HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-11-08, Page 2NEWS-RECORD, NOV.7.14RgR 8, 1978 The winner of the giant jack-o-lantern on October 27 in the Photo Art Services draw was 7112 month-old Jeremy Snell, son of Mr.' and Mrs. Bob Snell of 13,13. 1, Bayfield, Young Jeremy was so excited when he saw the jack-o- lantern that he wanted to get right into the middle of things. Centralia appointments Bayfield grants erosion request Plan your retirement harvest now Right now is the time to make a handsome contribution to your retirement fund and, at the same time, avoid the peak of your income tax. Buy Victoria and Grey Guaranteed Investment Certificats earning high, high interest and put them into a registered retire- ment savings plan. You could contribute up to 20% of your earned income to a maximum of $4,000 but don't wait until February act now and start your money earning for you — today — at Victoria and Grey. Member Canada Deposit insurance Corporation VICTORA and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Lyle R. Zurbrigg Manager Elgin and Kingston Streets Goderich 524.7381 BY miLyENA ERICKSON /3ayfield .Council learned at their regular. meeting last Monday evening that the Court of Appeal will be held Nov, 27 at 9.30 a.m, They also received com- munication from the ministry of com- munity and social services announcing the appointment of Bud Bitton as the Recreational Director out of the Hanover Office, A letter from the, ministry of environ- ment regarding oil spills and other hazar- dous materials requested telephone num- bers of the police and fire departments etc. to update their records. A letter from Thorpe and Trunks, Construction Specialists, dealing with arena safety outlined such hazards as snow load on the roofs of arena buildings, A letter from Allan Grosman, said that due to recent rises in property market value, the study carried out on Marketable Assessment would not go into effect until 1977. A letter received from the Keep Bayfield Beautiful committee thanking the Village for the petunias purchased to beautify Clan Gregor Square last season, and requesting funds for tulip bulbs to plant this fall and petunias for. next season. Permission to trim the shrubs in the Square was granted. A request from Mrs. Mary ;Jane William- son, Heritage House, Port Elgin, for historical information on the Village has been answered. A request from Mrs. Kay Gerneinhardt to tap into Jack Merner's water line, crossing the stub end of Emma Place, was granted (with the usual policy instructions). • A letter from the Carson-Elliott Marina requesting permission for commercial use on their property again for the 1974 season as per councils former request was held for later consideration, A letter from the owners of the Bayfield River Cottage Coloiw requesting permission to ,install gabion Basitets tat their ex-pensel along the river bank to stop erosion was granted. A request from Don Haw on behalf of Mr, Dick for a building permit to build an enclosed walkway, 12 feet wide and 29 feet long adjoining the Village Guild and the former Hopson residence on Main St, was granted with Councillor Erickson voting against the request, A letter from the Holmesville Land Fill Site Committee con, taming the minutes of their previous meeting were read and discussed by Coun- cil in respect to a shareholder basis or per capita basis. In other business council passed a resolution that the Committee of Adjust- ment assume consent function; that the grade-all work being carried out on Cameron St; that the erosion at the end of Cameron St. around the drain outfall be stopped; and top soil be placed on William St, The next regular meeting is Nov. 19 at 7:30 p.m, Hallett ... continued from page 1 house; S. Sproul, addition to house; B. Finch, shed; S. Ball, tool shed; L. Radford, granary; E. Bell, addition