HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-10-04, Page 15 nM HERD DISPERSAL To be held two miles south of Zurich at Reeler Farms on Tuesday, Oct. 9 at 12:30 P.M. Consisting of 75 head of holstein home grown cows and heifers - 10 first calf heifers due Oct. and Nov.; 15 cows due to freshen this fall; 25 cows in full production at sale time, balance of cows in all stage of lactation; two young herd sires. Ali cows pregnancy tested by veterinarian. This Is an excellent opportunity to purchase strong top producing cows which only can be bought at a dispersal auc- tion, so take advantage and plan to attend. , No Reserve Terms-Cash GERALD REGIER & SONS - PROPRIETOR RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE Brucefleid - 482-3120 40b CLEARING • " AUCTION SALE To be held one mile north of Winthrop for Mrs. Ruth Pepper on Saturday, Oct. 6 at 1:15 p.m. Furniture and Antiques - 7 pc. dining room suite; Philco 21" T.V.; 6 matching kitchen chairs; 2 tan colored chesterfields; record player, stand and records; cradle; crib; commode; blanket box; press back rocker; parlour table; and tables; wood and steel beds; *swing machine; crocks; barrows; glass and china; and many, many, more Items. Machinery - Case 5 tractor; drag harrows; 2 furrow trail plow; wagon and list rack; trailer; 75 bu. manure spreader; walking plow; hay loader; fanning mill; hen equipment; sleigh; cutter; rottertillor; 21" lawn mower; harness; three - 30 ft. railway irons; tools; forks and shovels; etc, etc. Livestock - one pony and 2 pony harnesses; 4 dogs - walker and beagle - one black and ten. No Reserve -' Terms - Cash Farm Sold RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE AUCTIONEERS AND LIQUIDATORS Brucetield 482.3120 40b AUCTION SALE OF MACHINERY AND WRECKING TOOLS WILL BE HELD FOR BENMILLER WRECKERS KEN MORRIS, PROPRIETOR Lot 1 & 2 Concession t Colborne Township 1111101 East of Goderich at SrontIllar Thursday October 11, at 12:30 sharp. T.D. 9 kit. relief deter With H.D. bled', M,F. diesel tractor, J.D. diesel crawler with H.D. loader. T.D. 9 int. diesel with H.D. bucket; DirickwaY crane, boor', With front and back shovel; Ford industrial tractor with cab and loader; Ford industrial gas motor; 1961 1M. 1 ton truck; 7 Wick Mimi for Wagons with Was; 4 eider tractors; tractor tires and dins; McKee enewblower, cultivater; steel stakes; divine; 3 gas lake with pumps; Sir compressor; Meld trailer With 900 k 15 - 10 ply tires; car trailer; Water tanks; catch basins and grates; steel building x 5'; severel clotted vans; large drill preset 2 WO platiorrn locales; eniklue headlights; dynamo 1900 win D.C. generator; 2 battery chargers; pip. stand Ind vlim, 1/4 and 1/* electric motors, disk sander; flOor lender; Memel feet of new icelyitins and Oxygen hties; 'MOO 1/2.3/4 Wren- mot; tips and dies; 1/4 drive locket wrenches; ammol elm reduction gears, 2 fumed* burners; tires all Ohms; stop lieldere; fork and shovel handles; chains; V pulleys; several Set of torches; hydraulic Cylinders; 1956 Cadillac ter; 5 yd Weeds box with Wet; 6 yd Woods box with hoist, 6 yap. Brantford box and hotel cylinder and Middle foot leeks; picks; showiest; wheel pules; bats; WO* sap buckets; chicken crates, nuMerous sr- TERMS OF SALE - CASH Owner or Auctioneer tiOt t101100eleibl• for me- oicionts, George Powell Clerk Brion Riotool - Auctioneer FACTORY WORKERS WE REQUIRE PRODUCTION WORKERS IN OUR STRATFORD AND MITCHELL PLANTS. -- NO experience necessary Good Rate Of pay plus bonus Company Paid: Life insurance, Hospital insurance Medical InSuranCO3 Sickness Insurance APPLY IN PERSON TO: PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCTS (CANADA) LIMITED 1030 Erie St, Stratford, Ontario 40b GENERAL MAINTENANCE WE REQUIRE MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL FOR OUR PLANT IN MITCHELL, ONT. Applicants mutt be experienced In tits general maintenance of Machinoory4 equip- mint and buildings or have mechanical experience. RATES OF PAY AFTER PROBATIONARY PERIODS - $3/2 As of February 1, 1974 - $9.90 COMPANY PAID - Life insurance • Hospital Insurance - Medical Insurance • tIcknotis Insurance A-MOM Plan APPLY TO: PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT TANDARD PRODUCTS (CANADA) LIMITED 1030 Erie St. STRATFCiAD, ONTARIO .40O S.P,WrOti trEwS,RECORD, THPRSIDAY, QMIBER 4, 1973+-10 ••# 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 13, SERVICES AVAILA*LI 11. TENDERS TENDERS are invited for renovations to lower floor of Clinton Legion Hall. Plane will be available at the hail. Tenders to be received not later than October 15, 1973. For information call BM Harris Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 140, Phone 482-9240 or 9061 40b . HELP WANTED SECRETARY th good typing and 'her- hand skills to work in our Ad- nistrative Centre. kittens stating experience nd references should be for- arded to this office by Oc. ober 12, 1973 and addressed Mr. R.B. Dunlop Superintendent of Business Affairs THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 103 Albert St., Clinton, Ontario 12. AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction 4, Sale of House & Property; household effects and antiques, for Mrs. Margaret McCartney, 145 Frederick St. Clinton on SATURDAY, OCT. 1 3 AT 12 NOON Gibson yprigM freezer; fridge; combination electric and wood stove; cherry gate-leg table; 2 Morris chairs; 4 Windsor chairs; 3 rocking chair.; antique radio; dining room table; 6 matching chairs; antique china cabinet; drop-front desk; cedar cheat; blanket box; chesterfield and 2 chairs; 2 mantel clocks; parlour table; small tables; studio couch; lamps; 3 pee. bedroom suite; antique wooden bed; dresser; 3 chests of drawers; rugs; chicken-coop chairs; 3 trunks; Church benches; elec- tric broom; depression glass, pressed glass; approx. 80 pees. of Limoges China; silverware with chest; carving set; fruit Jars; step-ladder; garden tools etc. etc. Also selling subject to reserve bid at 3 p.m. the three bedroom frame house with 11/2 bathrooms and a garage on• a large corner lot. Terms on house and property- 10% down and balance in 30 days. Terms on chattels - cash MIKE CUMMINGS AUCTIONEER 524-9064 or 482-7584 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE DO YOU HAVE marriage or family problems? The Ministry of Com- munity & Social Services offers help , in the form of marriage and family, counselling either in your home or in the Wingham office, 199 Josephine Street, For appointment phone 257-3370.-40b • STAN BLOWES Travel Service, 22 Wellington Street, Stratford, For all airlines, steamships, rail, hotel reservations, tours. Low bank rates on time payments. Prepaid arrangements. for relatives visiting from overseas. Call 271-5710,-404 WHEELCHAIRS—The CP & T Fund of Clinton Oddfellows Lodge have wheelchairs available for loan free,"Contact Doug Cantelon, 482- 7779 or Mrs. M. Batkin, 482- 3866,-40b 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE FURNITURE refinished, statisfac- don guaranteed, prompt service, reasonable rates. Phone Ernie Niblock, 524-6[10,-28,39,40p (QUICK cash to pay bills or make's purchase, Call Wad Hamilton, Trans Canada Credit, 524- 8349.—clOtf REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676. Ken MeNa irn.—c2t PRIVATE music lessons on guitar, banjo and bass, given by qualified instructor and special attention to adult students, Phone 482- 7770.—tfn PHOTOGRAPHY; weddings, com- mercial, portrait, portraits taken in your own home, Phone Photo Art Services , 482.7441,-30tfn LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamoed rings renewed and stones safely secured — don't take chan- ces. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl restringing, W.N, Coun- ter, Clinton, Ontario.--ctfn • VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK VARNA 262.5748 gctfn COMPLETE LANDSCAPING SERVICE And SUPPLIES Open 7 Days a Week Mon. thru Sat. till dark Sunday 12 to 8 ART'S Landscaping & Nursery 86 BENNET ST. E., GODERICH 524-9126 12. AUCTION SALE Twilight Auction Sale of household effects and an- tiques for J. 