HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-08-16, Page 2t.,. TULIP i .:::MARGARINE ,..,. ... :,,ia 1 Ib. pkgs. -sot t..,..„,,i . a 5.1.00 COE' THIS VALLIA8tE COUPON ASSORTED FLAVOURS CARILON CLUB SOFT DRINKS I CASE Of 24 1 100x. TINS Iwo ONE cd“ tte TEMIY WITH 35.00 PURCHASE AND THIS COUPON MIME AUGUST 1541. 192.1 CLIP THIS VAIJAP COUPON ASSORTED COLOURS SCOTTISSUE BATHROOM TISSUE VMS ONE CO f ER SUM WITH SS OA PURCHASE AND THIS LOOM (FUME AUGUST 1S:21, 1073 1 59i1 41'011 pkg. 2,06 NI JAR RINGS 1 1.8 ClUe HOUSE 1514011 PAROWAX 29e nottINGSPICE rop.t. on* orfi 55° One, 49c .Pke, tuokAwHof VINEGAR la.lisi*.i.tra 12'4 "Mt • • em. All Silts BlINARON 11! 7'. 69c CAPS & LIDS BERNAPOW 111 ¤ 1 'otto-rbsitie MARRO POO I ON w,t IF YOUWANT TO stme Dow '014 RIO,/6/RI. IF you war , TO SETTLE IlAr The Junior Gardeners received free packages of carrot seeds from the Clinton Hor- ticultural Society and in ap- preciation, some members have written the following stories and poems; OUR CARROTS We would like to tell you the story of our' carrots. About 2 weeks after we got our carrot seeds we planted them. The rows were not very straight but we saw where they were when they came up. We thinned them in early July. Now that is our story of our carrots. by Geraldine and Christine McGee CARROTS See my pretty carrot leaves Waving at the bumble bees, The leaves look like pretty green lace How nice they smell when I hold them to my face. Their favourite things are rain and sunshine To make them green like lemonlime, The beautiful orange roots Are growing as tall as my „bon ts„fiA ,,, cavil hai'dry..4P4aV7 To-l-Put therri." 6'6er -by Jackie Zwaan CARROTS Carrots, carrots, carrot stew, A dish for me and a dish for you. Carrots are good and here's something new, GLASS RECYCLING INSURANCE tvi. COLOUHOON INSURANCE I REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 4024)747 Roe. 4E241164 HAL HARTLEY' Phone 4024193 4 LAWSON AND WISE GENERAL INSURANCE-- GUARANTEED INVESTMENT? Clinton Office: 4824644 J.T. Wise, Res.; 4824255 ALUMINUM PRODUCTS For Air-Master Aluminum Doors and Windows and AWNINGS and RAILINGS JERVIS SALES R.L. Jervls.411 Albert St. Clinton-462-9300 , DIESEL L.4' red ribbon beef, buy now in regular or special B-B-Q cuts! Throwing your back into something means that maybe you might just throw your back out, That's painful and no way to enjoy the nice things in life. When you've got to TOP 'YAW 1 III. PKO. SLICED BOLOGNA is. move or lift something, first test the weight. if you can't lift it easily, get some help. That's self-defence. And it works, for you and your family. The sure way to safety is elf-Defence. lo mkolletted water tea...J.(4.0A prdteo.t, SUPER BURGER , a. APPROXIMATE TAI 01:ITEN'T .151, j. FRESH 61tOilliDlIEEF 055115 PACK 0.11 thopg LOIN PORK CHOPS a 1.44 tort MAKE 1 lb pkg SAUSAGE, 1097c, Swill Prfrniafn taffy tosstS se I', Itis DINNER HAMS, 1.85 Swift Nem,. Tour Vatfebbi 6 te, p"4 tooNED.MEATS 04., • MAXIMUM mi. toraiNt - 35N •y .6. LEAN GROUND KEG Prone 102, Ce•;l FHA& Ildnt Renlie WEEP RIR STEAKS lb 1 oi COT tom THE BEEF JOIN . BONElaktts Tap Sirloin Mak t iCsa cur/Rom THE BEEF 'CHUCK - toonztt RAO STEAK a I • • — Ergs rPi,ffil liatouta l'acREd 14..Sticed SIDEBACON lb :IR 5 . SWIrr PREMIUM SIX VARICTIES at. loati SELF SERVE ROLLS SwiMr Preffini*, Sweet PAW d la -4 lb. . COTEAGEROLLS._, . A.09 Top Volu VoCuurn Pocked 110. pie SKINLESS CUT WM THE REEF - RIMLESS. PRIME RIB ROAST l& 2.1 -CUT ERONI THE BEEF CRUCk - BONFErii SHORT 1111110AST lb 'I is Oav'erii - Tiocciuto Pocked pkg. 39 t,ol‘e.ly