to barn; R. Lovett, milk house; E, Watson, barn ad- dition; John Boven, hog barn and liquid manure tank, Council appointed Henry Uderstadt to bring in a report on cleaning and im- proving the Kennedy Drain and approved severence on Lot 34, 35, Concession 13. SLEEVELESS TOPS & BRIEFS, WHITE, GREEN & YELLOW tops 8 C 40 B RED, & BLUE, YELLOW & 'GREENI THIS OYS & MEN UNDERWEAR 7 e SuR-STANDARD BRIEFS WEEK 001. THE BASE FACTORY OUTLET NOW LOCATED ON HWY. 114 SOUTH OF CLINTON AT VANASTRA ii()RE HOIIRC. MON THROUGH FRI 11 A M to 9 P M SAT 9 A.M to 6 P.M CLOTHING DEPT afr BLUE DENIM . SIZES 7 to 14 - FACTORY SECONDS 0 0 GIRLS FLARED JEANS REG. THIS $ 2 5 7 5,98 WEEK BLUE DENIM SIZE 10 - 14X - FACTORY SECONDS 60 PRE-TEEN FLARED JEANS CHAMBRAY (LIGHT BLUE) - SIZES 10 - 14)( - FACTORY SECONDS 60 PRE-TEEN CUFFED BAGGIES 4%,"1$ 2 9 7 7.00 609 WHITE, YELLOW, PINK & BLUE GIRLS BRIEFS SIZE 4 TO 6X THI WE 47c SIZES 7 TO 10 & 10 14 WEE 5 7c 2 1 7 6.98 WEEK REG. THIS Reginald James York, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald York of Bayfield, graduated on Sun- day November 4th from Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo with his Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology, Religion and Culture. Mr. York resides with his wife and family in Elmira and is presen- tly on the staff of St. David's High School, Waterloo. ginalitaikk* ISA I 14 we sell canada approved grade "A" red ribbon beef NUTRITIOUS PRIMROSE SHARK SKINLESS 4 oz. portion BONE IN SLICED Frozen Beef Centre Cut BEEF LIVER STEAKETTES STEWING BEEF 89 C lb, 89 ) 89? TOMATOES BALKS Al !ACHED CHICKEN LEGS 8, BREASTS SWEET PICKLED WHOLE OR 4010 COTTAGE ROLLS tOP VAR; RILEY COOKIE 2•, In DINNER HAMS SCHNEIDERS B malos poLltoye ro 89c SLICED COOKED MEATS 43c sami.,Rs I lb 0101(00 lb ,09 RED HOT WIENERS 13W SCIINiiMa STORE RACKED 1.55 ENGLISH SAUSAGE lb 99c We vacuum seal our "quality protected" beef . . . and without additives, we let it age naturally in a controlled, cold environment . , so it will be tender and good when it's fresh cut in our stores, We buy Canada Approved Grade "A" Rod Ribbon Beef, it is inspected, then carefully cut and trimmed to our strict specifications. From the moment we buy it until you do, our beef is handled under ideal conditions, keeping it tleon, cold, fresh, juicy and delicious, "Quality•Protected Beet. It's not just porno . it's a guarantee, WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TD LIMIT QUANTITIES TO AVERAGE FAMILY REQUIREMENTS Supplied end Serviced By M. Loeb Limited PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10,1913 BUY ONE GET ONE free FARMER JOHN LINKIES 8 oz. package ALL BEEF SAUSAGE 49c pkg. NO. 1 CALIFORNIA VINE Ripe Tomatoes 2 $5.69° LISA NO. 1 CALIFORNIA CALMERiA GREEN GRAPES 2 89° PRODUCT OF SOUTH AFRICA SWIFT 96„d OUTSPAN ORANGES 79c CANADA NO. N ONTARIO • CELLO COOKING ONIONS, 711 29° CANADA No. NEW BRUNSWICK TABLE POTATOES t°4 85° CANADA NO, 1 ONTARIO WAXED TURNIPS N. 11 6 . . :RISCO (BONUS 14 ERIS COOKING OIL 89° TACK 5 REGULAR POTATO CHIPS , 59c MONARCH VITAMIN ENTRCHEO Coke kpastry-FLOOR 14; 1.19 DAMN'S DtSSICATED DR „ SHIADDEDtotow001394 WRY OUP SUITOR YANCV CARROTS-OR KERNEL 2""4 44Y STAFFORD 2442. air aM MINCEMEAT 15 br 65, CD. SMITH Tomato Ketchup 15 or. KOSHER BABY DILLS OR BREAD & BUTTER Heinz Pickles .12 at. ,C FAYGO Assotted Flavours SOFT DRINKS tall 00100 13111. C OIL FROZEN MEATS ty i .99 VAN CAMP IN TOMATO SAUCE TOP VALU COLOURED --..". MARGARINE 4 1488° BEANS with pork KRAFT PROCESSED CANADIAN 5M TIES Cheese Slices .4 11.73 , 1 1:. C ted,s .NototAIE ally COOKIES "erg'. 