HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-10-11, Page 2--C.1411T1 N -14E.WS-RECORD, THURSDAY,OOTOREff, IX, 1973 Master Corporal Barkley Sokoto!berg is presented the Canadian Forces Decoration by his Commanding Officer, Lieutenant-Colonel D.M. McNaughton, CD. Mcpt. Spiegeiberg serves with 427 Tactical Helicopter Squadron at CFB Petawawa. His parents reside at 321 Maple St„ Clinton. (CANADIAN FORCES PHOTO) 4H Achievement night date set KIETNEX MOTE OR ASSORTED COLOURS PAPER TOWELS 4590 ilD4006O 011;OR DC oho tip .171 Reel th.,i,en or brer OR RATTARD BURGERS 4 25 ;.:.1.00 DOG FOOD MISS MEW h3SoRnoilAVORS 364 89C CAT f000 NOT POWOIRED DETERGENT Itttt: ..m DEODORANT OAR SOAP IRISH SPRING -4 bvs 1.40 01100010010 01Amolb0 Ilot, pe1710i, 111 0 !tantr 3r2dt 89c sit LIQUID bETERAENT 324,1 49c LYNN VALLEY STANDARD PEACH HALVES TOP VAW IN TOMATO SAUCE BEANS With Pork 14 Ltix 11 ibt 111 C41,00 STILL ON 1 Y ANE R $ YEAR Term Deposits MINIMUM) , Lo inn _LH Clinton Community Credit Union 71) Ontario 8t. 482.3441 table fresh produce the pick of the crap 1FlEAT YOUR FAMILY To A DELICIOUS BANANA SPLIT THIS WEEK. Bt's A TREAT EVERYONE IS BOUND TO ENJOY DOLE PRIDE OF THE TFIOPICS GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS 2.. PRODUCT OF SOUTH AFRICA SWEET JUICY VALENCIA ORANGES td C 'CANADA NO 1 0,410,10 - 'CRISP CELERY STALK 141% 29e CELLO SPINACH 1V:4 35c S.A T40. I CATIFORNIATUSCIOT/5 DOLT RRODUct HONOORASTarrar SUMPS GRAPES it)-49° SWEET t'itifAOLE 40c wo.... 1 DNIAAin CANADA NO 10N1000 COOKING ONIONS 21!) 29° 'Parifq0 49c 'PRO000 m RAMO AND TRIMMED we THE COOL taut 15,5 3 4:100i, Colourful Firilatt UR U5 A ND 1 ROSEBUD 89° toloitoots "4 29° !RAM - ORANGE I &AMR CRYSTALS 5',:4°g: 69° TANG NON riclar6t Flavour Crystals 31. 64; 39e OOP WO SUM 1103115 CO 100050 PINEAPPLE 1'I g+1 top Wu (only /with 51y10 kel.e0 Hemp brr WAX DEANS 4 ";;;,, 99° CH (KEN OE THE SEA - CHUNK LIGHT TUNA 6 't 450 lino Malay mix BiSCuils 00 Mc mall Graham Bistults 2e;',0 92475c 040/4012CH A550,1E0 El4PeuRS Spohge Padding% 4 p91‘gg's 1 b00 ASSORTED vILRIETIES SHAKEN BAKE 3 ,a l' 009 294 ARIGHT'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP tR (119t (so (P.C. PACKERS PRIMAL CUT (VACUUM PACKED) 2 roll pEg. SANDY4CH BAGGIES 3 ,gre.1.00 mum, MOWS J14% 65 SOTO 1001all TABLE SALT 2o4n 18° POR11$0000 055012110 11ORIT) PUDDING MIXES 44; 29` MOW( HOOSt 11 0* Trite 301V3) /WANT tOFFEE 1 '131! i419 Y24.14 INSTANT COFFEE .95 Connie RONNY' MD 151.11 00 TREE) TEA BAGS '411*689b STUAR1110115110 1010011>1111 TOIL WRAP 69c CARLTON CLUB ASSORTED vARIEHES SOFT DRINKS tiara retails Alt 26 -or, DELSEY ASSORTED cOLDURS Bathroom Tissues C CALL US ,NOW FOR: • All-Weather Automatic Oil Delivery • Interest-Free Budget Payment Plan • Free 24-Hour Emergendy Service • Free Annual Furnace Cleaning and Check-up .1 Parts Replacement Insurance Plan • Full range of Home Comfort Equip- ment—Furnaces, Water heaters, Humidifyers, etc. KERRIGAN DUELS , 379 VICTORIA ST. CLINTON 482.6653 0 PACKERS - SUB-PRIMAL COT (VACUUM PACKED) TOP ROUND STEAK -PRIMROSE . NOUN A 00 roktioll -SM r PREMIUM - Ovlai ROASTING • 3 la 4 1b5 . BEEF STEAKETTES , lb 98e CORNED BEEF Bbl .48 IliESH . NUTRITIOUS TOP MALI - I IS PACKAGE SLICED PORK LIVER lb 79° SLICED BOLOGNA 84° 1AESH • CUT ogle THE SHOULDER TOP 0400 • a 02 PACKAGE PORK RIBLETS eb 69° SLICED COOKED HAM 89° AMY OR Stonlinlii a a vaillilS a OZ Pacicaaf SHOULDER PORK CHOPS* 99 SLICED COOKED MEATS 44° Cut 1RDM ENE BUTT SCeiNfiCeR 5 1 or PACKAGE BONELESS PORK ROAST_ 1,1 • 1 8 OKTOBERFEST SAUSAGE 1.18 FRESH WALKS atignio ..n Sat T PREMIUM - I IR PACKAGE CHICKEN BREASTS lb 9Vt SKINLESS WIENERS 89° IRISicr col . CHICKEN 5w013 . SuLAR PLUM • I to PACKAGE y THIGHS A DRUMSTICKS ibl .09 SLICED SIDE PACON 1.35 TOP yew . t ie PACKAGE TOP,VAtte - t IN PACKAGE SKINLESS WIENERS 84` SLICED SIDE BACON 1.25 I I • I I SHIRLEY GAY - WHITE ENRICHED I -SLICED I BREAD limit toad 24 or. lboveS per ftably with b0 