tabry Cibbm Srklt (6,111.41I•4Sy.to WEENIE WED GRAPE DRINK 32 !KERNEL CORN it ''25° POTATOES ge fiCK CREAN ASSORTED FAMILY NAPKINS 011105 !HMOS SEM APS ROO, ASSORTED EDIOURS, scar nadowcotookak StAKAIKEZEdinrowSEKRt (RAO PDRAP,R ASSOIVED Oil HOW SIVAP:iff tACIALTISSIII ,o1(Po 9c utarrytAcs er. 27C P. 69c IOLIP SO/T 2.159e *ARGARad 35 Za".17ZE`gA11,00 slairair"""TIO PAPER TO 454 Doc.firiated coffee 1.2.49 VEEN CRAPE at Aim ST. LAWRENCE VOA, ASSOINIOMourr JELLY 4 Cri:' t OOKING OIL 2s i 69"' PAPER TOWELS , P'S 11. PlitOtt RTPCorTia HicTO.OLOgileil YATUMDAV, AUatist 'RRA NEIEIENvE tMt itioit int Wilt 40ANiitial at IGA "the owners in the store" to guarantee your satisfaction every Shopping trip! Your Workmen's Compensation Board and The Safety Associations, Ontario 19 w. 90 Halt sower° SLICED SIDE We sell Canada approved gra t e 10P UAW WM 6 Bt. 0130 COOKED HAM Pit. 89c, TRESN, ftakS ATTACHED CHICKEN BREASTS t 96c POST OMIT FOOD "1« 16 SUGAR CRISP 130::: 59c toe Will 12 PO . SW)* "Teill 29e P01,110,41 il•icli .16,4: 696 FOIL WRAP OTo10210 , .n 4 mum -201:: 1 t1 'TOMATO CATSUP 111°,1" 39e EMILE SAL1 -CDT -RITE ASSORTED VARATIES %gine Per *efili.11Pti 99 TEINAHELPER .i/sin449e 'op.., MO OR l'ittIOM totOURED , 1:tovtit VOLLEY PROMS ' .. - CHEDDAR Clitt.St. 'I4 874 CHOSE LOAF 21'i49 1.,04.4.dt.iikii Ey At. tinti Llithil QUALITY PROTECTED BEEF We vacuum seal bur "aucitily-PeoleOect' 'gad Yrnit without odditives, we let it dge naturally In h centre:fled, told tn. viranment . so it will be lender and good when st's fresh tot 'in oUr stares. We buy Canada .ApOroued Grade Red 42.bbart Beef, it is Inspected, 'carefully to 'and /rimmed To our strict spetitirritions Troth tbe 'Mother we buy it witil you do, our beet is brindled under ideal conditions dor -keeping st clean 'end sold and fresh end wiry ond -delicious. "Ouldity,Prritederl" Reel. It's 'not just cr name . s a guarantee. 11tcrakIllr,W00100R,c, WAy IAL: ORANGE JUICE t. 49 AstrottMKKI COOKIES lb 69e ASSORTED SNAPS Ou ObANA TEA RAGS bi 0 ,1 100 rug 690 On lie AOKI 1961MA TARCE5TROP HosTas 0101.11AR POTATO CAWS THURPAY,.,AVWST 16t 1911 di* 33c 24 oz. loovez 4fol .00 TIDE POWDERED DETERGENT king sire box 11.75 don't miss these big IGA money savers On August 5, between the hours of three and .five, the following group Of Junior Gar- denera became young waitresses:. Jackie Zwaan, Bleanor Gibb, Geraldine McGee and Christine McGee, • They made most of the treats and arranged a flower center- piece for each table, after receiving a beautiful bouquet, of roses as a model from a professional friend in that art, It was a most successful af- Lemon - even with the tem- perature over 80 degrees, Many visitors arrived including Miss Jody Lee and Miss Tanya Hart, At the end of the party the waitresses were amazed to find that they had earned $15.76. Each small group of Junior Gardeners are trying out dif- ferent ideas for raising their bank account for 1973-74'-with the different groups vying against each other, Then at the September meeting they will have the fun of deciding how to spend their money by beautifying their own gardens, hence making Clinton or their countryside even nicer. Thank you all very much for helping these ambitious gar- deners, • * * * Miss Frances Blacker, who has been employed in the office of Bell Canada in Windsor for the past two and a half years, has been promoted to be manager of the operating staff in the Bell Canada office at Woodstock, Ontario. Frances is the youngest daughter of Mrs. Blacker and the late William Blacker. She received her education