HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-10-25, Page 14NEWS-RECORD,. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 197 01.10?7,./rr r The Goderich Fire Department and this Clinton F.D. water carrier have been kept very busy during the past week trying to conquer a silo fire which has been burning for the past month on the farm of Leo Dykstra of R.R. 2 Clinton. According to a Federation of Agriculture field ministry official, the fire was caused by the piling on of corn on top of silage. The On- tario Fire Marshal's office In Toronto stated it was fortunate that the silo did not explode. After about seven visits, the fire department thinks that the fire is finally extinguished. The adventure is proving costly to Goderich Township, however, as the amount owing thus far Is at least $700 which just covers the truck's visits. Exact figures are not available at this time. (staff photo) CASH 01N00, Legion Seaforth, Friday, Qet, 26 8,15 p,m, Regular games, $10;. three $0 games; $75 jackpot to go, Door prizes.. Admission $1,00, Auspices Branch 156,. Proceeds welfare work, NEW BINGO, Clinton Legion Hall, 8:30 Oct. 11, Admission $1.00; fifteen regular games $10,00 each, Three Share-the- Wealth games. One Jackpot for $160 in 55 calls. Consolation. One call and $10 added weekly if not won, BLYTH LIONS BINGO, Blyth Memorial Hall, Saturday, 8:30 p.m. $150 jackpot, Big cash prizes. - 39tfn BINGO, Oct, 9 Huron Fish and Game Club, 8:30 p.m. Jackpot $55 in 55 numbers, Six door prizes, - RELATIVES, friends and neighbours, are invited to at- tend a reception for Mr. and Mrs. Greg Potter (nee Janet Allin) following their wedding Sat. Oct. 27 from 9 to 1 A.M. in Goderich Memorial Arena, Music by the Broughams,—nc THE MORNING MARKET PLACE, Saturday, November 3, 1973, in Wesley-Willis United Church, Pantry, fleamarket, handcrafts, novelties. Children's Christmas tree. Coffee 10.11:30 a.m. Lunch 12.1;30 p.m.-42,43,441? CAMEO OPEN HOUSE—Mrs. Phyllis Mitchell invites you to see new ideas in tube painting (liquid embroidery) on Satur- day, November 3 at Walton Hall, 2 - 5 p.m. and 7 - 9 p.m. Sale of painted articles; bargain table; discounts; door prizes; lunch; fashion show; and Program 4 and 8.30 p.m. Everyone welcome. Bake sale United Church Girls.-43, 44b "TONIGHTS THE NIGHT" The joint thankoffering of On- tario Street and Wesley-Willis U.C.W.'s with Dr. George Goth as guest speaker. Music by the McMillan family of Goderich, 7:30 p.m. at Wesley Willis Church.-43b 25 WEDDING ANNIVERSARY RECEPTION FOR Mr. and Mrs. HAROLD EAST Sat. Oct. 27, 1973 in Londesboro Hall Dancing 9:30 - 1 a.m. To WONNETTA TRIO Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome 42,43 ENTERTAINMENT COUNTRY and WESTERN Every F riday and Saturday Evening TASTY SNACKS AMPLE FREE PARKING COMMERCIAL HOTEL Seaforth, Ont. —20tf vrip op -slor • u****************It )1- CLINTON HOTEL ENTERTAINMENT . IN On The Piano Dining Room Now Open For Sunday Dinners * ' 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m, Waxed under LOBO *, Fir RiservOtions tali 4 8 2.3 4 2 1 4e* **************** "THE CLOUD r • rrE ir Ltg,"4" )1 9 L . LOUNGE" Friday & Saturday This Week DAVE HOY E POVERTY TRAIN Friday, October 26 9 - 12, CD CI. Auditorium Admission - $1.50 - Student Card Required D N A REMINDER 12th ANNUAL GODERICH ROTARY CHARITY BALL NOV. 10th FOR INFORMATION CALL 524.9311 UNICIF. QCTOBER 31st LYCEUM - IFS 110 JIM" WI IC wINGENEM ON14010 PHONE .15 /0 WED., THURS., FRI., SAT., OCTOBER 24, 25, 26, 27 MFR A ACLE OFA MOVIE MU$ICAL1 42,43b •oese"kmor--...sesslem.-- ATTENTION - CURLERS ANYONE WISHING TO CURL IN HENSALL ,STARTING NOV. 5 Phone 262-5057 or 262-5068 .4)4z flaw wts kie4 rr *c.4 I $6.00 per couple Dancing to the "CASUALS" at the WHITE CARNATION For further Information Phone 482-7535 Ott:. 4, 42,43 *taw :41) Prizes Woril w'ok saic:ose vb iv. wv4 I COME TO THE HALLOWE'EN MASQUERADE DANCE Sat. Oct. 27, 1973 etts, HALLOWE'EN MASQUERADE DANCE $2.50 Per Person 9:30 - 1 a.m. Prizes Lunch 42,43b SAT. OCTOBER 27, 1973 at HAYFIELD COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by "STAR TREX" GODERICH 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524.7811 AlRCONDITIONED Thu. 25 Fri. 26 so. 27 -The Gospel according to today ODSP An extraordinary experience for everyone, everywhere: rNw,,rxruml rnaINTS ,...sern:,nut Oa. ,,:orpv;,,,,I,V.;,,,s,r7e.,4tt..4,1+:. "1,111.14 Sun. 28 Mbn, 29 Tea. 30 They had just 36 hours to share the love of a Ifleifme. A Robert Wise Production, $1101no PETER FONDA • LINDSAY WAGNER ESTELLE MR MEESIC by DAVID SHIRE SONS .,„„ by RICHARD DeROY tir 431 rhu.l Fri,2 so.3 BENEFIT DANCE for Mr. and. Mrs, Ross Youngbiut who lost their barn by fire. Dance in Auburn Community Hall, Saturday; Nov, 3. Music by the ."Country Companions."