, Rene, David and families.-456 EAST—A hearty thanks to all our friends, neighbours and family in making our 25th Anniversary such a success. Mr. and Mrs. Harold East.-45p McCLINCHEY—Sincere thank you for the many expressions of sym- pathy extended to us in the recent loss of a loving brother. We shall always remember your thought- fulness, Mabel and Emerson Kyle, Gertrude and Ivan Steckle.-456 strafing that the current farm operations will generate at least $2,000 in annual income. In previous years, the owners of farm property less than 11 acres in size were required to file such an application and demonstrate an annual income from farm operations of $2,000, In effect, the new regulations extend this requirement to all farm properties. This move is in response to • a recommen- dation contained in an Interim. Report by the Ontario Farm Classification Committee. The ministers annouced plans to appoint a Committee of Appeal which would hear ap- peals with respect to ap- plications for the farm tax rebate. Property owners who feel they should be eligible for the farm tax rebate by the nature of their operations, but who reside on lands assessed as other than "farm" should ap- peal to the local Assessment Review Court. Where property becomes assessed as "farm" following a successful appeal to the Assessment Review Court, an application for the 1973 farm tax rebate would be eligible, regardless of the deadline for applications established for other property' owners. Those applying for, and receiving farm tax rebates are reminded that the grants are considered repayable with in- terest of 8 percent per annum should the property assessment status by changed from "farm" to "residential", "industrial", or "commercial" by reason of development prior to, or during 1983. To sum up; the 1973 farm tax rebate will be 50 percent of the net farm tax bill; it will be available only on application, with applications mailed to registered owners of land assessed as "farm"; there will be a minimum income requirement of $2,000 per farm; and a "Committee of Appeal' will be established, BOB PECK VARNA 262-5748 gctfn NOW OPEN JERVIS WELDING Specializing in Hellarc Welding of Aluminum, Stainless Steel, etc. also Custom M.I.G. Welding Production Welding Inquiries invited Phone 482-9361 VANASTRA 45b TRUCKS AND CAR 1972 Ford LTD Country Squire Stationwagon 31,000 miles, safety checked. 1971 Chev V 8 Automatic 1/2 ton truck custom cab, 21,000 miles safety checked. 1967 G.M.C. 3 ton truck with hoist and Aluminum grain box. 1957 2 ton truck with new 280 bushel gravity box. 12 ft. fertilizer auger to fit gravity box. TRACTORS John Deere 4520 Diesel tractor 3000 hours, cab heater fresh air, windshield wiper, new tires, set of duals 20.8 x 38 tires. Nuf- field 345 Diesel tractor 5 years old; George White Manure Loader, hydraulic bucket, new style; International Super C 3 point hitch, wide and narrow front ends, 4 row fully mounted bean scullion John Deere 105 combine and cab, 1600 hours, new style wide row, 4 row corn header, new feeder house 14 ft. grain head, 8 ft. trines pickup, straw chopper, bin extensions; 6 furrow, .18 inch bottom, International 710 Automatic plough; Krause 20 ft. trail wheel disc, heavy duty blades, blotation tires, cylinders for raising wings, and Midwest leveling harrows; Glencoe 23 ft. cultivator with leveling harrows, new; John Deere 494 A corn planter; 4 row Mauer bean puller; 570 innes windrower with cross conveyor; Littleton 4 row rolling cultivator for scuffling beans and corn; 20 ft. eleven tooth anhydris ap- plicator; 200 gallon Calsa trail sprayer, hypro pump 25 ft. boom; 200 gallon mounted sprayer attachment to fit disc for in- corporating; Versatile 34 ft. six inch portable auger with Briggs & Stratton 12 horsepower motor; 1-9 ton wagon with 1100 flotation tires; 1 - 7 ton wagon (George White) with 8 ply Ores; 1 gravity box 280 bushel (new); 2 gravity boxes 235 bushels; McKee 720 double auger snowblower used 1 season; Allis Chalmers 8 ft. 3 point hitch blade; 12 ft. Turnco land packer; 16 ft. Flat rack and wagon; Homelite chain saw; 13 x 28 tractor chains; Bulk feed' tank - 5 ton: James Way steel feed cart; Beaver table saw, 3 /4 H.P. motor, drill press, stand and electric motor; 2 - 1000 gallon gas tanks; Portable water pump with 3 H.P. Briggs and Stratton motor; 32 ft. Al. extension ladder; 60 ft. of 4 inch Aluminum blower pipe, cyclone And flex elbow; Quantity of steel roofing; Farrowing crates; Large quantity of used lumber and steel; 6 - 4 inch 8 ft, steel barn posts; other items too numerous to mention, This is a good clean offering of modern machinery in A-1 con- dition. TERMS CASH NO RESERVE ' FARMS ARE SOLD AUCTIONEERS RICHARD LOBB R.G. GETHKE CLINTON BORNHOLM Farm tax rebate increase in 1973