purchase and Bus coupon 'Citopai 14{04 Otolna tore 16-, Oh Clip & redeem this valuable IGA coupon 24 or. boat 1 Clintortion -club meets I FACIAL !TISSUEtikg tit stock up this week on more of the good things from IGA The spirit of thankfulness engendered by 'the Thanksgiving weekend carried over into Tuesday of this week as the advertising department were most thankful for all good awls who co-operated, whether intentionally or not, by placing their classified ads before the 12 noon deadline. It is most difficult to have to say "We're sorry - you are toe late for this week's paper," But when we get hail columbia plump 'and plain from our setting depart- ment in Goderich we try and pais on the message to you a little less plump and plain. Please remember, no classified ads or coming events after twelve noon on a Tuesday. Thank you * * * A few recorded their comings and goings over the holiday weekend - Mr. Frank Cummings retur- ned to CFB Borden after spen- ding the holiday weekend at his home, 129 Mary St. Clinton. * * Barbara, Alvin and Mary Jean Betties spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. R. Penny and Billy at Dayton, Ohio. * * * Ft0 Reg. Cook of London spent some days with his mother and friends in town. * * * A news release from Grand Bend advises us that Mrs. Ken S. Wood, 211 Raglan Street, was named as a new director of the Huron County Playhouse Guild board of directors at a meeting held Saturday, Sep- tember 29, at the Oakwood Inn, Grand Bend. * * * Many of our readers may have noted in the London Free Press the death of the Western singer, Ross Mann. Following is a quote, in part, from that paper, "Ross Mann of Bluevale, a popular country and western singer for many years on CKNX-TV programs, died Tuesday (of last week) in Victoria Hospital, London, "Mr. M Mann, 55, had been iii for some time. He was with the CKNX Ranch Boys for 30 years and for 16 years also per- formed on Circle H Ranch. He also sang for many years on Barn Dance. Bluevale Waltz and Black Velvet Waltz, recor- Thursday 00t0hor 12 Monday Ottabor 15 tosioday OCtObet 16 Widnliday OCtobtr vi dad by western music star Al Cherny, were among the songs he wrote," * * CORRECTION, PLEASE NOTE - A last minute corree- ,tion reached this.desk after the Clinton Public School news column had gone to press. The Meet the Teacher Night at Clinton Public School is Mon. day, OCTOBER 15, and not October 16 as stated in the column. * * A subject close to the heart of the writer and upon which she can speak from very first hand experience, is the RCAF (W,D.) Therefore, when this office received a newsletter asking us 'to publicize the first story in book form of the RCAF Air- women from 1941 to the current day she immediately selected last spot on Town Talk to inflict details. All those uninterested may flip to the classified `pages, For the remainder here are the details The book entitled "We Serve That Men May Fly", is a fac- tual, humorous, illustrated, hard cover book. The bounds of advertising prevents mention of the price and where obtainable in this column - but a call to the writer will gain you this in- formation After one week of bowling in the Crown Junior League, there is a four way tie for top spot with the Pin Spots, the Corner Pins, the Headpins, and the Dusters each with 5 points. Next come the Strike Outs and the Alley Crackers with 3 points each and the Super Strikers and the Alley Cats with 2 points each. At the bot- tom are the Spares, the Tigers, the Willows and the Rolling Pins, all with no points. Laurie Williscraft had both the girls' high single of 211 and the high double of 329. Reg Sullivan had the boys' high single of 215 and the high double of 335 went to Rob Knights. In the Crown Teen League, Blue Moon lead the way with 19 points followed by Deb's Drunks with 14, Whipper Snapp pers with 12, Fin Killers with 10, Star Losts and Carixal with 9 each, Smiles and 2 RA..06 OA, - 8 p.m. • p.m. • p.m., Huron 4-H club members, who completed their projects by showing it at Achievement Day, will be taking part in the an- nual 4-H Awards Night set for Friday, November 23 at Cen- tral Huron Secondary School in Clinton. 