'manse of Brucefield and other consign- ments FRIDAY, OCT. 5 7 p.m. at The Auction Rooms , 1 mile south of Goderich on Two sets pressed back chairs, odd pressed back chairs; corn- modes; dressers; side chair; 4 dining room chairs; 3 rocking chairs; oak pedestal dining room table; crocks; jugs; butter prints; humpback trunk; china cabinet; blanket boxes; wagon wheel; drop leaf table; fern stand; sideboard; quilts; war- drobe; copper boiler; part toilet sets; oil lamps; lanterns; gra - mophone; drop front desk; chime clock; sealers; primitive tools; chesterfield & chair; por- table TV; 2 washing machines; 3 pee. bedroom suite like new; continental bed; hand tools; humidifier; 2 new 14" tires; fridge; propane stove; wheelbarrow. MIKE CUMMINGS Auctioneer 524-9064 or 482-7584 BILL'S APPLIANCE SERVICE Repairs to all makes and models of major appliances Phone. 482-7935 TFI+1 JACK'S. WOOD TURNERY CUSTOM WOOD TURNING AND GIFT ARTICLES JOHN PLUMTREE 482-9695 CLINTON (At Rear Of 84 Albert St.) 5tfn SCREENED TOPSOIL * EXCAVATING * BACKHOE WORK * GRAVEL and FILL '* CEMENT GRAVEL LYLE MONTGOMERY CLINTON - 482.7644 tin ED Custom Combining CLETE DALTON 5 2 9-7 1 2 4 CHUTER PLUMBING • HEATING It ELECTRIC . Furnace Installations DELAVAL MILKER SUPPLIES Appliance Service 46 King St. 482-7652. -1- • e RICHARD LORI EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER sod APPRAISER CLINTON, ONT. PHONE: 482.9431 or 482-789.e. Mtn CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates—Tuesday. and Thursday TUESDAY — Beef and Pork Friday — Beef Only PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merrier'; Abattoir 231.3314 Dashwood.—eltrn BEATTY FARM SALES /It SERVICE NM available at 24 Princess St., E. Clinton across from p.u.c. Store Hours - 9 a.m. to 12 noon - Mon. to Fri. Phone 482-9561 or 524.9192 ARNOLD M. REST AUTHORIZED DEALER tin SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED MODERN EQUIPMENT WORK GUARANTEED Write or Phtine Harvey Dale CLINTON Phone 4824320 _get feL LEARN TO DRIVE NtswillyAo6uttCli tTraRIAntEghhtShers In Canada. * Tuition- Tax tierfectible, Placement Atilstarvie. Guertin- teed. Weekend training also For application And intiarviliar, write: Safety 'Depoortmerot The Canadian institute Of tractor trailer Training- Ltd, 207 Otietiree Dttly Toronto 117, °Merle Ot Call 418-884.9381 (Formerly' Triel Canada *pat Training) 38 39 SOb 13, SERVICES AVAILABLE BRUINSMA CONSTRUCTION And EXCAVATING CUSTOM BULLDOZING R.R. 2 Goderich 524-9804 IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN SAMUEL SCRUTON, Iate of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Merchant, deceased, ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 12th day of July, 1973, are required to file full particulars thereof with the under- signed on or before the 15th day of October, 1973, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 24th day of September, 1973. E.B. Menzies, Q.C. Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the , said Estate. —39,40,41b IN THE ESTATE OF HARRIET RUTH FINES, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 5th day of September, 1973, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 15th day of October, 1973, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 21st day of September, 1973, E.B. Menzies, Q.C. Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the said Estate. IN THE ESTATE OF MABEL LUCY NICKERSON, late of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 7th day of September, 1973, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 15th day of October, 1973, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 21st day of September, 1973. E.B. Menzies, Q.C. Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the said Estate. —39,40,41b 15. PUBLIC NOTICE EFFECTIVE, October 15, 1973, Charterways will increase its fates,-40b `BE A SAFE BOATER" Canadian PoWer Squadrons will teach Sale boating to More than 10,000 Canadians this Oat: SWAIM you be one of thorn'? NEXT CLASS WED,.00T. 10 Centre, Huron Secondary School, Clinton 7:3010 9:30 p.m. Wedmriodays Yeti May register at 7 p.m. GODERICH POWER SQUADRON For Information: Lt. Cdr. A.J.R. Eider, Strip, iiezista • Fft. A.S. Atkey, P/R/O, 482-73,0 400, HURON COUNTY RESIDENTS At the Regular Meeting of the Heron County bond of Eclucetkrn held en September 17, 1973 it was agreed that ell Norton County residents who have the need to Celt the Ad- minlattatiod Centre in Clinton and for which a iOng 'diatonic. Char** would 11001,. Will be illowed to riiinaree the charges 10 Oar Board. The Heron Comfy Eottd of Education D.J. Cochrane F.C. Hill Director Chairman 40b 17. LOST AND. FOUND LOST - 2 year old Beagle Hound tatooed ear "Plato") in buelt on Stanley sideroad no. 10, N,E. of Hully Gtdly, Reward. Please phone London 439-5241.