HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-10-25, Page 2.NEWS-RECORD.. THURSDAY! OCTOBER 2f,, 19759 The Huron County Children's Aid Society banquet was held last week at pine Ridge Chalet when the foster parents of the area were honored tor their contribution to the work being done on behalf of youngsters in Huron. Pictured here (left to right) are Norman Tait, president of the Foster Parents Association for Huron; Mrs. Tait; Doug Finley, guest speaker; Mrs, Helen Bartliff; Mrs. Russell Snider; John Monsanto; and Bruce Heath, Direc- tor of CAS for Huron. (Cltizens-News photo) Maitland and 16th By Millie Lobb I ATTENTION FIRST WAR VETERANS CLINTON ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION DRANO'S 140 la Holding ALL HURON COUNTY FIRST WAR VETERANS Saturday, October 27, 1073 Registration 1:30 p.m, Dinner Served 5,139 P.M. ALL FIRST WAR VETERANS WELCOME 4310 TOWN OF CLINTON DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS In The Town Of Clinton at 2:00 4un. SUNDAY, OCT. 28th 1973 SUNDAY will be on Standard Time The fourth meeting of the "Country Chefs" was held at Holrneaville School. Our meeting was started with the 4-H pledge. Then the minutes were read by Betty Haakers. We then discussed the recipes from British , Isles and then took up the handout notes. Janet Klomps and Chris Wise demonstrated Split Pea Soup. Then all three groups got together and tried other clubs cooking. Most enjoyed it. The fifth meeting of the Country Chefs was held at Holmesville School Oct. 22, We discussed meeting eight, 441 plans and Achievement Day. Then demonstrated was Salata which is a green salad. This was done by Helen to Brinke and Grace Haakers, Then all three clubs joined and ate each others dishes, most enjoyed them, especially the Hungarian Goulash, Chris Wise FRED HUDIE LTD. Sorry for the inconvenience We will be CLOSED Saturday morning Oct. 27, 1973 Open as usual week following 43b - 4 clip these valuable coupons for outstanding savings. they're real budget stretchers! I CLIP THIS THIS lGA VALUABLE COUPON THIS VALUABLE COUPON CLIP THIS VALUABLE COUPON ASSORTED FLAVOURS - FASCINATION ICE CREAM .ALLEN'S - ASSORTED VARIETIES FRUIT DRINKS SNOWCAP FROZEN FRENCH FRIES half gallon cont. 48 ox. tin 2 lb. bag Limit 1 tin per family with a '5.00 purchase and this coupon pork s fie Clinton Limit 1 half gallon per family with a '5.00 purchase and this coupon Effective October 24 to 30, 1973 Effective October 24 to 30, 1973 Limit 1 bag per family with a ;5.00 purchase and this coupon Effective October 24 to 30, 1973 AF5 WE SELL CANADA APPROVED GRADE 'A' RED RIBBON BEEF "Cluality•Protected Baer' We vacuum seal our "Quality Protected Beef"...and without additives, we let it aye naturally in a controlled, cold en• vironment...so it will be lender end good when ire fresh cut in our stores, We buy Canada Approved Orode"A" Red Rib• bon Beef, it is inspected, then carefully tut and trimmed to our strict specifka-flans, from the moment we buy it until you do, our beef is handled under ideal conditions for keeping it clean, cold, fresh, juicy and delicious. "Quality-Protected" Beef, it's not just a name„ d's a guarantee. shop these excellent Cut from the Beef Loin Wing & T-Bone STEAKS .1.68 quality produce, rti 11.1A. NO. 1 CALITORNIA CELERY STALKS 'use evil, 38. DOLE tROP(CAt TREAT Golden Yellow Bananas 16. 15° DIME ou roamer Ctue• ASSOREE0 VAIRTIES'l SOFT DRINKS 24 morn1 .84 ;MY (00(111 ASSORTFO VARIITItS - MUFFIN MIXES "4 49c MONARCH ASSORTED ICING MIXES 4 1'pkoe 89c OR firlfEARO • Asseetro metes CHAMPION DOG FOOD 675 T. 1 .00 'ROYAL milli OR ASSORTED (0404 - Bathroom Tissue 7,14.1 35c IANCIA Matofon, gently Coe Spolbelb SPAGHETIIN) 85' , .