HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-08-02, Page 16ENTERTAINMENT -......""....."•"....."0",..... COUNTRY and WESTERN Every Friday and Saturday Evening TASTY SNACKS { AMPLE FREE PARKING COMMERCIAL HOTEL Seaforth, Ont. —20tf el Ili gE.P4:7----71/111111111/1/1/11 SHOWS AUGUST Wed. ',Thurs. 2, Fri. 3, Sat. 4 START AT DUSK DRIVE-IN GODERICH OAIITTANCE ‘,„0 t:rs4 PI US CORKY RESTINICItO Gut D BILLY THE KID PAT GARRETAN Its scrumdidiiyurriptious1 NIGHT PLUS 404 ibti II eileeCkart sack fikeroity4, '!,ttle, ;A' vi • ME sit SIEW 001161v Pm TWIN Amu ltie MOSt1:1110Vt0610to, Iv 1177 71M1 ' Mon. 6, Tues. 7 TONIGHT! LOVE YOU AND LOVE ON WHEELS WED, AUG. 8 ¤ FAMILY "Watirilt *No eaut • 10.41.11NTDN NEWN,REMRD, AUOVST 2,, 1973 NEW BINGO, Clinton Legion Hall . 0;30 Aug. 2, Admission $1.00; fifteen regular games $0.00 each. Three Share-the- Wealth games. One. Jackpot for $160 in 55 calls, Con - isolation. One call and $10 ad- ded weekly if not won. ST. JAMES MIDDLETON A.C,W. welcomes you to a Chicken Barbecue with farm pies, Bayfield arena, Wbd. Aug. 15, 5-7:30 pan, Tickets $2.25 and 1:00. Phone - Vera Miller 482-3369 or Middletons 482- • 9838 or 7525.-31,32b RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ross August 1 1 at Hully Gully EVERYONE WELCOME LADIES PLEASE BRING LUNCH 31,32p, MR, and MRS, ROBERT HEATH (nee Beryl Castle) Dawson Creek, B.C. (formerly Clinton) Will be honoured guests at Open House to celebrate their 25 years of marriage. Friends and relatives are cor- dially invited to come and wish them well at the home of MR. and MRS: ROBERT TURNER Hayfield from 2 - 5 p.m. August 5, 1973 Best Wishes only Baytiald Trinity Church Parish Hall In Case of rain BINGO, Aug. , 7 Huron Fish ,and. Game Club, 6;30 p.m, Jackpot $55.00 in 55 numbers. Six door nrizes--29 SMORGASBORD SUPPER- CIVIC holiday, August 0, 1973 at Bayfield United Church. - 7 p.m, = Everyone Welcorne,-30,31b THE ROYAL BLACK PER- CEPTER will be running a bus from Clinton to Collingwood on August 11, Those wishing to go, please contact Mr. Tom Deeves, phone 482-9450. Price $4,50.-30,31b McCLURE RE-UNION at Kin- burn Foresters Park on Sun- day, August 5th, Bring picnic basket for a pot luck supper, also dishes, silverware and table cloth. Refreshments provided.--:-30,3 1 b CASH BINGO, Legion Hall, Seaforth, Friday, Aug. 3, 8:15 p.m. Regular games, $10; three $25 games; $75 jackpot to go. Door prizes. Admission $1,00. Auspices Branch 156, Proceeds welfare work.-30 CORN ROAST AND DANCE, music by the Star Trex. Satur- day, August 4 at 9 p.m, at Hully Gully. $1.50 per person. All the corn you can eat".-31b GOOD NIGHT BILL GOOD NIGHT MARY BY MILVENA ERICKSON Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Westlake, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, Ed Reid, spent a few days in Sarnia. Master Dennis Florian, Clin- ton, visited for a few days with his aunt, Mrs. Jack Hammond. Mr. and Mrs, S. Konnu, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs, 0, L, Knight and visiting her was her grandson, Gil Latimer of Toronto. Mr. Delfort Altman of Orangeville, is holidaying for two weeks with Mrs. Margaret Garrett, Norma, Diane and John. Mrs, Fletcher McLaughlin, Meagan, Alfie and Courtney, Toronto, are vacationing at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Fred LeBeau. Mr, and Mrs. Steve Scotch- mer, Molly and Jody, St. Catharines, are spending this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Scetchmer. Weekend visitors with the Scotchmers were their son Michael and two friends from Guelph Univer- sity.Mr. Torn Arkell, North- wood, Middlesex, England, was with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arkell for a few days enroute from a business trip to Kingston, Jamaica. Mr. Kenny Arkell, who is at- tending College in Liberty, Missouri, is spending several days with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Arkell before returning to his home in England for •his summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner visited Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Brian King who is a patient in University Hospital, London. Grandson Matthew is staying for an ex- tended visit with his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Turner