HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-10-25, Page 1212--CLINTON NEWS-RECORD, THURSDAY OCTOBER 25, 1973 TOWN AND COUNTRY LASS IF EDS TENDERS are invited for renovations to lower floor of Clinton Legion Hall. Plans will be available at the hall. Tenders to be received not later than Nov. 15, 1973. For in- formation call Bill Harris,Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 140, Phone 482-9240 or 9081. 43-48b THINK SUITS When It comes to SUITS We have them! Shorts, Regular, Tails, Checks, Plains, Fancies. The largest and Finest selec- tion in Huron County SIZES 38 TO 48 PRICED FROM $8995 UP Pickett a Campbell Ltd. CLINTON Tits Store FE Mali GODERICH KINCARDINE FALL SUGGESTIONS ALL WEATHER COATS CASUAL JACKETS SWEATERS CLINTON COMMUNITY AUCTION SALES FRIDAY NIGHT 7:30 P.M. MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO BRING YOUR LIVESTOCK TO THIS SALE Phone - LOFINF TYNDALL 482-7202 482.7152 2411' Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY TiltillSOAY AT 200 P M. All cloy,e., 01 COMP!, 17 Nut C(1N111)1 NCI ("0411,1 711ION victor Hoar 482.1511 ClInton whim thirty Miller Livihoon 335.2117 Exeter Dungannon And 619.7521 229-6201 KIrkton Administrator and Physiotherapist FOR CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL Excellent fringe Benefits, Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications. Duties to commence on or before January 1, 1974. Applications, stating qualifications to be forwarded to the chairman of Board of Public Hospital CLINTON, ONT. 43,44b DEADLINE FOR TAKINt3 5. REAL ESTATE WANTED 3, CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE EVERETT • ',ARTICLES FOR SALE E. HELP WANTED 11. TENDERS Lauckner WESTINGHOUSE four burner electric range 24", white, excellent condition $75. Phone 482- 7772.-4:3b WANTED - Workable land ap- prox. 80 - 100 acres, partly wooded, Private sale preferred. Call or write to J. Mayer at 274-1664, 126 Lakeshore Blvd. West, Port Credit, Ontario.-43,44,456 1966 COMET HARDTOP 390, Best offer Phone 482-7106.-43, 44h PERSON REQUIRED for general maintenance and clean-up in egg plant. Hours 12 to 6 A.M. Apply Gay Lea Foods, Seaforth, Phone 527-1590.-42,431a MLS REALTOR CLASSIFIED ADS 12 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY 1966 6MC 1/2 ton pickup, good con- dition for year, Phone 482- 3153.-43p 21/2 miles south of St. Josephs, 140' lake front. Three bedroom, livingroom with fireplace, modern kitchen, three piece bath, drilled well, insulated, taxes $95. Open for offers, ONE FINLAY OIL stove, 6 gallon tank and stove pipes. Call 482 7696,-43b • ...- STEADY JOB for part-time housekeeper, three mornings or af- ternoons a week in Clinton. Please state hours available, experience and wages desired. Must provide own transportation. Reply Box 6, c/0 Clinton News-Record.---43p This Is SHAREN'S AGONY COLUMN Where we now appeal to you to list your HOUSE, FARM, SUMMER COTTAGE OR ACREAGE. We also sell any business that "RINGS THE CASH REGISTER" Many buyers are now seeking farm lands and cottages for early spring possession. Call: RUTH VAN DER MEER SHAREN REALTY & INSURANCE LTD. 524-7875 238-2303 Goderich Grand Bend 42,43,44 1973 FORD TRUCK, black, im- maculate condition, Phone 482-9244 evenings:-43p TWO TWIN size bed spreads, white with red trim, Three months old. Call 482-3825.