HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-10-11, Page 6NEWS.RECORD. THURSDAY, 00Mign U, 1971 The Clinton Soccer Club, in their first year of operation, paused for a picture laet Sunday. Left to right back row are Bill Cantelon, Ray Kennedy, Graham Yeats, Stewart Lyon, Brian Kennedy end Glen McLechlln. Front row are John Duddy, Harvey Carter, captain Charlie Lipp, coach Don Armstrong, Gord Riley, Brian Jewltt and Darwin Carter. (News-Record photo), Fair features local talent DRESSES A LARGE GROUP INCLUDING 1/2 SIZES ORIGINALLY SOLD IN SEPT, FOR $26to $60. SALE $ 2 0 To $ 45 14T" BIRTHD AY As usual we offer you only the latest of this seasons merchan- dise at sale prices. This mer- chandise just a few days ago was at regular price on our racks. Come in and be well dressed for much less than you thought. Our birthday is a big event, don't mite It. COATS A GROUP OF COATS THAT 0111618AM SOLD FOR $40.00 to $99,00 SALE $ 3 200 TO $4950 SUITS & PANT SUITS Not all sizes in the group but prided to sell at sublitantial savings Vann last month's prices. SHOPPE GODEstiCH 0-PEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 PAL $17 to $38 $ TO REG. IN SEPT. Large group including pants, skirts, vests and jackets specially reduced $25 SPORTSWEAR DON BELL BUILDING CONTRACTOR 225 MAPLE ST, CLINTON 482-9560 W4 OM ro Wow ii4RP To TAHEAtz Now-A-DAK1 ref WQRK KARD TO SMY EVEN. "Come. Take it off. „ Take it all off. The Canadian Family Meal Plan comes to your area. "Yes you've probably heard about us. We're the same people who have helped thousands upon thousands of people . lose weight successfully. And now we're starting a class right here in your area. Join us and you'll find out how the Canadian Family Meal Plan for weight watchers can change. your life. C'mon join our new class this week lose weight far the last time." Joel $5 the 'Alt week only $2 * Week thereafter. Weight Watchers of Ontatiollmited d ta r 1911 .„, rcri.A,,,,,,,44,Torotito 20 IA 'A MEMBER OF Ti4F CANADIAN AS•SOCIAT ION Of OR6ANI/ATIONS FOR WEIGHT WATCHERS NEW (LASSES IN CLINTON Every Tuesday, at 7;34 pall. Wesley Willis united 'Church, Victoria & King GODER1014 Mondays, 7:30 pin, Tuesdays, 9.:30 aria, St. Georges Anglican Chat& Pariah Hall, 16 Nelson St. W. Adelaide Daniels, founder, author and lei The October meeting of the United Church Women was held in the Church basement last Thursday evening. The president Mrs. Ralph Stephenson opened the meeting with a poem "With Thanksgiving" Mrs. Roy Elliott, leading the devotions for Group Two, read the scrip- ture and closed with prayer, lithe offering Wa's4ec'eitted by„, Irra'rvey I-14ter and dedicated by Mrs. Sherlock Keyes. The meditation "The Great- ful Heart" was given by Mrs. Roy Elliott and Mrs. Aldie Mustard read a story "The First Thanksgiving" told by a pilgrim wife and closed with prayer. The president conducted the business period. Eighteen ladies answered the roll call. Mrs. Ida McClinchey read a thank you note from Mrs. Florence Elliott. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs, Robert Webster. Thirty calls were made to sick and shut ins, Mrs. Margaret Whyte RR 2 Seaforth will be the guest speaker at the special Thank offering on Thursday evening Nov Ise The organist and soloist will be Mrs. Townsend and Mrs. Campbell. Members were reminded of the fall rally of the United Church Women to be held in Ontario Street Church, Clinton on Thursday evening October 11th at 7 p.m. Dr. Anne Graham Langford of London will be the guest speaker and music provided by In .and •around Clinton Public School The eighth annual Colborne Township "Christmas Country Fair" will feature in addition to the almost 30 local crafts, the skilled creations of many area craftsmen. Eggshell craft follows an age old European custom of gifting an ornamental egg at Christ- mas, Easter and other memorable occasions, It is a goose egg, hardened by a special process, worthy of becoming a family heirloom or part of a collection, The eggs are mainly jewel boxes decorated with pearls, stones, braids are fully lined with satin, Some also are to have music boxes inside of them and be done in a Chinese mode, There will also be real hen eggs done as jewel boxes lined and jeweled, These are the hobby of Mr, James Burns of Tupper- ville. Pottery will be supplied by Mrs, Sheila Gunby, a new resident of the Dungannon area and Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Stewart well known in the area fde their "Thistlecroft" pottery. iinothy* Il uis al.se, a newt reti cient %f 4 the Clinton era- and a college graduate in arts and crafts, now