4-H club members who are.I2 years of age as of January 1, Chuckles with 7 and Torques with 4. Peggy Switzer had the ladies' high single of 225 and Deb Hackenbrook had the high triple of 513. Brian Atkinson had the men's high single of 291 and Bob Falconer had the high triple of 794. The Beavers have a slim one point lead in the Londesboro Men's League with 12, followed closely by the Foxes with 11, the Wolves with 10 and the Ot- ters with 9. Jack Snell, had the men's high single of 310, Jack Armstrong had the high triple of 683 and Cliff Saundercock had the high average of 224, In the Wil-Dex Bowling League, the Precisions have collected 18 points to lead the way over the Ferr-O-Tics and tlle__Diamands each with 16. '34'g'clitikresaiiT the (oil il5 eakers are next with 12 each and the Hexagons trail with 10 points. Nelly Burkholder had both the ladies' high single of 237 and the high triple of 607. Pat Newington had the men's high single of 223 and Mike Taylor had the high triple of 642, The Dumbells are now in top spot in the Town Bowling League with 10 points, followed closely by the Black Spots and the Dead Beaters with 9 each. Next come the Odd's N Ends, the Lonely Rangers and the Cloud Nine with 7 each, the Corner Pins with 5 and the Dribblers with 3. Valerie Marriage swept all the ladies' honors with the high single of 264, the high triple of 719 and the high average of 225. Don Switzer swept all the honors in the men's division with the high single of 373, the high triple of 777 and the high average of 249. In the Tuckersmith Mixed League, Angus's Anglers and Bob's Barracudas are tied for the lead with 5 points each, and are closely followed by Tony's Sharks With 4, John's Joyfish with 8, and Dave's Darters and Mel's Minnows with 2 each. Martha Roe Rooseboom had the ladies' high single of 229 and Anne Lenting had the high triple of 590, Walter Pepper had the men's high single of 253 and Angus Hummel had the high triple of 705. Baytlakl Toirrn Hall Menial! Arena Exeter Arena Grind send Piro Hall 1973, and are in 4-H for the first time, will receive a 4-H Plaque with their name on it and the year they completed their project. For members who are over 12 years of age as of January 1, 1973, and have received a plaque last year, their's will be a mounted plate with the year inscribed to it to attach to last year's plaque. As explained at the begin- United Wag ISN'T IT ABOUT TIME YOU TASTED IT? QUALITY PROTECTED REEF We vacuuin seal out -Ountity•P elected ' Beet . . and without additives, we tat it age nalutelly n controlled, told en vironinent . . it wilt he lender and good when it 'S fresh cut UT our stoieS We hayComb Approved thade -A- Red Ribbon heel, it is itr petted, then carefully tut and trininted to our strict snecifico bons, Frain the moment we buy it until you do, our beef 4 handled under ideal- Conditions, keeping 0 clean, raid, II esti, pc? and delicious. "Quality-Protected Beef, It's not lust mom . 0 guarantee, 1111114 tine pkg. of 200'e p6r Thrnily Waft b S,00 nbithcne 400 Ns Coops Conpat tlfecikb Oclelter 14 is IL I+47 ning of the 4-H year, pre 4-H members (club members who had not reached their 12 birth- day by January 1, 1973) wild not receive a plaque because they are only recognized as county club members and not as provincial members, However, the project they completed during this year will count toward the proficiency certificate received after com- pleting six projects. The Clintonian club met at the home of Mrs, Elizabeth Butler on Thursday Oct. 4, The president Mrs. Pearl Cummings opened the meeting with a poem, "Autumn days", followed with the housewife's creed and 'Lord's prayer in Unison, The secretary, Mrs. Harold Adams