--43b ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 12 O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER One mile south of Bayfield, a sum- mer cottage, three bedrooms, 2 piece bath, built in cupboards, drilled water system supplied. Im- mediate possession, taxes $75, price $12,500 with terms. $2,495 BUYS A NEW VOLKSWAGEN at USED LUMBER, wrecking brick farm house south west of Hensall located on the 1st road west of No, 4 Highway and 1 3/4 miles south of the Hensall to Zurich paved road. Corrugated roofing, 2" pine door frames, 4 x 4's, 24e lumber and 1" sheeting. Apply at job site week days 10 a.m, to 6 p.m.-43p REAL ESTATE SALES AGENT, experience preferred, but not necessary, Contact Iola Bailey Real Estate Ltd„ Clinton. Phone 482- 9371.-43b !ARTICLES FOR SALE ''.ARTICLES FOR SALE 60' x 250' lot close to lake with water supply. SEEN a picture in the News-Record you would like to have? Get a per- manent print, either 4" x 5", 5" x 7" or 8" x 10". Order at 482- 9502,-c5tfnx USED Whirlpool automatic, por- table dishwasher, - great for the cot- tage or regular use. $100, Phone 524-790L-28tfn/n/c SMALL STEREO AM/FM radio in good condition: $100, also a large trunk. 482-7603.--43p 83' x 300' lake front lot, private subdivision with water supply. Please call ADAM FLOWERS BAYFIELD 565-2813 4)0K REQUIRED for Hotel iningroom. Phone 482-3421 to arrange interview.-4:36 Don Taylor Motors Ltd. FORCED AIR natural gas Century furnace, 100,000 B.T.U, input, about 6 years old, Motor available. Phone 482-7817,--43b 1971 SKIDOO ELAN, .immaculate condition. Phone 482-9739 after 4 p.m,-43b TENDERS RE FUEL OIL Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 12 Noon, Thursday, November 1, 1973 for supplying for the next two years of NO. 2 INDUSTRIAL FUEL OIL FOR THE COURT HOUSE, GODERICH. Storage Capacity - 3,000 gals. Quantity being used per annum - approx. 22,000 gals. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. John G. Berry, Clerk-Treasurer;, County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. -43b FACTORY WORKERS BABY'S AQUA colored pile bun- ting bag, converts to snow suit. Ex- cellent condition, Phone 482- 3l76.-43b • GOOD young beef by the quarter or half, cut and wrapped, government inspected, New potatoes for sale. Phone 482-7578.-tfn 43b aommoimil inewour We require men and women for production work in our Mitchell & Stratford plants. - No experience necessary -Good Rate of pay plus bonus - Company Paid: Life Insurance, Hospital Insurance, Medical In- surance, Sickness Insurance. MAIN ST. S EXETER 235-1100 Call Collect John Brock for Don Taylor 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT UNITRON are the only hearing aids made in Canada. Our famous rechargeable models leave you worry free of batteries for 5 years, plus a 30-day money-back privilege. Pensioners 20% off. House Calls arranged. Davidson's Hearing Aid Service, 334 Queens Ave. 432-9951, London.-39,52 SINGER ELECTRIC sewing machine, older, model in top working condition. Antique or collectable chest of drawers in good condition. Apply to Box 965, Clinton or phone 482-9789,-43, 44h APARTMENT TO RENT, close to uptown. Apply to 44 Heron St. Clin- ton.-19tfn VICTORIAN STYLE wedding , dress, size 7, three weeks old. Worn once, price $100. Phone 482- 7496.-43b c15t fn Real Estate '3-BEDROOM town house for rent at Vanastra R.R. 5, Clinton , $110 per month, all utilities paid. Phone 482-9742 or 482-7396 anytime.-c46tfn APPLY IN PERSON TO: PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCTS (CANADA) LIMITED 1030 Erie Si STRATFORD, ONTARIO -43b 222 RIFLE, used one season, two clips. Phone 482-9383 after 5 p.m.-43b CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 2 piece, honey gold, nylon frieze, good con- dition $50. 