HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-10-11, Page 21f ALEK TRICIAN"sAys WHEREVER ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS DO EXIST, 'NIS IS A CHALLENGE WE War' Frozen Foods! REGULAR OR BUTTERMILK, FROZEN ACTION PRICED! Aunt Jemima WAFFLES 10.oz pkg 390 Stouffers, Frozen, Chicken or Turkey ACTION PRICED! Meat Pies 10-oz pkg 65)2` CARNATION, REGULAR CUT, FROZEN ACTION PRICED! French Fries 2 2-Ih pkgs 890 FOES// BAKED GOODS! JANE PARKER, SLICED (BUY 3 LOAVES — SAVE 17c) VIENNA 24-oz BREAD j loaves $• 1•00 JANE PARKER Peach Pie (SAVE 10c) full 8-inch, 24-oz pie 65re JANE PARKER (It's The Beauty With The Crumbs On Top!) DUTCH (SAVE 6c) Apple Pie lull 8-inch, 24-oz pie 690 JANE PARKER, ENGLISH (SAVE 6c) Fruit Cake 1-113 9-oz cake 590 JANE PARKER (SPICY. RAISIN RICH!) (SAVE 6c) Spanish Bar Cake 19-oz cake 590 WE REDEEM ALL FOOD STORE COUPONS 1-lb vac pac $1.32 SUPER-RIGHT, SLICED Side Bacon lb 2 TO 3-LB 3 1/4 -LBS AVERAGE & UP FRESH CHICKENS 1b591b69fe CANADA GRADE "A", EVISCERATED, FOR FRYING, ROASTING OR BROILING SCHNEIDERS Mini Sizzlers PORK SAUSAGE lb 98? SCHNEIDERS, RED HOT 1-lb vac pac 880 6-oz vac pac 980 SCHNEIDERS Polish Sausage Loops lb $1,08 SCHNEIDERS — 5 VARIETIES -Cooked Meats 6-0Z vac pac 48? PETER PIPER, ANY WEIGHT CUT Burns Bologna By the piece lb 58? BURNS BRAND, STORE PACK Sausages BEEF & PORK lb 88ii SWEET PICKLED, by the piece (CENTRE CUTS lb $1.31) Back Bacon END CUTS lb $1.28 OVEN ROASTING, VACUUM PACKED Shopsy Corned Beef lb $1.44 FRESH CHICKEN PARTS Leg Quarters Breast Quarters Mixed Quarters Chicken Halves Whole Cut up Chicken READY TO SERVE SMOKED COOKED HAMS SHANK PORTION IL • 0 d BUTT lb 99? OR QUARTERS IP 77. PORTION HIGHLINER, FROZEN, OCEAN 16-oz pkg 930 16-oz pkg • 2-lb pkg $2.28 • Wieners SCHNEIDERS, SLICED Cooked Ham Perth Fillets SCHNEIDERS, FROZEN Beef Steakettes SCHNEIDERS, FROZEN Beef Patties West St. Goderich WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES CANADA No. 1 GRADE, P.E.I., WHITE TABLE STOCK Potatoes 25-lb bag $1.69 CANADA No. I GRADE, ONTARIO, Bradford Marsh Grown Carrots 5-lb cello bag 39fe ONTARIO, WASHED, PACKED FRESH DAILY Spinach 3 10-oz cello pkgs $1.00 CANADA No. 1 GRADE, ONTARIO, YELLOW COOKING Small Onions 10-lb bag 69? ALL PRICES SHOWN IN, THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1973. Consumer Consultant 1260 Lakeshore Road, East Port Credit Ontario HELLO! for the first time and what we hope will be the beginning of a warm relationship. We look forward to an exchange of ideas which will be helpful to us both. I personally am. delighted to be presented to you as the A&P Consumer Consultant. Our "team" is at your service in many ways and in the weeks ahead will talk about: Nutrition, Economy, Best Buys of the Week, Shopping for Two, & Entertaining. Action priced! Punch Powder DETERGENT KING SIZE 5-LB BOX $1.88 GRAPE, VERY BERRY, ROSY RED ACTION PRICED! Hawaiian Punch 3 4841-oz tins $1,00 FRESH BARTLETT ACTION PRICED! Pears No. 1 3 lbs $1.00 DIXIE PIECES & STEMS Mushrooms 60 OR 100 WATT Ai? LIQUID BLEACH jug 6 V 3'1041-oz 128-11-oz tZt$ON11 .P0RIPED! DISPOSABLE DIAPERS—Toddler Six. ACTION PRICED! Flush A Byes pkg of 60 $2.17 ROYALE, Lilac, Pink, White, Yellow ACT!ON PRICED! Toilet Tissue 3 pkgs of 2 rolls $100 fiction priced! MIX & MATCH 1 ON t1r) ; • FANCY' PEAS, 'FANCY :'CREAM' STYLE -CORN, SEASONED GREEN OR WAX BEANS, PEAS & CARROTS DEL MONTE VEGETABLES 14..$191 tons 59? TOMATO ACTION PRICED! Heinz Ketchup 15-fl-oz WI 39? rsnister Shrink Wrapped On Side ACTION PRICED! Spic & Span 40-oz pkg 99? TOILET BOWL CLEANER Lysol Cleaner 164I-oz plastic 6tI 5 3 BETTY CROCKER. 