operating his gallery known as "The Rain- tree", is to have a wide range of contemporary artistic crafts, many suitable for Christmas table centres, swags etc. Mrs. Pearl McClinchey of Clir`on is to have beadwork and the Harry Taylor Family of Seaforth will have woodwork and other crafts, Mrs. Jack Tebbutt of the Clinton area will also have an exhibit, Mrs. Joyce Monteith of Exeter refinishes old pine framed mirrors and she is to have several sizes for sale. Mrs. Rita Conrad of the St, Mary s area will have de coupage done on pine blocks and also on slate. Grand Master Toys of Embro will have a display of their hand constructed toys of white pine and hardwood dowels, Dowels and glue are used to secure all the pieces together so they are very safe for children. Mrs, Carol Knapton of Orangeville has an especially interesting display of hand- carved leather wail plaques, unique moulded leather small show put on by the craftsmen themselves who each advertise the show in their own area is a well-known tourist attraction. Several thousand attend each year from all over western On- tario and Michigan. This year looks like another most 'in- teresting show and a goodly quantity of country home baking is promised as usual. Tea will also be served and there is no admission charged. the McMillan Family of Goderich. Mrs. Roy Elliott closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served by hostesses Mrs. Ida McClinchey, Mrs. Harvey Hayter and Mrs. Gordon John- ston. CHURCH SERVICE Special Thanksgiving setviXe ,!Owas held in the United Church with the pastor Rev. Murdock Morrison in charge. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was ad- ministered and a Baptismal service held when Paul An- drew, son of Mr, and Mrs. Bev, Hill was baptized. The choir, under the direction of Mrs, Doug McAsh, sang two an- thems and the flowers in the Church were placed by mem- bers of the Porter family in memory of the late Elgin Por- ter. The service in the United Church will be withdrawn next Sunday owing to Anniversary Services in Goshen United Church. PERSONALS A very successful Smorgasbord supper was held last Wednesday evening in the United Church, Mr. Floyd McAsh of Hamilton spent the holiday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John McAsh, Mr, and Mrs. Murray Morrison and Shawn of Ilder- ton visited here over the weekend. animals, hand cut and painted bone pendants. John Plump.ee, of Clinton, long-time friend and promoter of the "Christmas Country Fair" is to be present with his usual beautiful display of woodburning which this year includes miniature butter presses, reasonably priced. "The Christmas Country Fair", a co-operative craft BY MATT EMERY The 073 -74 year at Clinton Public School .fires gotten off to a busy Start. Interschool soccer started when Clinton Public School soccer teams played. Hallett Central School, The boys lost 5 - 0 and the girls lost 2 - 0. Senior choir practices started the first week of October, and all senior elective programs are underway. The pupils from grade 8 went to the Plowing Match, October 16th is the ' night when students bring their parents to the school to show their work from the beginning of September to October 16th. Parents will also get cr chance to meet their child's teacher that nigh`, STVDENT ELECTION By ERIN PHILLIPS The Student Council election took place on Friday Oct, The candidates were: president, Brenda Claude DaW, Kirby Deller and Larry Hiehl; vice-president, Janice Allan and Derek Dbiois; treasurer, Gary Armstrong, Philip Cornish and Margot Menzies; secretary, Eunice Batkin, Susan McKay and Elizabeth Reid. Thera were two student council representatives from Fade 4 who were not running for an office. They were Christen(' Corrie and Da'rrel Fox. The resnits were announced Friday afternoon by Mr. Taylor. The winners were; president, Larry .Hiehl, vice- president, Janice • Allan; treasurer Margot Menzies, secretary, Elizabeth Reid. NEW .4rEACHERS SY SHERRY 4010j$TON CONNIE EVANS Clinton Public School has seven new teachers this year, and Vie would like to introduce Mrs, Patricia Allen. Mrs. Allen teaches grades 6, 7 and fi art classes. She has seven yefirS previous elc,. perience, and attended Toronto Teachers' College. Even though Mrs. Allen is busy teaching school, and has family, a little boy, and girl to 44 after, she still has time for her hobbies which are sewing and badminton. Mrs. Allen and her family live on High Street in Clinton, The pupils in Clinton Public School would like to wish Mrs. Allen every happiness and suc- cess in the coming year in her new school