while his Mother is in Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rowse and family, London were weekend guests of her mother, Mrs. L. B, Smith, Jill and Dale Rowse who had been holidaying with their grandma returned home with their parents on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Feltz and family of Stratford were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Erickson and family. WO. Leonard and Mrs. Smith, Kevin, Darrin and Teresa, formerly of Gander Newfoundland, visited with their aunt, Mrs. L, B. Smith enroute to his new posting in Bermuda. Mr. and Mrs. Don Corriveau, Sheila and Bryan spent the past week holidaying with her parents Mr. and Mrs, John Wild and family, Joey Wild returned to Kitchener with them for a week's 'vacation. Weekend guests with the Wild family were her brother Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bedard of Brantford and their daughter Mr, and Mrs. Bob Desjardins and Paula of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bedard of Brantford are also visiting for a few days this week, Miss Norma Garrett, Mr, Delfort Altman along with his parents Mr.' and Mrs, Pat Alt- man of Mildmay, spent most of the week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Netzke at Lyn, Ont. Mr. and Mrs, Andy Whit- taker, Embro, visited with Mrs, Margaret Garrett and family during the week, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Handy, Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Handy and family, Oakville, were recent guests with Mrs. Margaret Garrett and family. Guests for the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Don Lance were their, son William and Miss Veronica Quarry of Boston, Mass. and visiting for the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reed of Troy, Michigan. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ivon Steckle Sr. were their family, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor, David, Paul and Linda, St. Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. Ivon Steckle Jr., Lisa and Lori, Goderich. Mrs. W. Beck of London, mother of Rev, Donald Beck, called on a long-time friend, Mrs, L. B. Smith on Sunday, while visiting her family at their cottage in the Village. Mrs. Gordon Stewart, RR 2, Ripley, visited Wednesday and Thursday with her sister, Milvena Erickson and family, Albion Hotel registered guests included, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Greenstone, Bir- mingham, Michigan; Mrs. S. A. Macy, Grosse Pointe, Michigan: Mrs. Jacqueline Maeg, Houston, Texas; Louise Hoyt, Grosse Pointe, Michigan; 'Mr. and Mrs. F,1-1, Kaminiki, Utica, Michigan; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rae, Toronto; Mrs. Betty Hurst, Manchester, England; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pollard, Stratford who celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary with a dinner party at the Albion, those attending included their two sons and families; M. Hill and M. Kalaya, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Handy, Seaforth who celebrated Mrs. Handy's birthday with a cake and the trimmings; Miss Dorothy Treleaven entertained her sister Mrs. Vera Ballingall and niece Mary Joan and Mr. Peter Pontis, London and Portugal. A lovely birthday party was held at the Bayfield Yacht Club Saturday evening when members gathered to honour Miss Tina Martin of Toronto, Mr. D. Taylor, a welt-known Goderich resident, was walking along the dock one evening recently when he accidentally= fell into the river between the dock and his boat. Pour stitches were required to close, the wound he received. A local artist, sketching from tt canoe in the Bayfield River with a red umbrella to shade him from the hot sun, became so absorbed in his subject that he tipped the canoe, losing almost all his belongings except his red umbrella. Congratulations to Rob and Sheryl Irwin on the birth of their son, Robert Walter Ralph, in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Wednesday, July 18. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Turner are holding Open House for Robert (Ted) and Beryl Heath of Dawson Creek, B.C. on August 5 at their home, honouring them on their 25 years of marriage (see announ- cement elsewhere in this issue of the Clinton News-Record). Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker, Toronto, were weekend visitors with his mother, Mrs. Myrtle Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. Cooper had as their weekend guests, Mrs, Olin Gardiner, Treasure Island, Florida, and Mrs. Grace Ruth, Treasure Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mid- dleton returned last week from a delightful trip abroad. They flew to Amsterdam, rented a car and motored through Ger- many, Denmark, Sweden and Finland. They discovered new relatives in Stockholm and re- visited the ones they met in Korpo last year.. The Middletons enjoyed per- fect weather on their tour and remarked on the beauty of the Tivoili Gardens of Copenhagen. They met few Canadians abroad, but noticed a prevalence of Germans, Miss Ada Sperling of London spent last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton. Miss Sparling recently returned from a trip to Zambia, Africa. Two dates are looming up on the church calendar of St. James, Middleton. This year's major efforts will be the chicken barbecue held in tlayfield Arena ott Arena on August 15th and the Outdoor service and smorgasbord picnic Island, Florida and Grosse Pointe, Michigan and also en- tertained Pamela Fisher and Gerald Stone of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weston Far- mington, Michigan; John R. Corley and Elliott B. MacMillan, Mount Forest; Gawain and Gavin Johns and Frank Frisk of Mount Clemens, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. William Pollock and family, Regina, Saskatchewan are spending a three week vacation with his mother, Mrs. Milton Pollock, Goshen Line, Sincere sympathy is extended to the family of Mrs. Edna (Scotchmer) Weekes, who passed away suddenly in Hen- sall during the weekend. Yours truly will be taking the next two weeks off for a vacation, so the gracious con- tributors to this column will have a reprieve from their usual Monday telephone requests for news items from her. at Stewart Middleton's park on Sunday August 26th. More details later in Coming Events. Mr. Thomas Rathwell is in Clinton Hospital recuperating from an operation. We wish him a speedy recovery. roormastoonalowsisolowsmoutwa ▪ ELM HAVEN I, .▪ MOTOR HOTEL 1 • PLAYING I: pi THIS WEEK • C . m al JUNCTION I • I a (outing Next Week a a w a* III Il NI II ir 111 • • CASPER a I a • • it a 1 Matinee Saturday 4 a afternoon ,-6 p.m. a a maawasaaamaiaamomaaa... ,POITIER, BELAFONTE 41441 TIM PREAtHER" Special Carload Night Tuesday, Aug. 1—$2.00 AD MANCI- THE SECRETARY rwAseoerv.ttoroecor.oramok ONUS li 0,,,..zi:.,, : . .J.L.4 .....=:44;.,,. H .........,„,„.,„•...,n S tikAillitt 0 .?..:.,. COLOR 1111 1(rA-MESDARREN „..r.,...h.,,. BARBARA WHAM ......4 1 ' WED - THURS - FRI August 8 - 9 - 10 Jack Lernmon in his most important dramatic role since -The Days of Wine and Roses. , PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION sad FILMWAYS.1NC pressnt a .Acrnl n LEMMON Fear is snAMAIVERAti$01-10FEPtecluER„ cestatuagJACK war) 0TH ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Greta ihurristra Is busy teaching a class of 6 to 6 year-olds a Bible story at the Daily Vacation Bible School held at the Clinton Christian Reformed Church, There were 05 children in attendance. (News-Record photo) SUNDAY 4 FEATURE - DUSK TO DAWN HITCHCOCK THRILLER MARATHON SUNDAY, AUGUST 5 SR STINE WAYff WAS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT RINEY MAIMINCIM THE BIRDS EVERYSCINEINDICTI - PLUS - MIS loft EXPLOSIVE EXPOSE OF THE SPY SCANDAL THAT SHOOK THE WORLD! DY /A SI GS THE BLUES WEN THURS., FRI, August 1, 2, 3 DIANA ROSS IS BLUE HOLIDAY BUTTERFLIES ARE FREE GUIDE AWN cLELEKART APULT 64oGRT E NTERTAINMENT SATURDAY MONDAY 'TUESDAY August 4 6 , 7 A FRANKOVICH PRODUCTION .r,cdincA. •• **Hanoi') PARAMOUNT num ?Emits, APUI.T ENTERTAINMENT. SUNDAY, AUGUST 5 4 FULL SHOWS he CLINTON ARENA inercey Brothers SATURDA7 P itUGUST Ribs Al Tails by Schneider's TOPAZ AIINNERSAI PraRr itoimo 11 OR *3.00 PER PERSON TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM AU, POLL CHAIRMEN PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE FEbERAL CONSTITUENCY OF HURON