1 00 GIBETIIISMOZE1WEV, Sultana Ratiin MK'S 48 no. WALNUT pictos or MU AA 73c Tin OWES • RED, GREEN OR Red & Green Cherries 114 69 c Imply PITT ok Mixed Fruit 2 V4 89c SENNEIDER Crsipy ctuf turd rs 41° 79AT • LiBBY FANCY TOMATO JUICE DRIVE PREPRICED 1.09 LAUNDRY DETERGENT giant 7 Site C VIVA WWII OR ASSOR1EO 101.01IRS GOLD • . .. .. Ara SLAT PAPER PAPER TOWELS Welt 59' Sockey Salmon 1 49 smut WISE OR ASSORTED L0(OURS YORK ERDUEN CONCENTRATE z, Beithrobln TIStIle_4All 67° ORANGE JUICE 3 E'let JOR TOWEL HOLDER toy, 69e Instant Coffee ,;/...10notii:illoicic: I AR:0:1A ft ::1(1EIRTOC RENE WRifmt4,0uoNstetttu46$ I "; 1.00 Garbage Bags 41.11 up4 49c Assatit6 Wools LEMON JUICE 6 1°4 27° CRACKERS WHITE SUGAR (;1;HLATED lllVt 3 Fruit Marmalade 14 pit 59e woo.. ORANGE OR TROPICAL B %,2.29 Many of our readers are probably now aware that the long familiar name of Waterloo Lutheran University is no longer. The initials remain the same but the name has changed to Wilfrid Laurier University, It is no longer a church,relatecl institution but rather .a provin- cially-assisted university hence the change, The first graduating class un- der the new designation received degrees at the con- vocation ceremonies held Sun- day, November 4 at the Kit- chener Memorial Auditorium, Among the 450 graduates were the following from our district. Receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree Mary Davies, Goderich; William McClinchey, Hensall; David Royal, Goderich Wallace (Bud) Walker, Clinton and Elaine Westlake, Zurich, The Bachelor of Science degree was conferred upon Allan Schade of Goderich. Congratulations to all. * * * The Huronic Rebekahs held a very successful dessert euchre and bake sale on Wednesday, October 31. Mrs. A. Bond, Clin- ton was winner of the door prize, while Mrs, L. Wilson, Brucefield won the lucky cup. Nineteen tables of cards were played - with first prize going to Mrs. Harold Adams, Clinton; second prize to Mrs. E. Sitter, Goderich; lone hand, Mrs. P. Cummings, Clinton; and nearest birthday Mrs. R. Taylor, Clinton. * * * It has been learned that Peter Staniforth, formerly with the Royal Bank of Canada here, has been appointed Assistant Manager of the Strat- ford branch of that bank. * Mrs. C,W, Mewhort, wife of 'Dr. Mewhort of Lake Qowichan, B.C. left for home after spending the past three weeks with her mother, Mrs, Derwin Carter, Clinton, * * A miscellaneous shower was held on Thursday afternoon, November 1st for Vicki Garrow at the home of her aunt, Mrs, Percy Gibbings, RR 2, Clinton. Corsages were pinned on the bride elect, her mother, Mrs. Ron Ellerby, the groom's mother Mrs, K.W. Colquhoun and the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Bert Shobbrook, Twenty- five relations were present. Contests were conducted by Donna Gibbings, Verna Gib- bings and Sue Vodden, Win- ners were Joan Garrow, Margaret Wright and Ida Mar- tin. Gifts were presented by the children present. A hat was made for the bride by her aunt Muriel Millson. Vicki tendered her thanks to all concerned, following which a lovely lunch was served by the hostesses. * * * Your former popular Town Talk Editor, Marg Rudd and husband Ron, paid a quick visit to town last Friday. While here they were overnight guests of Mrs. R.U. MacLean. * * * On September 27 last, our paper carried an ad placed by the Clinton Winter Carnival Committee which had as its lead line "Think Snow". You all didn't need to interpret this quite so literally - now see what we have!!! While on the subject of winter cold and that lurking shadowof a possible energy curtailment, an interesting clip- ping from the Goderich Signal- Star of December, 1942 was loaned to us by Mr. John Fisher of Winter Court. It reads- "Individual savings of electric power may seem snall, but collectively they make a great addition to the power available to war industries. "Scattered through Ontario and Quebec are hundreds of in- dustrial plants which urgently need this power. Housewives can carry on their personal con- Servation drives by making cer- tain that