„„ WI ICE • ewes MIEN ORANGE DRINK `7 1'm 39 e packer cuts Packers Sub-Primal Cut (vacuum pocked) TOP ROUND STEAK Approx Weight 20 lbs. BANQUET FROZEN APPLE OR CHERRY PIES 26 OP, 45c pie HEINZ TOMATO SOUP 211:23c FRASERVALE FROZEN COD FISH AND S 20 oiC7/119IP pkg, mi ORIOLE SOFT MARGARINE 3‘,31.00 Cut from the Butt • BONELESS PORK ROAST Ib,1 a19 Cul from the Flank - frozen PORK SIDE RIBS CHINA LILY STEMS & PIECES MUSHROOMS 3,„..z. 00 hs 1 ASSORTED VARIETIES HAMBURGER HELPER or, pkg, 6 to 8 C 49 HEINZ IN TOMATO SAUCE SPAGHETTI 14„,..2.23c ED, SMITH TOMATO KETCHUP Cut from the Centre Loin Pork CHOPS Cut from the Pork Loin Country Style SWIFT PREMIUM 4 VARIETIES • 6 or. Package Sliced Cooked Meats 39° SCHNEIDER'S 1 lb. Package Oktoberfest Sausage 1.1 8 SCHNEIDER'S 8 VARIETIES b or. Package 45° 1.25 Shellout Treats 31!nbi 1.69 PAMPERS DISPOSABLE DAY TIME SIZE DIAPERS P"° 301.69 TOP \AEU FANCY • MOLE KERNEL CORN 4 "T. 89c GERBER S • 01RAt1110 BABY FOOD 7,i, 16° CHASE & SANBORN • Alt PURPOSE GROUND COFFEE (,,T, 93 c PREMIUM • UAW 108180 PACK TEA BAGS 99° KAM ASSORTED VARIETIES LUNCHEON MEAT 12 Yin 78° WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES CO AVERAGE FAMILY 1110111A1MINTS Stipp/foci and Serviced By M. Loeb Limited PRIM TFTECTIVE UNTIE newt° SATURDAY, error 2?, 1913 october is cheese festival time at IGA RPM,' 0100100 PROCESS NV Willt Cheese Spread 2 ;I'',1.69 TOP YALU • REGULAR PROCESS IGA's economical Cut from die Tenderloin End Cut from the Leg LOIN PORK FRESH PORK ROAST lb, 99c HOCKS .• each PRODUCT OF SOUTH AFRICA U.S A. NO. I RONA TASTY TANGELOS Rs i~tw.65c always fresh and priced to please! U,S,A. NO, 1 CALIFORNIA CRISP • HEAD LETTUCE A NO, 1 CALITORMA • SWEET ANJOU PEARS 5 In, 59` CANADA NO. 1 ONTARIO , YELLOW 'ash CAUTOPNIA REDWOOD 3 HOUR COLOUR Pvc), COOKING ONIONS cella2b% 29° Burning Fireiog t:14.79 here are values to make your shopping trip a real big savi ng event lb. lb 55 c lb. 1.39 99c RIBS lb 99c ROAST Cul FROM THE KU CHILLI, BONELESS SHORT RIB I 1 .39 ROAST • C117 FROM THE BEEP CHUCK BONELESS CROSS RIB is 1 .49 SUM( • (01 tows Tut BEES CHM BONELESS CROSS RIB ib 1 .59 FRESH • BACKS ATTACHED CHICKEN LEGS lb 98° TRESSI • BACKS ATTAND CHICKEN BREASTS m 98` SLICED COOKED HAM 89° SLICED SIDE BACON here's more of IGA's big money savers Dore • Assailed Varieties Halloween Swat PREMIUM T01111011110 ('savor mAe, SMOKED HAMS r, 1 .38 TOP ULU • TULLY COOKS) 2' 1' On DINNER HAMS lb. 1 .59 70P vALu - mArARoNI A 11i101 OR CHICKEN LOAF 'Or, 99° Sliced Cooked Meats TOP VALLI • 6 OZ PACKAGE TOP VALLI • 1 lb. PrIkage SLICED BOLOGNA 39° SKINLESS WIENERS 84C TOP YALU - fi Ot PACI,AbE 1011 YALU • 1 Ib. Pocktg8 CHEESE SLICES IAp4 89° iNG550.• REGULAR PROCESS CHEESE SPREAD 16°,:de 79° 111611801.• PROCESS Roby-Roll Choete 16 1,R:it 95° MctAgt FROM MAMMY OR RASPBERRY SHORTCAKE sore 1139 15 az, 9C 05011 100% • VEOTTAREE OIL • CO1OURID 101, MARGARINE 3 C,,4 1.00 at IGA the owners in the store to guarantee your satisfaction every shopping trip! MrCORMICKS MAW ASSORTMENT COOKIES 1 p4i sled MONARCH • ASSORIID VARItilli. CAKE MIXES 4 890 DEAD • PLASTIC GARRAGE BAGS ."211 11.09 im.t• wish . All PURPOSt 24 s pkg 1.39 Re.Usable Cloths -104! 59t me4,0, 'Weft or Assorted Colmar • lame !lox 2 Ply FACIAL TISSUE 2n'i(,):. 