at Surnmerhill Public School and C.D.C.I. Clinton and has her B.A. degree from the University of Western Ontario. * * 'Recent visitors to Clinton were Mr. and Mrs. James Graham of River Vale, New Jersey. Mr: Graham is the brother of Mrs. Fred Munnings of the Radiant Life Centre, Clinton. * * As we have noted in the last few columns of Town Talk the majority of our wandering helidayers seem to have been going west this year. The fol i ng'retitk 'Coin pleW With highlights, came to the desk this week: Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Settles, Marie and Mary Jean have just returned from a five week trip to Western Canada. A few of the interesting spots along the way were the Wiscon- sin Dells, the South Dakota Badlands, "The trial of Jack McCall" held at the old town hall in Deadwood, S.D„ Rush- more Caves, Shrine of Democracy and Thunder Gold Mine all in the Black Hills of South Dakota, Yellowstone National Park held many educational features such as "Old Faithful", mud volcanoes and hot springs. A stop at the Calgary Stampede then through Banff, Lake Louise, the Okanagon and Fraser Valleys which were a delight to everyone and so to the Coast. On Vancouver Island after seeing the parliament, buildings. and 13utchart's'OarcienS in Vic- toria , the 'Betties' visited Mr, and Mrs. Adrian White in Dun- can. Many from the Sum- inerhill area will remember Adrian and he in turn wished to be remembered to everyone, From Vancouver a northern route was taken and a week. was spent with Jayne Mary and Mac Taylor and children, Going north again, a few days were spent with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs. "Bud" Talbot at Buick Creek, Black grizzly bears, moose, elk, coyotes and prairie chickens were in abundance here. The W.A.C. Bennett Dam near Hudson Hope was also visited while in this area, Homeward bound - the Edmon- ton Fair, Alberta Game Farm, the Schoenhals Family in Saskatoon and the Jack Wright family, near Hamiota, Manitoba were visited and all were enjoyable moments spent by the Betties Family. Mrs. C.F. Garrow and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Garrow of Clinton along with Mr. and Mrs. William Bromley of Blyth, attended the• wedding of Eugene Garrow and Christal Fehrmann on Friday, August 10 in Kitchener. The couple will be residing in Stratford. * * During August 14, 15, and 16, several local 41-I members, 15 and 16 years of age, will be participating in the Regional 41-1 conference being held at the University of Waterloo. Atten- ding from our immediate district will be: Wayne Cald- well, R.R. 3, Blyth; Lynn Flowers, R.R. 4, Clinton; Rose Marie Flynn, R.R. 4, Clinton; Margaret Franken, R.R. 2, Auburn; Frances Rehorst, R.R. 5, Clinton; Sylvia Stewart, R.R. 1, Hensel' and Joe Veenstra, H.R. 5, Clinton. During the three-day program the delegates will participate in fun, fellowship and leadership training sessions, As well, they will experience life in a univer- litY,5o ni,ni,?,94.tris,1411e , iiIT) in stliaent re.sidences And tour the campus facilities. Upon their return, these young people will be expected to share the knowledge gained with their clubs by taking an active role in the local 4H program. * * * Yes - yours truly did read the article dealing with better writing in the current issue of the Reader's Digest. No - there has been no electrifying charge to denote the column has reached dizzying heights of journalistic achievement. Nevertheless, she enjoys doing it and is always grateful to all who bring or send in the news items. Please keep up the