Clinton News-Record, 1973-10-25, Page 4United States President Richard Nixon's decision on Tuesday to release the controversial Watergate tapes to Judge John Sirica only partially restores faith in the American system of democracy. When President Nixon had ordered the firing of special Watergate prosecutor Archibald Cox last Saturday, American democracy took a sharp turn towards dictatorship. In the epic decision to overrule the laW, President Nixon was embarking on a voyage of no return. And his realization that the rule of law must be paramount to the rule of men may have come too late to save his skin. His decision to keep the tapes under his guardianship and disobey the courts, which are the whole bases of the democratic system, has shaken both America and Canada. It also adds further fuel to the fire of Presidential restrictions, a fire that has been building slowly but steadily in the last decade ,as three presidents were able to launch wars at their own discretion, without consulting the elec- torate. Nixon's defense of his actions as in the interest of nation security seem pale beside the interests of national democracy. Whether• President Nixon will be im- peached or not is a decision that rests with congress, but whether Nixon sur- vives or not, he will go down in history as one of the worst presidents In U,S. history, and his administration, including former Vice-President Spiro Agnew, will be held up to future generations as a shining example of American politics at its worst. A success Now that the soccer season is nearly over in these parts, it seems a proper time to pause and give some well deser- ved credit. What at first appeared to be an im- possible task, has been carried out with good deal of success. A soccer organization was set up in Clinton this year for the first time and judging by the number of boys and parents at the close out night, minor soccer in Clinton is a permanent sport. An undertaking in its infancy requires a good deal of patience and a lot of hard work and both these are in abundant evidence in Clinton. A special note of thanks should go to all the coaches and parents who worked long hours coaching the boys, driving them to games and washing their sweaters. Don Armstrong of Clinton should also be cited for the extra work and patience he displayed during the last 10 months. Good luck next year. Editorial .co*tmen,1„, History's worst Type casting A teacher's clew of lilt' Huron Bona.; salary increase The Jack Scott Column - No hope in armed coups The coup in Chile is another proof that military power is no safeguard for stable government, law and order, or freedom. The armed forces acted against Chile's legal, constitutional, recognized' government. Granted, the Allende gover- nment did not have a majority of the popular vote. But Allende got as large a share of the popular vote as the present Canadian government. And facing an opposition majority in two Houses is nothing new -- ask Richard Nixon. Allende was elected democratically; he was removed by violence. The coup threw its force behind those who were destroying law and order. The strikes and walkouts that crippled Chile were by store owners, truck owners, doctors, lawyers, etc., whose intent was to destroy the government by provoking economic chaos. A comparable Canadian situation would be the Canadian armed forces overthrowing the Trudea government because dissident railway workers were disrupting the economy by refusing to obey back-to- work legislation. And, as in every military overthrow, the first victim was freedom. Under Allende, Chile's press had greater freedom to attack the government than the press in any, other South American country. But one of the coup's first ac- tions was to impose strict censorship. Under Allende, opposition leaders were free, even to sabotage his government. The military coup immediately im- prisoned or executed hundreds of socialist and communist leaders. Allende's failture, in retrospect, was not that he was a Marxist or that he tried a socialist experiment. It was that he believed in democracy a lot more than his opponents did. (The United Church) Sugar and Spice/By Bill Smiley The bird gets too slow a barn From our early files . • • • • • MembE, Canadian Community Newspaper Association Member, Ontario Woo* Newspaper Aseociation I 7:11E CLINTON NEW ERA Established 1865 Amalgamated 1924 THE HURON NEWS-RECORD Established 1801 Published every Thursday at Clinton, Ontario Editor - James E. Fitzgerald General Manager, J. Howard Aitken Second Class Mali registration no. 0017 HUO OF HURON COUNTY. 