HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-10-11, Page 32construct a service road, erect fencing, construct a parking area, carry out tile drainage work, provide toilet facilities and carry out other general development work, All member municipalities will bear the Authority's share of the cost of the two projects. Murder investigation continues Ontario Provincial Police are continuing their extensive in- vestigation into the October 5 murder of Mrs, Jane Burton McMurtrie, 93, of Hensall. Mrs. McMurtrie, who lived alone in her Main Street home was found strangled on October 5 and tests by the centre of Forensic Sciences in Toronto last week revealed that she had been sexually assaulted. Police are still continuing the tedious task of interviewing everyone in Hensell and checking- and rechecking leads. No arrests have yet been made, 106th Anniversary Service KIPPEN UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, OCT. 21 AT 11 A.M. Rev. George Ambury of;) ,-Kingston will be the guest .speaker The HURONIA CHOIR will present The Ministry of Music 42b r 000 r 0 0 r•• O la Thurs. 18 Fri. 19 Sat. 29 AMU ENTERTAINMENT „,AWARRENOATES-BEN1oHNSON iINCItELLE PHILLIPS -.CLOW LEACHIMIA Color b MOVIELAB • An AMERICAN INTERNATIOIZArP.:clure MGM True life story of a dog whoW faithfulness to her master wins her the Key to the City. Sun. 2 / Mon. 22 me. 23 It's a grubby, violent, dangerous world. But it's the only world they know. And they'he the only friends Eddie has. Allumottl.1 hot,,plpsP,,Y, "The Friends Ot EildieCOVIO"' i'"-Robert Peter Mitchum Boyle PINTA .1 %DV* A RpaPt ol hrp wit 24 mu: 25 61.26 se.27 The GOspel accordfmt to today An extraordinary experience for everyone, everywhere! C11APINA OtAlffif A4 A,.44 tAPArttrAtAktP4POI AMPLO ft*, twAnerol• v.16044.0 ej 4T111:14i.41, " ATTENTION - CURLERS ANYONE WISHING TO CURL IN HENSALL STARTING NOV. 5 Phone 262-5057 or 262-5068 '42,43b LAMPLIGHT RESTAURANT VANASTRA Don't wait too late! Book now for snowmobile or skating or any party - Your choice of food our pleasure. Seating 80 or less. No party too small. Phone after 6 Monday thru Saturday. TELEPHONE 482-6624 40; HALLOWE'EN mo MASQUERADE 114:77 DANCE SAT. OCTOBER 27, 1973 at BAYFIELD COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by "STAR TREX" $2.50 9:30 - 1 a.m. Prizes Per Person Lunch 42,43b ide4 tatfealitoo ki001) I COME TO THE GP HALLOWE'EN MASQUERADE 0 DANCE tit Sat. Oct. 27, 1973 I A. SHOW TIMES 7.00 and 9.00 p.m. Wed. 17, Thurs. 18, Fri. 19, Sat. 20th THE BEST DAMN BANK ROBBER IN THE WORLD! ...,WARREN OATES BEN JOHNSON ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ONE COMPLETE SUN, 21, MON. 22, TUES. 23rd SHOWING 7:15 p.m. AUSTAIR MetLEAN'S MOST BIZARRE ADVENTURE Raquel Weicn Rabat Culp "Ill nnie (molder" Hannie Caulder-the first lady gunfighter 0111111101111111101•11111 LYCEUM IIV`311E.1116",111111r NUM WINGHAM, ONTARIO PHONE 357.1630 Itoolo ailoolmose miti• tom Mme_ memo I itak41 et-g STARTS WED., OCT. cf 4 tAu g MUS 90 ins Om* Nu OM MI aill1191ZIPii11111111 MI I Friday & Saturday This Week McEWEN Organ-Plano Duet Returning Next Week On The Plano DAVE HOY Dining Roiii Now Open For Sunday Dinners 4 pm, to 8 pam. Ltonced under LOBO *. For IlesOvotioni tall 4 8 2-34 2 1 **************** 16---CLINTON NEWS-REOORD, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1973 Playhouse gets grant CASH BINGO, Legion Hall, Seaforth, Friday, Oct. 19 8:15 p,m. Regular games, $10; three $25 games; $75 jackpot to go. Door prizes. Admission $1,00. Auspices Branch 156, Proceeds welfare work. BETA SIGMA PM HALLOWEEN DANCE, Satur- day, October 27, 1973, Clinton Arena, Music by Disc Jockeys Unlimited, dancing 9 1, Costumes optional, Lunch, tickets: $ 5 .00 a couple.-40,41,42b NEW BINGO, Clinton Legion Hall, 8:30 Oct. 11. Admission $1.00; fifteen regular games $10.00 each. Three Share-the- Wealth games. One Jackpot for $150 in 54 calls, Consolation. One call and $10 added weekly if not won. BLYTH LIONS BINGO, Blyth Memorial Hall, Saturday, 8:30 p.m. $150 jackpot. Big cash prizes. - 39tfn BINGO, Oct. 9 Huron Fish and Game Club, 8;30 p.m. Jackpot $55 in 55 numbers, Six door prizes. - RESERVE :THURSDAY evening, Oct. 25, 1973 to hear Dr. George Goth of Metropolitan Church, London at the joint Thankoffering of Ontario Street and Wesley Willis U.C.W,'s. Special music by the MacMillan family of Goderich, 7:30 p.m. Wesley Willis United Church.-42b EGMONDVILLE , UNITED CHURCH FOWL SUPPER on Wednesday, October 24, 5 to 8 p.m. Adults - $3,00, Public school children - $1.50, pre- school children - free, take out orders available. For tickets call 527-0876.--42b MANY HAPPY BIRTHDAY GREETINGS "CAROL" S.G.M. n/M-Irle=11^ ENTERTAINMENT COUNTRY and WESTERN Every Friday and Saturday Evening TASTY SNACKS AMPLE FREE PARKING COMMERCIAL HOTEL Seaforth, Ont, —20tf THE JOHNNY CASH SHOW: Saturday, Nov. 3, 1.00col ,Gar. dens. Tickets $8,60 including transportation). Limited num- ber available. Phone 482-9478 or 482-7220.