39c ARCTIC POWER POWDI RIO DETERGENT s.rc pie 1.19 PALMOLIVE LIQUID DETERGENT mat MilReoNE - ASSORTED vArbITIES DOG FOOD w ' un 88° r AlA Powdered Cleanter SEAITORD S1RAWGEARY 0015010 PIE FILLING 'C % 49c MIRED COLOURS hATII112t . • MINT JEMIMA FROZEN ------ - Palmolive Bar Soap .4 b.1386 WAFFLES la itt-g-c bANOUET froyen Turkey, Sabilniry &lee CS Anti Garden Edney Ewen Wen Peas. or Moat teat !Annan- Pr: 59c Mixed Vegetables 24 65c Packers Sub-Primal Cut (vacuum packed) BEEF SIRLOIN TIP Approx. Weight 12 lbs. III lb, Peckers Sub-Primal Cut (vacuum pricked) BOTTOM ROUND STEAK 9 lb, Approx. - Weight 15 .lbs budget helpers from our meat department Cut from the beet Loin Boneless Cut from tile Loin Top Sirloin STEAKS th.1.78 BEEF Tenderloin C p„ sHrrr From our local Kinsmen Club comes the news that President and Mrs, Ron Jewitt„ Mr. and Mrs. Steve Brown, Mr. and Mrs, Bill Fleming, Mr. and Mrs, Doug Norman and Mr. and Mrs, Don Jefferson atten- ded the District 1 Fall Council of Kinsmen held in Cambridge October 19, 20 and gl, Highlight of the trip was the presentation of a cheque to the National Cystic Fibrosis Foun- dation for $40,000. Our Kin- smen club is to be congratulated for what must have been a real team effort to realize this amount. Hans Veenstra and his wife are visiting with the former's brother Joost Veenstra and family of R.R. 5, Clinton, for three weeks. It is the first time that the two brothers have met in eight years. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Veenstra have four children at home in Friesland, Holland, * * * Congratulations to Charlie Cook of Victoria Street, who was awarded a life membership in the African Violet Society of Canada. Mr. Cook was treasurer of the Society for 13 years stepping down in June 1973. He well remembers its in- ception with a mere 10c in the treasury. There are 1,200 mem- bers of the Society scattered over the world. * * * "The ties that bind" will be evidenced this Saturday, Oc- tober 27, when the Clinton B'ranch of the Royal Canadian Legion plays host to all Huron County First World War Veterans who are free and able to attend. Registration is at 1;30 p.m, followed by an after- noon of entertainment. Dinner will be served at 5:30 p.m. Bob McKinley, M.P. for Huron County and Jack Riddell our provincial member of parliament expect to be in at- tendance. Mayor Don Symons will be there - Doug Andrews, former Recreation Director, also plans on coming. * * * This writer can go blithely on when correcting other people's mistakes, however, she feels very small, and rightly so, HULLY GULLY Sport and Recreation R.R. 1 VARNA BRAND NEW ARCTIC CAT, 440 PANTHER ONLY 5 1 2.9 5 Limited Time Only 43b when .correcting her own, But amends must be made, An error was made in last week's column concerning the joint Thankoffering Service of the U.C.W, The service will be held in Wesley-Willis United Church and not Ontario Street Church as previously stated. All details are in an advertisement elsewhere in this edition. The above confession brings to mind a quotation by Henry Ward Beecher "Every man should keep a ' fair-sized cemetery in which to bury the faults of his friends," It occurs to the writer that the author might have added "and family"! The writer of the following is unknown - but it was submitted for your reading enjoyment by Mrs, Marion Snell's daughter, Ann. GRANDMA'S ROCKER DUSTY The old rocking chair is vacant today, For grandma is no longer in it; She's off in the car to the of- fice or shop, Just buzzing around every minute. No one shoved Grandma back on the shelf, She's versatile, forceful, dynamic; That isn't a pie in the oven my dear Her baking today is ceramic. You won't