6 VARIETIES OF ACTION PRICED! Muffin Mixes 2 14-oz pkgs 89? NINE LIVES — 12 VARIETIES ACTION PRICED! Cat Food 6 61/2 -oz tins $1.00 ROBIN HOOD, 6 VARIETIES ACTION PRICED! Cake Mixes 6 9-oz pouch packs $1.00 CARAMEL, CHOCOLATE, LEMON, CHERRY, BLUEBERRY Monarch PUDDINGS Sponge 9.02 $ 1 00 PKGS IDA BURNS CHOCOLATE CHIP & 6 OTHER VARIETIES DAD'S COOKIES Action Priced! 16-oz tin tie bag JANE PARKER, SLICED 60% or 100% WHOLE WHEAT or CRACKED WHEAT BREAD (BUY 3 LOAVES — SAVE 16c) 24-oz 139 loaves Itile399eol A & p POLICY: Always do what is honest and fair for IMPORTANT every customer, RAINCHECK: FOR Y If an advertised special is ever sold out ask the Manager for a Raincheck , It entitles you to the some tern at the some price the following week, Or if you wish well give you a comparable item at the same special price. GUARANTEE: A&P offers on unconditional money-bock guarantee. No moiler what it is, no matter who mokes it, if A&P sells it A&P guarantees it, • Action priced! SAVE 46? WITH COUPON BELOW A Superb Blend of 100% Brazilian Coffee 8 O'CLOCK Instant Coffee 99? Clip This Valuable Coupon! p*s U U Action priced! BUTTERSCOTCH, CHOCOLATE, VANILLA JE MI I. N -0 1PUDDINGS pkg of 449, S-oz tins 24-fl-oz DINNERS tin triActtl 5 BEEF OR IRISH STEW, CHILI CON CARNE, WIENERS & BEANS SCHNEIDERS ActionPriced! KRAFT, ,cHEEz PROCESS WHIZ 2-LB JAR 59 ES 20th, 1973. 10-oz jar OFFER •EXPIRES OCT. .1/211 IC1(1 P1OHN1 5 SAVE 46? 100% BRAZILIAN COFFEE 8 O'CLOCK INSTANT COFFEE ••• opNroN Nyvmucolip,. TfiLMSPAY, ocToBon iQ, 1974,4 Huron board approves several resignations and absences The Huron county board of education aceepted at their meeting Monday the reeignation of Donald S, McKee, effective .October 15, and approved a request that Mrs. E. Merrill, a teacher at Blyth Public School be permit- ted to attend the directors' meeting of the Federation of Women Teachers' Associations of Ontario, on Thursday, March 28 and Friday, March 29, 1974, The Federation, which made the request, will reimburse the board the costs of supplying a teacher during Mrs. Merrill's absence. The board will permit Mrs. J. Graham, principal of Queen Elizabeth Schools for the Trainable Retarded, Goderich, to keep the schools open on November 21, 1973 (a day designated for professional ac- tivity) and close the schools on April 26, 1974, to enable the teachers in the Trainable Retarded schools to attend the Annual Conference for teachers of these children. At a regular Board meeting on September 17, Trustee Her- bert Turkheim, of Zurich presented a petition from 62 students declaring that Exeter Coach Lines bus no, 4 to South Huron District High School is over crowded. R.L. Cun- ningham, transportation manager for the Board, repor- ted the bus being. used has a manufacturers rated capacity of 72 students, but a legal capacity according to specifications from ministry of transportation and com- munications of 69 students, of which approximately one-third of the seating capacity can stand. It was reported there were 73 students eligible to ride the bus on this route, therefore there are four more students than legal capacity if all ride the bus at one time. It was reported that some students drive the family car. Mr. Turkheim said, "It may be legal but I believe it is criminal", referring to so many students standing. He objected too, to the ministry of transpor- tation ruling that three secon- dary students can sit in the 39 inch seats on the bus. Jack Alexander of Wingham said that Jack Riddell, MPP for Huron, is premising a Bill to put before the, Ontario Government on school bus safety about which he is concer- ned, and this Bill includes a recommendation that three secondary students should not have to sit in a one 39 inch seat. The board