-400 FOUND: Coloured family photograph 7" x 91 /2" outside Wesley-Willis United Church. Can be picked up at Clinton News- Record office, 53 Albert St,, Clin- ton,-38nc STORAGE SPACE for rent, boats, campers, etc. Telephone 482- 7221.--40,41,42b • • • 20. TO GIVE AWAY • • TO GIVE away to a good home, nice kittens - male and female. Phone 482-7896.--40b PART Labrador 2 month old puppy to give away to a good home, Phone 482-9870,-40b TO GIVE away to good home, clean white cat, litter trained. Phone 482- 7029 after 6 p.m,-40b 21. BIRTHS JEWITT: Gary and Chrystal (Straughan) Jewitt of Clinton are pleased to announce the arrival of their second daughter, Susan Lynn at Seaforth Community Hospital an September 25, 1973. 22. DEATHS SCHREIBER, Harold At K-W Hospital on Tuesday, Sept. 18, 1973, Harold Schreiber, Kitchener in his 70th year. He was a brother of Milton of Clinton. The funeral was held from the Ratz-Becktel Funeral Home on Thursday, September 20 at 3 p.m. Interment in St. Peter's Lutheran Cemetery.-40 McCLINCHEY: At his late residence, 17 Erie Street, Clinton, Carl McClinchey, in his 70th year., Beloved husband of Pearl and dear father of Mrs, Howard (Beinys) Finkbeiner, of Zurich; Mrs. Murray (Virginia) Dalton, Seaforth; and Nelson of Kitchener. Four sisters, six brothers and nine grandchildren survive. The funeral service was held on Tuesday, October 2 at 2 p,m. from the Ball Funeral Home. Interment in Emmanuel Church Cemetery, Zurich, Ontario.-40 COLEMAN: Francis (Frank) J. Coleman of Seaforth, died in Huronview, Clinton on Sunday, September 30, 1973. Beloved husband of Ida (Smith) Coleman, in his 86th year. Predeceased in 1955 by his first wife, Florence (Town- shend) Coleman. Dear father of Mrs. George (Vietta) Hoggart, Lon. desboro; Mrs, Roy (Pearl) Dolmage, R,R. 1, Londesboro and Francis Jr. Of R.R. 1, Seaforth. Also survived by one brother Russell, R.R. 3, Seaforth. Eighteen grandchildren also survive, The funeral was held from the G.A. Whitney Funeral Home on Tuesday, October 2 at 2 p.m, with Rev, T.C. Mulholland of- ficiating. Interment in Maitland- bank Cemetery.-40 PORTER: Suddenly, as a result of a car accident, oh Sunday, Septem- ber 30, 1973, J.W. 'Elgin Porter of Varna in his 66th yeat, Beloved , husband of the late Sarah Reid. rear father of Mrs. Raymond (Alma Scotchtner, of Hayfield, Mrs. John (Kathleen) Siertsema, of Hayfield, Mrs, Garnet (Margaret) Wright of 11.11. 1 Londesboro, Mrs; Ron (Marion) Cornish of Exeter, Gordon of Hayfield, Dear brother of Mrs. David (Marion) Davidson, of Windsor, Lorne of Exeter, Arnold of Goderich, Richard and Mb. of Goderich Twp. The funeral Was held on Wednesday at 2 p.m. from the IBtattie Funeral Home. Rev. Redclochi officiated with interment in Hayfield Cemetery,--40 24. MARRIAGES Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid wish to an- nounce the marriage of their daughter, Susan Elizabeth, to James Edward Le Beau, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Le Beau, Brueefield. They were married in St. Jose*, Church, Clinton, on September 21, 1973.-406 • '2S. IN MEMORIAM ASQUITH: Treasured memories of a dear husband, father and grand- father Lewis Asquith who passed away one year ago Oct- 9, 1972. Among the tears and heartaches, There's one thing Makes us glad, That God chose us to share with You Thoge precious years we had, Lovingly remembered by wife- Marion and tatnily,-40b continued On page 15 Can you qualify for one of our career sales positions in the income orotection field in HURON AND BRUCE COUNTIES If you qualify you will be guaranteed: - $800.00 a month to start - 2 weeks all expense paid training at our training school - Medical programme for your family - A ;melon programme To qualify: - Legal age or over - Own your car - Good character references - Good appearance SALES EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY if you think you can qualify phone for an appointment Mr. Taylor Aria Code 519-385-5443 Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 18.MISCE1LANEOUS