4—CLINTON NEWS-RECORD, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1973 Offer me a ticket to any exotic spot in the world, any October — Rome, Paris, Athens, Rio, Tahiti — and I'd turn it down flat. There could not be, anywhere on this globe, a finer place to be, in October, than Canada. October has everything. Glorious golden days with the foliage flung across the land in such magnificence it's as though the Creator were chuckling, "I am far from dead. Just try to match this with your puny genius." Nights are remarkable, Cool enough for a sweater, but usually calm. Perfect for a stroll around the side streets of a small town, with the smell of burning leaves poignant on the soft air, and the spurt of orange flame as someone pokes up his fire. It's. against the law to burn leaves, but such laws were not made for small towns, and are generally ignored. And why not? All the burning leaves in all the small towns of Canada wouldn't pollute the air as much as one hour on five per- cent of the highways in Canada, with about a million stinking cars belching their bad breath. But October has something for everyone, The hunter is happy. He can squat in a blind until he's almost crippled, or lurch through a swamp until he's almost on his last lurch, He may see nothing more than a few late and lazy crows, or the starling heading south, but by George, he feels great when he gets home and tracks mud all over the house, and tears into that peanut butter sand- wich his irate wife has left out for him, More intelligent hunters, of course, will (go after partridge, and prowl along an old bush road in comfort. The most in- telligent hunters will sit down in the sun, lean against the bole of a tree, have a perfectly relaxed nap, and go home with a good appetite and a clear con- science. Fishermen like October. They flog themselves out of bed in order to hit the water at dawn. Every one of them has a lurking hunch. that this mor- ning he's going to hit that big rainbow. And he can stand there, shivering, in the misty morning, happy in the knowledge that none of the nuisance anglers of Opening Day will be' fouling his line, scaring the fish. They're all home in bed. For the sports fan, October is the zenith of the year. He might see almost nothing of his family for a month, but he's happy as an idiot.with an ice cream cone, sitting in front of the boob tube, wildly switching channels as he tries to club-house sandwich the height, of the football season, the beginning of the hockey season, and the World Series. October is Thanksgiving. By some piece of uncanny good luck or good judgment, it usually turns out to be a beautiful weekend, and this year's was nigh perfect, in these parts. It's a grand occasion for closing up the cottage, or get- ting together with the family for a gorge of turkey and punkin pie, or just getting out into the country and counting the things you ,,have to be thankful for. This year we had our daughter and her husband for the holiday, 'She insisted on conking the en tire Thanksgiving dinner. And she insisted on using her method, which is known as slow roasting. This method "keeps all the good of the turkey in, and when it's finished, it's so tender it just falls off the bones." End of quote. You cook it for hours and hours at just 200 degrees, in- stead of the usual 325 or so. Many a turkey I've cooked in the normal fashion, and they always come out golden, meat falling off. the bones. I said, "Carry on, kid." My wife bit her lip, her tongue and her fingernails, but kept silent. Every hour or so she couldn't stand it, and would sneak out while Kim wasn't in the kit- chen, and have a look. The turk just lay there, like a big, dead bird. It was pretty obvious that the only process that was set- ting in was rigor mortis. But no interference with modern methods, The grand moment arrived, after cooking a nine-pound bird, practically a midget, for nine hours. Her husband can't carve, so I did the honours. I like my steaks rare, but I can't say I'm wild for rare turkey. I almost sprained my wrist on my first slice with the carving knife. Meat falling off the bones? I had to tear it off with pliers. But it was a great dinner. The stuffing was well and truly stuf- fed, the canned peas were ex- ceptionally tender, and the white wine was bang on, There was only one catch, The kids had to get their bus right after dinner, That was Monday evening, My wife and I looked at elle kitchen, looked at each other, and went to bed. We finished doing the dishes Wednesday evening,' From time to time whenever an occasion arises--a visit from an East Indian friend was the latest--I give my daughters a kind of fireside chat about this business of race and creed and color. It's something I think every parent should do, just as im- portant as the talks about the birds and bees. A prejudice in the mind of the very young usually becomes a permanent, built-in fixture. One generation, unhappily, deeds its ignorance and bigotry to the next. What I tell my kids 'Sr. thali„ they must judge everyone they meet through life as in- dividuals, and that they must never have their judgment colored by appearance or a name. They'll meet some people along the way who, for various reasons, they'll dislike or distrust, I tell them, but they must never dislike or distrust a person merely because he's dif- ferent. I often go out of my way to have them meet and talk to my friends whose coloring or features have made them the victims of intolerance so that they'll have the knowledge that this is something more than ab- stract theory. 