HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-11-01, Page 13TENDERS are invited for renovations to lower floor of Clinton Legion Hall. Plans will be available at the hall. Tenders to be received not later than Nov. 15, 1973. For In- formation call Bill Harrls,Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 140, Phone 482-9240 or 9081. 43.48b Fully Experienced Operating NURSE NEEDED IMMEDIATELY for 60 bed active hospital. Good Fringe Benefits Apply to Director of Nursing CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL SPRT.9"4. #06 .-446 04 0 Administrator and Physiotherapist FOR CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL Excellent fringe Benefits, Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications. Duties to commence on or before January 1, 1974. Applications, stating qualifications to be forwarded to the chairman of Board of Public Hospital CLINTON, ONT. 43,44b FACTORY WORKERS We require men and women for production work in our Mitchell & Stratford plants. - No experience necessary Good Rate of pay plus bonus ▪ Company Paid: Life insurance Hospital insurance Medical Insurance Sickness Insurance APPLY IN PERSON TO: STANDARD PRODUCTS (CANADA) LIMITED 1030 Erie St. (Hwy. no. 7) Stratford, Ontario CLINTON COMMUNITY AUCTION 'SALES Friday Aft ernoon 1:00 P.M. MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO BRING YOUR LIVESTOCK TO THIS SALE Phone - LOINow TYNDALL 4824202 482:7152 24t1 Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 2:00 P.M. All Clet', o' cot t.ivctitir COMPETENCE CONFIDENCE COMPE r TION Victor Haw 482.7511 anion William Barry Miner Livingston 235.2717 ExotOr Dungonnbn and 5294621 22045205 KirktOn GENERAL MAINTENANCE We require maintenance personnel for our Plant in Mitchell, Ontario Applicants must be experienced in the general main- tenance of machinery, equipment and buildings or have mechanical experience. RATE OF PAY AFTER PROBATIONARY PERIOD: $3.72 per hour As of February 1/74 - $3.90 per hour. COMPANY PAID - Life insurance - Hospital Insurande - Medical insurance - Sickness Insurnace - Pension Plan APPLY TO: PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT, Standard Products (Canada) Limited 1030 Erie Street, Stratford, Ontario 44b USED LUMBER FOR SALE 2 x 10 x 12 1 2 x 4's Various sites of door. 1 double window, complete with storms storm Windows, varibus sizes 1 smell oft heater, 1 double bed, water piping, 1 used turret* 110,000 E.T.U. 176 nett, 6 roosts, barn timbers 22 square of steel, Cedar tails Contact SPROUL BARN RENOVATIONS PHONE CLINTON 482 ,-901 2 44b• 12-:-CLI.NTON ..NMYS,'RECP8Pi THURSDAY, NOVRWER 1, 1.97L I re INTEE DEADLINE 4, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 2A ARTICLES WANTED 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 8, HELP WANTED 9, WANTED (General) FOR TAKING FOUR ROOM COTTAGE, NEAR Vanastra, all conveniences, some land, possession arranged, priced right, Phone 482-3143,--44,45b WE ARE pow handling lots or part lots of furniture and appliances, If you have articles to sell privately or by auction contact Rathwell's Auc, tion Service, Phone 482- 3120.-32tfn LICENCED SHEET metal person WANTED—Fruit jars apply to wanted. B. J, Fink Mechanical. box 965, Clinton or phone 482- Phone Hensel' 262-2I14,--44,45b 9789.-43, 44b CLASSIFIED ADS 12 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY GRACIOUS LIVING Gingrbread and st4ined glass are two distinctive features of this lovely older home. A modern redecorated kitchen complete with garberator cushion flooring, and pine cupboards, large living room and dining room, three large bedrooms, one and a half baths adds to comfortable gracious living. A large treed lot with double car garage provides the perfect setting. Priced at $25,000, HURON PINES REALTY LTD. 56 KING ST. CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 4824991 STEADY JOB for part-time housekeeper, three mornings or af- ternoons a week in Clinton, Please state hours available, experience and wages desired. Mtiqt provide own transportation. Reply Box 6, c/0 Clinton News-Record.