48" roll away bed $20. Phone Bayfield 565-2807,--43b 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 82 Albert Street Phone: 482-9371 BULBS for Spring flowering. Bone meal, fertilizers, toots and house plant specialties. Pet foods and sup- plies. Durst Farm and Garden Cen- tre, 22 Isaac St., Clinton, Phone 482-9333. Open daily EXCEPT Saturday afternoons.-39tfn ONE LARGE upright freezer in good working condition. For infor- mation, call 4824468.---43b TURKEYS, 181 Ac's. Basic Quota . 290,304 lbs. per year. Housed in metal clad insulated house with concrete floor, power feeding, auto heat, fans. 160 acres workable, medium loam, grows corn, grain and pasture. Large barn 77 x 73 in- cludes a trench silo 64 x 21 with side walls 11 feet concrete. Grows up to (30 heavy beef per seson. :3 bedroom brick home mostly renovated, modern kitchen and bath, good furnace. Here's a good farm at modest price. Shown by ap- pointment only. Phone Vendor 357- :3009 or call 416-389.0344 collect, Fred W. Bray Real Estate Broker.-42,43b MASON BAILEY- BROKER/MANAGER 2A ARTICLES WANTED TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent. Phone 482-9766.-tfn 12. AUCTION SALE "UNIVERSAL" Zig-zag portable sewing machine. Excellent con- dition. Phone 482-9100 after 5 p.m.-43p GENERAL MAINTENANCE Fully equipped restaurant in Huron County. 2 storey brick building with modern living quarters above. This restaurant is showing good returns. WE ARE now handling lots or part lots of furniture and appliances. If you have articles to sell privately or by auction contact Rathwell's Auc- tion Service. Pbone 482- 3120.-32tfn IN CLINTON - 6 room house, 3 bedrooms and bathroom upstairs, gas forced air heating. Phone 482- 3447 before 5 p,m.-42,43,44b 45 GAL STEEL BARRELS with open end, good for burning garbage or feed barrels on farm. Also clean gas barrels or sap barrels $3.50 delivered. Phone Blyth 523-4461 or write Ron Baird, Box 51, Blyth, Ont.-26tfn We require maintenance personnel for our Plant in Mitchell, Ontario. Applicants must be experienced in the general maintenance of machinery, equipment and buildings or have mechanical ex- perience. RATE OF PAY AFTER PROBATIONARY PERIOD: - $3.72 per hour. As of February 1/74 - $3.90 per hour. COMPANY PAID - Life Insurance - Medical Insurance - Sickness In- surance - Pension Plan, APPLY TO: PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT, STANDARD PRODUCTS (CANADA) LIMITED, 1030 ERIE ST., STRATFORD, ONTARIO ATHWELL'S BOYS BAUER skates, size 9, ex- cellent condition, $6. Phone 482- 7440.-43p :3 acres of land near Blyth. AUCTIONEERS and LIQUIDATORS BRUCEFIELD, ONT. Offer the most modern • auction methods. THREE BEDROOM house, nearly new, full basement,. hot water heating. Available after Nov. 20. Phone 482-3235.-43p Income property in Clinton. Large double house near the Post Office. GOOD USED Simplicity wringer washer with pump, excellent con- dition. Price $50. Phone 482- 3104.-43b TIMBER WANTED immediate payment for good standing timber and bushes. Wci!e. for frOipp#1044!-”,” • ROBERT EAGLESON AILSA CRAIG, ONT or Phone Collect 232-4450 before 8:30 a.m. 225 acres of choice corn land. 210 acres workable. Large barn and silo, Steel granary. 9 room I 1 /'-' storey home. Block of 8 building for sale. " '"" ROTOR and indicator for aerial. Phone 482-9682,-43b FOR RENT OR SALE: Choice of two houses with apartment - one with three bedrooms - one with five bedrooms, located in Clinton. Phone 482-9466.