-41b TO-NIGHT DOES ABORTION TAKE A HUMAN LIFE??? Come out and decide for your- self. , Speaker - Dr. Hart Bezner, Chmn, of the Physics Dept, Waterloo Lutheran University. Topic: "A second look at Abor- tion," Thurs. Oct. 18 - 8 p.m. G.D.C,I. Auditorium. Special invitation to high school students, Goderich Pro-Life. Admission free - everyone welcome.-42 ANNUAL MEETING of Huron County Cream Producers will be held TUESDAY, OC- TOBER 23, 1973 at 8:30 P.M. in the Ministry of Agriculture Boardrooms, Clinton. Guest Speaker: Jerry Kreuter, ARDA Branch Topic: "Observations'of a Rural Development Coun- sellor", Everycine welcome. Lunch will be served.--42b THE MORNING MARKET PLACE, Saturday, November 3, 1973, in Wesley-Willis United Church. Pantry, fleamarket, novelties. Children's Christmas tree, Cof- fee 10-11:30 a.m. Lunch 12-1:30 p.m.-42,43,44b HOCKEY REGISTRATION for all boys 6-12 years of age, Bayfield Arena, Sat. Oct. 20 from 10 a.m, to 12 noon. Please bring birth certificate.-42b CLINTON HORTICULTURE SOCIETY meeting, Clinton Town Hall, 8 p.m. Wed. Oct. 24. Surprise program, the men in charge. Bring an arrangement or favorite variety for a chrysanthemum display.-42b RELATIVES, friends and neighbours are invited to at- tend a reception for Mr. and Mrs. Greg Porter (nee Janet Allin) following their wedding Sat. Oct. 27 from 9 to 1 A.M. in Goderich Memorial Arena. Music by the Broughams.—nc MEETING HURON COUNTY BRANCH Architectural Con- servatory of Ontario, 8 p.m. Thursday Oct. 18 in Junior Congregation room, Knox Church, Goderich. Speaker, Mr. Nick Hill. Everyone welcome.-42b RECEPTION AND DANCE for Mr. and Mrs. Keith Scott (nee Nancy Ginn) Auburn Com- munity Hall on Saturday, Oc- tober 20. Dancing 9:30 to 12:30. Lunch provided.-42b The Honourable Leo Bernier, Minister of Natural Resources, and Jack Riddell, M.P.P. for Huron announced the approval of a provincial grant of $1,500 to the Ausable Bayfield Con- servation Authority for the Clinton (formerly Maynard- Corrie) Conservation Area. They also announced the ap- proval of a grant of an ad- ditional $.3,550 to the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority for the Authority of- fice and workshop.. Previously a grant was authorized to apply on the cost of certain alterations to be carried out on the office and workshop building which in- cluded enlargement of the boardroom, provision of a staff room, additional storage space and washroom facilities and improvements in the workshop section. When these alterations were The report of Prof. N.R. Richards on his study of the organization of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food contains the recommen- dation to phase out Centralia College of Agricultural Technology by transferring the programs at Centralia College to Guelph or Ridgetown. On Monday, September 24, the Honourable Wm. A. Stewart, Minister of Agriculture and Food, made the following statement respec- ting Centralia College, "Recognizing the importance of the agricultural industry to the area served by Centralia Agricultural College, I do not intend to accept the recommen- dation. Centralia College of Agricultural Technology has established a unique program emphasizing farm business management through involving area farmers in the program with the students. Centralia is located at the heart of some of the finest agricultural land in Ontario where cash crops are an important part of the total agricultural economy." "The area served by the College includes livestock and poultry farming operations which are a vital part of On- tario's agriculture. While IN "THE CLOUD 9 )4: LOUNGE" being undertaken, it was discovered that the entire building needed a new roof, with the installation of ad- ditional washroom facilities, a new septic tank and tile bed was essential, and also ad- ditional furniture and equip- ment were needed for the enlarged boardroom and of- fices. The Authority proposes to undertake these essential im- provements to complete this capital development program. The Clinton conservation area comprises some 12 acres of land in the Township of Tuckersmith. It is traversed by the Bayfield River for a distance of about 1,000 feet. The Authority proposes to carry out initial development work in this conservation area to provide recreational day-use facilities which will include fishing, picnicking and bathing. The Authority also intends to recognizing the excellent con- tribution of the Ontario Agricultural College and Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology, I fir- mly believe Centralia College should be maintained in the in- terests of the increasing