good work. Consumers' Association of Canada reports that its Peter- be eh Branch, in conjunction )llution Probe, has ship- 7.1 tons of waste glass to ,i-nto recycling plants in the ,... • i;') months. CAC continues !ci promote municipal respon- sibility for recycling, CAC national headquarters is located at 100 Gloucester Street, Ottawa. If you like carrots, make carrot stew. And if you'd like to grow carrots, It takes a lot of care. And if you don't take that much Your dish of carrot stew Will be bare. So if you want to listen, I'll say something once more If you take care, You'll have carrots galore! -by Eleanor Gibb PANTRY SHELF or AYLMER HALVES CHOICE PEACHES 28 oz. tin 39c LIBBY'S 111110116 FANCY 4044 GREEN riq swEr '4 PF45s 14 ox. tin 23c ASSORTED VARIETIES Banquet Frozen MEAT DINNERS 11 ox. pkg. 49c PARCHMENT COLOURED iv' RENA cakovigt.t, Mr. and. Mrs. Dave Moyer, Parry Sound, visited Mrs. Moyer's father, Mr. Robert Thomson and also attended the :25th' Wedding Anniversary party of Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Snider in 'Stratford. Mrs, John Gibson and son Michael, Wroxeter called on Mr. and Mrs. W.L, Mellis Friday, Mr. and Mrs. D,E. Kyle left for a two week vacation 'in Nova Scotia. Mr, S.H. Gibson, Brooksville, Florida, and Mrs, Isabelle Seifert, Wroxeter visited Mr.. and Mrs. W.L. Mellis, Mr, and Atrs, Grant McGregor spent a few days at Honey Harbour during the past week, DON BELL BUILDING CONTRACTOR 225 MAPLE ST. CLINTON 482-9560 OPTOMETRY J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST C1410014--11409, ONLY 20 ISAAC ST. 412-7010 SEAFORTH EALANCE OF WEEK GOVENLOCK ST. 521-1240 FL W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square, GODERICH 524-7061 .1.—iessirso-rioseesmereoptom BOX 1033 212 JAMES ST. HELEN R. TENCH, B.A. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT TEL. 482-9982 CLINTON ONTARIO Pumps and Injectors RePlilId For All Popular Make( Huron Fuel InMetion ISKIXPinent Sayfield Rd., Cletten.462-71111 NAVELORANGES size Brs doz. CAN. NO. 1 ONT. atIc GROWN CELERY ties,100 (AN, TOM NIT1OTSL "°W84=1.1 .19 '01E/ PEI OW. PPE CROWN TOMATOES 29° CAN. NO. CAN. NO. ONT. GROWN FREESTONE CleothiA Ptl 10$00ottbi !9° CELLO CARROTS 14 29° CAN. No. 1 okowt4 „ RAHANAS 1 Dc CLICUMWERS A 10-AO'. Get 1st Prize for preserving good values Here some of the ladies end volunteers work on crafts at the CNIS craft workshop held near Clinton. About ten blind and partially blind women are taking part in the project that offers them a chance to get out of their homes and make new friendships. (News-Record photo) Junior gardeners grow carrots CARROTS I am only a visiting Junior Gardener because I live in Lon- don. But if I was given my own carrot seeds, I would plant them carefully, and put the pretty package on a stick at one end of the row. I would water them twice a day. Then I would watch to see if their roots were turning orange and fat. I would give the first one to Margaret Sloman. • -by Alexandra Ivey BLOSSOM RECONSTITUTED APPLE JUICE 411 ft. Me .00 Before you use your back, use your head. ,,, COUPON 5 lb. bog LIMIT ONE 'RAG SIR TAMMY vole 4s5 t0 PURCHASE AND THIS t005011 EiTECTIVt AUGUST 15.'27,14/3 adm sAr.• amm. i.marf GRANULATED FINE WHITE SUGAR C NORM WHITING UCENSED AUCTIONEER I APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE",-ANY SIZE, ANYWHERE We give complete sale service . PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 335-1004 EXETER AYLMER CHOICE C TOMATOES' . '7- 28 at, do SHIRLEY GAY E SLICED ° PRODUCT OF ENRICHED SOUTH AFRICA BREAD