10 YEARS AGO November 7, 1973 Ruth Merrill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Merrill RR 1 Clinton, received her Bachelor of Arts degree at the fall convocation at the Univer- sity of Western Ontario, Friday. She is presently teaching grade six in an Etobicoke public school, The weather is back to nor- mal - when anything can hap- pen - and usually does, We had snow flurries last weekend. However the fine autumn has thrown other things badly off schedule. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Staffa reported that they have a Easter lily in full bloom and John Mulholland, Huron Street had some large, juicy strawberries. Roger Cummings, Georgetown, visited during the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cummings, 129 Mary Street, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Lep- pington celebrated their 44th wedding anniversary on November 7th. Mr. and Mrs. Was Bradnock marked their twenty-fifth last week in Auburn, 25 YEARS AGO November 4, 1948 Clinton News-Record made a very satisfactory showing in the recent nationwide competitions carried on by the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Associations for member papers, The News-Record stood fifth in Canada and first in On- tario for best, front page. It also is among the top ten entries in Canada and stood fifth in On- I've been helped latelyin this kind of teaching by an article under the name of Otto Klineburg in The Unesco Courier which cites two ex- periments dramatizing the danger of young people inheriting the prejudices of their parents. In the first experiment a group of American college students was shown photographs of 30 girls and asked to judge each photograph on the basis of beauty, in- telligence, character, ambition and "entertainingness," They were to make this judgment from the photographs alone. - Two months later the same students again were shown the same photographs. This time, however, fictitious names were printed under each picture. Some of them were Jewish names such as Rabinowitz and Finkelstein. Some were Italian such as Scarano and Grisolia. A third were Irish-- McGillicuddy and O'Shaughnessy. A fourth, "Old American"---Adams and Clark. The vote was completely changed. The meaningless ad- dition of the Jewish and Italian names caused a substantial drop in general liking and a tario for best all-round paper. There were no less than fifty- two entries from throughout Canada. Mr. and Mrs. O.E. Potter recently celebrated their dianiond wedding anniversary. There was a celebration at their home for all their friends and neighbours. Mrs, Kelso Adams has retur- ned from abroad after having spent 21 /2 months with her mother and brothers at Harbot- tle, Northumberland Co, England. Mrs, Kelso returned home on a Trans-Canada air- plane and made the trip from her mother's house to her own doorstep in Goderich in 161 /2 hours. John A. "Tony" VanEgmond, Detroit, Michigan is spending a vacation with his brother, Ferg VanEgmond and Mrs. VanEgmond. 50 YEARS AGO November 1, 1923 Mr, A.F. Cudmore has moved his family into the house recen- tly purchased from Mr, W.J. Hamblyn on Princess Street and Mr. N. Welsh has moved his into the house vacated by Mr. Cudmore on Victoria Stroor Mr. and Mrs. J.13. Lavis at- tended a fowl supper in Zurich on last Thursday evening and met a friend whom they had not seen for a long time, She, Miss Marne Lamont, was their guest until yesterday. Mr, Vines of the C.C.I. staff is drilling the boys on the first points of rugby and the boys, say they are having lots of fun out, of it. similar drop for judgements of beauty and character. The ad- dition of the same names resulted in a rise in the ratings for ambition, particularly so in the case of the Jewish names. In another experiment, this time in London, a group of students was asked to give its opinion of American blacks. A characteristic viewpoint was this: "I do not like black people; it's the color; it makes me nervous; they might be savage; they are different in nature to us, more savage and cruel sometimes, so don't trust them ever." Two able African women teachers then spent a few weeks in the school. At the end of.this time the students had changed their minds. A typical response was this: "They were nice people. There does not seem any difference between them and us except in color. I like them." These experiments show, if it needed to be shown, that young people can be prejudiced by association, but, also, that through experience and education they're capable of change. ' Klineburg cites the danger of thinking in "stereotypes"--- 75 years ago November 3, 1898 Mr. John Bell of Londesboro has purchased the residence owned by the late Mrs. Butt and will be moving in shortly. He