-43p USED ELECTROLUX VACUUM cleaner with complete set of attach- ments in good condition. Phone 482- , 3103,743p,, 14) iptitt7) LICENSED and BONDED ONTARIO-WIDE APPLES - McIntosh, Cortlands, and Snows. Delicious and Northern SPY.a,, Winter Potatoes, onions and honey. Fresh cider, Hallowe'en Pumpkins. Phone 524-8037, Art Bell's Fruit Farm,-39tf lots in Seaforth 54, mo d. HURON PINES REALTY LTD. 56 KING ST. CLINTON, ONT. • PHONE 482-7901 BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 -cgttn THREE BEDROOM house to rent. Rent based on income. Contact Clinton Housing Authority, Clinton. Phone 482-9615. Available Nov. Auburn: 8 room 1 1 /2 storey stucco home. Oil furnace, 4 bedrooms. New heated sun porch. MOBILE HOMES for sale, homes for every budget at Huron Haven Village just 2 1 /2 miles north of Goderich on Highway 21. Phone 524-8059.--43b Immediate posses 'on of odel home elk asem t bas inishe or ;Un- finish et' h ME( un- der Spend Christmas in a new home. 8 new homes to be built on Town- send St. Choose one of our plans to fit your budget. 1 floor or spli' level plans available. Newly decorated, 2 storey colour- lock home with 8 rooms, New bathroom, carpet throughout. Gas furnace. Nice large lo, on the main street of Clinton. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and PROCESSING MORNING AUCTION SALE of antlques and household ef- fects for Doris Williams and other consignments Saturday, 27 October 1973 11:00 a.m. TWO, THREE AND four bedroom houses - Phone 482-9590.-43, 44b 9. WANTED (General) -tfn 8. HELP WANTED WANTED - dead leaves in bags, will collect. Phone 482-9072.-43h storey frame home on 1 acre of land near Auburn, 3 bedrooms, oil beating. TOOL RENTALS 2.ARTICLES FOR RENT 110.11111•NOW WANTED-Fruit jars - apply to box 965, Clinton or phone 482- 9789.-43, 44b To individual Requirements. Cattle and hogs are Government Inspected in our Modern Abbatoir for your protection. We specialize in HICKORY SMOKED HAMS and BACONS Floor Sander and Edger Belt Sander Vibrator Sander 1 /2" Drill 1/4" Drill Skill Saw 40' Aluminum Extension Ladder Knapp's Furniture Store 67 Main Street, Seaforth "FOOD FOR '['BOUGHT'' curSuitablerent mortgage tinanci r mng M available Minimum uamt 10% down payment. Residential Lots Huron Pines Sub- division Large 80' - 90' frontages, scenic view, underground ser- vices. FORMAL RENTALS for men and boys. Contact Herman's Men's Wear, 482-9351.--c22tfn "Whatever else may he causing pollution, it's sure not the peace pipe." Flat-to-wall cupboard, 9-pc walnut dining room suite, round oak pedestal table and six chairs, captain's chair, set of pressback chairs, odd pressback chairs, piano, 2 iron and brass beds, rocking chair, oak library table, library desk, bake table,kitchen table, piano stool, dressers, double con- tinental bed, small tables, oak hall mirror, 3 commodes, chests of drawers, 5-pc chrome set, sideboard, 5-pc wooden set, odd chairs, dropfront desk, wardrobe, hall stand, vanity and bench. 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED Due to a change in Sales per- sonnel, Wilfred Mclntee & Co. Limited requires a sales person for the Clinton Branch office. Mr. William Hingston, Sales Manager, will be in the Clinton office on Friday, October 19, 1973 between the hours of 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. to interview ap- plicants. All replies will be stric- tly confidential, FORMAL RENTALS for all oc- casions. Pickett & Campbell Ltd. Clinton and Goderich.--cgtfn 11111121111EMMINMAINIMNINNIMNININIM WILL BABYSIT in my home in Kippen, Monday through Friday. $20.00 a week per child, Phone 262- 5516.-43b Commercial or residential custom builders. We build on any location. 