-44b 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED Your Family's Dream Home Looking for a traditional or ranch home with extra style and plenty of convenience? Beaver has over 50 models to choose from. To select your family's dream home - visit your Beaver store or phone 1.472- 5394 Brian Veale, 38- Blackacres Blvd., London,-44b WANTED - one used coloured, aerial, tower and rotor. Phone 527- 0560.-44b Fully Remodelled two storey home on well treed lot. Four bedroom, large spacious 13' x 23' living room; 18 ft. of natural wood kit- chen cupboards, New wiring and hot air gas furnace, EXcellent location. immediate possession. Choice Residential lots available in Huron Pines Subdivision; Pine Crest Subdivision and Matilda Street. 4 WILL BABYSIT one , pre-school child five days a week in my home in Clinton, Phone 482-7115.-44b ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 12 O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER 2.ARTIOLES FOR RENT II. TENDERS REAL ESTATE SALES AGENT, experience preferred, but not necessary. Contact Iola Bailey Real Estate Ltd., Clinton. Phone 482- 9371.--44,45b FORMAL RENTALS for men and boys, Contact Herman's Men's Wear, 482.9351;—c22tfn ;ARTICLES FOR SALE (,ARTICLES FOR SALE 3 be brick veneer under con- Bu y n, ap oxi atel 200 sq.'. u no a a hoice of beats oo coy s g a colour of brick. TENDER FOR SNOWPLOUGHING for Village of Blyth. Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned until November 12, 1973 for the supply on a rental basis during the 1973-1974 season of a dump truck weighted with sand or gravel with a minimum G.V.W, of 25000. Such truck to be equipped with hydraulic snow plough, wing, change, driver and wingman, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Quote operating and stand-by time wages. Norm Shaw, Clerk Treasurer, Blyth,-44-45b SEEN a picture in the News-Record you would like to have? Get a per- manent print, either 4" x 5", 5" x 7" or 8" x 10', Order at 482- 9502.—c5tfnx FORMAL RENTALS for all oc- casions. Pickett & Campbell Ltd. Clinton and Gocierich.--cgtfn USED Whirlpool automatic, por- table dishwasher, - great for the cot- tage or regular use. $100. Phone 524-7901.-28tfnInk EARN MORE THAN MOST PEOPLE Our Membership Consultants "DO". We are growing fast after 25 years of service, We pay salary, commission and bonus (to qualifiers) that is the highest in the Automobile Association field. A car is required, No overnight travel. You owe it to yourself to find out what this is about. No obligation. Act now! See Ed Bauer at Blue Barn Motel, Listowel, Monday, Oc- tober 29 or Shamrock Motel, Walkerton, Tuesday, October 30 or Les Pines Motel, Exeter, Thursday, November 1 . up to 7:00 P.M. each day.-44b Commercial or residential custom builders. We build on any location. For an appointment et your con- venience, call HURON PINES 482- 7901. EVERE1T Lauckner NEW HOMES CONSTRUCTION equipment for rent. Power trowel, small mixer, pump, wheelbarrows, good plywood forms and wedges. Phone 236-4954 anytime.—c2t fn . . '27 FOOT Travel Trailer, fully self- contained, many extras, must sell, privately owned. Apply Morgans Trailer Park, Clinton. and, ask for Bill White,-44p APPLES - McIntosh, Cortlands, and Snows; Delicious and Northern Spys. Winter potatoes, onions and honey. Fresh cider, Hallowe'en Pumpkins. Phone 524-8037, Art Bell's Fruit Farm.— 39(f Situated in Hensall, your choice of 2 or 3 ,bedroom models, frame con- struction, 4 pc. bath, broadloom, utility rooms. Priced to sell at $18,900.00 and $19,500.00. MLS REALTOR 44 b 21/2 miles south of St. Josephs, 140' lake front. Three bedroom, livingroom with fireplace, modern kitchen, three piece bath, drilled well, insulated, taxes $95. Open for offers. 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE' FARMS S. REAL ESTATE WANTED GENDRON CARRIAGE, dark green, metal bottom, $40.00 in very good condition, Phone 482- 9200.-44p BULBS for Spring flowering. Bone meal, fertilizers, tools and house plant specialties. Pet foods and sup- plies. Duist Farm and Garden Cen- tre, 22 Isaac St., Clinton. Phone 482-9333, Open daily EXCEPT Saturday afternoons,-39tfn 95 acres of level cash crop land near Brucefield, Owner retiring, Priced at $42,000.00, 1966 COMET HARDTOP 390, Best offer Phone 482-7106.