has had the move in con- templation for sometime and has finally succeeded. Clinton Baptist Church has a new pastor, Rev. T.J. Murdock, who was born in London, England, and came to Clinton and area around five years ago. Mr. William Cox, Goderich Township who was charged with killing his son-in-law, Fred Beattie, was acquitted on Saturday when the jury declared he shot in self-defense, The argument started over the ' alleged abduction of Cox's youngest daughter by Beattie. When Cox went over to talk to Scottish stubborness, Gaelic wit, German thoroughness, pugnacious Irishmen, and so on. We generalize, in other words, without reasoning, We have, in Walter Lippmann's words, "pictures in our heads." And so, when these pictures are distorted, either for the purpose of making ourselves feel superior or, for economic reasons, in keeping a group suppressed, they're blindly ac- cepted as truth. If we believe, for example, that Italians are noisY we'll have the tendency to notice those Italians who are indeed noisy. If we're in the 'presence of some who don't fit the stereotype we're unaware that they are Italian or dismiss them as exceptions. And so a myth conditions us to feelings of hostility. I have found in talking to my kids and now in telling them of these experiments that there's an essential fairness on the part of the young. They want to do the right thing when it ap- peals to them as reasonable,. And nothing is more reasonable than the simple con- cept of equality. Beattie, he threatened to "get" him and jumped on Cox. Cox pulled his gun and fired striking Beattie in the head and killing him instantly. Af- terwards Cox drove to his neighbours and told him what had happened. For a few weeks a small coloured boy of about ten years has been knocking around town doing odd chores and living and sleeping wherever he could. He was an orphan, and having no bad traits, became a favorite with many persons, but there being none of his own colour in town it was thought that he would be happier if he had playmates of his own nationality. D. Cantelon took him to London with him one day last week and put him in the care of persons in that place. we get letters Stale Dear Editor: Recently I saw a letter to the editor in the paper from another Toronto area resident of the fact that they were tired of getting "ancient" news from Clinton. We also belong to the same club it seems. We enjoy the news of Clin- ton, our home for over 15 years but "NOT" a week and even two weeks later, Today we received the Oc- tober 4 issue of the Clinton News-Record — on the 15 Oc- tober mind you and on the date of this writing, 16 October, we haven't received as yet the Oc- tober 11 paper! I don't know where the hold up is but to receive your paper anywheres from a week to two weeks after printing time? As I say, we enjoy the news of Clinton but in two weeks we can get the town news from other sources and friends from there, hence its a waste of sub- scription money to have to wait unnecessarily for your paper. Hoping there can be better results in the future; that this situation can be rectified and that we won't be forced to can- cel our subscription, I remain. Yours truly,,, Mr. G.A. Wonch, Willowdale Redundant Dear Editor: When I was declared surplus manpower (redundant) again this year, and my thirty-five pupils were dumped among three (four?) already burdened colleagues, you might say I was naturally curious how the Huron County board of education might re-assign my $12,200 "conserved" dollars, With unbelieving revulsion I read this week of ad- ministrative salary increases (of 'Board Heads Get Raise' - Oct. 18) totalling $12,200. Our impoverished director of education who grovelled by on $575 1a week must ridW° 'Over' on $625 every week. I, too, who formerly grovelled by on $200 weekly would like for Messrs. Hill, Cochrane, et al. to know that for the month of September, I received the grand sum of $104 (equals $26/week, family of five!) Finding that $1,800 "bonus" (raise retroactive to Jan. '73) on top of the regular $2,500 September cheque must have been a pleasant surprise for the director's wife. My wife's Sep- tember treat was meeting Mr. Haye, field representative for Huron County Welfare. However, in case my vitriolic catharsis has inferred a for- saking of our education ad- ministrative officials, fear riot; out of my 'pogey' I am required to pay $3 weekly for tax pur- poses. In the name of respectability and responsibility, think on it. Charitably, 'R.E. Dundant' News-Record readers are en- couraged to express their opinions in letters to the editor, however, such opinions do not necessarily represent the opinions of the News-Record. Pseudonyms may be used by letter writers, but no letter will be published unless it can be verified by phone. C101111011111. Then there's the story of the two spinsters sorting returns in the National Revenue office: "Here's another good one, Maxine • bachelor, no depen- dants, $35,000 a year,