-43, 44b DESSERT EUCHRE and bake sale at 100F Hall on Princess Street Wednesday Oct. ;11 at 2 p.m. price 75c, Auspices linronit- Rebekah Lodge. Everyone welcome,7--431) CHARTERED BUS leaving Clinton for the Royal Winter Fair, November 14, 1973. For information, phone 482 , 7627.-43b HOLMESVILLE BAZAAR, Wed., Nov. 14 com- mencing at 2;30 p,m. being held at the White Carnation, Holmesville, sewing, produce, candy, baking and afternoon tea served.-43,45b EUCHRE AND BRIDGE, Friday Oct, 26, 8 p,m. in Bayfield Trinity Church Parish Hall. Prizes and lunch. Ad- mission 75c - auspices Trinity Church Guild.-43b AT HULLY GULLY Oct. 27 - Hallowe'en Costume Party and Dance Music. by Homesteaders, prizes; 28 - Finale C.M.A. Moto-Cross; Nov. 3 - Dance Roger Quick and Rainbows; 4 - Final Ontario Grass Drag Championship . Bookings for Christmas Parties are now being taken. Phone 262- 5809.-43b THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the following SPECIAL CLINIC being held in your area for your convenience: ADULT HEALTH GUIDANCE CENTRE (for adults of all ages) Place: Huron County Health office, across from Clinton Public Hospital, Clinton; Date: Tuesday, Oc- tober 30, 1973; Time: 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Offering the following services: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Food Care 3, Anaemia Screening 4.. Urine Testing 5. Blood Pressure 6. Hearing Tests VOLUNTEER DRIVERS ARE AVAILABLE - call 482- 3416.-43b BINGO, Oct. 23 Huron Fish and Game Club, 8:30 p.m, Jackpot $56 in 56 numbers. Six door prizes. Duffs United Church WALTON (TURKEY SUPPER; WED. NOV. 7 4:30 to 8 p.m. — == = Adults $3.00 ii E Children $1.50 E.7 43,44b F--: iniminumnimmilminimmilinniiiiilla el11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111w RECEPTION AND DANCE for Mr. and Mrs. FRANK DOLMAGE E.— (NEE Grace Longman) Ei Fz- AT = = ▪ CLINTON LEGION HALL • NOV. 2 - 9:30-12:30 .74. = music by = The Bluewator Playboys -:-. = E. Everyone Welcome = Ladies please bring lunch Z.1. =•."' 43,44b li--- :78111111111111101119 99111191191110111111111111111111111111 In an address to about 75 members of District 6 Association for Municipal Elec- trical Utilities, First Vice- President I.L. Bradley Utilities Manager for Waterloo stated "The public doesn't give a damn, about hydro problems until the lights go out. Then it's too late." The address was part of the fall convention of the A.M.E.U. which was held last Friday at the Maitland Country Club. The lovely farm home of Miss Jean McEwen was the scene last Saturday evening of a happy family re-union and dinner. Present were all five McEwen girls, the daughters of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alex McEwen; Mrs. Marion Laramie of Kincardine and her daughter Mrs. Elizabeth Matz, Torontp; Mr. and Mrs, Howe Runnalls of Timmins; Mr, and Mrs. Charles Boyd of Walton; Mr, and Mrs. John Broadfoot of Brucefield. Present also were several third and fourth genera,tion members, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Broadfoot and family of Brucefield, Mrs, Jean 'Huron MP Jack Riddell and James Snow, Ontario minister of government services announ- ced last 'week that a $39,800 contract to construct an ad- dition to the' men's industrial workshop at Goderich Psychiatric Hospital has been awarded to Windklein General This is the first time Goderich has hosted the event for nine years, R, "Gus" Boussey, manager of the Clinton P.U.C. resided as President of District 6 while Secretary-Treasurer Ken Dunn of Elmira assisted him, Goderich P.U.C. Manager Dave Rolston was in charge of making local arrangements. District 6 extends north to Walkerton, east to Guelph and south to Zurich. Provost and family of London, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mid- dleton attended making, eighteen in all. The highlight of the evening was the presentation of slides by Mr. and Mrs, Runnalls of their recent trip to Africa. Howe and Eleanor's conducted tour included the famous Nairobi National Game Park, where lions, zebras, rhinoceri etc, roamed at will. They report beautiful hotels and the best meals of any of their tours. Unable to be present at this family gathering were Mrs. 0. L. Paisley of Huronview and Stuart McEwen of Clinton. Contracting Co. of Scarboro. The Windklein Company submitted the lowest of five bids received, the highest being $49,818. Work will start on the new addition as soon as possible and is expected to be completed by the end of February of 1974. The main purposes of the A.M.E.U. are "further the in- terests of municipal electric utilities in Ontario, and to foster co-operation