-43, 446 WANTED — Workable land ap- prox, 80 - 100 acres, partly wooded. Private sale preferred. Call or write to J. Mayer at 274-1664, 126 Lakeshore Blvd. West, Port Credit, Ontas io,-43,44,454 One mile south of Bayfield, a sum- mer cottage, three bedrooms, 2 piece bath, built in cupboards, drilled water system supplied. Im- mediate possession, taxes $75, price $12,500 with terms. 66 FORD ECONOLINE, super van, insulated $450. Phone 482- 3174.--44p APPLES, C grade, $2. per bushel, bring containers, limited supply. Ross Middleton Storage, i mile east of Bayfield, north of the river.-44b 75 acres of fertile cash crop land 2 miles west of Exeter priced to sell at $35,000.00, 45 GAL STEEL BARRELS with open end, good for burning garbage or feed barrels on farm. Also clean gas barrels or sap barrels $3,50 delivered. Phone Blyth 523-4461 or write Ron Baird, Box 51, Blyth, Ont.-26tfn 1963 3 TON FORD stake truck, ex- cellent condition, 35,000 original miles, Safety checked. Phone 482- 9819.-44,45b 200 s, 160 wor able near Auburn fr e rn set up for be A g , .00. CLARKE ?INN CLINTON PHONE 482-7838 SINGER ELECTRIC sewing machine, older model in top working condition. Antique or collectable chest of drawers in good condition. Apply to Box 965, Clinton or phone 482.9789.-43, 44h 9. WANTED•(General) This is SHAREN'S AGONY. COLUMN 60' x 250' lot close to lake with water supply. Where we now appeal to you to list your HOUSE, FARM, SUMMER COTTAGE OR ACREAGE. We also sell any business that "RINGS THE CASH REGISTER" Many buyers are now seeking farm lands and cottages for early spring possession. Call: RUTH VAN DER MEER SHAREN REALTY & INSURANCE LTD. 524.7875 238-2303 Goderich Grand Bend 42,43,44 WANTED—Ride from London to Clinton Fri. evening and back to London Sunday evening. Phone 482.9290.-44b 83' x 300' lake front lot, private subdivision with water supply, 1963 DODGE four door, sedan, model 220, six cylinder; automatic, low mileage, new brakes and muf- fler system with certificate of fit- ness. Asking price $300. Phone 482- 9129.-44b GOOD young beef by the quarter or half, cut and wrapped, government inspected. New potatoes for sale. Phone 482-7578.—tfn GIVE THE GIFT that gives twelve times a year, any magazine, anytime, anywhere. Davis Agency - contact Mrs. Cecil Kipfer, Hensall, 262.2278,-44-48b Please call ADAM FLOWERS BAYFIELD 565-2813 JO-AN BULLEN BAYFIELD 565-2421 ALBERT ST. OFFICE 482.3821 PHOTO LISTING SERVICE 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 43b BABY'S CRIB, new mattress, size 27" x 51" $18, West Bend 36 cup coffee maker $10. G.E. electric floor polisher $12. Phone 482-7069.--44b COMPONENT STEREO HEATHKIT, Model AR - 17, Garrard Changer, speakers 12" x 24", asking $150. Phone 482-7890 eve ni ngs.-44b 21" TV Motorola cabinet. Phone 524-9128.-44b GAS CONVERSION Burner. Phone 482-6616 after 6 p.m.-44p COMPLETE SET of hockey equip- ment except gloves, to fit a 6 to 8 year old. $15. Phone 482-7650.-44b WOW Aflo' Real Estate rt 82 Albert Street Phone: 482-9371 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT 4- FOR SALE ONE STUDENT'S desk - Phone :482-7833ti-44thit ...1 • •ONE LADY'S grey Persian Paw fur jacket, one lady's grey Harris tweed full length coat, Both in very good condition, Size 16. Phone 482- 7968.-44nc A- FOR SALE ;. HOCKEY EQUIPMENT 'sale, Pee Wee or Bantam size. Jr. Tack skates size 5 1/2, Phone 482- 7150.-44p APARTMENT TO RENT, close to uptown. Apply to 44 Huron St. Clin- ton.-19tfn FARM HARDWARE, fencing and stable supplies. Surge milker parts and cleaners. Animal Health products. —FUil line of livestock feeds. Durst Farm and Garden Cen- tre, 482-9333.—t in MASON BAILEY- BROKER/MANAGER MILK CANS for sale, Phalle 482- 7496.-44p UNITRON are the only hearing aids made in Canada. Our famous rechargeable models leave you worry free of batteries for 5 years, plus a 30-day money-back privilege. Pensioners 20% off. House Calls arranged. Davidson's Hearing Aid Service, 334 Queens Ave. 432-9951, London,-39,52 -3,BEDRooMTown house for rent at Vanastra R.R. 5, Clinton , $110 per month, all utilities paid. Phone 482-9742 or 482-7:396 anytitne.