read the minutes of the last meeting. The treasurer's report was given by Viola Lam- pman and Irene Glazier gave the flower and card report. There had been 25 hospital and 54 shut-ins, in the last month, shut—ins, in the last month, Final arrangements were made for the Birthday Banquet, which will be held at the Rebekah Hall on Nov, 21 at 6 p,m. A donation of $5 was sent to the blind. The president gave a detailed report on the fall meeting she attended in Lon. don on Oct. 3. The Mary Hastings picnic next year will take the form of a Pot Luck dinner at Springbank park on the last Wednesday in June. Winners of Dutch auction were Mrs. Bessie Colclough, and Mrs. Pearl Cummings. The mystic prize was won by Mrs, M. Glazier. In charge of the Dutch auc- tion for the Nov. meeting will be Mrs. Frey and Mrs, Lockhart. The next meeting will be held on Nov. 1 at the home of Mrs. Leona Lockhart. The elec- tion of officers will take place Linton for 1974. Birthday cake and ice cream will be served, A11 the members are to try and attend. The. meeting closed with Mks* pah Benediction after which lunch was served. BEEF RIB .1 19 wrigH 164 lb 5 , (pnCq J9600 CUttl'elq S Wraapingt PACKERS SUB PRIMAL CUT (PC., (VACUUM PACKED) Bottom Round STEAK 4 i Ti'',16 A9 WO alludes tuning 0 wrapping) toms litsioNolut MACHIN'S Silas — Nooks‘,._Asolliate 110. Onto* Otago PHONE; 410,7330 FOR • TratiwrIt•rs, Adding •OlooNowre Calculator,, Copy 140chines. Ws have a her 004001100 .0, pm* fable typevOttere in _Mock, See she Wool to Pocket NI.ctroak Calculators, Repalre, made to all ,mete. 91 office inachInos Om. PACKERS PRIMAL CUT {VACUUM 00(0001 BEEF LOIN 29 0 • Onto, inclydoS rutting 6 wrriVitig) rbvb, .001 '40 all .59 (price intludts Culting 0. wrapping) October is cheese festival time KRATI 31)GUIAR FITNESS CANADIAN CHEESE SLICES 24 1.73, ARA 3414.50 TOW PAK sttho or MEDIUM CHEESE 6,4°,:.16: to. 79° SAM MAT DR MICK CHEESE "I; 89° PLANTERS ,}(ARCHED OR SPANISH PEANUTS •,01664 55c 100 YALU IR0E1H CONCENIRRIE ORANGE.IllitE 6 Rim 1.00 CARNATION ERIVEN REGULAR Cul FRENCH FRIES 2b% 47° TARAk TRUTH • CHAR 141540 SOF PAllitt„or'1,79 MAIN lko2IN IASTI F RtNCH STiTI AMEN IONS Tar,Z 29° 5001 PA TRICIA MOLAR Malt 'Val OR SHAMPOO 12:66,1 656 liFFY 12 a+ ROWS Km BAKING 'A 49c BOVSTRAWNARY RASP/FRAY OK CHERRY JAM (.014.r.0.0 24 *itir 84c 0550010 itAVOIAS NAMIOCtri NierOilloker 6 5 at ;A'.; 49t tato4 aSsORVO Casserole Mutes r.srg° SS` COCA/ 50AGHETTIA0NG1 0r READY CUT MACARONI 3 a'd:t 1.80 CORONATION SAW wan 0180 suricR ashy Mitt Nickles 24 '°1; 49c t11FI Fitted Daft 0011410.1i010. d't Yam, rk Lai $uppned thd Servirod Sy Af LOOD limited 'vie Rieerverla T44141 to tear 'ORAPUTITE TO 0011504 /300 bibuirimtirrs Bowling News NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DOGS AND CATS FREE RABIES CLINICS / irt, 1. • BACKS ATTACHED Peen Oa° WS' clip arid redeem these valuebie IGA coupons for extra savings btl. t CUT /ROM THE FRANC FROEIN .. . t Clip & redeem this valuable IGA coupon ti KLEENEX mint OR ASSORTEDCOL0URS2 PLY, POP,U tP I 1 CAMPI3ELL/5 1 1 TOMATO 11 SOUP I limit lwiti tt fiblii per 'trimly droff .11.1 Mt% 10 or. lin `WE SELL CANADA APPROVED GRADE "A" RED RIBBON ,DEEF THIS WEEK IGA 1S OFFERING SEVERAL "PACKER PRIMAL CUTS", THE WAY WE RECEIVE THEM FROM THE MEAT PACKER OR WHOLESALER. THESE PACKER CUTS ARE VACUUMED PACKED CANADA GRADE "A" RED RIBBON BEEF. THE SELLING PRICE INDICATED, INCLUDES CUT- TING- AND, WRAPPING TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS. Clip & redeem this valuable IGA cdupon • with D 15.60 titNCITORD and DNS ROODOtt • 0.11101 tilettirb amber 10 'to 16,1473 .lar 1144 M. '..41 Oei. oloodolb 4•46,rd4otioalmeoiime 4.4 oloii .4lo 444 rw.kr I 14w ow. is140F4n lowy 4. *lam ort Aim .1,sko onml. 84•41114111t iONiWOOM uk,f 91. AO *41 dim limn, buy IGA's economical miter cuts and save even more! golo wan 4.4 at 100 the owners in the store to guarantee your salt,. 'action every shopping trip t.?