see her trundle off early to bed, Or seek out a warm comfy nook, Her typewriter clackety- clacks through the night, For grandma is writing a book. Without ever taking a look at her yarn, To slow down her steady ad- vancing, She won't tend the babies for you any more, For grandma has taken up dancing. She isn't content with crumbs as of old, With meagre or second-hand knowledge.. Don't bring out the mending for grandma to do, For grandma has gone back to college! * * * Just because summer is over and holiday trips are memories there must be other items for Town Talk floating around, - visitors to town, special an- niversary celebrations - we are always grateful for any news so please keep it coming. Other- wise, you'll have more of the above inflicted upon you - take your choice!!! Verna Lobb was hostess for the October meeting of the S.S. No. 4 Community Club. The meeting opened with the creed and the Lord's Prayer followed by the minutes of the Septem- ber meeting, Roll call was an- swered by 15 members and one visitor with "The total of the ages of your family", The highest tool was 268, The treasurer's report showed a good balance on hand. The members voted to give $10 to the CNIB. A bowling party is planned for the Saturday evening of October 27. Edith Tebutt will hold the November meeting at her home. The meeting closed with the Mizpath Benediction. Marlene Forbes and Harriett Tyndall assisted the hostess with the lunch. PERSONALS It seems a few more of the residents of the community have the urge to travel and see this land of ours. Mr. and Mrs, R. E. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. John Merrill recently returned from a trip to the east coast. They stopped at the Ald- winckle home (Robin',s sister) in Ottawa and toured''a few of „the sPbts while here. TheY also toured Quebec City and then followed the St. Lawrence River. The colour of the trees around Gaspe area were repor- ted as the prettiest in the whole trip. Several ferry boat trips were taken but while on Prince Ed- ward Island, the water got a little too rough and an extra night was spent there. Skin- ner's Pond; Stompin Tom's home town was one of the places visited. One disappoint- ment was not being able to go through the Anne of Green Gables home. While on Cape Breton Island they followed the ecoraiing lido IS HERE! Clinton, Ontario DRAPERIES PAINTS WALLCOVERINGS (formerly D.A. Kay & Son) • PHONE 482-9542 CLINTON, ONTARIO P.O. BOX 337 Decorating Contractors Wallcoverings Draperies We have changed our name but our quality Is the same. Kay has been a name In decorating since 1915. Thank you for past patronage and we are anticipating serving you for years to come. Don & Shirley Kay Robert & Bonnie Key HIM& Clifford Jack McKinnon Jack ROMs Doug Joliet Grant Rath Elton Draper Wilt Castle Lawrence Scott Cabot Trail along the windy rugged coast line. Once Halifax was reached, they decided to fly to St. John's, Newfoundland. The return trip was through the states of Maine, New Ham- pshire, Vermount to Lake Champlain where they once more boarded a ferry and en- tered New York State. Canada was re-entered by the Ivy Lee Bridge at the Thousand Islands. The weather for the trip was not as nice as we were enjoying here but it was time well spent and is highly recom- mended to anyone with a couple of weeks for sight seeing. George Thompson and Gor- don Lobb are off on a trip to Europe. They left a week ago and word has been received from England where they are having a look at that country before crossing the English Channel.