--c46tfn 65 BROILER chicks, live, 4 lb. average. Phone 482-9817,-44p Investment Property: 2 storey brick building, 5 apartments 2 office 1 block off the Square in Goderich. CHOWEN POWER SPORTS Johnson Snowmobiles com- plete line of 1974 and some non currents. Hours Mon. 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Wed. 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Fri. 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sat. 9:00 a.m. to 6 p.m, Phone 482-9748 —44-48 C - WANTED PIONEER CHAIN SAWS, new and used. Saw Chain in Stock, For all popular makes, complete parts and service, for Pioneer Saws, Robert. Glen Saws, 482 ,9292, Clinton.-44- 48b 3 acres of land near Blyth, one acre wooded, running stream. Income property in Clinton, Large double house near the Post Office. TWO, THREE AND four bedroom houses - Phone 482-9590.-43, 44b FEED FOR 20 calves 300.500 lbs. for winter months. Phone 523- 4220.-441) FURNISHED SMALL comfortable house in Clinton, available to elderly couple for winter months. Write P.O. Box 823 Clinton.-44p CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and PROCESSING BATKIN—We would like to ex- press our appreciation for cards, gifts, flowers and visits while we were patients in Clinton and Lon- don hospitals. Lloyd and Isabel Bat kin.-4411 225 acres of choice corn land. 210 acres workable. Large barn and silo. Steel granary, 9 room 1 1 /2 storey home. E - FARM SERVICES IN CLINTON - 6 room house, 3 bedrooms and bathroom upstairs, gas forced air heating. Phone 482- 3447 before 5 p.m,-42,43,44b FARROWING CRATES for Sale, 2 standard Models or can be custom built. Phone George Troyer 262- 5282 Hensall.—sow Block of 8 building lots in Seaforth for sale, WANTED Buckwheat, Field Peas and Rye suitable for seed. Highest prices paid. Quotations on receipt of sample. Phone 293-3211 Alex M. Stewart & Son Limited Allsa Craig, Ontario 44,45b HOME DECORATING? Newly decorated, 2 storey colour- lock home in Clinton. 8 rooms, new bathroom, carpet throughout. Gas furnace, Nice large lot, it2 storey frame home on 1 acre of land near Auburn, 3 bedrooms, oil heating, To individual Requirements. Cattle and hogs are Government Inspected in our Modern Abbatoir for your protection. We specialize in HICKORY SMOKED HAMS and BACONS TWO BEDROOM house for sale or rent in Clinton. Available Dec, 1, 197:3. Apply in writing to P.O. Box 333, Clinton. D - LIVESTOCK BORROW FROM OUR COMPLETE HOME DECORATION AND HOME IMPROVEMENT LIBRARY—FREE See us before you decorate Over 4,000 photos. BALL & MUTCH LTD. HOME FURNISHINGS 40 BEEF CALVES, 300-400 lbs, half charolais. W, C. Milt:ion 527- 1167.-44b FOUR BEDROOM home in Vanastra, available Nov. I - apply 34 Edmonton Road, Vanastra.-44b HAMPSHIRE BOARS, registered and government approved and ready for service, Contact Paul McNally, Box 534, Wingham. Phone 357.3724.-43, 44b Auburn: 8 room UP storey stucco home. Oil furnace, 4 bedrooms, New heated sun porch. All Processing Guaranteed. EXETER FROZEN FOODS Call 235-0400 C.M. Hall — earn FOUR BEDROOM house with kit- chen, diningroom and livingroom with fire place. One block from up- town. Available Dec. 1, 1973. Phone Credit Union 482-3467.—tfn "FOOD FOR THOUGHT" "All men are delightfully different - but all husbands are pretty much the same".-44b Phone 482-9505 Clinton, 44b THREE BEDROOM house for rent with fireplace. Apply 18 Victoria Blvd., Vanastra. Phone 482- 9611.-44b THREE BEDROOM apartment, redecorated, carpeted, modern four piece bath, laundry room, heat and hot water included. $125.' Phone 482-9766.—t fn FOR THE OUTDOOR RR 8, HELP WANTED THIS FALL! jiviiINTEE HANDSOME ALL AROUND COATS IN POPULAR * PLAIDS e* LEATHER 81, * NYLON Due to a change In Sales per- bonnet, Wilfred Mcinted & Co. Limited requires a sales person for the Clinton Branch office. Any applicant can call ClInton Office 402-3821 or contact Mr. William Hingston at R.A. 1, Hep- Worth, Ont., phone 935- 2074.-44b AVAILABLE IN VARIOUS STYLES INCLUDING "BOMBER" AND "DUFFLE" FROM ,S 1 995 UP TRACTOR—TRAILER driver, ex- perienced. Phone 262-2937,--44b Pickett & Campbell Ltd. IMMBOTATF, EARNINGS, flexible hours, introducing Vanda Beauty Counsellor Products. For in, fortnatiott, call Goderich 524- 7164,--44,450 TIN Stet. Fet Me* GOOERICH KINCARDINE I CLINTON A