Clinton News-Record, 1973-11-01, Page 7*Toss - Livermore, iert common or ins parks committee of the Clinton Recreation Commit-
tee accents a cheque for $2,000 from last year's Clinton Winter Carnival chairman Bill
Crawford, The $2,000 was profit from the 1973 Carnival and will be used towards the $5,000
cost of the new softball lights erected at Clinton Community park. (News-Record photo)
Time to control warbles
Skating sessions planned
A plumbing inspection bylaw
to cover the whole of Huron
County is closer to reality this
week after Huron County
Council last week in Goderich
gave approval to the Board of
Health report which indicated
the intention of that committee
to that end.
Board of Health Chairman
Gerry Ginn, deputy-reeve of
Goderich Township, told coun-
cil the report was for infor-
mation only.
"We are not going to ask for
decision today," Ginn ex-
plained, "We are still open for
suggestions but decision must
be reached by the end of the
year so it can be included in the
budget. Hopefully, this will be
in effect by 1974,"
According to the report, the
cost of a Plumbing Inspection
Division is based on the figures
that were available on the sur-
vey of residential building for
1971 and 1972,
"There are approximately
400 new residential construc-
tions in the County of Huron in
each year," reported Ginn.
When the Plumbing Inspec-
tion bylaw is approved, the cost
for inspection of an average
single family new residential
dwelling will be a basic inspec-
tion fee of $15 to cover "time,
travel and help"; plus a
bathroom (sink, toilet and tub)
$6; laundry facility with laun-
dry tubs, $2; kitchen with a kit-
chen sink, $2; powder room or
vanity near the living area of
the house containing sink and
toilet, $4, Total approximate
cost is $29.
"Using this figure of $29 then
as the figure for a new residen-
tial construction, there would
be an anticipated income of ap-
proximately $12,000 in new
single family residential con-
structions within the County of
Huron,'' said Ginn.
It is expected that another
$6,000 annually would, be
realized from plumbing
alterations for which a flat fee
of $15 each is proposed.
"New commercial construc-
tion which is apartment
buildings, motels, etc., and
which seem to be appearing
ever more frequently within
Huron County," noted Ginn, "
estimate income from plumbing
inspection fees, $6,000."
Total estimated minimum in-
come, according to Ginn, is
$24,000 annually,
Total projected expenditures
for the plumbing inspection
division is $37,307 including
salaries for two public health
inspectors at $9,000 each; one
secretary-bookkeeper at $6,200;
car allowance for two love?.
tors, $6,000; office rental,
$1,800; office equipment,
$3,492.50 (once only); and of-
fice supplies, $1,814.50.
Ginn advised it was the in-
tention, of the Board of Health
to engage inspection personnel
who could double as regular
public health inspectors and
not just plumbing inspection.
"In considering the projected
income and the projected ex-
penditures of the Plumbing In-
spection Department," repor-
ted Ginn, "the minimal expec-
ted income from the division
would be $24,000; the projected
expenditure would be $37,307.
The county then would be sub-
sidizing the Plumbing Inspec-
tion Division by approximately
$13,000 which would amount to
the user supporting 66 2/3 per-
cent of the cost of the Plumbing
Inspection Division and the
county supporting 33 1/3 per-
cent of the cost of the division."
"Examination of plumbing
inspection receipts in the
earlier years of plumbing in-
spection reflect the difference
in standard of living today as
in 1960 where one finds that the
commonest thing that hap-
pened in plumbing inspection
was the installation of a
bathroom and averaged a fee of
$4.50," said Ginn. "The
receipts do not indicate the
amount of time involved, the
number of calls involved or the
mileage involved, and certainly
if these'figures were used in the
projection of 1973 against 1973
costs, the county would be in
the position of the user paying
approximately 10 percent and
the county paying 90 percent of
the Plumbing Inspection
When council had perused
the suggested bylaw, it was
deemed the first clause was
"too all inclusive", That clause
reads: No person shall con-
struct, repair, renew or alter
the plumbing, drainage or
water system of any building or
structure without first having
obtained a, permit therefor
from the Plumbing Inspector.
Reeve Ed Oddleifson of
Bayfield suggested a clause
stating that plumbing costing
$200 or more would need in-
spection, leaving smaller jobs
to the homeowner's discretion.
This suggestion, however, was
not immediately approved by
the Board of Health members
although Ginn indicated this
was the kind of participation
the Board had hoped to get
from council.
"The intent is there, the fee
basis is very fair," said Reeve
Deb Shewfelt of Goderich. "It
is very cheap for the inspection
they'll get. I believe council
should support, in principle,
this report."
The sale of maple syrup by
grade is not compulsory in
Canada, except in the province
of Quebec. Federal government
legislation prohibits
adulteration of maple products.