impor- tance of food production, Plant now Tulip or daffodil bulbs plan- ted now will bloom next spring. Given a reasonable start, the bulbs will produce blooms year after year. Easy growing tulips and daf- fodils are among the first spring blooming flowers. Remember that many varieties prefer a semi-shaded area. All types do best in a properly drained, rich garden loam, A combination of relatively cool and moist conditions mean a longer flowering period. To create the effect of a solid mass of color, plant bulbs of the same variety in groups of ten or more. Plant tulip and daffodil bulbs about six inches deep and five inches apart. Un- der these conditions, the bulbs should establish root systems strong enough to maintain healthy plants HOTEL Huron Country Playhouse is applying, for a 1973 Local Initiatives Grant to assist it in establishing an Educational Touring Theatre Program for area schools. It will offer a complete, fully contained touring package that allows our group to perform anywhere in Your school. Three specific programs will be offered (about 40 to 60 minutes in length) for the following age groups: Grades 1 - 6; Grades 7 - 8; Grades 9 - 13, If approved, the project will commence work in mid- January with the actual tour beginning early March and con- tinuing' through May. The only cost to the school would be the play's royality fee, about $10, and not more than $25 per per- formance. In addition to the performan- ces some schools may wish to have workshops, lecture- demonstrations, or classes in creative dramatics. There will Cool corms By now, gladiolus blooms are little more than a fond memory. Gardeners should dig and store their gladioli corms in October, advises Burke McNeill, horticultural specialist, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The best time to do this is on a warm, sunny day towards the end of the month. Dig up the dorms and let them dry in the sun for an hour or so. That way, the soil around the corms will come off easily. As well, remove the old leaves, cutting about a half inch from each corm. To allow the corms to dry, place them in a paper bag, old nylon stocking, or a flat, and take them indoors. Wait about two weeks and then remove the old corms and roots from the bottoms of the new corms. Store the new corms in a cool dry place (about 50°). Even in storage, thrips pose a threat to corms. To thwart thrips, dust the corms before storing; use either a 5 percent Sevin dust, a 5 percent methoxychlor dust, or a 5 per- cent chlordane dust. ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL Now Playing MacGEE'S MISSION Versatile Group Pop, Old Rock & Country also Exotic Dancer COMING NEXT WEEK "GREEN LITE" Pop, Rock & Country Group 42b A be no charge for these. At this point we need to know how many principals are interested to have the Company perform in their schools. Our chances of getting our Project approved is going to depend upon the kind of response we get from you. At this point we need to ktion only if you favor the idea and if you think it could work in your school. Ac- tual tour dates can be worked out after our Project is ap- proved, We hope you will write us a letter expressing interest in the Project by October 8, 4;§ 4-co $6.00 per couple 2 5 WEDDING ANNIVERSARY RECEPTION FOR Mr. and Mho. HAROLD EAST Sat Oct. 27, 1973 In Londeaboro Hall Dancing 9:30 -1 a.m. To WONNETTA TRIO Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome 42,43 mooguriirigirft"..0..0%.~0.0014.10•0. The Clinton Centennial Band are now in full practice and hope to play at the Remembrance Day services in Clinton on November 11. Here Dwight Strain leads the trumpet section through their practice. Mr. Strain said that ,there are still several openings In the band and any interested children should contact him. (News-Record photo) Authority get Ont. grant itto CLINTON ENTERTAINMENT, Ag. school to stay **************** THANK YOU CLINTON VANASTRA FOR YOUR RESPONSE TO CHRISTIAN VISITATION WEEK IF YOU WERE MISSED DURING THE CANVAS% PLEASE CONTACT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CHURCH REPRESENTATIVES. CALVARY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH BERT BEACOM CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH BERT HAVERCAMP FELLOWSHIP BIBLE CHAPEL FRED MUNNINGS FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH HAZEL CLIFFORD ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH JIM MAII4 ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MRS. HOMUTH ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH PAUL KERRIGAN ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH DOUG MORGAN WESLEY-WILLIS UNITED CHURCH GARNET HARLAND iteterovot ./e4 Dancing to the "CASUALS" at the WHITE CARNATION Prizes , For further information • Phone 482-7535 42,43b tgaefb