lamp shades•and elec- tric light bulbs are kept clean and free from dust. Even a small film of dust on the shades or bulbs reduces light efficiency." * * * Buy your Remembrance poppy and wear it proudly. Each year may take its significance further into the past - but to the veterans living today, and most especially to those in our military hospitals, there is no pushing the past aside - it is still an ever present memory. The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month evokes our gratitude and remembrance. University of Guelph, will offer courses in history of costume, psychology of dress, textiles, demonstration techniques, and consumer studies. Clip this valuable coupon 28 oz. tin buy in quantity economical packer cuts "you'll save more than ever! 0 AMPS SUB PRIMAL CUT VACUUM PACKE BEEF SHORT LOIN APPRO.: $ WE11,111 Ili Ili'. PlItOL /A10EWICS (ilsrlra ANTI PACKERS SUB PRIMAL CUT VACUUM PACKED BONELESS TOP SIRLOIN apple, ,p, Voeighl 01, s 69 lb. 1 POIC,/• INCLULlEl, (111 FINE, ONO WNAPPIN(II 0 PACKERS SOB PRIMAL CUT VACUUM PACKED WHOLE BEEF TENDERLOIN 1:;;M,1 $2 dieiIt Ib. Appointments of staff to offer courses in home economics on a sessional basis at Centralia College of Agricultural Technology have been announ- ced by J. A. MacDonald, prin- cipal. Deborah J. Campbell, B,A., has been appointed as technician to the home economics program and is responsible for the home management apartment. Miss Campbell also serves as a laboratory demonstrator in food chemistry. Gregory E. Lucier, from Lon- don, Ontario, presently com- pleting his Ph.D in physiology and food chemistry at the University of Western Ontario, will be responsible for teaching the physiology and food chemistry courses. Arlene Lundgren has been appointed to teach art to the fashion students. Mrs. Lun- dgren received her B.A. degree from the University of Toronto. Myrna R. Mead from Wood- stock, Ontario,' who: received ,her B.H,Sc. degree from the Bust missing The Goderich detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police is investigating the theft of a wide range of interesting Pieces of property. Among those items stolen were one black mail box, one tape recorder, one color television set, a pink marble bust of a young woman, an hour glass clock, one lamp shade, a double barrel 12 gauge Shotgun, three ships lanterns, an airplane propeller clock, one maroon vase and one brass ship's wheel, lb. rIAPPINSii valuable coupons for 60cmussomono TOP VALU 1st. GRADE 1 1 lb. print EMI I per family with 'T.00 purchase ond this capan Effective November 7 to 13, 1E73 00( a. (/0(00t1 (9,50006( • • •I'l I 1,11 • . CREAMERY BUTTER C 200's. pkg. • 1 per 99:Iy si41,`..150 purchase cAd this coRpon Effective November 7 to13 .11E73 rt ANSNOTIMNUOiltigal% fantastic savings MORWICENCOVI COTTIES WHITE or Assorted Colours in FacialTissue •A'To USE CIIPISTMAS SEALS ROUND STEAK OR ROASTLf BOTTOM CUT FROM THE BEE HIP QUALITY PROTECTED NNW ISN'T IT ABOUT TIME YOU TASTED IT QUALITY PROTECTED REEF TOP VALU FANCY WHOLE KERNEL CORN ...... owl• 10P HALO 60/ pockay0 SLICED COOKED HAM 89° TOP VOW 1 lb. porS09e SKINLESS WIENERS 84° tOP VALLI 19. rodeo SLICED SIDE BACON 1 e25 U.S.A. NO. 1 FLORIDA RED OR WHITE GRAPEFRUIT clip these IGA Limil one lin per fuirily with '5 00 pochose and this rooryn Effective November 7 to 13, 1473 S--)65661%61%6DISISOSE,S866R 66M(St.,, Clinton t).MQP19,1cIPIMMiiI6MiNS 1(.-; TOP VALU CHOICE get your Meat Explained Folders on HOW TO BUY, HOW TO COOK BEEF, PORK, LAMB OR VEAL MOM CORMS AVAILABLE AT ALL 164 MEAT COUNTERS SIMPLY FILL IT IR AND MAIL TO IGA CONSUMER CORNER BOX 5025 LONDON ONTARIO frozen food sale CONEY PURE CHOICE GREEN PEAS 21 0, 67. APPLE JUICE mOTRINUF FREVEN 48 07. BLUEFISH in batter '414 79c . • 42-89c aAIGA"the owners in the store" to guarantee your satisfaction every shopping trip!