1 All Processing Guaranteed, EXETER FROZEN FOODS Call 235-0400 C.M. Hall - c39tfn From BALL & MUTCH LTD. HOME FURNISHINGS CONSTRUCTION equipment for rent, Power trowel, small mixer, pump, wheelbarrows, good plywood forms and wedges. Phone 236-4954 a nyt ime.-c2t fn For an appointment at your con- venience, call HURON PINES 482- 7901. 38 ttn WILL BABYSIT in my home in Kippen, Monday through Friday, $20.00 a week per child. Phone 262- 5516.-43b Phone 482-9505 Clinton 43b GRACIOUS LIVING Gingerbread and stained glass are two distinctive features of this lovely older home. A modern redecorated kitchen complete with garberator cushion flooring, and pine cupboards, large living room and dining room, three large bedrooms, one and a half baths adds to comfortable gracious living. A large treed lot with double car garage provides the perfect setting. Priced at $25,000. phone 482- 3821.-43b GREAT OPPORTUNITIES for Married Couples, car necessary, part time, can earn $100. to $300. a week. If in- terested Phone 482-7046 after 5:30 p.m. 42,43b Picture frames, magazine rack, pert toilet set, Beaver sealer, oil lamps, old bottles, crocks, an- niversary clock, railroad lan- tern, quilts, desk lamps, floor lamps, trunks, copper boilers. Westinghouse frig, electric stoves, oil stoves, wringer washer, 2 spin-dry washers, electric sewing machine and cabinet, 2 Briggs and Stratton motors 5- and 8- H.P., tools, etc MIKE CUMMINGS AND NORM KNAPP Auctioneers 527-1336 or 482-7584 TERMS: Cash 4* A- FOR SALE A- FOR SALE FARM HARDWARE, fencing and stable supplies. Surge milker parts and cleaners, Animal Health products. Full line of livestock feeds. Durst Farm and Garden Cen- tre, 482-9333.-t1'n 3 bed • n brick veneer under con- stria m, ap •oxi atel 200 sq.', Buy not a d la e 4yo r hoice of heath oo cov itig a Itt colour of brick. ONE MASSEY FERGUSON three furrow 14 inch plow, Phone 482- 9935 Bill Gibbings,-43p PARTS MANAGER Required for our new Service Centre at Blyth. Experience preferred but not essential. Farm background would be helpful and willingness to learn parts trade. Good starting salary offered. Duties to commence immediately This is an excellent career opportunity for a young, aggressive married man. Contact: Earl Long, ONE COCKSHUTT 35 - $400. One Cockshutt 70 - $200: One three furrow International plow on rub- ber $50. Phone Seaford) 527.1123 W.D. Wilson,-43p • NEW HOMES D - LIVESTOCK Situated in Hensall, your choke of 2 or 3 bedroom models, frame con- struction, 4 pc. bath, broadloom, utility rooms. Priced to sell at $18,900.00 and $19,500.00. IIMMOSON11•0111sialMOIN 8- CUSTOM WORK HAMPSHIRE BOARS, registered and government approved and ready for service. Contact Paul McNally, Box 534, Wingham, Phone 357.3724:--113, 44b HURON TRACTOR'. CUSTOM CORN drying. Phone Wayne Kennedy 482-9851.-43b FARMS 95 acres of level cash crop land near Brucefield. Owner retiring. Priced at $42,000.00. PHONE 23S-111S • 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE • EXETER .41 PHOTOGRAPHY; weddings, com- mercial, portrait, portraits taken in your own home, Phone Photo Art Services - 482.7441,-30tfn 75 acres of fertile cash crop land 2 miles west of Exeter priced to sell at $35,000.00. REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676. Ken McNairn,-c2tfn s, 160i.ijor able near 1 se rn set up t.. ,4,,, ng , . , .00. 200 Aubti for b CLARKE ZINN CLINTON PHONE 482.7838 CHUTER PLUMBING HEATING & ELECTRIC 1 Furnace Installations' DELAVAL MILKER SUPPLIES Appliance Service JO-AN BULLEN BAYFIELD , 565.2421 ALBERT ST, OFFICE 482.3821 PHOTO LISTING SERVICE 46 King St. .182-7652, /6.