amongst the municipalities distributing elec- tric energy, the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Ontario Electric Association. Secondly, it exists for the mutual assistance of its members, particularly education in technical, accoun- ting and commercial matters". Several recent Ontario gover- nment studies and actions have recently required the concern and study of the A.M.E.U. such as Advisory Report on Energy, four Task Force Hydro Reports and the Restructuring of Public Utilities in light of regional government. Bradley also stated that "it is important that the public at large is completely informed as to the problems facing their own hydro being delivered right to their own homes", His lecture was ended by a quotation from an information booklet written by Ontario Hydro's chief engineer H.A. Smith which states, "Obviously the utility must get its message across to the whole community. rOw te I t):1) tO SAT. OCT. 27 (0' tO $3.00 Couple A social evening was held in the Sunday School room of St. James Anglican Church last Friday evening. , This, party was in honour of Mr. and Mrs. John Cole, who recently moved from this area to Goderich. Jack and Ethel have had a long and happy association with this church and its members as well as several of their neighbours were in attendance. This party was a doing your own thing, so games of euchre, bingo, crokinole and cribbage were enjoyed, The presentation address was read by Mrs. Garth Pesti') and written by Mrs. Ray Wise, Mrs. Adrian Wammes and Mrs. Edward Wise presented the Coles with a lovely floor lamp. Jack thanked their friends most fittingly and a bountiful lunch Pigeon show set Tuesday evening October 16 the Huron County Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Association held their regular meeting in the agricultural of- fices at Clinton. Fifteen members were present. President Clifford Pep- per chaired the meeting and the big item on the agenda was the details for the up'coming show to be held in the Legion Hall in Clinton on the 28th of October. They are hoping for a good showing of poultry pigeons and pets. Visitors are especially welcome and there is no ad- mission charge. A real cross-section of the com- munity must declare its position on priorities for power, price, public participation and protection of the environment and primary energy control." "Such communication is not easy. It requires that a rather complex message get to the customers, that they listen and that a majority speak. If the majority remain silent, they will find out what its like to be silent in the dark," he said. ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL Now Playing GREEN LIGHT Coming Next Week WES TFA US TER MASCO Recording Artists Versatile Group Playing Different Instruments Pop, Rock & Country Group, completed a very pleasant evening, NEWLYWEDS HONORED Mr. and Mrs. Donald Taylor (nee Lorraine Townshend) were the guests of honour last Friday night at a social evening held at the groom's family home, Over 40 friends, relatives and neighbours from the Bayfield Line were present, Euchre was the order of the evening and the ladies' high was won by Mrs. Judy Dykstra; ladies low by Mrs. W. Taylor, Mr, Frank Thompson took the men's high prize, S, Middleton the low and Mr. Alex Ostrom won the lucky travelling prize, The newlyweds Don and Lorraine were called to the fore and Murray Cole read the presentation address. Mr, Alex Ostrom then presented 'them with a beautiful tri-lite table lamp featuring a sculptured style. Don thanked his friends for their gift and for the warm welcome extended to his bride. A lovely lunch was served and all present report a most enjoyable evening. Such oc- casions enable one to see one's neighbours up and down the Bayfield Line, PERSONALS We are glad to report that Mr. Robert Welsh is progressing favorably following., critical surgery in the Univer- sity Hospital, London. DCENC.4 / . . Oval N NNE mew, NE DELAY Vld'or't i Showlime 7;00 and 9:00 P.M. b," 'Z..4,iii.'''' 1111 III aiona um el e maim am am 111 SUN., MON., TUES., OCT. 28, 29, 30 Sh°owIng I Nur young nominates who IV,: IS m toughleach of how to whist .541 I C51311:%16' 400164hfrozT4S tho tn. thertartaxio Hospital contract awarded AMEU told public don't care t kILS \rk • L. €\E Vat: ; •tit 14‘ Fir Music by DANCING 10 1 r "CLEM OHLER" Lunch and Refreshments 4E51 43b ,C•XM LZ•T,• X.•:1,4) Everybody Welcome SOCIAL at CLINTON LEGION HALL I I I I I I I I I I I COLOR ."" ▪ 11.11. BEI MN MIMI 1111111111.111M Ili MI ▪ STARTS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31st • THE MOST FANTASTIC I UNDERSEA ODYSSEY I EVER FILMED THE I NEPTUNE FACTOR C M• Show Times a 7:00 and 9:00 p.m.