voted that the ad- ministrative staff investigate the county situation as a whole to find out what costs would be involved to have all students seated while travelling on a bus. The board voted to invite John H. Byler of the Gorrie Amish Parochial *boot to at- tend the next Board meeting, along with a delegation from his School, to determine if an arrangement can be worked out for the Amish children to be transported to their school at R.R. 1, Wroxeter, by the Huron Board while transporting students to Howick Central Public School. Four students presently at- tending the Ontario School for the Deaf in Milton will be at- tending the new school for the deaf in London beginning January 4. The Board will con- tinue to employ the services of Brooke Trailways at a monthly rate of $53,80 per student for the period September 197.3, to December 1973, In January the agreement will be re-negotiated when the students are tran- sferred to London. Weekend transportation is provided by the Huron County Board of Education for four children from their homes in Huron to Milton. BUDD KUEHL at HURON PINES ELECTRIC 16 Ickna St. Clinton Mrs. Marie Toll, principal at Walton Public School, asked for additional supervisory assistance before clauses begin in the morning because 32 children are delivered by bus to the school by 8:15 a.m. Trustee John Henderson approved her request, but in a recorded vote asked by him, the board voted for the present teachers at the school to take turns at super- vision. Noting yes: J.P. Alexan. t•tt der, John Broadfoot, Kenneth Cooke, Alex Corrigan, C. McDonald, John Westbrook, Herbert Turkheim and Mrs. Marion Zinn, Voting no, John Henderson, Mrs. D. Wallace and Mrs. Donald Kunder. Not voting was acting chairman, Wilfred Shortreed and Separate School representative on board, Charles Rau, Absent from meeting were E.C. Hill, boardchairman, H. Hayter and Donald McDonald.. A new secretary will be engaged at Hullett Central Public School. She will be allowed 240 hours per week for remainder of school term. Ray Stewart was hired as custodian at Howick Central Public School and the board accepted thp..resignation of W,T, Langille of Goderich as school attendance counsellor, effective October 31. Five leaves of absence were requested from teachers: John Ball of Seaforth has reapplied for the board's nomination to Department of National Defence European school with the offer to release the Board from holding his position open if be is selected; Reg Fink- beiner of Crediton requested he be nominated to a Department of National Defence European school; and Graham. N. Russell of R.R, 2, Seaforth, a teacher at Central Huron Secondary School requested leave of ab- sence in order to engage ,in Christian missionary ac- tivities in Dominica, West In- dies, from July 1974 until early in August 1975. The above three requests were approved on the under- although they will be given preferential treat- .mstapnnd:n.ign that t the filling of staff vacancies in the County upon their return from such leave of absence, the board offers no guarantee that a teaching position will exist. A request for maternity leave from Mrs. Sandra Orr was approved but her request to work part-time on her return from Maternity leave was denied and Mrs. Orr was requested to choose between retirement and ftilitime em- plexment. The board approved ter- mination of contract by mutual consent for Terry Litzen, staff member at F.E. Madill Secon- dary School, Wingham, where he has taught Health and Physical Education. A field trip for 80 to 100 Grade 10 History students on a three-day trip to Ottawa, November 15, 16 and 17 was approved at no cost to the Board. ' Phone 4624901