The label must be marked
"maple syrup" if it is a pure
maple product, and must carry
the name and address of the
losses, the lower carcass value
of "grubby" slaughter cattle is
borne by the producer.
As a result of warble in-
festations, losses in slaughter
cattle fall into three categories:
carcass weight reduced due to
necessary trimming,
devaluation of the carcass due
to trimming, and devaluation
of the hide clue to warble grub
For about 20 to 60c per head,
a producer can treat his cattle
with systematic insecticides, ef-
fectively controlling the loss
due to warbles. Systemics
break, the life cycle of the fly in
its larval or grub stage. In ad-
Volunteers from the Clinton
Christian Reform Church
assisted with Monday after-
noon's activities. Marie Flynn
of Clinton along with Mary
Taylor, Norman Speir and
Jerry Collins provided the old
tyme music for the occasion,
with a special number for those
having Birthdays during the
Eight tables of euchre and
crokinole were played at the
Wednesday afternoon games,
The Goderich Psychiatric
Hospital Rhythm Band enter-
dition, these insecticides
provide residual control of lice.
Systemic insecticides are
available as dilute sprays,
dusts, and pour-on types,
Following manufacturer's
directions helps ensure safe
and successful treatment, For
most effective control, start
treating cattle in early fall.
Generally, cattle should not be
treated during December,
January, of February because
of possible side effects,
Use of a systemic in the war-
ble control program on your
farm will pay for itself many
times over.
tained on Family Night. The
Band arranged and directed by
Gordon Harrison with Shorty
Munro as' M.C. provided a
variety of musical numbers.
There were mouth organ solos,
vocal duets and solos, the
charleston and a marimba solo.
The group sang "Happy Bir-
thday" for Mrs. Irwin who was
celebrating her 92nd birthday
on Thursday. The Clinton Hor-
ticulture Society donated
several bouquets of flowers
which were given to residents
for special occasions.
On Wedneaday, October al at
7 p.m, in the Dufferin Arena 20
teachers from school schools in
Stratford, Kinkora and Beason
took part in the first of two
skating workshops.
The chief objective of these
workshops is to find effective
and sequential ways to instruct
children from kindergarten to
grade four level in the correct
skills of skating, be it balance,
movement, stroking, stopping,
skating backwards and cor-
Mr. Ron Richards will con-
duet the Stratford workshops
with the assistance of Miss
Mary Sills of Seaforth and
Miss Shirley Beecroft of
Other skating workshops will
take place in the Clinton Arena
on November '7 and 14,
Teachers from Dublin, St,
Columbari and Clinton will
participate. Mr. Bryon Topping
of Stratford will direct these
workshops. Also in November
at the Zurich Arena, teachers
from Mount Carmel, Exeter,
St, Joseph and Zurich will take
part in similar skating
workshops as instructed by Mr,
Bruce Brady of Bayfield and
assisted' by Miss Mary Sills.
These workshops have been
organized by John McCarroll
physical education consultant
{GIVE-, so more will live
for the Huron-Perth
Miss Gail Seers recently
graduated from the inter-
national Career Academy,
Toronto, in the Medical
Assistance program and was
presented with a certificate of
.proficiency„ Prior to her four
month course in Toronto, she
attended Conestoga College
at Clinton following her
graduation from Goderich
Collegiate Institute. At
present she has accepted a
position at the Clinton Public
Hospital. She Is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. William Seers,
$_01,00,014 NEWS- )CORD, THURSDAY, NOvm.1)gtt 1, 2910
Plumbing by-law near reality
The presence of a large num-
ber of warble grubs in cattle
causes a dollar-loss that is
greater than most producers
realize, reports R. E. McCar-
ney, a livestock specialist with
the Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food. Updated
calculations, based on a survy
by the Meat Packers' Council,
show that losses in Ontario
range from $12 to $25 per head,
depending on the number of
grubs present.
The northern warble fly buz-
zes around cattle, continually
darting into and under them to
lay its eggs. This frightens cat-
tle and causes them to run
wildly or "gad". Gadding can
result in physical injury, weight
loss, decreased milk produc-
tion, and may reduce beef gains
by 50 to 75 pounds per head. In
addition to these on-farm
What's new at Huronview?
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You get something else that's special at the Lord
Simcoe — it's friendly hospitality you will enjoy through-
out your stay with us.
Colour TV in every room, fully air conditioned.
Lord Simcoe Hotel
See your travel agent or contact us at:
150 King Street West, Toronto. Telephone: 362-1848.
86 Xing St. Phone
Clinton 4824901
Tom Herman of Clinton, at 89, was the oldest man present at the First World War veterans
Day held at the Clinton Legion last Saturday. Ivan Hoggart of Branch 140, lett, was this
' year's organizer. (News-Record photo)
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